230625 tn?1216761064

Leg/arm weakness ~ muscle fatigue/shakiness

What type of leg/arm weakness do you experience?  

I have heard many experience more of a muscle fatigue where their leg or arm feels like it is weighed down with cement.

My weakness is more of a "shakiness" or where my legs feel like jello or wobbly.  They do not feel "heavy".  Actually, there are times where my whole body feels like it's shaking, but it's only visible in my hands.  

Is there different types of weakness in MS or do you experience different types?   Do you initially feel wobbly, then have muscle fatigue later?   Or, is it just the unpredictability of this disease in that everyone experiences something different?

Still un-Dx'd and looking for answers.....  Pat :)
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Hello,  I don't think I have ever seen you post here before.  Are you new to the forum?  If so, I would like to welcome you.  If not, I am sorry I have missed you.  I myself am undiagnosed and looking for answers.  I have all of the symptoms of MS and am currently being retested.  I have not had the time to post my timeline of symptoms yet, but I have been experiencing much of what you are describing.  My muscle problems change in type depending on how fatigued I am.  Most of the time it starts with just a general soreness and overworked feeling in the muscles.  I usually start feeling too weak to hold my hairdryer up or hold my kids for long periods of time.  If I have been in the heat, have not gotten enough rest, or have had any alchohol to drink, my legs get really weak and I feel I just don't have the energy to put one foot in front of the other.  As my fatigue progresses, I start getting the jittery/shaky feeling you were describing.  It feels like I am jerking all over.  I begin to then get muscle twitches and hand tremors (mainly on my right side).  When it gets really bad, I start getting the heavy feeling.  I had one incidence where I took a hot bath, and afterwards felt like I was sinking into the floor.  It was a really drugged out feeling, and I couldn't muster up the strength to even lift my arms up from my sides.  It lasted for about an hour and went away.  So I guess you could say I have experienced all of the above from what you listed in your post.  I have also been falling a lot.  I think that my numbness in my right leg and foot have something to do with it.  I will step on an unven peice of ground and my foot does not adjust properly to it (I am guessing because I cannot really feel the difference in the bottom of my foot).  Then it is just like the muscles in my ankle and leg let go, and I am on the ground before you can say boo!  Does any of this sound familiar to you?

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230625 tn?1216761064
Thanks so much for the welcome.  I am new to this forum.  I have my "intro" posted in the "Newbie and Still Seeking a Dx" thread.  It isn't quite a timeline yet.  I'll have to work on that.

I'm sorry that you're still looking for answers as well.  

I am not affected by the heat or feel the fatigue as of this point.   My legs feel shaky when I awake in the morning.  In fact, I feel my worst in the morning hours.  I feel better (and a bit stronger) as the day goes on.  I thought it was related to my blood sugar, but my PCP tested it and it seems to be ok.

My hands always have a fine tremor.  It does get worse when I use them more (i.e. washing my hair, typing on a keyboard, etc.).  My legs also feel jittery when I use them more as well.  A walk down or up a flight of stairs has them really shaking, but not the heavy/fatigued feeling.   More of like I'm extremely nervous.

My legs do feel very shaky when I hold my youngest child as well.  So much so, that I try to not carry him anymore.  He's now 3, so he can pretty much walk around on his own now anyway. :)

I also have muscle twitches, but they've only been in my calf muscles.  I have one distinct spot on my inner right calf that seems to twitch the most.  

Thanks for the welcome and I sure hope that you can get a Dx soon!

Take care! Pat :)
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Hi, welcome.  I am new to the forum and also searching for dx.  My symptoms are almost identical to Jenn's.  I am glad she included the thing about alcohol, thanks Jenn.  I used to drink a little on special occasions but for the past three or four years I could take one drink and start feeling really bad.  Now I know why, just like with most of my unexplained other symtoms.

Good luck with finding a dx, everyone on this forum is very helpful and will guide you as best they can.  I still don't know enough to be much help, but I'm here if you need moral support.

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230625 tn?1216761064
Thanks for the welcome!    I hope you find some answers soon!
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147426 tn?1317265632
Hi, I keep meaning to give my personal answer (not scientific) to this.  I experience three different kinds of "weakness".  The first in my right leg is what I feel is a true weakness.  I have atrophy of the quad and of the calf.  I try to work the muscles but they just aren't there and I can do minimal work.  The second I feel periodically in my arms, usually when I'm hot or fatigued.  It often shows up as a tiredness.  Feels like I'm trying to type with 3 lb weights on my wrists and they feel heavy.

The third is an off again on again feeling in my left thigh that (if you look through all my posts - quite a feat because it turns out that I have over 550 posts since late May.  I DO like to hear myself talk)  I have often mentioned feeling like I have "jelly-legs" -  trembly and shaky  like I worked out too hard (but I didn't).  Also, currently my L'Hermitte's shows up with this feeling which also feels a little like the jelly-legs combined with an electric buzz.  

Depending on where the lesion is one is going to feel all sorts of different sensations.  I would guess it has a lot to do with whether sensory nerves are also involved and whether it is the major muscle group trying to do the action or a helper/accessory muscle.

Some people also feel a weakness at rest.

So, if it abnormal, it can probably be a sensation in MS.  

Now you can add those thoughts.  Let me know if you figure anything out.  I just do an inventory every day and when I need to, I do a visual double-check to make sure everything is still there, lol.

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Hello everyone! My symptoms sound a lot like most of yours. I am 27 years old and these symptoms started about 3 months ago after I came back from a camping trip. I have had a spinal tap, an mri, a catscan and they cannot find a thing. I am taking propranolol and it help my tremors a bit but not the other symptoms. I my hands are aways shaking especially when I am using them to sign papers or do things with my hands in front of others. All my muscles in my legs and arms feel weak but at the same time they can get very stiff. My hands/fingers get stiff and I work in an office and need to type but it has become very difficult. My legs feel heavy and walking down stairs is so exhausting. My legs shake like jello whenever I walk down stairs. Going up escalators is also difficult because I have lost me balance and I feel that I will fall back. I often find myself dropping things because I do not always get a good grip and my hand co-ordination is delayed. I have been having issues with my eyes when walking up stairs or reading I see double. I constanly feel anxious for no reason. I feel like my life has changed, I find it very difficult to work or grocery shop. I wish I had some answers it is so tough not knowing what it is. I am happy to see there is support here and others are experiencing the same thing.
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Hi, I'm new to this forum.  For the past 6 months I've been experiencing a feeling in my thighs, front and back.  The back being a tightness and the front feeling soar, like jelly sour.  At times I feel a burning sensation on on my hams closer to and behind the knee area.  If I sit for a  very long time or sit on a couch watching tv, they start  bothering me.  Stretching helps.  I do go to the gym to work out, lately it's been just cardio 1 or 2 days a week.  I used to do more weights, but I feel maybe the tightness in my hamstring was caused by doing legs at the gym and not enough time stretching.  Sometimes when i lift my leg to move, it feels like I have a weak muscle.  I don't know if it's a problem or the fact that I work out less often.  I do walk 10 minute walks from the train station to work and then visa versa.  So it's not like I am not active at times.  But my legs bother me.  I never had this problem.  But all I can think of is lack of excercise and stretching.  Has anyone else ever experienced this feeling?  It feels like I'm breaking down the tissues and it feels when I grab the thigh to rub deeply..  I'm so frustrated by this feeling.  My body is young, 36 and I feel this is the beginning of growing old "not" gracefully.  Thank you.
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Hello TP360, I am also a newbie to this forum and has been very impressed by the unselfishness of others who are also bothered by neurological difficulties.  I can relate to you as I myself was an avid athletic person prior to suffering from weak leg extremities and fatique.  I used to work out faithfully at the gym and outdoors three times a week until I started to develop difficulties.  My most prominent symptom occured a few years ago in which I began to notice that my right leg always felt very heavy at the end of the day.  At times I felt unsteady when walking and would feel like I am about to fall.  I noticed that these symptoms became more prominent whenever I was under any kind of stress.  I am a social worker and sometimes am incredibly busy and have to meet many deadlines.  I also noticed that when I am under any emotional distress symptoms would also start up.  You say that you are 36 years old and I say that you are young and this should be a good time in your life.  I am sorry that you are having these symptoms especially when you are doing the right things to presumably stay healthy.  I still have symptoms.  I can sometimes challenge my own body.  I ran/walked on my treadmill for 5 miles on Tuesday and felt good with the challenge however the next few days I am paying for this in fatique and feeling unsteady on my feet.  I have been on vacation this week and really want to get back into a routine.  Having this condition can be really frustrating.  However, I know that it is important to keep the body fit.  I encourage you to continue to exercise but don't overdo like I have.  I have gained about 15-20 pounds due to this condition and possibly dealing with the challenge of full time job/graduate school from 2003 to 2006.  Hang in there :)       Ruggiesse
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Hello TP360, I am also a newbie to this forum and has been very impressed by the unselfishness of others who are also bothered by neurological difficulties.  I can relate to you as I myself was an avid athletic person prior to suffering from weak leg extremities and fatique.  I used to work out faithfully at the gym and outdoors three times a week until I started to develop difficulties.  My most prominent symptom occured a few years ago in which I began to notice that my right leg always felt very heavy at the end of the day.  At times I felt unsteady when walking and would feel like I am about to fall.  I noticed that these symptoms became more prominent whenever I was under any kind of stress.  I am a social worker and sometimes am incredibly busy and have to meet many deadlines.  I also noticed that when I am under any emotional distress symptoms would also start up.  You say that you are 36 years old and I say that you are young and this should be a good time in your life.  I am sorry that you are having these symptoms especially when you are doing the right things to presumably stay healthy.  I still have symptoms.  I can sometimes challenge my own body.  I ran/walked on my treadmill for 5 miles on Tuesday and felt good with the challenge however the next few days I am paying for this in fatique and feeling unsteady on my feet.  I have been on vacation this week and really want to get back into a routine.  Having this condition can be really frustrating.  However, I know that it is important to keep the body fit.  I encourage you to continue to exercise but don't overdo like I have.  I have gained about 15-20 pounds due to this condition and possibly dealing with the challenge of full time job/graduate school from 2003 to 2006.  Hang in there :)       Ruggiesse
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222135 tn?1236488221
I actually thought you'd been around then gone for a while. Maybe you were on different forum?

I get the cement feeling quite a bit, especially when I'm having a lot of spasms. However, when I get fatigued or hot, I get the jello legs. I have no diagnosis, so this may not help you.

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222135 tn?1236488221
oh, duh! I just saw the July original posting date! What a putz I am. Sorry.
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198419 tn?1360242356
6 paq -

I remember you, you've been here before.. . I think, but it's been awhile right?

Anywho, I get the shakey, trembly legs.  It varies.  I've had a weird numb sensation between the knee and down to the foot, but the Dr says there is no muscle there in the front, which I know, but that is the sensation.

Also have the trembly type, which feels like you have your leg in a bad position, and you can't put all your weight on it.  Kind of like if it's resisting - weird.

I've had the arm weakness all along, but am going to do a little weights to see if i can get some strengh back in them.  Carrying groceries clued me into that one, as well as blow drying my hair. . .

Your not alone 6-Paq, and if you've returned, I'm glad, and if you are a new 6-paq, well then welcome, glad you've found us.

Be well,
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198419 tn?1360242356
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm losing it too!!!!

I just realized that I should of been posting to TP360 and Rugg!!!!!

TOTALLY need to pay more attention - put me in the putz pile too - Penns, i'll see you there buddy, just like the Matheau and Grumpy old men. . .  we should make up a new one, Grumpy ol' MSers.. .
ha/ha. .

Welcome TP360 and Rugg, stick around, we'll get it straight. . .

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333021 tn?1207759633
TP360 and Rugg,  
Welcome and PLEASE excuse to two ladies in front of me I think they must have had too much ice cream last night ..  :))     ( along with me )   I was reading through and was wondering why everyone was introducing themselves..  I knew some had been here a long time .   Well, well...those darn ice cream hangovers.

Yup, my arms get tired with blow drying my hair too. I was setting a glass bowl in my glass coffee table and could not lower it gently , it was like it weighed a ton ( THAT surprised me)   And jelly legs and weighted legs.   Twice now , after things have been quite for awhile and then start back up , I get this feeling like I am walking with snowshoes on ( and look it ) .

Its very nice to meet you ladies ,   HUGS      
Weak in the knees...      Jo
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222135 tn?1236488221
I'm laughing my some needed bulk off my backside;)  You two are too funny!

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Thank you for responding.  I'm thinking my problem relates to my back and the connective nerves.  I too feel like this has caused me to gain weight, more like "jelly" weight in my hip and thigh area.  Then again, I'm less active, but my body doesn't respond like it used to.  Is there any specialist, doctor to see for this type of problem I can't identify?  I will hang in there, my back thighs are burning now and this makes me worry about ever having a baby knowing being pregnant causes so many other discomforts for 9 months, legs & back being some of the few.  Fun for me.  My heart goes out to the ones suffering any kind of condition like this.  Best, TP360
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Hi Jen,

I read your post from July. This may not be the issue with you, but when my mom was taking cholesterol pills, Lipitor, she experienced the heavy feeling in her legs, like she couldn't walk half the time. Climing up the stairs was just painful for her.  She's in her early 60's.  It was the Lipitor, she never experienced such side effects in her life.  She did stop taking the medicine and the syptoms have disappeared.  She takes a different prescription for it, and she is okay now.  But I thought maybe this could help someone if in fact one has not made that kind of connection with medication.
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I woke up this morning and when I got out of bed found my legs were very weak.  I could hardly walk.   I became very shaky.  I was very scared as I have never had anything like this before although my arms have been weak fsince I was young, , but nothing so bad I couldn't live with it.  I have mild headaches every day for which I take Tylenol or aspirin.  Other than that I am in good health except for bouts of depression and anxiety.  I take synthroid for underactive thyroid, paxil for depression and meprobamate for anxiety.  Later today  I have been able to walk better, but my legs still feel a little weak.  I am in my late seventies.  If anyone has any idea what could be causing this I would be grateful for your connents.   Thank you.    Colleen
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I checked my wife into the hospital Friday here in Austin. She was so shaky she could not walk on her own. It came on over about a week.  
Her hands were shaky beginning about 4 weeks before that. Her muscles she described as having run a marathon.
She is diagnosed prelim today as advanced hyper thyroid. Brain scan came back normal.
I intend to have her tested for Lime Disease, MS, and other culprits including lupus etc..
We have 4 small children. She had a tummy tuck a few years back and they cut a main nerve in the process. wondering if that may have some compounding effects on this new emergency in our lives..
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429700 tn?1308007823
Thyroid disorders can cause neurological symptoms from the shakiness to weakness.  Also, it can related to hyperthyroidism--a disorder called myasthenia gravis which can cause extreme weakness that you've described.  In addition, Graves disease of hyperthyroidism, can cause visual symptoms that looks an awful lot like MS--blurred and doubled vision.  

I hope your wife's doctors can figure out what is causing all of this (if it isn't hyperthyroidism).  It must be a very scary time for the both of you.  I'm not a doctor, so take anything I have to say with a grain of salt; however, I have a thyroid problem (hypothyroidism) and MS, and can speak about this from what I've learned from research into my own problems.  

I'm sending your wife wishes for a full and speedy recovery.  Please keep us posted.  

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Hi AustinTCX,
You may not realize it but you posted on a very old thread - most people won't see you questions/comments here.

Would you mind starting a new post and include some background on your wife's symptoms?  

I hope she is doing better and getting quality medical care.

my best,
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667923 tn?1421462724
     I just wanted to ask if all of ur test like Thyroid and Lyme,and Lupus all come back normal what then. These were done by NL so I know he did a thorough check. He now wants me to get a brain scan and cervical MRI(the first one to rule out MS). I have asked him @ MS, but he just now is thinking of it...so at least I am going to get tested. It is so scary @ ins. Thank God my hubby has me on his. I am so thankful..I suffer so much and it scares me to think I have a tumor or something really serious..I have felt that for so long...God Forbid..
     I have the classic burning features with muscle weakness, muscle atrophy(bad, and in my legs only),PAIN..of course..the bad kind, getting this stiffness so bad that I feel like I have been in the same position for hours and how hard it is to move it at all. I feel like a rusty ole bolt or something. I hurt in my neck bad too. I have so many symptoms it is sooo scary. I couldn't begin to tell you exactly how I feel. Depressed..yeah from the pain. It can make you that way. If you stay in bed because you can't do anything for it causing you excruciatin pain, you just stay in bed. THE PAIN is just too much. I mean I try to do as much as I can. I do too much on the time that I have..minimal. I have these rings that have formed indentions in my upper calf muscle. It is strange, that they are like symetrical to where they are on both legs, but on opposite sides. I have a lot of numbness,pin/needles,things feeling like they're crawling on you...speaking of...sorry. I have these hot spots I call them. THey just come up anywhere and you feel like fire has been dropped on it. My abdomen is swollen a bit. I have lost 8 lbs. Yeah for me!!
     I also have these horrible cramps and I can't even scratch one foot with the other.I tried to change the channel on the TV and I had a bad one hit from my middle finger on up to my elbow. I can't think anymore and my fingers are gone. Help me if u can think of anything..THank You... Karen and oh always...GOD BLESS
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hi skeetlemore,

You may not realize it but you posted on a very old thread - most people won't see you questions/comments here.

Would you please start your questions as a new thread so it will get the attention it deserves?  We're a very helpful community and would love to give you some guidance and share our experience.

my best,
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