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359574 tn?1328360424

My new symptom

Sufficiently impressed the MS nurse practitioner such that I'm getting new spinal MRIs in a couple of days.  It's just a slight paresthesia in a new place.  Also, it turns out I have a weak hip flexor on one side, which has never been previously documented.  I think at my initial exam, it was the neurologist who did reflexes and such, and we didn't play around with strength much that day.

I got him to correct my digital medical record.  Imagine that--dementia and/or alzheimer's cured with the stroke of a stylus!  It was a conversion error from the paper records, just as I suspected, along with the organ switcheroos.

When scheduling the MRI, the lady who is going to call insurance to get it authorized asked me "This is for worsening MS symptoms?"  I told her I haven't been diagnosed with MS yet, and she re-checked my billing sheet.  "Oh, POSSIBLE exacerbation of MS symptoms."  More evidence we're just jumping through the final hoops, since MS is in the list of my ailments and it's not something he felt needed correcting.

I'll go back next week to get the results.  This thing's starting to waddle like a duck, but I haven't heard it quack yet.  I enjoy all the duck jokes, but I don't like using the word "quack" in the same post with a neurologist and nurse practitioner I respect a great deal.  Hey, maybe mine's a goose--dare I hope for a swan?  (Then again, maybe it's a turducken!)
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The food discussion makes me think of this - just in the month and week prior to my DH's open heart surgery to unclog all 4 arteries we had two unusual meals.  

The first was at a place in North Dakota on vacation - called Pitchfork Fondue.  They actually deep fried rib eye steaks in a giant vat of peanut oil over an open fire.  

Then the week before his surgery we had deep fried turkey - talk about making a healthy food unhealthy in a short period of time.  

The bacon dish sounds yummy too !  Maybe I'll fix that this weekend since his arteries are all clear once again.

My best,
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198419 tn?1360242356
Yea - I'm looking forward to you getting on with treatment too - been long enough now w/this TM hanging over your head.  You really do have some expertise in your corner with that NP and Dr.....

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359574 tn?1328360424
Yes, I have TM.  But I'm the one getting hints from the neuro's office that they really think it's MS and are looking for a smoking gun--My treatment notes show MS among the diagnoses, (but they had other stuff wrong) and I have recieved mailings from there inviting me to participate in a MS neuropathic pain study.  Then, the conversation with the MRI scheduling lady happened yesterday.

I gave them every chance to blow it off, in my phone conversation and in my visit with the NP, emphasizing how minor the symptom is.  I'm ready to get this over with and move on to the treatment phase.  Maybe the weakness will be considered new, too, but I've always noticed it's harder to pick up my left leg and put in in the car as a driver than it is to pick up my right when I'm a passenger.
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Haba!

Mmmmmm exploded bacon!

In the past your dx was the TM right?
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Sorry I can't stop laughing with your description of food (the bacon explosion), no we don't have it here, well not that I am aware of, but I think we are now officially the fattest nation in the world? LOL so we prob don't need it here either. The Turducken sounds very yummy, i remember being in Tennessee and having some Hush Puppies and they were yummo, and your waffle houses (I got addicted to the Waffle House), wish we had a Waffle House here, and Denny's Chicken...lol

I am amazed at what you have to pay out to have your MRIs done, ours are FREE.  I guess that is why we can have them more often too, if the DR orders one we pick our hospital and we have it done, if we choose a private facility then it will be only part funded and we are out of pocket about $120 Aus dollars.  We only have T3 machines where I live and they are all new.. but can't speak for the rest of Ausralia.  I must admit my last two MRI have been spinal only as Dr said my sx were spinal but he did say he would do my brain again this next time..

We have only just introduced the Nurse Practioner thing, it is only new and yep they have to go on and do extra training, same as you explained but I reckon at the moment we wouldn't have too many graduates.  Makes sense, takes the load of the Drs and a good one would be worth their weight in gold.  I have only spoken to the MS Nurse on the phone, I think she is just a normal nurse who has possibly had extra training within the area of MS.

My sister in law is from the Ukraine and she has  been trying to teach me Russian and the first word I learnt was Ducks and serbarka is dog, lol. I wouldn't be able to carry out a conversation, that's for sure.. sad thing is her English and grammar is better than mine.

Udkas. (phonetic odkus) or oodkus
Russian lesson for the day.
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359574 tn?1328360424
My daughter-in-law majored in Russan and she loves all things to do with the language and country.  So she married a French major and they live in a small midwestern town where neither gets to practice talking to anyone.  I'll impress them with my udkas/canard knowledge.

I don't know if they have them there, but a nurse practitioner here is a nurse who has received advanced training enabling them to treat, prescribe, order and interpret tests, and function almost independently in their areas of specialization, depending on the state's licensing requirements.  Mine is an MS specialist, as is the neuro he works for.  He can spend more time with the patients, and he explains things almost as well as Quix.  I saw both the neurologist and the NP at my first visits, and the neuro will be brought in as needed.

If I go to an urgent care clinic located in one of the major chain drugstores, the person I see will certainly be a nurse practitioner or a physician's assistant.  Like midwives, they are supposed to know when things are beyond their abilities and to call in the big guns.

The reason they're not doing my brain this time is because the symptoms point more toward the spine, and because my prior three brain MRIs were either clear or with a couple of punctate lesions.  If they don't find any new or enhancing lesions in my spine, they'll do the brain again, but every MRI has to be approved in advance by my insurance company.

It won't be a 3T.  The ones I had on a 3T were done with software that didn't really make it any better, and the hospital where I had it didn't do thin enough slices.  It's at an orthopedic specialty hospital, and I think the bigger magnet just gives them speed.  The lesions were just as clear on the subsequent 1.5T ones I had done in the freestanding (cheaper) center, so I'm not going to shell out $1,000 without getting anything better for it.

Do you have turducken in Australia?  I've never tried it.  I think they're a southern delicacy.  A boned, skinned chicken is wrapped in a boned, skinned, duck, which is wrapped in a boned turkey and roasted.

What I really want to try is  Bacon Explosion.  It's a mat woven of thick-sliced bacon strips.  More bacon is chopped and fried, mixed in with Italian sausage, wrapped inside the bacon mat and smoked on a grill or baked, then covered in barbecue sauce.  Bet it's a once in a lifetime treat, because you certainly can't have much of a life expectancy after even one serving.
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559187 tn?1330782856
I sure hope you will be our next member to leave "limbo".  I'll be waiting and watching for your results next week.  Hang in there until then.  


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Best of luck with your MRI, I hope it is on a T3 machine, you would think they would do your brain as well just to be certain.

Didn't you get to see your neuro, only his nurse?  My neuro does everything but his nurses take calls and converse with him on your behalf if you are worried about anything, they are first point of contact. I guess it doesn't really matter, you are getting an MRI but I hope there is no change as I guess that's a good thing?

Thinking of you.. keep us posted on how you get on.
Udkas (b.t.w. Udkas is Duck in Russian) seeing you are all taking about ducks..lol
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Hey, h! I'm so glad things are beginning to gel for you. Anyone who knows you, even from just this Internet forum, knows that dementia is a totally inappropriate diagnosis!

Please let us know how things go. Don't know if it's a turducken, but clucksquawkgobblequack anyway.

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