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new symptom!

Hi all,

I don't know why, but everytime I get a new strange symptom I feel the urge to share it with everyone on the forum.  I guess I have gotten used to leaning on you guys, and it makes me feel better.

As you all know, I have been having sensitivities to temperature change for some time now, but this symptom is new.  If I have been sitting in air conditioning for a while and then walk outside into the heat (I live in Memphis where it is still eighty-something degrees in the middle of the night) with shorts on, the instant the warm air hits my legs it feels like someone is poking my legs with frozen rods or pins.  It is a cold prickly sensation all up and down my legs.  I just went out to check my mail and it persisted until I got back inside.  Weird,huh?
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Hi, Funnyface, and welcome to the forum. We'd like to know more about you, and have you meet more new forum friends, but this is less likely because your post is at the bottom of a very old thread.

Do you think you could repeat what you've said and introduce yourself a bit in a new post? And take a look at our Health Pages, which you can reach at the top right of the screen.

I think you'll like it here. We have lots of good information, lots of interesting discussions, and also more than a dab of silliness. It's good for the soul.

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561185 tn?1216075940
I am new on here but read what you were writting and yes heat definately affects MS.  That is how I was diagnosed.  After years of being told nothing was wrong with me, we traveled half way across the country for a family reunion.  On the ttrip home the AC in the car went out and within an hour I could not even lift my fingers let alone anything else.  We ended up in an ER in Emporia VA and they at first thought it was heat stroke (103 outside) and then they found the MS.  I have only regained some use of my arms and legs but can not walk without a walker anymore.  My husband now calls me a vampire because I can not ever be in direct sunlight as it shuts my body down.  3 years later, I still have to take coller showers and avoid heat.  I would love to go to the public pool again though to play with my kids.
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I seem to have a sort a narcilyptic symptom when I get over heated.  I cannot stay awake.  I have been recently diagonesed and I dont know if that if part of it, or if that is something else.  Anyone else have this problem.
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Reading this makes wander back into time. I had a major illness or something with each of my three pregnancies (sp). First one in 1992 back to back bladder infections. I recall that at the time my OB/GYN said that if the antibiodic does  not work the second time, I would have to go through several tests to determine why it is recurring. I did not think twice, and thankfully the second run cured the problem. That pregnancy I also had sugar problems.

Second pregnancy 1994,I came down with Chicken Pox in the first Trimester. That was scary and required close follow-up. Everything turned out well. The third pregnancy 1996 I lost peripheral vision in my left eye. Docs said was precursor to migraine. I did and occasionally do still suffer from cluster migraines in the left tempal.

In 2000 I had severe chest pains for about a year that finally PT helped cure. They called it Castro Condritious. In 2006 I had some sort of viral infection that landed in the hospital for observation due to uncontrolled chest pain. They ruled out blood clot and thought maybe it was pluracy and then I was told that it may have been a severe asthma attack due to a viral infection. Who the heck knows. All I know is that really for the last four or more years I have felt generally very crappy and since things seem to remitt and I am able to resume life fairly well I have not pressed the issues.

I think now that now that I have had more frequent bouts of vertigo and imbalance, numbness etc.  I should be more assertive at the docs.

Thanks to all of you for sharing your symptoms and stories. While it is somewhat scary, at the same time it helps me think that perhaps I am not making too much of these things.

Have a great evening/day!
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I haven't had a problem with not being able to urinate or empty bladder.  I know my bladder muscles are weak from having children and have a little trouble holding my urine at times, but that's really it.

The only thing I can think of about the catheter thing is that the fibromyalgia might have something to do with it.  If I do have fibromyalgia as they say, I would be super sensitive to any type of pain.  I also had problems with the epidural during labor with both of my children.  No matter how many boluses of pain medication they put in there, I could feel absolutely everything.  It was like going through natural childbirth.  I stopped counting after three boluses with my second child.  After my first, I just thought that maybe the epidural wasn't positioned correctly or had slipped out, and by the time I could tell them I was still in a lot of pain, it was time for me to push.  With the second one though, the anesthesiologist stayed by my bed with me for the duration of the pushing (about an hour).  She was really concerned because she had given me so much pain meds and I was still screaming in pain.  At the time, I had not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  Maybe I just feel pain so extreme that just a little feels like a whole lot.  I am still sceptical and curious about fibromyalgia.  Not sure how much I should attribute to it.

Would holding the urine in the bladder too long be the reason for the recurrent uti's?  I also get uti's and bladder spasms a lot after intercourse.  Maybe it is just my anatomy.

Anyway, thanks for clarifying!

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147426 tn?1317265632
If MS effects the ability of the bladder to empty completely, the old urine sits around and jsut goes right on multiplying itself.  Do you have any problems with incontinence, or not feeling like you can completely empty?  Weak stream?  YES, CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE PROSTATE PROBLEMS!!  ....quick humor there...

I have a lot of trouble emptying completely.  I pee, then it stops.  Then I pee some more.  Then I need to wiggle around until some more comes out .  I go through about 5 different things until it feels empty.  Even then sometimes, it drips a little more as I stand up.  lovely.

About the spasming with the catheter.  That was extreme.  I wonder if you're developing a latex allergy.  Tho, they've started to go completely latex free most places...I don't know.  Sounds icky.

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I didn't know that frequent urinary tract infections were related to MS either.  I have suffered from frequent uti's for years.  I have always asked doctors if their could be a medical reason, and no one could ever answer me.  They just always asked if I wiped from front to back when I went to the bathroom.  I would always say yes, and then they would kinda shrug and start talking about something else.  Do you know what about MS causes the UTI's?  One of my UTI's turned into a kidney infection and was absolutely horrible!  I am also VERY sensitive to catheters.  I had one put in when I was on magnesium sulfate during my last pregnancy, and I started having bladder spasms and urethra pain so bad that I was screaming and they had to come take it out and give me morphine!  The nurse said she had never seen someone react so badly to a catheter before.  I felt like such a weinee, but I wasn't faking it.  It was PAINFUL!  Anyway, just wondering how much of that could be related.
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Didn't mean to scare ya,but as quix stated that was the old fashion way(not the witches pot)

Always tell your neuro what you are feeling no matter how bizzare.Especially when you feel they are neurological in nature.

I tell my neuro basically everything and thats the repore that we have built and he does listen.I like to get his imput on the strange and bizzare symptoms.

When I last seen him he always ask anything new,well heck I didn't know that Urinary track infections were a symptom that goes hand in hand with MS along with a spastic bladder(thats not the correct name).ya know the commercial gotta go,gotta go.

Jenn your not crazy,the symptoms are.

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You are right Quix.  I have learned over the years not to keep anything from your doctor, even if you think they are going to look at you like a nutcase.  If you think it is relevant to your disease process, then 9 times out of 10 they will at least listen to it.

I was like most of you and ignored some of the smaller/milder symptoms when I first started feeling bad.  I don't know if it was denial, or if they just really weren't bad enough to get me worried.  Now that I am progressively getting worse, I have a heightened sense of awareness when it comes to my symptoms.  I have trained myself to make a mental note of when and what type of symptom.  Then I will write it down the first chance I get.  When you add up all of the symptoms it helps the doctor to understand what is going on with you a little better.  Ofcourse, I don't write down everytime I get a gas pain!  Just anything that I think is unusual or pertinent to this disease process.  I like sharing all of these little symptoms with the board too.  It helps me to see what is going on with everyone else and to know I am not crazy!

Keep on keepin on!
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147426 tn?1317265632
No, the diagnosis of MS before brain scans was indeed to place the patient in a hot tub of water.  If the symptoms recurred, especially the blindness with optic neuritis!  It's called Uhthoff's Phenomenon.

Heat Intolerance is classic in MS and some of the other demyelinating diseases.

I mentioned to my neuro that when he did the repetitive tendon reflex testing - doing it repeatedly in rapid succession so that the limb is careening back and forth was uncomfortable in a startling kind of way.  He looked at me as if I was absolutely nuts and said that no one had ever mentioned that before.  I really wished I hadn't said anything.  The next time I saw him, as he did the reflex testing he said, "Sorry, some people find this really uncomfortable."  And he meant it!  He had actually heard me, probably asked other people and learned from it!  I was very impressed.

So I think it's good to tell our doctors weird things.  When they hear them again they will learn something new - if their minds are open.

Dealing with saliva is a function of one of the cranial nerves, that allow the tongue and lips to move.  It's possible that yours isn't fuctioning perfectly.  His  "hmmm"  may have been mentally picturing which nerve that is.

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Was your neuro serious? That is unbelievable. My finger tips and insides of some of my fingers seem to be losing feeling. I get weird itches, kind of burning like itch as well. These last for several days then go away for awhile.

This is quite scary to read all these things because there are several symptoms going on over the past years that I have ignored because they would last several days to a week then go away for several months to half a year. Over the last couple of months I noticed that I would get a build-up of saliva in the cracks of my mouth. Not too much to where I would drool but irritating enough to cause me to wipe away. I don't even know what to do with that symptom, I did mention to my neuro and he just cocked his head like a dog would and said hmm. I think sometimes I am crazy to mention these things.
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I think your both on to something. For 2 years before my Dx I'd complain to my neuro that when I put my hands in hot water to do dishes they would go numb.Well guess what after almost 3 years my finger tips on my left hand are  permanantly numb.They don't resist the finger stick for me to check my sugar levels twice a day.

My right hand is catching up,anything hot makes them numb also.If its hot water or this blasted hot heat.

My MS neuro just shakes his head and states pre mri machines thats how they tested for MS,they'd put you in hot water and if you were numb you had MS.

Boy am I glad that technology has caught up with the times.All I could invision was a witches brewing pot!
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I love to hear you talk too!

It is funny that you should mention that symptom.  This morning when I was taking my shower (not too hot, but warm), I noticed that as the water was hitting my upper back that my back felt numb.  I could feel the pressure of the water, but there was a definite difference in sensitivity.  I don't know if the warmth of the water brought it on or not.  I have never noticed numbness in that area before, but it is also not an area that you touch all of the time.  I had also just finished my morning workout on the eliptical, so that could have something to do with it as well.  

Thanks for the info!

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147426 tn?1317265632
Some cat must have hit the ENTER key.....(I have 4)(cats, not ENTER keys)

I have a new symptom, too.  Thought it would be nice to share.  And I do so like to hear myself talk...

A couple months ago I told my MS neuro that after a long-hot shower I had a brief tingling in my right foot.  I asked him if that was a sign that that would be my next real symptom.  He said he didn't know and then yelled at me for taking hot showers!  Okay.

Well, a couple days ago I started to have more persistent tingling in my right foot.  So, maybe, the heat can bring out a nerve that isn't damaged enough to cause symptoms on it's own, but does in the heat.  Who knows?  Maybe you'll can notice any new symtpoms when you're overheated and then later whether they show up more persistently.  I may be onto something!

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147426 tn?1317265632
Yeah, that's a classic paresthesia of the tempurature-sensing nerves.  It is quite weird, but understandable.  It would be considered a minor symptom and not a relapse, if we were to put it in MS context.

Lows in the 80's?  Ick!  Although, here in the Pacific Northwest we had a record high of 104 yesterday.  I satyed in with my a/c!  You betcha!  

Take care, Quix
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