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LP test for futher MS confirmation.

Dear All,
I'm new member. I'm 48 yrs old male, Indonesian.  starting 5 months ago had a symptoms with a bit tingling on my left hand, continued with light spacity, numbness on fingers and light muscle weakness on the arm. Three months later my left hand is getting better, however, at the same time my right arm start experiencing the same symptoms.
Nowadays, my both hands are getting better, no more spacity and muscles strength are getting better, only feeling look like light numbness at both hand's palm. temperatur sensory are normal.
I had 3 times MRI at different hospitals (as well as different radiologist) resulting a (one) hyperintense at intramedullary C1, but this had different radiologist interpretation. first diagnosed as Syringomyelia, second MRI diagnosed as Astrocytoma and third MRI diagnosed with MS.
I've been treating with methylprednisolon, My Evoke Potential test shown normal.
in the near future I'm going to have LP test, my question is whether I'm possible MS and LP test is valuable during this remission phase ?
Thank You & Sincerely.

4 Responses
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562511 tn?1285904160
Hi again.  For what it is worth, my cervical MRI showed a lesion with a differential diagnosis of either a glioma or demyelinating lesion.  I already had a diagnosis of MS and my neurologist determined it was a MS lesion.

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Hi Agung, and welcome to our community here.

If I understand your question - once you have o-bands in your spinal fluid, it is there forever.  Whether your disease is in an active phase or not, the LP markers do not go away.

I'm not familiar with the medical system in Indonesia or what drugs may be available to you.  If you feel like sharing, I would love to learn more.

Welcome again and I hope we will see you around,
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611606 tn?1315517767
Hi, I am shadowSister, I can't Dx You, but I can say welcome to our group. You are going to find a wonderful loving and careing  Support System Here. So stay with us, when my life calms down I'll be in touch more.. Looking forward to us becoming friends... You are in my Prayers. {{{{{~!~}}}}
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562511 tn?1285904160
Hello and welcome to the MedHelp MS Forum.  All of these different opinions must have you terribly confused.  

If your lumbar puncture is normal, it does not exclude MS.  If it is positive for Oligoclonal Bands, it indicates multiple sclerosis.  A diagnosis of MS can be complicated.  Many factors are considered, such as a history of "attacks" such as optic neuritis, urinary issues, etc.  Also, the neurological physical examination is important in making a diagnosis.

Please take a minute to read the Health Pages which can be found on this page, upper right hand corner.  Press on the Health Pages icon.  You will find an article "Can you diagnose MS with an LP that is negative for O-Bands"   that should help you understand the role of an LP in diagnosing MS.

What does your neurologist have to say about the conflicting reports?  

Good luck to you and ask as many questions you might have.  It is after midnight here.  Only us night owls are awake.  
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