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1218873 tn?1300091216

I was ready to scream

Well I had been referred to the neuro-rehabilitation unit by my neuro. I had an appointment to see the consultant.

The appointment was 15mins late no big deal. When I was called it was witha registar not the consultant.
I sat down, I must point out  this Dr was foriegn. He tells me he has read my notes, but could I tell him what was happening from the beginning. I shot a glance to my husband I felt my self beginning to well up but I tried hard to re tell what had happened over the last 18months, as I did he flicked through my noted it was apperent that he had not really read them.

I explained the problems with the numbness and pins and needles,burning, bladder issues, the face and eye problem etc etc...., he intrupted with questions which due to his accent I struggled to understand, at one point he asked me what sort of house I lived in I responded by saying a "big house" (I thought it was an odd question) He repeated what he thought I said as "a Beach House" both myself and my husband corrected him, this should of been my clue.

Having explained every he then asked if I got pins and needles another glance to my DH was this guy real! Everything I told him he then ask as a question was he trying to catch me out or what? - he was obviously having more of a problem understanding me than I was him.

Then he asked "what I was expecting to get out of the appointment? " well I really didn't know, I had asked several Dr I had seen since knowning I had this referred and no-one really knew what the unit offerred.

Having examined me he said he didn't know what they could offer me as all the tests had been done, (why was I here?) he needed to talk to the consultant. I was truely ready to scream. So we sat in the office and waited. 30 mins later afer a few apologies. She came in (Oh no she spoke so fast with a slight accent I found it really difficult to understand her to start with).

I have to point out that my notes only have the Dr letters it would appear, or thats all they read. No one looks at the actual results just the interpritation of them. So what one person has stated is it, no one re looks at the results.

She took a huge amount of time to explain that she understood I had real problems but they were unable to put a name to it. She suggested that I up the dose of Lyrica I take and the asked would I be happier if the MD consultant stiil did this, I said yes (I understand him) she was ready to just sign me of, and then ask me to do a few things rising on my toes etc... At this point she decided that she needed to see me in 6 months. She is the first person too point out that as a dance teacher my balance and cordination would be very good so that fact I was swaying about the place was very bad for some one with my back ground. The registar point out the weekness down my left side.

She then asked me to walk down the hall and talked about my gait which I knew I had a problem with, and decided that I should have physio with there neuro physio team. Then she wanted to see me again.

If anybody was in that waiting room I apologies we had a 20 mins appointment and we were in there for 2 hours! with 2 doctors at one point an admin person appeared to tell them how late they were and patients were ranting! ( I know I would have been).

I glad she has offered the physio, as it looked like the afternoon was a complete waste of time.

Well thank all. I've got it of my chest.
6 Responses
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Hi Twist,
This appt certainly does take some twists.  As you know from being here a while, getting that dx can be difficult if you don't have the classic symptoms line up for the doctors to see.  There are so many differential diagnosis that they really do need to get it right.

From my perspective, despite the language barrier, it sounds like the consultant is trying to do the right thing.  The physio is excellent to do in the meantime while you are still in limbo.  At least the consultant didn't pat you on the head and send you away.

hang in there,
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1519634 tn?1368800800
It's a sad state of affairs when you go to see a specialist to try to get some help, even if that turns out to be a better understanding / something to help ease the symptoms / or someone that can at the very least understand, repeat or take good notes regarding what you have said for later review / all until a concrete dx can be arrived at for whatever is ailing you... only to find out that you actually made an appointment with a Dell Customer Support person who doesn't fluently understand or speak the English language.

Specialist / Dell Support:
Hello, my name is Joe, how can I help you

Yes, I am calling about the monitor that came with my computer.  There appears to be something wrong with it as I am staring at a screen filled with thin horizontal lines that are jumping all over the place.

Specialist / Dell Support:
I am sorry for your troubles Mr. Doug.  Is the computer and monitor plugged in?

Yes.  How do you think it is getting power for me to see these lines?

Specialist / Dell Support:
"I am sorry, but we are going to have to reformat your hard drive."

"Why?  I called because my monitor quit working!!!  Can't you understand what I am saying?!?!"

Specialist / Dell Support:
"I'm afraid I am not going to be able to help you if you continue to be upset with me."

I don't mean to seem like a shallow person, but I wouldn't take my dog to a vet that I couldn't understand.  I could feel your frustration as I read your post.  I'm sorry you had to experience that.  The next time they tick you off, hit them with some pepper spray right in the eyes and say you thought they were making lewd and salacious comments to you.  After that, they will either take more time to listen and speak slower... or will find someone that can speak English to care for you.

I know that I have said nothing to help you out in any way, shape or form as it pertains to your actual problem... but hopefully you cracked a smile at some point while I demonstrated that I can waste Internet bandwidth with the best of 'em.

Okay... time for me to run... my monitor now has spit all over it from when I was ranting to myself while composing this reply, which means I now have to dedicate 2 hours to reformatting my hard drive.

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1218873 tn?1300091216
I feel a group scream comming on.

The first Dr was very disspointed when he tried to go down the physiological route to find I had already seen a Neuro Physiologist and she had reported that it was a physical problem not mental although I was now frustrated that no one dx me. Which she felt was quite normal.


We didn't go to the appointment expecting a Dx, but we really didn't know what to expect.

But I guess I did expect to find a doctor that could understand English.LOL

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Your appt. sounded exactly how mine went when i was sent to my 3rd neuro. We had to drive 40 mins. to see him, then wait in the waiting room for another 30 mins. Once I was in the room the first question he asked was what is my reason to be there, ( I am thinking to myself, have you read my chart??)  He interrupted me several times with his hand up in the air basically to shut me up. Ugghh, I was getting sooooo angry.

Then after all the questions and what not, he proceeded to tell me that my tremors are from drinking too much coffee and everything else was due to stress and anxiety.  Drs llike that are the biggest waste of time. My husband could have dx'd me with that! LOL

I will let out that scream with you!!!!!!      AHHHHHHHHH!!! LOL
Good luck to you, Pam

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1466984 tn?1310560608
So sorry to hear your appt wasn't more helpful to you.  It's so frustrating when we wait so long to see a specialist, have such high hopes that this is going to be the one to help us, and then are left wondering what just happened!

Glad they are following up with you and feel well.
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667078 tn?1316000935
At least they took the time with you. I have never had any Neurologist spend more than 15 minutes with me.  I am sorry you did not get a diagnosis.

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