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Your loss was my gain .....

Sorry, but I honestly can’t apologize in earnest for taking Quix’s attention from the forum for a day or so.  Quite selfishly, I enjoyed every bit of having her all to myself this past week while on vacation in the Pacific Northwest.

She had her sister drive her north from Portland to join us in the mountains just outside of Mt. Rainier.  Quix can tell you about the effects of car travel herself, but I know the trip up and back as well as our lengthy visit took a toll on her well-being and zapped her energy.  

I’m not sure if she will recover fast enough to feel bad again with the high-heat moving into Portland later this week.  For my 11 days, the weather was perfect.  We had one day of low 70’s while we were in Juneau, Alaska.  The rest of the time we didn’t see the mercury rise above the mid-60’s, but now I’m back to the heat.

It’s easy to see why those of you who live in the Pacific Northwest have difficulty relating to our whining about the weather back here in the East.  The added bonus on top of your temperate climate is you live in magnificent country – every direction offers a different humbling and jaw-dropping  perspective on our place in the natural world.

But enough about all this…. you haven’t read this far just to hear me go on about my trip and appreciation of the PNW.  I know you really want to know the inside scoop on who our MySterious Dr. Q is, what is her demeanor, and maybe even how tall she is since she has already told you I am close to Amazon stature.

We had a wonderful visit of over 4 hours – I went on and on about a little bit of everything and she patiently listened to me.  Can it get any better than that ? -  she was definitely a captive audience.    

There was so much to talk about and so little time, where could we even begin? Yes, we talked about the forum and our wonderful community here.  The consensus is we like you all just the way you are but wish you all could find competent, compassionates neuros to help. Both of us know we are fortunate to have the medical teams we have for our care.  

Don’t begin to think that is all we discussed.  We both have lives outside of dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, and it was satisfying to learn more about the interests of Quix and how she spends her time when she is not shepherding us here or doing marathon sleeping events, which she freely admits she does a lot!

Hopefully some day all of you will have the chance to meet Quix in person, perhaps a cross-country tour bus could be in her future.  She is a star to all of us, worthy of a road tour   - so I don’t want to reveal too much here and take away the surprises in store if your chance ever comes.

Now back to those questions – She really is a doctor and isn’t always known as Quixotic.  I can tell you that Q is every bit the delightful, compassionate person in real life as on this screen.    And height?  She is definitely shorter than I am, but most everyone is!

Thanks for sharing her!

25 Responses
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378497 tn?1232143585
Sounds like you all got along like gangbusters, which is no surprise to me. Quix, sorry about that stomach problem. Ugh.

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333672 tn?1273792789
Lulu and Quix: How wonderful that you were able to meet!

As Julie (Sarahsmom) said, she and I and Sarah (who is a lovely, thoughtful and determined young woman and clearly takes after her mom) had the chance to meet in person in DC recently. It was very cool to meet someone from the forum and be able to talk about all sorts of things without the limitations of online communication. And I am looking forward to lunch with Lulu and Cosmobirdy later this month.

And I'll add my voice to those who said that if you have an opportunity to meet up with others from the forum, grab it.

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620048 tn?1358018235
Oh my gosh, that sounds like so much fun...two or 3 of us could meet you in SF, nice and cool there. You would love it !!

Just got back from SF awhile ago, back into the heat. It gets so much hotter here.

Anyways, i am just so happy that you both had a chance to spend time together..I a envious too..

love you, meg
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738075 tn?1330575844
Love the road trip idea...

I'm so glad you got to see each other.  I'd love to meet  my MH peeps in person, too!

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198419 tn?1360242356
It's such a treat to read about this visit. I can't put my feelings into eloquent words so I'll just simply thank you both for sharing your visit with all of us. It's nothing short of fab.

I echo what has been said about meeting up with a forum family member. It's heartwarming and special in so many ways.

(((Hugs))) to you all, with special thanks to Lu and Q
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>> ...  , perhaps a cross-country tour bus could be in her future.  

interesting idea and a good one. roadtrip to the northwest (friends, ocean, trees, cool air ...)   i like the sound of that
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195469 tn?1388322888
I am so, so jealous.  Quix saved my life a couple of years ago, so she is very special to my heart AND my life.  One day I will be able to hug the lady that saved me, to harrass my better half another day.....LOL

Glad you had a good time, sweetheart.  You deserved it and you needed the time away from the Forum.

God love you both.  I want to hear more from both of you about the trip.  Okay?

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1216899 tn?1288570325
All I've got to say, is that you are all awesome people. I'm glad you had the opportunity to see and enjoy such a wonderful place, and have such wonderful company.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hey I've just put a bed in the spare room, big and comfortable so if your ever in town, your always welcome, i'll even arrange the bus and outback :-)

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Q- I'll blame the yawning on John - Having been married almost 37 years, he would tell you he gets blamed for most everything so what is one more thing?

Seriously, he is my best friend and a wonderful partner and always game to do most anything I suggest. He was feeling puny so that explains the quiet mode - otherwise he is quite happy to jump into the fray.  I have some questions and concerns about his health right now, and can only hope I am wrong.

He has yet to question my little detours to meet many of you, although I'm sure he has to wonder about giving up his vacation time to indulge me! He's just smart enough to not say anything out loud. LOL

If this cross-country trip gets off the bus and  turns into a fly-in, I'll volunteer to be the airport chauffeur for any place in Ohio - there is a huge contingent here who would be happy to gather with you.

my best,

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147426 tn?1317265632
I would love to.

I'm thinking maybe a Seattle or Vancouver, BC to begin with.  That would be a hoot and might pick up half a dozen or so.

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382218 tn?1341181487
How much fun that must have been. :)

I love the idea of a cross-country tour.  Actually, could you make that a cross-continent tour?
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147426 tn?1317265632
Darn!  I wanted to post right along with Lulu and rave about how wonderful it was to meet our social directer.  I have been under the weather, having eaten something sideways it seems.  No, Lu is not repsonsible for that.  Now I feel kitten-weak and am nursing a headache.  

Meeting Laura was so special, yet so comfortable.  She is exactly as you see her here (except at least a foot taller) so it seemed that this was just another visit between old friends.  We sat in the beautiful living room of her mountain cottage and really did go on-and-on about a little bit of everything.  I will tell you that she is kind and funny and gracious.  She is tall, statuesque - albeit slightly gimpy - and clearly always the backbone of the people she's with.  We played hopscotch with the bathrooms - yes, they thought ahead and got a cabin with two.

It's amazing to meet someone you already know but have never seen.  There was no catching up of details - just an ongoing talk about the things that are important to us.  I like her hubby.  He, her sister, and my sister just sat there like really kind, understanding troopers and listened to us roar from one topic to another.

I hope all of you can meet with friends from the forum.  It puts an amazing glow of depth to an already wonderful relationship.  For a year now, I have been toying with the idea of making a cross-country trip, maybe 4 or 5 stops, and trying to see as many of you as possible.  We could have a few little mini-conventions.  I would need to choose some cities as close to pockets of you as possible.  What a hoot!

The idea of straddling a bus (I could, you know) and flying down the hiway sounds exciting, tho I suspect it would grow old after the first bug splats on my faces.

Laura, thank you so much for the day, the trip and the wonderful hours spent with you, even if I did yawn the whole time.  Blame that on the antihistamine.

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For the record, I see Q posted last night  that she probably has food poisoning.  I gave her no edible gifts, unless she eats wool, so I'm not responsible for this one.  

Sarah, this was the first face-to-face for us.  I don't get out west often, so this was special.

Pat, we miss you a lot.  I'm glad to know you are keeping an eye on us, though.  Thanks for all the kind words.

hugs to all,
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1253197 tn?1331209110
I am so glad that you both had a wonderful time ...I was not sure if you had met before..but I am guessing you had not but it sounded a very special meeting.

With love Sarah xxx

PS We missed you both and are glad to have you back.
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634733 tn?1316625992
All I can say is how jealous I am in living across the sea from you all - as well as how wonderful for both of you. Q is amazing, sweet and oh so caring as well as a font of all knowledge on here and we have all benefited from her caring and kindness.

But then we have all had the same from you too, Laura, you may not be a doctor but - if you can find out - you will, if you can offer a shoulder - you do, if you can reach out cross the miles to comfort - you do and most of all you are always here for all of us.

I lurk quite a lot these days but without you and Q and others on here too I would not be in a much better place psychologically than I was nearly 2 years ago when I met you all.

So I am glad it was a positive experience you both deserve lots of those.

As always
Pat x
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987762 tn?1671273328
I too smiled all the way through, it sounds like you had a lovely time which is so nice to here/see.

Hmmmm about the tour bus idea, i had a vivid image of Quix driving all over America, sitting on top of a great big bus, with huge streams of fabric flowing in the wind, think of that movie Precila (Australian movie), that image gave me a great start to the day!

Its great that you had a wonderful holiday!

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And Julie, we'll let you drive the tour bus if we ever get it together! LOL
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Julie, I'll post pics and something more in my journal eventually.  I didn't know you met up with Sho - Shoshin, Cosmobirdy and I are planning on doing lunch this month.

All of my personal encounters with forum members, even by phone, have been special.

hugs, Lulu
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1312898 tn?1314568133
Oh that is Sweet!  How wonderful for both of you!!  The Pacific Northwest is just amazing.  It's cool to hear such a happy post.

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559187 tn?1330782856
I am so happy that this reunion of sorts worked out on both ends.  It is nice when we get a chance to talk to each other on the phone, but to meet in person is a whole other experience.  And, to meet Doc Quix!  Well, that is a very special experience.  

You girls sound like you had a lot of fun and what does it matter that it was only 4 hours.  There is always a next time and I wouldn't mind helping with setting up the tour mobile heading out West picking up whoever wanted to jump on.  :)

By the way, I had the pleasure of meeting another special member of our forum, Shoshin, when she was visiting the DC area.  It is really an amazing experience and I hope others get the opportunity when it come as well.  

Can't wait to hear more tidbits of your visit.  Do share as you often tell us.  

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900662 tn?1469390305
Sounds like a great time & weather..

My wife and I went to Alaska a few years ago, no pictures do the beauty any justice.

The rivers & streams & wildlife are priceless.

Nice hot & humid  weather 50 miles south of Chicago for me,  and no great views either.

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338416 tn?1420045702
Sweet.... I'm envious of your trip up north.  Yeah, if you have MS, the northwest is probably the best place to be, in terms of climate and air pressure.
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293157 tn?1285873439
wow.. both of you guys were so close too my area, I'm near Vancouver BC.  I'm glad you both got to spend some time and happy you had a lovely vacation.  

take care
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