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MS in six words

At work we were discussing "Not Quite What I was Plannng" a book filled with memoirs, all written in six words.

It is a fun exercise in thinking in brief yet meaningful thoughts.  Here's a few that I wrote -

Who really wants the whole story?

Just the facts: born, lived, died.

So I was wondering if we might do the same with MS and describe our lives as MS patients in six words?  I hope you will add your six-words worth here. Here's two more from me:

Crawled. Walked. Ran.  Stumbled. Race over.

Independent yet needy.  Grateful for friends.

30 Responses
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382218 tn?1341181487
what is ms, my friends ask?

I say it is a disease

of the central nervous system that's

autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory, neurodegenerative, progressive, incurable

they just kind of go, huh?

and then:

I'm SO sorry, you're SO strong

I could NEVER cope as well

I say, what is the alternative?

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559187 tn?1330782856
MS =
No more hot tubs for me
No more steam rooms for me
No more saunas for me either
No more, no more, no more...
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198419 tn?1360242356
I don't like MS at all

Don't like it in the mall

Don't like it in the hall

Hate what it's done to ALL!!!!!!!!

So now I must repeat it:

"Hadda Nuf fa dis B S!"

p.s. though I'd not trade my new family members for nothing!!!!!!!!!!
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Wheres my old life gone to
Can I ever have it Back
new pills make everything worse booooo
I'm lucky, i still have Keely
Im going to be a daddy
My new life looks even better
But still feel dizzy, achie and tired
Who Cares, Play what your dealt....
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A few more:

Your MRI is abnormal but unimpressive

Neuro's know more than lowly Radiologists

Lesions caused by previous migraine headaches

I can't explain the muscle spasms

I can't explain the leg weakness.

Come back in about 6 months

tired of waiting for a diagnosis

Will a diagnosis make me happy?

This forum helps me every day.


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405614 tn?1329144114
It is small vessel ischemic disease

caused by arrythmia''s small strokes

Ignore my PCP, cardiologist, they're wrong

even after knowing me a decade.

Neurological symptoms caused by non-existent strokes.

Neurological symptoms NOT from ischemic lesions!

Had brain MRI because of tremors

and it showed multiple white-matter lesions

Despite having many other neurological symptoms

The lesions are small vessel ischemic disease.

No predisposing factors?  Don't believe you.

Take aspirin, eat right, get exercise.

Fatigue?  You need to exercise more.

Next neuro, back to square one.

No diagnosis, no treatment, any hope?

Much love, support;  wonderful forum family.

I love you all very much.
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696755 tn?1236016312
Words from the guys with MD's:

You just need some more exercise,

Then you will strengthen right up.

You can't remember, write it down,

Just buy a few post-it notes.

Your legs are a little numb,

They seem just fine to me.

You are tired all the time,

Go to bed a little earlier.

You can't walk, here's some crutches.

You can't see, here's some glasses.

You have MS, there's no cure.

Here's a wheelchair for next year...

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Your fingers are loaded with words

Who knew you're so easily entertained?

- L
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147426 tn?1317265632
Well, Shell, ma belle, do tell:

If ya don't like this relapse

there is always the next one.

Each promises to be new, improved

though familiar in the cr ap arriving.

Sit back and enjoy the ride!

I'm typing and I can't shut up!

Quizzle Dix
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hadda Nuf fa dis B S!

What in da rabbit ash's next?

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147426 tn?1317265632
I saw this on a T-shirt.

Great description of my MS life.

"Moving at 33rpm in iPod world."

Let's see more contributions from others.

Off to see cardiologist with mother.

Later. Lots of Newbies around today.

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Wow! You are a creative bunch.

Thanks for sharing your insightful viewpoints.

MS stinks but could be worse.

We could publish our own book.

Loving it here, my best. Lulu
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335728 tn?1331414412
You have MS but it's "in-active"

You don't need DMD's, it's "in-active"

You don't need me, "it's "in-active"

It's overdosing that causes your symptoms

In-active MS does not cause symptoms

             on the flip side...

"In-active" MS does not really exist

MS is always doing some damage

You need DMD's you have MS

You need a new doctor now

You need a new neurologist now

Why not get a new doctor?

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Laughed so hard I peed myself

Word cog fog? No, not me!

Not Multiple Sclerosis, only one lesion

Thank you doctor, I'll grow more

Got new symptoms? It's just anxiety

Could'nt do these at first, but

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147426 tn?1317265632
Strike the seven word Limbo phrase.

Three times and I'll get it right.

We will conquer the Limbo pain.
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147426 tn?1317265632
Okay, then, Miss Smarty Pants. Sheesh!

Limbo pain must be gone now!

I stand humbly and rightly corrected.

Quizzle must share laureate with others!
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398059 tn?1447945633
Sorry, but I have no money

I have to "bailout the rich"

I love you more than life

seems without you I have nothing

Multiple Sclerosis must be a boogeyman

giving is much easier than helping

when closing my eyes I fall

Leisions, gray matter does not count

because they dont' show on MRI
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DJ - thanks for the effort.  Your every word makes a difference to us and those groups of six words are great to read. You actually may be Q's assistant in the Laureate position.  

Q- ooops! you got a seven worder in there.  Isn't this more fun than counting lesions?

Everyone else - please join the activity circle -  its like craft time with scouts except without the glue sticks.  Tons of Fun!!!
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611606 tn?1315517767
Life with MS in six words...
Spasms = running faster while sleeping
I dream I'm  chasing my chair
MS means I'm still fighting life
MS does not kill you, HAPPINESS:-(
MS so different, yet the same
Are we having fun yet? NO
Waiting for all of my tomorrows:-)
Lulu, ...you asked and I'll always try to deliver for you!!!!
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147426 tn?1317265632
Ah, you're just egging me on!

I can't refuse a great compliment.

Anything to make you all laugh.

Nothing's too good for my friends.

Need to relieve the pain of Limbo.

Kick the dododocs to the curb!

They're lazily ignorant when they say:

CT scans are fine for diagnosis.

Your eyes look fine. No MS.

You don't really want an LP.

I can't go chasing a diagnosis.

Come back when you're wheelchair bound.

You don't really want a diagnosis.

Wait for worsening before we treat.

Lesions must change in two months.

People with MS have more symptoms.

You have far too many symptoms.

The MRI must match our diagnosis!

:)) Poet Laureate thinking six words thoughts.

Quix, Den Mother, having fun now.
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They are labeling this six word memoir style the American response to Japanese haiku - I think we should nominate you as the poet laureate.  And it is a great mental exercise because six requires more than one hand to count on.  ha ha

Great contributions - sorry, but I have to use more than six to say all this. - Lulu
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486038 tn?1300063367
Quix... I LOVED IT!!!!!

"You have me stumped. Go home"
honestly, I was told that!!!!!!!

Your list was amazing, I so laughed as I realized how try they were!!!!!
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It's all in your head, literally!

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Wow, Quixxy, that was great!!!  

It's also great to see you posting.  Hope mom is doing much better.
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