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1207048 tn?1282174304

Is it too late to try steroids?

I haven't been around forever, and I'm sorry to start up again here with a question first thing :-(

(A bit of background on me): I was diagnosed with MS in August of 2010. I have atypical symptoms, and my MRIs have all been considered normal, although there are subtle lesions in my brain and spine (the spine ones are what my neuro says are causing some pain issues). I started on Copaxone in Sept. of 2010, and it seems to be working well. I have some off days, but nothing to bad. I was able to start a workout routine and I've lost about 40 pounds :-)

My question involves Solu-medrol steroids. As I said, I've been pretty healthy for the last year, with just psudo-relapses every month around my period, up until the beginning of December. I woke up with vertigo (one of my first symptoms) and it got worse through the day, but it was not horrible. I decided to tough it out, as awful as it sounds, when I had the steroid treatment before I gained 10 pounds, and I just really want to avoid gaining any weight when I've fought so hard to lose every pound. After a day or so the vertigo stabilized and stayed on the same level for about 4 days and then started to get better over the following few days. On the afternoon of the first day where the vertigo was mostly gone, I suddenly had horrible buzzing/tingling in my face and my entire right arm. It was really bad, and really scared me. I laid down on the couch and slept for about an hour, and when I woke up it was a bit better.

I have been feeling off since. My head is a bit fuzzy, some days I'm almost normal for most the day, but I get tired quickly. Thursday I was starting to feel decent again and I thought I was finally getting past this, until Thursday night I was really uncomfortable, everything hurt and I kept tossing and turning in bed because I couldn't get comfortable. Yesterday I was very run-down feeling. This morning I woke up and my right arm, almost from the elbow down, felt like it had fallen asleep and wasn't quite back to normal yet. My arm feels weak, I'm not dropping things or anything, but it just doesn't seem like my muscles are moving very smoothly, if that makes sense?

It's been a month that I've been feeling bad, and I'm just ready for it all to end! Is it too late for Solu-Medrol to work?

Also, due to the balance issues that this relapse has caused me, we have decided that this year we will be getting a newfoundland puppy with the goal of eventually training him or her to be a balance service dog for me. Does anyone know if there are programs, possibly through NMSS?, that will help with the cost of the additional training classes?

Thank you for any help you can give! I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday, and has a fun New Years!
4 Responses
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1207048 tn?1282174304
Thank you for your replies!

Shell, Vertigo was the first symptom I had that was not an atypical MS symptom, and my first round is IVSM stopped it (which convinced my neuro that is is MS-related and not anything else). I think if the office is open tomorrow I'll be in first thing and I'm pretty sure he will suggest the steroids.

Lulu, yes, I definitely have been feeling better and trying to just ignore the MS part of my health. Maybe that is not the healthiest way to be, but I think I needed to step away from MS stuff so I didn't panic over every new symptom. I actually started college (it is awesome how many real colleges offer classes online now! I'm going to a NY state university!) and I can do my entire schooling online! My goal is to get my B.S. in Literature, and then go on to get a Masters in Library Science.

Sidesteps, my first issues were pain related. I had joint pain, that was unexplained. I did have numbness and tingling in my one hand, but the doctors thought it was pregnancy-related carpel tunnel. My neuro thinks it was an MS symptom, based on how it resolved itself on its own. My biggest first symptom, the one that sent me to a neuro, was burning and stinging of both feet. It was bad enough where it was kind of painful to even walk for about a week. If my feel get cold I get this again, though to a lesser degree. I had muscle issues, cramps and tightness. And my "internal thermostat" is off, if I get a little cold then I'm freezing and it is hard to warm up, but if I'm slightly warm then I'm too warm. It just seems that being slightly out of my comfortable temperature zone causes my body to react to it in the extreme.

Those were the atypical symptoms, but then I started having more typical ones: a feeling like running water on my neck, nystagmus (downbeat), I was having trouble following text, I had a problem with websites that were too bright or had black backgrounds--I hate dark backgrounds on web pages!. The thing that clinched my diagnosis was a VEP test. I had one in April 2010 that showed an 8 millisecond delay in my left eye.I had a second one done 4 months later in August and it showed a 10 millisecond delay. I know neither of those delays are a big amount, but my neuro was concerned about how much of a delay had increased in only 4 months time.

Thank you everyone for your kind words!
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1475492 tn?1332884167
I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I think IVSM (from what I've read here) has some great short term and long term affects for the inflammation. The short term is the immediately relief of some of the symptoms. The long term is reducing the damage of the inflammation. I would definitely discuss with your doctor these.

Can I ask what you mean by atyptical symptoms? Some of my initial symptoms through my doctor's off I think. I'd like to know more about your history and symptoms. If you don't want to write it here would you PM me?
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Anyone who doesn't know about balance dogs might want to read this brief bit on a website at


Congrats on the weight loss - that is fantastic.  I sure understand your concern about the weight gain on IVSM.  I'm with Shell - be sure to talk to your doctor about this.

Too late for IVSM?  I don't imagine so, because it can still help to give you relief to the inflammatory part of your symptoms.

Yep, you've been AWOL from here for a while but that is understandable.  Except for a few old-timers, we seem to have an open door/revolving door for  people.  My thoughts are we are here when you need us and if you're not around much that must mean you are doing well and getting on with your life and not letting the MonSter take so much of your attention.  

BE sure to let us know if we can be of help - you know where to find us!

happy new year,

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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Jess!

Well, you sound like you've toughed it out long enough :( I don't think it's too late to start, but quick question for you...Is the vertigo def. related to the MS? If not, maybe there are some alternative therapies available to you - I don't know - I'm just shooting inthe dark here- but, I'm the type that also likes to hold out as long as i can, so see if I have some resolve that I can deal with.  So, I'd probably be popping allergy pills, etc. just to see if the vertigo was related to ear pressure, etc.

Anywho - that's neither here nor there. Congrats on your 40 lb loss. And, be darned if I'd want to gain it back either. So, how accessible is your neuro to get in and deterime the vertigo? And, would you be willing to tell him/her your concerns on starting steroids? Maybe you can do a short course?

HVAC can definitely give you the info you need for the dogs - I'll hit her up for you.
Happy almost new year. Hope you get to the doc - no sense putting off if there is a chance you can feel better quickly.
Nice to see you - let us know how you make out.
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