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1318483 tn?1318347182

My LP results

Well, I thought I would call the hospital where I had the LP done to see how long until I will get results and how to go about getting a copy for myself.  The woman looked me up in her computer and lo and behold, the final report is in.  She faxed me a release form, I faxed it back.  She says it is 11 pages long.  She never sent the fax so I called back an.....well, wait.  My phone is ringing now.  It is the hospital...brb

I am getting the report faxed to me right now...It feels so WRONG to say that I hope it shows something, but I do.

Okay, I have my LP results or report.  Now I wish I went to med school.  :( I don't understand them.  What am I looking for?

Confused and frustrated,

19 Responses
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1318483 tn?1318347182
Thank you all so very much!  Your replies and support are appreciated more than you know.  I did put the papers away yesterday.  Then I vegged in front of the tv.  I just had to watch the Bachelor.  lol.  I know Brad is gonna chose Emily in the end!  :)

Last night it kind of felt like my emotions crashed.  My 5th grand baby is gonna be born tomorrow morning!   I am trying to keep that as my ain focus right now.  It didn't work last night (and that worried me) but it is working today.  But, I am kinda feeling numb.

I saw my pcp this morning.  He tweaked my meds a bit and told me I need to go back to physical therapy.  I think it is time.  Maybe they can help decrease my muscle spasms a bit.  My follow up appointment with new neuro is next week.  He should have both my LP and brain MRI results by then.  It really is nice to be able to get in to see him whenever I need to.  I really should have changed neuros a long time ago.

I really appreciate all of your support.  It means a lot to me!   Candy, let me finish catching up on forum and then I will give you a call.  :)

Hugs to all,

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1168718 tn?1464983535
Hang in ther sweetie !!!   I had a negative LP and no o bands either, but I was still diagnosed 1 year later.  So, I don't think it if need to confirm a dx but it does help them in ruling out other things.

I agree with everyone, set it aside, ( though I know it is impossible, and you are probably Googling the words a we speak) ..... LOL ...
Sit, down and brethe, and have a cup of tea, and dcall me............ I will message you my number, and it would be fabulous to chat with you in person.

Ok, take care sweetie, and try and let it go till you see you Dr....
*HUGS to you,
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Addi girl,

You hang in there ya hear? When you go in for the post LP follow-up?  Those results on o-bands came in quick. Like the others mine took weeks longer than the rest of the info.

Maureen - is your full report in too?


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1437229 tn?1296070020
Hi Addi,

My lumbar puncture was negative, but I still received a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.  My neurologist did not hesitate.  Although he did not prescribe any meds until his final diagnosis about 5 weeks ago, my primary care physician started me on Neurontin (Gabapentin) for the nerve pain and spasms, and Duragesic patches for the pain.

I understand and am so sorry about your frustration concerning your weakness.  My symptoms began in January of last year and the initial diagnosis in July.  I began needing to use the whelchair for long distances in early October.  Now, I use it most all the time except within my home.  I know that if I can get through this you can, too.

I am rooting for you.

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1606301 tn?1304547195
Hi Addi, I had a negative spinal tap as well and still received a Dx of MS. Hang in there, I hope you have a persistent doc :)
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1394601 tn?1328032308
Oh yeah and I am glad your upset and ticked.  It might be what you need to move mountains.  And us?  The posters on this board?  We gonna be right there pushing it behind you.
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1394601 tn?1328032308
This old girl was in a wheelchair, too.  Her neuro did MRI's of both my brain and spine on a 1.5t.  It showed a small "age" related lesion on my brain.  My spine showed a pinched nerve.  I sat with that idiot for three and a half years. Then finally we went to a new neuro. Turns out the small "age" related lesion is an MS lesions.  When my spine was done on a 3t it lit up like fireworks.

That first neuro watched as I lost more and more body strength.  I went from using that wheelchair for long distances to short distances to finally being gifted (from a son) a scooter to use in my home.  I, like you, knew something was seriously wrong.  

My advise is keep going to another for an opinion.  Some here on this board have been to seven or more neuro's before getting dxed.  And guess what?  It is so worth it.  The longer you wait the more damage is being done to your body.

I believe you.  I lived it.  My only regret was not getting downright into warrior mode.  It may take that for you to get help.  You man enough????????
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1312898 tn?1314568133
I wish I was there with you to help you through this!  A positive LP isn't needed for diagnosis.  I don't know why you are going through all of this.  I think one of these doctors should try you on one of the DMD's that everyone here takes.  If you respond to them, then they know you have MS.

You are sick and disabled, I don't know why they haven't been able to figure it out.  

For now maybe put the test results away and hang out here with us, or go do something--out to eat etc.  I have faith that this new doctor is going to continue to help you.  A negative test may help him know what to order next.


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1396846 tn?1332459510
Yeah put it away before you give yourself a headache lol and wait to see your neuro and let him tell you what is what. I know it is hard ot have it in hand and not try to read it but it is better to let the professionals decifer the 10 pages you have on hand. I always wait to see my neuro before getting the reports that way I don't drive myself crazy. :)

Take Care,

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1318483 tn?1318347182
Then why did I have to get the LP done in the first place?

I am going to try not to feel all negative and wanting to throw my hands up in the air and saying forget it all.  I do want to know why I am in a wheelchair.  Dammit.  I just keep getting more debilitated and more debilitated.  And every time I get another test and it comes out showing nothing, it completely deflates me.  

I don't even know what to say
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1318483 tn?1318347182

Okay, I think I found my IgG Index + Synthesis Rate:

IgG, Quant, CFS:  1.2 (reference interval 0.0-8.6)
Albumin, CFS:  14 (reference interval 11-48)
Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum:  667 low (reference interval 700-1600)
Albumin, Serum:  4.1 (reference interval 3.5-5.5)
IgG/Alb Ratio, CFS:  0.09 (reference interval 0.00-0.25)
CFS IgG Index:  0.5 (reference interval 0.0-0.7)
IgG, Syn Rate, CFS:  -1.7 (reference interval -9.9 to +3.3
CFS/Serum Alb. Index:  3 (reference interval 0-8)
Relationship to blood-brain barrier:  Consistent with an intact barrier <9

I should probably just put this report away.  I think what all this jumble of words that makes no sense to me is basically just a negative result.  
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1394601 tn?1328032308
I got my LP results back in just a few days.  According to my neuro it didn't matter if it was negative or positive.  I had MS.  Period.

So I wouldn't put too much weight on the LP.  In fact, I would put about zero.
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1396846 tn?1332459510

Just wait to see the neuro. My LP reports were short and sweet so maybe they have to deficer it to get to the bottom of what the real results are. But those were the two that my neuro pointed out to me. It is not a definate MS dx with the LP either way it goes so don't give up hope.  I never try to decifer mine. I always ask like you have here and then wait to see my doctor tells me what is going on to know for sure.

My LP results took about 2 1/2 weeks to get back so you did get yours back very quickly but maybe they are just fast.

I really hope they get to the bottom of what is going on with you. If you are in a wheelchair then they need to find out why.

Good Luck,
Good Luck and hopefully your neuro will have some answers for you.
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1318483 tn?1318347182
Thanks, Julie
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1382889 tn?1505071193
  Hugs to you girl.  Okay, know what I am praying for.  I would be trying to interpret myself if I were you.

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1318483 tn?1318347182

I have 10 pages in my report.  I think I see on here that I have zero o-bands in my CSF.  So, does it matter if there are any in my blood or not?

I guess they did the testing right.  I thought it was suppose to take longer to get all of the results in?  I just had my LP on Tuesday.  But, this report says it was performed using Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) and immunoblotting methodology.  In the Health Pages, Quix says the test must be done using that.  

I can't find the IgG index on here.  If I have zero o-bands in my CSF, does it matter what this index is?

Julie - I have an appointment with my neuro next week.  But I have no patience.  I also had another MRI done on my brain.  I will be getting those results tomorrow or Wednesday.  Those are much easier to understand than this LP report!

I am so tired of negative results.  I can't walk.  I am in a wheelchair.  

I am feeling defeated and deflated right now.
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963268 tn?1312900315
I have a question.  What was your Igg level?  I ask because I have results from my LP and it says Igg 2.40.  But it doesn't say Igg Index, so am not sure what it means.  I believe I am missing a page or 2 from the labs.  


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1382889 tn?1505071193
  Goodness, isn't your doctor available to interpret the results for you?  You shouldn't have to do this!

  I am keeping my fingers crossed but not sure what for. For a positive or negative result?  Best wishes sent your way.

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1396846 tn?1332459510

You will be looking for the Obands in your serum and cfs and the IgG index. I understand that you want it to show something. That is what I wanted to and mine showed 1 oband and and elevated IgG index so he said it wasn't enough with the single oband but some neuros take the one oband and an elevated IgG as a positive LP.

Wishing you the best.

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