1697480 tn?1306784044

Numbness in left side of body...MS?

Hello all,

I have been having some miserable symptoms for over a month now, and I just don't know what to do. I wake up every day and feel miserable, most of the time worse than the day before. I have been to a neurologist who took basically an entire MRI body scan (minus my legs) to check for MS or anything else that might be causing my symptoms. Got the results back Wednesday and everything came back normal. Did a CT scan a few weeks back at the ER (went because I was feeling so awful) and came back completely normal.

Symptoms are as follows:

-Generalized weakness (feeling like I have no energy at all)
-Weakness on left side of body. Does not interfere with walking or movement, but my internal medicine doctor said my grip was slightly less on my left side than right, and my left eye, when looking all the way to the left, seems very slightly shaky.
-Heaviness in left side of body, mostly in leg. Again, this does not have an affect on my walking or balance.
-Vibrating sensation in body. Mostly in foot. Sometimes in abdomen and chest. Comes and goes it seems, or maybe I'm just not noticing it at certain times.
-Sometimes tingling in my left foot. It seems to only to do it when I'm sitting criss cross apple sauce... it might just be my foot going to sleep, I am not sure.
-Feeling that I'm in a dream. Things don't seem as real or solid as they used to. When I do a task, I have to reassure myself that I'm actually doing it. When I wake up, I have to make sure I tell myself who I am (even though I already know and never forget.) I feel sometimes like my body is foreign, my hands move but I don't know how they're moving. or I walk and I know I'm walking, but it just feels like I am on autopilot. Almost like I am loosing my mind.
-Shakiness, especially in hands. Not pronounced, but it's noticeable.
-Feeling of fullness in left side of abdomen.
-Trouble swallowing sometimes. It comes and goes. It almost seems if I think about swallowing, that's when it seems to get harder to.
-Tired, bloodshot eyes (feel like I have been looking at a computer screen all day, even though I haven't.)
-I don't feel as sharp as I usually am. Sometimes I have to read something more than one time to really get it, and I've noticed when I talk, sometimes I trip over some words. Here lately though my speech has seemed pretty much okay.

There are more symptoms, but I don't want to confuse anybody or start listing too much, as I know sometimes that can make it hard to see what's going on. As I said, my neurologist said that I checked out fine physically when he did my exam. Said there was nothing out of the ordinary, no signs of Optic Neuritis, no trouble with balance or anything like that, so I was pretty confident it was not MS at that time. His office said my MRI looked completely normal, no lesions. I was reading elsewhere in the forum about the whole no lesion MRI thing. I haven't done any type of nerve testing, and I am thinking that that would be the next step because of the heavyness and sometimes tingling. My nuero is wanting to do a tilt table test to I guess check for dysautonomia? Because I told him sometimes I feel like I'm going to pass out (MISTAKEEEE!!) even though I know I'm not really going to pass out... it's just that feeling I get. It's almost like a rush of adrenaline. Not really sure how to describe it.

I saw a very good internal medicine MD just a few days ago who said that there were tons of things that could be causing the symptoms that I'm having. I have been through a significant amount of stress lately, so he prescribed Wellbutrin 75 MG once a day to see if that would help with the brain fog/dreamy feeling. I have been on it for three days, with no affect being seen yet. I realize these types of medicines take a little while to work.

So what could this all mean??? I wake up every day feeling worse and worse, it has caused me to basically stop my life and stay at home with my mom. I want to get back to normal so bad!!! It is very frustrating because I don't feel like my normal self. I haven't driven in three weeks. It's even hard for me to ride in a car without feeling very freaky.

I have really thought about it being MS... but from what I can understand, most of the time MS isn't really debilitating in it's first stages right?. It's more just annoying. Like I said, the thing that has got me really unable to do anything is the feeling of dreamyness. I can deal with the physical symptoms all day, but when it comes to my mind and not feeling like myself, like I'm a zombie almost, it's very scary.

thanks for any type of light anyone can shed on my problem. very desperate for answers. I love the internal medicine doc, but you can't see your doctor every day so in between I'm TRYING to find anything to help.

33 Responses
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5112396 tn?1378017983
Thanks for the update. It's a very important message. I'm delighted you've found what is working for you. There's a lot of 'old think' about things that involve brain chemistry, a lot of assumptions that the suggestion of psychological help means "you don't have anything and you're making it up" when it really just means "your issue may be chemical rather than strictly physiological".

I wish there could be consciousness raising in society as a whole that the mind is merely function of the brain. If the brain is slightly wonky on the chemical calibration, the mind doesn't present itself in a healthy way. And issues with it *are* real, not fake and not anyone's fault.

The defensiveness of many patients when they assume and misinterpret a doctor saying "this doesn't have a physiological root. Perhaps an appointment with a psychiatrist may help alleviate your suffering" as actually meaning "you're crazy and that means you've brought this all on yourself" is very sad to me. It means that often times the treatment that will help most is consequently the one most resisted. You often hear "I'm desperate. I'll do anything not to feel this way!" only to learn that sentiment is turned on its head the minute something involving brain chemistry is hinted at.

These disorders ARE real, they DO deserve treatment and the same respect afforded those pursuing treatment for things with a more concrete physical aetiology, there ARE improving methods to cope. As someone who's been far more effected with mental health issues than I ever have been by my MS, I really appreciate you sharing this. It's so important.

(Addendum: this isn't to say that doctors can't mistakenly miss a purely physical diagnosis or are immune to prejudicial thinking. Of course, visit as many as doctors as are needed, just please don't cause yourselves to suffer longer than necessary for the sake of not accepting another possible diagnostic avenue)
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1697480 tn?1306784044
Hey everybody,

I just replied to someone who direct inboxed me, and this is worth taking a look at. I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to update it. I hope you all are doing well!

**begin copied message**

Hi *****!

I actually did get your message!!! Haha, actually I read more of these than you think, but I'm so busy with my normal life that I don't have time to respond to every single one. But I feel your pain so greatly. I completely understand what you're going through. I did finally get what I was going through under control, and I feel much better. I thought that what I was going through was a serious medical and physical problem, but actually what I was going through was a psychological issue. I went to several doctors, and they could not find anything wrong. So I finally broke down because I didn't have any other options, and went to a psychologist. It was finally revealed to me that I had depersonalization disorder. I am on medication for it right now and it is helped me a great deal. When I got on the medication it really seemed like within days, I mean I really saw an improvement within two days of me starting the medication. Now granted, it was trial and error in finding the right medication that works for me.

I know this is probably not what you're wanting to hear right now, as you are thinking that there is something physically wrong with you. I felt that exact same way. I never wanted to believe that I had some kind of physiological condition, that there was actually something wrong with my body.

So basically, from what I understand about depersonalization disorder, there is a lot of misfiring in your brain that happens. Your brain has so many thoughts going through it one time it's almost like it's shocking your brain in a way. I am on two medications, and one is an anticonvulsant. the drug was developed for seizures; and essentially, at least in my case, I was having very very tiny seizures. The drug actually stops all the misfiring in my brain, and from what I have been told by my doctors, calms the brain activity back to a normal stage. With depersonalization disorder, your senses are heightened. Your brain is on overload. This is why you get random sensations, feelings like you are not real or the world around you is foreign or not real, and you doubt everyday things in your life. Honestly when I read the symptoms of depersonalization, I wondered why no one had ever said anything about it to me before. It is not a weird, undiagnosed mental illness, it is a real thing just like depression and anxiety. It is recognized by the American Psychological Association as a real disorder.

I urge you to get a full medical workup done. It is so important to make sure it's not something else. Depersonalization can actually be a sign of other diseases like lyme or a brain tumor (both of which you have a very low risk of having.) After you have had a complete medical workup and you cannot find any evidence of there being anything wrong with you physically, then I would URGE you to see a psychologist. And put an emphasis on the COL. You want to see a counselor first, not just have some doctor start throwing medication at you. It's very important that you get to the root of the symptoms and let the counselor understand what is going on and let him or her full diagnose you BEFORE you start getting prescribed medication. This will allow for the best and fastest treatment. Also, it's very important to find a mental health firm that has doctors that are younger/well versed in all areas of psychology. Depersonalization or having feelings of not being real is a very old thing... people have been suffering from it for hundreds of years, but until 40 years ago or so, people thought it was a sign that you had gone mentally insane. Well, I can tell you I'm the farthest from insane. So, because the recognition of the disorder is fairly new, you need to see a doctor that is young and has studied the disorder and is familiar with dissociative disorders.

I want to offer you a ray of hope. I don't know your exact situation, but you said in your message that you "can't give up trying to find a solution." For me, it was a daily battle. I was pretty much stuck in my house for about 6 months. I gave 6 months of my life away to this disease. It felt like I was dying daily, then waking up and dying all over again. I felt like there was no hope, and if it kept going, I WAS going to die, or do something to myself, or who knows! But I'm here to tell you, and take this as you wish, but God is with you. And with the right medication, you will completely recover from it and be back to the old you. Honestly when I was sick, I thought I would NEVER have a normal life again. But, I was wrong. I am more productive and have the biggest goals now that I have ever been/had before. It's so refreshing, I can't tell you how blessed I am.

Just keep me updated, and let me know how everything does.

I don't want to tell you the drugs I'm on because EVERYBODY is different and you have to find what works for you. Trust me on this.

Hugs and love,


**end copied message**
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1831849 tn?1383228392
just want to make sure you know that the orgiginal part of tis thread is over a year old.

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1831849 tn?1383228392
just want to make sure you know that the orgiginal part of tis thread is over a year old.

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Hi  tmmontgomery
Did u test for HTLV. HTLV test are not included in normal STD screening but it is very much spread out there. Please test HTLV if you still having  neurological problems.
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1689801 tn?1333983316
Hi Angel and welcome to this forum of ms. You´ve posted on a old post so it is better for you to do a new one. So go to the top of these posts and ther you will see a orange box that says "Post a question" there you should tell us your story and the questions that you have. This is the best way to get responses. Good luck and I´ll see you around.

My best,
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2049282 tn?1330250820
Hey!  Man, reading this stuff is kinda freaky as I'm dealing with some of the same things...Here's my prognosis (from my experience). Psychologically speaking, we're becoming hyperchondriacs because of all this. We listen to our bodies in a way that is not normal. Yes, it's anxiety but it's also something else.  It just all feels too real.  Also, look into something called a NEUROCARDIOGENIC SYNCOPE.  I was dianosed years back thanks to the Tilt Table Test.  Maybe you're is a syncope of sorts. I'm gonna follow your lead and check out my spleen, check for mono, and maybe MS.  
Any updates on your end?
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1697480 tn?1306784044
Hi gang!
Just thought that I would give you an update on how I am doing. Wow, when I wrote that first post would I have ever thought that I would be sitting here in early August writing about how I am still mo better. It's either gotten worse or no better.

Long story short, internist still sticking with mono diagnoses. My spleen is still enlarged, I can feel it and see it but hasn't got any bigger or any more uncomfortable. The fullness feeling actually isn't here most days. bloodwork came back normal. I've had another CBC since my last post and it was normal as well. I had so so so much bloodwork done, even a HIV test.

Derealization/depersonalization is still here. I finally broke down and saw a psychologist and a psychiatrist as well (they are both in the same firm) and it has seemed to help a little but not extremely. Ativan and Lunesta are still the most helpful drugs for me right now. I am very ansy and the other night I believe I had s full blown panic attack. It was very scary. At least that's what I think it was.

I am having main trouble with the DR/DP feeling, anxiety as well as a feeling as though I'm going to tip over, or just fall over. Even when sitting I feel it sometimes. It's very weird!!!

I have had to stop school for this semester, I'm taking one online class but that's it. My job, thank god, is still working with me. But it is a struggle every single day to just make it through. Things like goIng to the fridge to get some water or just walking through the house are a struggle. Sigh.

I got so frustrated because I was looking out the window at the sky, and the world, the world that I can't participate in because I feel like this. I just gritted my teeth so hard and stared off into the distance. It is so frustrating. I can't say it enough. I'm not a weak person, but this whatever-I-have has made me feel weak. I've told my mom several times that I feel like I'm dying. It's so scary.

If anybody else has any thoughts on what else could be going on, PLEASE share them!! :)

Thanks for your support Deb and everybody, please keep the questions and thoughts coming so I have something to do! :)
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429700 tn?1308007823
Sounds like they're closer to figuring out what is wrong.  Did your bloodwork reveal anything?
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1697480 tn?1306784044
That is actually really interesting. I have never even thought about that. I went and did some reading on it and from what I found it can play a role in autoimmune disorders. Very very interesting!! I only have one amalgram filling so I guess there probably wouldn't be too much mercury leaking out but it is still very very interesting. Thanks for the info!!

I am going for bloodwork today, so here we go again.
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oops i didnt see your last post :) sounds like you may have a good start as to whats causing you to feel so bad, good luck and keep us updated :)
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Just throwing a random idea out there but do you have any silver (amalgram) fillings? Half of the silver fillings in your teeth have mercury in them and just 1 of those fillings carry as much mercury as a thermometer! If you look up /mercury poisening it can cause a lot of symptoms and people that have been having a hard time finding answers to their health problems have found this playing a role in it. Anytime you chew on those fillings it releases some mercury. Have you had any fillings chip? Or do you have a lot of fillings? I would consider getting them removed (if you do) and do a charcoal/clay detox to rid your body of any metals and it may make you feel somewhat better if not completely?
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1697480 tn?1306784044
Hi all again! Just wanted to give you a very quick update.

Results from Ultrasound and ECHO are both back.
ECHO was fine, but Ultrasound revealed an enlarged spleen.

My doctor thinks it could be a relapse of Mono. which I had about a year ago. They want to do more bloodwork to see if it could be EBV or the actual mono flaring. It would explain why I've felt bad for over two months, and especially the full feeling in my left side, which is the swollen spleen.

Sarah, in a tilt table test, they monitor your blood pressure and vitals while basically emulating you standing up and laying down for extended periods, to check for orthostatic intolerance.

Still not feeling any better at all. :(

Had a lightheaded spell yesterday that really scared me, although I think it was because I was up trying to do too much and had not had anything to eat or drink.

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What do they do when they do the tilt table thingy?
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1697480 tn?1306784044
Hi All! Just wanted to give you an update on what has gone on over the last few days.

I went back to the internal medicine doctor on monday. He said that I looked better (which i will take as good news, right?) :)

He did say that he was not happy with my vitamin B12 levels, it was around 480. So I am doing a weekly nose spray and taking B12 lozenges everyday. Not sure what good that is going to do but hoping that helps.

He switched me from Cymbalta to Lexapro, which is what I was on when I was 14 and 15 for the foggy feeling. I have been taking it for a week with no difference, but I am going to give this one some time since I know it worked well for me the last time.

I told him that I was concerned about the weak feeling  my heart was having and also about the fullness feeling I was having in my side, and he said it would be no problem to do an Ultrasound and ECHO. So I had those done Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Waiting to hear the results on both of those. Just so grateful that my internal medicine doc is allowing me to do whatever it takes to get some peace of mind. I really really like him. Even though his office is a real pain to get a hold of over the phone.

I got the last little bit of bloodwork that hadn't come back when I went to the doctor back a few days ago, and my vitamin B6 level seems to be a bit high, about 10 points above the normal range. Anybody know what that could indicate?

Ugh. Still not seeing any major improvement. Wanting to be me again so bad. hoping these meds will help my mind a bit.

any comments are very welcomed as usual!!
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429700 tn?1308007823
Durn it!  I was hoping that your doctor would find something that could easily be fixed with medicine . . .

Hang in there.  It sounds like our doctor will find something--they seem to have the right attitude, anyway.

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Hi Taylor, one of the hardest things to keep in mind during this journey is how much patience it takes.  Neurological time slows to a crawl - I find it almost as slow as geologic time..   Ok, that's an exageration, but it does take a long time to get appointments and even longer to get answers.

Hold the steady course and keep working with these doctors to find your answers,

best, Lulu

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1697480 tn?1306784044
Hey Deb and everybody.

Most of the bloodwork that I got done on Wednesday is back, and everything is normal.


There are some other people of several forums that I have posted in suggesting that I insist on more Thyroid testing. I am not sure if it will help... but I guess it could be a start. Neurologist's office called and said that the Doctor is STILL insisting on doing the tilt table test. Not sure why he's obsessed with it. Obviously they are not too concerned because it has been a week and a half and haven't heard from the cardiologist. I don't really appreciate their attitude or service.

I ended up not going to the ER or clinic or anything because I figured I would just wait on the thorough bloodwork to come back, in which it did, and there was nothing wrong.

And also, when I took my anxiety medication last night it seemed to ease the breathing/heavyness in my chest.... so maybe this all has something to do with stress... I have no idea though. I wanted the blood work to find something so bad, and now I am back to square one pretty much... so depressing. :(

I took my last Ativan last night and was so scared that I wouldn't be able to get it refilled because it was originally prescribed to me from my MRI... but it is the only thing that has helped me during this entire ordeal... and thankfully the nurse was able to talk the doctor into giving me some... I told him about all the stuff I have gone through lately with tornadoes in my area and stuff... so I think he sympathizes.

The nurse's exact words when I talked to her:
"Your blood work all seems to be normal, but some hasn't come back... but we're digging to get to the bottom of this Taylor!"

made me feel a smidge better.
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429700 tn?1308007823
I'm sorry you're not feeling better.  I would say that perhaps an urgent care facility may be able to put some of your anxiety at rest.  Sometimes anxiety will cause the heaviness and tightness in the chest.  You are probably quite anxious about some of the weird symptoms you're experiencing.  

If you go to an urgent care center, maybe they can do an x-ray of your abdomen to see if you have fluid, gas, an internal organ swelling, etc.   Either way, I think you are justified in going to an urgent care center based solely on the chest heaviness and fullness.  It could be very well be anxiety, but it's better left for the judgement of a doctor.  Maybe something will show up, too, in your blood work that will give a clue as to what is going on.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will find some clue soon.  Keep me posted.

Take care, my friend.

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1697480 tn?1306784044
Hello Deb (and everyone)...

Just wanted to give an update.

First of all Deb, I completely I understood your post, please dont think you're posting too much! I love the feedback and interesting information so please keep it coming.

Yesterday I went for some new bloodwork. My doctor ordered a pleathera of things but the main thing I am excited about is the thyroid stuff. So we will see when they come back. They took at least 6 vials of blood so I am sure they will find a little something if anything. And the lab I went do does electronic results so I will get the lab reports emailed to me! Imagine that!! :)

My doctor's office is in the same building as the lab so I dropped by after my blood tests to talk to the nurse because I just didn't want to suffer through the weekend... I'm tired of feeling awful and not being able to do anything about it. So I told her this and she said she would call me back... Which she finally did.

The doctor is changing me from Wellbutrin to Cymbalta 30mg. She said if I need to take an Ativan I can also do so. I am out so I am hoping that they will do a refill for me for that also.

There are a couple of things that are concerning me, and Deb and everybody, I would like your feedback and thoughts on these things.

Firstly, I am having these vibration like feelings going through my body. It is not really a tremor, as most of the time you cannot see my body shaking. But if you put your hand on my leg and sometimes my arm you can feel very deep pulses almost. They're faster than my heartbeat. I am not sure if I would call it a tremor but it feels very strange. I started experiencing it last week and I seem to be noticing it more this week.

I am also having some weakness in my hands. They feel stiff. Not sure if this goes along with the general body fatigue...? But I have definitely noticed it more this week.

Also the fullness feeling in the left side of my body... It seemed to come and go a few days ago and now it kind if seems to be staying with me. I haven't had any pain with it really at all... But it is concerning me a bit because I feel like the area around my lower rib cage is swollen. My mom and sister sister both said they didn't see anything but I can feel that it is very very slightly swollen. My stomach keeps growling and it kind of seems like it growls a little every so often kind of toward the side... Could this be GAS??! I mean, I just don't know what to think about it. But like I said said have pretty much had it since I've been sick!

Also having chest tightness/heavyness. Not sure if it's nerves or really something to worry about. I haven't really been having trouble breathing.. Just the sensation that my chest is heavy.

I am wondering if I should make a trip down to the ER just to get them to image my abdomen and see if they see anything.. I would really love to have an ultrasound done on it but can an ER order stuff like that??

Has anybody used Cymbalta, and if so how did you like it? Doc said it would help with shakiness/vibration feelings so I will be taking it shortly when I get out of bed!

I am so tired. :( and also tired of not feeling well.

thanks for any info y'all can provide!
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429700 tn?1308007823
I just reread this, which I should have done before I posted, and it's a mess.  Hopefully, you can weed through this mess (if you want to) to figure out what I was saying.  Sorry about that!

Off to bed I go!
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429700 tn?1308007823
The cognitive issues for me are the worst and most disabling symptom.  It is funny how MS affects people differently.  For some (like my sister), it affects people more physically.  I do have physical symptoms, but I'm mobile and don't expect to not be in the future.  You never know, though, because MS is so unpredictable, but I have this feeling about it.  Plus, most people with MS do not end up in wheelchairs.  

The cognitive issues are a battle for me.  There are medications to help with this.  I used to take Provigil which helped with the fatigue and cognitive problems.  Medications sometimes get a black eye, but I cannot function without them.  I was taking Provigil for a long time until my insurance company said no to them.  In fact, I started Provigil before my diagnosis (I think six months prior to).  I'm taking Ritalin now, but it's not strong enough.  I will be seeing my neurologist next Monday, so I will be talking to him about it.  

I have a very serious issue wth cognitive problems.  When I write them, down they sound worse than they probably are.  Presently, I'm having a real issue.  Thankfully, I'm seeing my neuro soon.  Basically, I"m a space cadet.  Someone can be talking to me, and I will not even know it but I will be looking of somewhere else.  I sometimes catch myself, but there's many times that I don't.  Additionally, I can only pay attention to a sentence or two at a time, otherwise I don't understand what is being said to me.  Understanding crowds make it almost impossible.  I cannot understand anyone in a crowd.  This could be related to my hearing problems, but it could very well be cognitive.  Lastly, I am very forgetful.  I've had very, very embarrasing moments with this  If I'm not taking medication, I cannot get up in front of a group of people to speak.  I forget what I'm going to say when I need to say it.  

As I mentioned, there's medications to help.  With a fast heart rate, it will probably rule out a couple of options for you (like Ritalin), but not all.  Provigil made me feel way better.  It took a few weeks and possibly a month or two to get used to the feeling of the medication, but after that, I felt halfway human.  

I understand the feeling of frustration, too.  I was undiagnosed for years.  I made the mistake of focusing too much on my health--which is so, so easy to do because I felt like poop all of the time.  I just wanted to unlock the mystery as to what was causing me to feel so bad and get the magic treatment to fix me up!  I talked to others--my family, friends, etc.  They help a little bit, but then after a few years a giant wall was built up.  They finally got tired of listening to me!  I thought I was being positive about it all, but they were just a sick hearing about stuff as I was physically sick myself.  Frustation, disappointment, bewilderment, and depression set in.  

I guess the best thing to do is to find a diversion--something that will really drive you away from thinking about things, a passion.  For me now, it's painting.  I go to museums research, taking lessons, etc.  I also like to help others.  Getting involved in church, book club, gym, etc. may help. For some people, exercising really helps.  Additionally, when you are finding yourself depressed, seek the care of your doctor.  There's no need to suffer when great medications are available.  I can literally feel the depression chemical when it's released in my bloodstream.  I hate it, and it is also very disabling.    

I've written a book.  I'm sorry about the length of my posts!  

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1697480 tn?1306784044

Thank you so much for your well wishes. I have seen some positive things, while others seem to be the same, but I am trying to keep as positive as I can. As you know it can be very difficult to do sometimes, but you have to to keep moving on! Yes, my MRI results were very reassuring to a point, but I still do not know what is going on, so that is not the best answer. But no news is good news I suppose! I just want to know what is wrong with me so I can fix it. :(


I know, I thought it was very interesting also that I haven't gotten those tests done, I am almost regretting not getting them done when I was in the office last week. I am definitely going this week to get them done though. I know that I am having symptoms of depression too.. I just feel like I can't go on anymore! But I am, and I will continue to.

That is very interesting about the flare ups. I am still wondering about MS... but as we have said... the negative MRI is definitely a good sign. What kind of cognitive issues to you have? What do you do when you are frustrated beyond imagination, and don't know what do to do anymore? I need some things that I can do to kind of calm me down, let me know everything is going to be okay. I am definitely going to read tonight, but what else helps you? What do you recommend? I think I have had a major problem in looking stuff up... today I scared myself silly with some of the things that I found. :( I know that I have to stop doing that.
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429700 tn?1308007823
The tests that your doctor should order to find thyroid dysfunction are the TSH, T3, and T4.   With the symptoms you have, I'm surprised that you haven't had this test!  Thyroid disease is a great mimic of MS and can cause neurological symptoms.  BTW, I forgot to mention that a goiter on the thyroid can cause swallowing issues, too.  Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause heart rate problems.  I do have blood pressure issues.  I have to take medicine for this, too.  I noticed the problem in my mid-20's and thought it was related to pregnancy, but I continued to have problems ever since then.

Flare-ups for people with MS is a new symptom or worsening of a symptom that lasts over 24 hours.  I've had symptoms that would come and go that would last two weeks that weren't always consistently there that would be considered as a relapse.  Some people have relapses that last months and some just over 24 hours.  Some symptoms last forever, some lessen, some go away altogether.  

It is certainly wonderful to hear that your brain MRI is negative.  Having no lesions in your brain or spinal cord completed probably with MS protocol on a closed machine 1.5T or greater does lessen your chance for having MS and is a really good thing.  Having said this, it doesn't lessen the urgency that your doctor(s) need to get to the bottom of what's causing your symptoms.  Just because it may not be MS doesn't mean that it can't be serious or disabling.  Cognitive issues are certainly disabling.  This has been a very big problem for me, so I know exactly how you must feel.

Keep posting away!  It doesn't bother anyone in the least.  Plus, many gain a lot of insight from reading the experience of others--I know I do.  

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