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1172359 tn?1310667693

MRI Results...Anybody understand?

Here we go:
There are multiple foci of increased signal intensity demonstrated within the subcortical white matter inferior gyral level of the right and left frontal lobes as well as demonstrated of middle and to lesser extent, superior frontal gyral subcortical white matter.  There are also some deep white matter foci within the largest focus of abnormal increased FLAIR signal intensity being within the left centrum semiovale.  These are unchanged in size or number from the previous examination.  There is no abnormal enhancement.  the ventricles are normal in size and configuration.  the vessels demonstrate normal flow void.  No intercranial mass effect and no abnormal extraaxial fluid collection are present. There is no abnormal meningeal enhancement.

There are multiple foci of increased signal intensity demonstrated predominantly within the subortical white matter but o a lesser extent demonstrated within the deep white matter of the right and left frontal lobes.  This disease is unchanged in extent from previous examination.  There is also a focus demonstrated of the left temporal lobe, petitrigonal white matter which is unchanged.  The mixed periferial and central distrution allows for both primary demyelinating process as well as secondary process differential consideration.  There is no enhancement of these lesions to give any strong evidence for active demyelinating process at this time.

If anything is spelled wrong, I took it straight from the paper.

Regarding the previous examination 10-09-09, this is what was found:

There are multiple foci of increased T2 and FLAIR signal intensity demonstrated within the deep and to a lessor extent subcortical white matter ofthe right and left frontal lobes.  There is one focus demonstrated posteriorly-inferiorly within the right frontal lobe which has increased in size from prior examination having measured 3x6 mm, now measuring 6x7 mm.  
There is no abnormal enhancement of these foci.  There is no abnormal meningeal enhancement.  Ventricles are normal in size and configuration.  Vessels show normal flow void. there is no abnormal extraaxial fluid ccollection.

Inferior-posterior right frontal white matter lesion appears to have increased in size from previous examination.  Otherwise, lesions are unchanged in size orconfiguration.  Differential considerations include primary demyelination  such as multiple sclerosis. Vasculitis can also be considered.

For the record, I have always had perfect blood pressure all my life.  As for miagraines I have had a few. I get more stress headaches.

Ok who wants to out this in English for me

Any takers?

Sick of waiting for my doctor to call me.

I cannot seem to make him understand that I have no good day anymore.  I am tired of being tired and sick of being sick.
Thanks everyone,
15 Responses
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739070 tn?1338603402
Hi and welcome!

You have posted your question at the end of an old, long post. Most people will not notice it as being new information.

You would get better results by posting it as a new question with it's own separate question and resulting thread.

Sorry I can not help with your questions but there are others who can help you  out.

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1383101 tn?1279322946
I had a Mri Done just recently to try to rule out MS.. as My mom has Severe Ms.. and many other family members have also been diagnosied with this disease.    It said that it found 3 small nonspecific appearing white matter hyperintenisties noted on flare and T-2 Weighted images in the cerebrum.. Most conspicuous is in the deepwhite matter of the right cerebral hieishper and proterior frontal region at the level of the lateral ventricle.  There is  secon lesion in the centrum semivocal closer to the level of the vertex in the posterior left frontal lobe.   Sublet area of signal abnormaletey seen in deep left parietal lobe white matter.  No Periventricular white matter lesions and no lessions within the corpus callosum or posterior fossa.  Much thanks to anyone tha tcan interpre this for me..  
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I know what you are going through and I am looking for some help.  I have the same symptoms (facial pain and tingling, skull pain, terrible back/leg/pelvic pain, eye flashes and pain, numbness in extremeties, ear noises, chest pain).  I have also had repeated respiratory problems and a history of low blood pressure, CHF, and a mild heart attack a week after giving birth.  I now use fentanyl patch in order to be able to work. No one understands not been able to sleep, concentrate.  In addition, my cognitive ability has declined tremendously. Sometimes, I drag my legs to be able to walk.  I am unable to take care of my family especially after teaching for the day.
Anyway, I started seeing the mayo clinic and had brain and neck MRI with the following results: a few punctate foci of increased T2/FLAIR signal within the superior frontal gyri bilaterally, which were nonspecific.  MRI of cervical spine demonstrated mild multilevel cervical spondylosis.  An annular fissure was noted posteriorly in the midline of C5-6.  No evidence of significant central spinal canal stenosis or cord compression was evident.  
In addition, my blood result revealed low igm 22 mg/dL - It was repeated by a  2nd lab and the new result was 18 mg/dL.  MCHC was 34.8 g/dL (slightly high); MPV 7.1 fL (slightly low); Abs Mono .24 (low).  The Mayo Dr. referred me to see another specialist for possible demyelinating disease.  My own doctor referred me to see an allergist.  I am at my wit's end. I am in so much pain!

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1172359 tn?1310667693
Thank you Quix!
I so appreciate him being thorough, it is very important.

About the patience thing.....I am trying.  It has never been something I am good at.

Hugs back to you!
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147426 tn?1317265632
Congratulations!  Your doc is LISTENING to you and being thorough.  You are on the right track.  Now, you need the patience.


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338416 tn?1420045702
>  There are multiple foci of increased signal intensity demonstrated within the subcortical white matter inferior gyral level of the right and left frontal lobes.

What that means is you have white spots on your MRI.  Increased signal intensity is an indication that there's more signal being recorded by the MRI than in other areas.

>  There is no enhancement of these lesions to give any strong evidence for active demyelinating process at this time.

This means that the white spots did not change from the no-contrast MRI to the contrast MRI.
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1172359 tn?1310667693
I am currently going seeing one of the best specialist at Emory.  Dr. Lava.
He called me today to discuss my mri results and he does think it is MS, but he wants me to have one more consultation with one of his collegues before he starts treatment.
He understands my frustration and that I do have the symptoms and they do not seem to be getting better.
So now I am waiting for a call for an appointment the new Doctor.

Fingers crossed that I get an answer and some relief soon.

Breathing again!
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hi cin,

i don't know where your docs are located, but after bumping up against way too many walls myself, i have finally gotten myself into the neurology clinic at our local university medical center which is a world-class facility.  3/17 cannot come soon enough for me.

i know how it is to not be ready to take a breather from this craziness.  sometimes i think i should, but i still assume the fighting posture every morning since i am so desperate for answers myself.  i know emory is an equally respected institution--are you anywhere near there?  if so, i would do what i could to get an appointment there.  as my GP said to me just the other day, "it's time for a teaching hospital for you.  there are many, many brains there and sub-sub-sub specialists, so if anyone can get to the bottom of this, it will be someone there."

perhaps i'm being silly by thinking of it as emerald city where the wizard will help me get home, but it's gotta be better than what i've been dealing with during the past nearly 14 months.

please take good care.  and don't forget to breathe.

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1172359 tn?1310667693
I would love to take a break from this, but I feel horribe.  I want answers.
I know something is wrong.  I have lost feeling on my left side, I can't even feel my face.  Some days it is so bad, when I talk I have no idea if I am even moving my lips.

Now, my right foot up to my knee is going numb.  This morning while in the shower, I felt my right arm going numb.  I am right handed and I do not know what I will do if it goes completely numb like my left arm.  I can't do anything with my left arm without it shaking and becoming fatiuged.
If I do not have MS I need to know what is going on.  I am so depressed, I fight crying constantly.  I pretend to be the happy go lucky person at work and at home, but inside I am crying.
I know something is wrong and I have researched until my eyes hurt.  All the diseases that mimics ms I do not have the symptoms.
I am sorry for complaining, but I am so frustrated.

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1172359 tn?1310667693
There are multiple foci of increased signal intensity demonstrated within the subcortical white matter inferior gyral level of the right and left frontal lobes.

What does this mean?
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1228375 tn?1406041727
Oh my, do I KNOW what you're feeling.  The only medical advocate in my corner is my chiropractor.  He's the one who ordered up the first sets of MRI's for me because no other doctor in my lifetime has felt that I had anything specific, or worth looking into.  Since this MRI found cervical stenosis and encroachments on one of the foramen... well, every doc around now is blaming my tingling/numbness/balance/... everything, on that stenosis.  I know that can cause a lot of issues, but I know in my gut it ain't just that!  

Take a break from all this for a while... this particular trip to the neuro was my first time seeing one (we need references through our insurance) and I was just suckerpunched by his diagnoses of this mess.  Since my bloodwork and lumbar puncture came out normal, I have been properly dismissed by him AND his nurse.  

So.  Since that... I've taken one step back.... will gather myself up again, put up w/ the crap that whatever this is is handing out, and eventually (when I get bored of it all) will pick up the stick and poke at some more doctors.  

Warm thoughts and wishes to you,
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Please don't give up! I've been playing this game with doctors for 24 years and I'm FINALLY coming close to a diagnosis. Venting is good! Stick around! Most of us have been there and we've heard it all, so please don't give up hope! There's ALWAYS hope!!

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1172359 tn?1310667693
Thank you Quix.
Sounds like I am back to square one.  I am now more depressed than ever and I give up.
I have no idea what is causing my symptoms, but I can't take this.  I guess I am weak.
I will just have to deal with the numbness, constant eye and face twitches and so much more. My right leg is beginning to take the same course as my left side.  As of today I cannot feel my toes and foot, but since I know I do not have high blood pressure nor enough miagraines to cause those lesions.  Once again I am stuck in limbo and having people wonder what is wrong with me or thinking I am making it up.
I am sorry if I sound angry and upset.  I can't deal with this anymore.
Thank you for your assistance and input.

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147426 tn?1317265632
I want to comment on the radiologist's use of the words "primary" and "secondary".

The reference to "secondary" means that there was another "something" that damaged the nerve in the first place, and the demyelination was secondary to this damage.  Examples of a first problem that would cause a secondary or subsequent demyelination would be ischemia (starved of blood flow) like from high blood pressure or migraine disease, a vasculitis such is seen in Lupus, and an infection like Lyme Disease.

In MS the first or "primary" damage is from the "direct" attack on the myelin from antibodies.  This isn't actually true for MS overall, but it is as far as the discussion of T2 Hyperintense lesions.

The radiologist is saying that the lesions are "non-specific" to any one disease.


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338416 tn?1420045702
>  There is no enhancement of these lesions to give any strong evidence for active demyelinating process at this time.

That sounds pretty plain to me... looks like you're still in limbo.
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