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Farewell October - what's happening this first week of November?

I don't know about you, but it seems impossible that October is gone.  Where did it go?

It is time to check in and share whatever events you have going on this week - it could be doctor appts, tests, celebrations or anything else you want us to know about.

So come on and don't be shy- tell us what's happening this week!
16 Responses
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This place is really hopping - I just found this on page two and thought we should bump it up to see if anyone else has something newsworthy happening this week. - L
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611606 tn?1315517767
Hi. Well tomorrow is a very busy day..
8:00AM CT Scan on lower spine, to see if I broke some more Vertebra's or crushed more disc.

11:30 AM See Dr. Patel's lots of questions for him this visit

Back home working with my sister to clean out walk in closet, It's a MESS, do laundry with them, start to organize the Craft Room

When that's all done, they want me to show them the albums I made for Mom of her 80TH B/D Party...

Than I can rest the rest of the week or at least some of it, I hope.

I am hoping every one has a love filled week  and NO MORE PROBLEMS at least not serious ones
{{{{~!~}}}} DJ
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Wow folks!  There is sure a lot going on here - and some good stuff too to accompany the usual doctor visits.  

JonGalt - yes, it is ok to ask for copies of your mri and radiologist reports.  In fact, most patients are encouraged to keep extra copies of the records as a backup for the originals.

PD - giving up the old stuff is time consuming but probably so necessary since you melded two households into one.  Keep plugging away at it.

Alex - here's hoping the new neuro is worthy of having you as a patient.  You rock!

Shermay - you are right about losing 7 years - I can't believe my baby just turned 34.  Enjoy every moment with Etienne.  

Mary, now that you mention it we did lose April too!

Everyone else- keep us posted on how the week goes  - it sure is busy around here these days.

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751951 tn?1406632863
Good for you, Alex.  I understand (and I think most people do) that we must use technology of all sorts, including communications technology, in order to maintain an acceptable level of service and cost control in today's economy.  However, we can and do very easily over-use it, to the point that the patients (or whatever a particular industry calls its customers) are secondary to the machine.  Human beings were made to interact with one another.  If we delegate too much of this function to preprogrammed systems, we are a step closer to becoming preprogrammed human beings.
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667078 tn?1316000935
Monday Yoga

Tuesday Reiki and front roe "South Pacific" never even seen the movie. Friend gave me the tickets.

Thursday Therapy

Rest of the week trying to get records from Neurologist to Psychiatrist as I did last week. They have the worst bureaucracy imaginable. You only get voice mails and they never understand what you need. It takes weeks to do anything. They think it is more efficient if their workers are not interrupted by talking to patients on the telephone. They will not do anything in person either i.e. make follow up appointments after you have your appointment even when the Doctor wants you to. With voice mail only so much gets lost in translation.

I wrote e-mails to  two different people in the organization explaining clearly how patients universally complain about never talking to a live person at this clinic. At MS Society meeting it is all you hear.

I got so mad with the phone cue last week I looked up another neurologist on line called, got a real person, and am getting my PCP to transfer me ASAP.

Take care all,
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923105 tn?1341827649
Well it's Etienne's birthday on Wednesday, (he'll be 7) so tomorrow William is taking a day off so we can go shopping with him:(((  If he anything like his big brother it will be an all day job :)))  choosing what he wants etc.)

Etienne goes back to school on Wednesday, but he wants to skip the afternoon, so not too sure what to do about that - any suggestions most welcome :)))))

Never mind where did October go, where did the last 7 years of my life go:)))

Take care all, and have a good week,

Debs xxxx

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1054985 tn?1257173275
Hopefully back to work tomorrow.  Also have a Neuro appointment, last time I was there he slipped in that yes I did in fact have MS.  Since he threw me completely off guard, and didn't explain how he came to this conclusion I am going to grill him tomorrow.  I already have my list of questions.  Is it normal to obtain copies of MRI's from these guys?  I think I am going to push him to hook me up with some Copaxone.  Last time I was there he said drugs were an option or we could wait.  I stupidly told him lets wait but in my defense I had no idea what MS was.  I will let you know how this goes tomorrow.
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751951 tn?1406632863
If I have anything scheduled this week except the routine, I've forgotten it.  Still moving, though, and need to get it finished.  Meeting someone tonight who is supposed to take some of the excess (& not so great) furniture off my hands.  Boxes of stuff that haven't been unpacked since the last move... or two.  Most of that will find its way to the dumpster, IF I can find time to screen it for possible important or valuable items.

Back to the grind.  Shalom.
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645390 tn?1338555377
Today, going to visit my good friend who had a baby yesterday. I am SO excited to hold a newborn. It gives me hope for all the good in the world. (Plus the baby is her 4th boy, so I can SO relate!) Think I will stop by and buy HER some PINK flowers on the way to the hospital!

Tomorrow, having a field trip with hubby and sister-in-law, who is visiting us from Boston this week. Art Museum and lunch.

Wed, my birthday and I am working. We celebrated yesterday and I got pretty spoiled. I got tickets to see Wicked and a GPS, so hopefully I will stop getting lost :)

Thursday, take sis back to airport and then back to "normal" life. Lunch mom, dr appt, ect.

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755322 tn?1330269114
Blood work on Tuesday morning, then...

I have appointment with Neurologist to discuss IVIG treatment as I failed with Copaxone due to flu like symptoms. They feel they get better response with less side effects with IVIG than with Tysabri. Seems like interferons are out for me so  perhaps a reboot of my immune system with IVIG is in order.

Just came off another round of IV solumedrol and feel worse. It makes my fibromyalgia symptoms twice as bad.

I love my Neuro, as she thinks outside the box a lot of times. Luckily they have an infusion center at her office.
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382218 tn?1341181487
Big Apple, here we come!  Leave for a whole week in NYC on Weds.  So excited!  Tickets to Letterman; tickets for Bill Maher at Lincoln Center; lunch date at Bar Americain with old college roommate; Xmas shopping or at least window shopping at Saks, Macy's, etc; strolling Central Park; hopefully score some tickets to the Met (opera) or symphony; and on Friday my appt at MS Research Center of NY for Accelerated Cure Project.  I will need to spend the next two days trying to find my MRI films in this post renovation mess.  Looking forward to the 'balmy' NY weather.  It snowed a few inches here on Hallowe'en night (only 7 trick or treaters!) and goes down to minus 13 Celsius tonight.  Brrr!
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969286 tn?1253760391
We begin our Road Trip that was postponed last fall - will be gone a couple of weeks.
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721523 tn?1331581802
I actually have a lite week!  NOTHING scheduled, but the usual life.  Next Monday I go to the dentist for the 6mo cleaning!
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1045086 tn?1332126422
October?  I want to know what happened to April and summer and, since we're asking, why did they make 2009 so short anyway?

I have an MRI on Tuesday and then MS treatment research to do before the 12th.  That day will be busy with an epidural in the am, the next neuro appt right before lunch and then dog obedience class in the evening.

I was actually glad to turn the calendar page and see it mostly blank other than my regular work days and dog training.  It seems like my days have been over-committed for too long.  I need to have this time to get things in focus for me and the future.


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739070 tn?1338603402
Tuesday and Thursday -PT

shopping for a walker/rollator ;-(

Make appointments for Blood pressure doc, local neuro, mamo etc. now that I have permission to drive instead of relying on gracious friends and family.

Wed-meet girlfriends for lunch

Find somewhere that has the flu shot availaable..
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405614 tn?1329144114
Monday afternoon; seeing a nurse to learn to inject myself with Avonex, learning more about the med, managing side effects, and so on.

Tuesday - ?  Drinking lots of liquids and hoping for very little in the way of flu-like symptoms.

When feeling better, I'm going to water aerobics!

Saturday:  last University of Porland Pilot's women's soccer game in regular season; have play-off tickets; hoping for the best!  This game is at home, but televised on ESPNU, so I'll DVR it, then watch it later and see if I'm on TV.  

Just kidding; its fun to watch the recorded game to see what I missed.  The group that have had season tickets by us have a joke; send Kathy to the bathroom and the Pilots will score.  :o)
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