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Dog Update (off Topic)

Thanks for your advice, support and hugs across the miles.  You never know if you have made the right decision but you do in your heart what your feel is right and at the moment this feels right.  We have kept the dog.  As responsible owners we have consulted the vets that have cared for our dog and sought their opinion, we have spoke to our local council about our obligations and duty of care as dog owners, we have spoken to an animal behavourist  as well but last but not least we have consulted our neighbours who's dog was killed by our dog and sought their opinion and feelings on the matter.  They are relieved we are not putting her down, which surprises me but has made all this easier as we  have to live in harmony etc.

Our dog is always locked in a safe dog proof enclosure when we are at work or she is locked inside our house.  She is scared of people (strangers) she was a rescue dog, but loves kids but is timid and runs away and hides with people with deep voices.  I will never ever trust her or any dog with children as you can also never trust kids, without meaning to they might hurt the dog and at the end of the day animal's are driven by instinct.  My dog was an American Staffy X Jack Russell (we think) and this breed hunts, that's what they do, but they are also really affectionate.  She will be only allowed out on a big lunge line, lots of walks, our houseyard is dog safe but to be certain she can only go out when I am out with her... which was the rule in the past.. remember this little dog had slipped through the fence because she was the size of a small cat and she was barking at our dog.. just the same our dog was a killer and I am horrified.  

Thanks again for your support and I hope this makes all dog lover's and owners think about their own dogs and where they are and what they might be capable of doing.

15 Responses
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751951 tn?1406632863
"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went." -- Will Rogers.

"If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons." -- James Thurber.

"You think dogs will not be in heaven?  I tell you, they will be there long before any of us." --
Robert Louis Stevenson

"Heaven goes by favour.  If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."  -- Mark Twain
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956292 tn?1334054869

This is only my opinion but, I also have a dog too and love her to pieces and she is a big snuggle bug with me and my family but I think dogs or animals(any animal) are capable of things we may not understand.I have also seen my dog in a situation that I didn't think I would ever see her in but I beleive it is the nature of the beast and maybe instinct perhaps that animals react to in a certain situation. My dog is very protective of me in certain situations.

I know that your situation was devastating for you and your neighbor but I am glad that there were alternatives for you and that everyone involved were open minded and willing to seek out the help of professionals.

Be Well
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667078 tn?1316000935
I bet few people know this every time dogs that live together are separated for even a few minutes they have to establish pack order again. If you take one out for a walk when that one returns pack position has to be reestablished.

Pack order is never fixed it is always in play. The only real stability is if the human is calm and dominant.

I have used these principals with people. I knew this woman who was a bully in this group. She had to have a certain chair. She would go out of her way to make people feel bad. I simply started arriving early and taking her chair, we did not have assigned seats. The first time she could not figure out what to do. She left and came back and sat in another chair. The second time she saw me in her chair and left for good.

I like calm dominance.

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923105 tn?1341827649
YES!!!!  I am so happy for you, I really am.

Your neighbours dog was on your property - so maybe she was defending her area, especially since you have mentioned that she was a rescue dog.

You got her checked over by the Vet - good, your neighbours are happy - good:)))))))

My dog ( used to have 4) the St Bernard will not let anyone near me or our house.  It's in their genes to defend.  

Our Westies which have now since died, used to be terrible, they would attack anyone they didn't know:))  How I miss them.  

I love happy endings too.


Debs xxxxx
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704043 tn?1298056844
i love happy endings too!!   dont know what id do without my dog! so glad things are working out!  but it sure didnt like the neighbors dog or was really possesive towards you thats not good if any animal or person gets to close??   best wishes!  tick
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667078 tn?1316000935
Many little dogs bark at big dogs out of fear aggression and this sets off the big dog also running sets off  dogs bred to hunt. Once this response is set off there is little to be done. If you try to scoop the little animal up and away this sets off the kill reponse even more.

Territory is always an issue with dogs. Mine are well mannered but you come into my yard or house uninvited all bets are off. I introduce dogs in their territory in a specific way.

I care for a corgi who was attacked by a bigger dog on her street. The next day she came over to my house and started growling at 189 pound Mastiff. I came down on her and scolded her. She looked at me with such surprise, I told her that was the kinda thing that would get her killed. Now she is fine with big dogs.

Dogs have their own language and once you learn it they are easy to understand. The first mistake people make is trying to project human thinking on dogs. They are noble unto themselves. They are not people or cats or horses. They are dogs.


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293157 tn?1285873439
it sounds like you have taken alot of advise from the proper channels, that's good and I hope all works out well.   I'm glad the neighbors are understanding as well.  

take care
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1086746 tn?1288624389
Happy for you and relieved you don't need to tell you pal good bye!! Wishing you many years of enjoyment ahead!  Thank God for the great relationship w your neighbors! Bless them and comfort them Lord!
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I live on a 30 acre property and all my neighbours have bigger acerage than myself but all own dogs, we are friendly with all our neighbours.  I am fortunate that they are all lovely people and they have all been in and out our house and know our dog very well, apart from the neighbours involved in this situation, they didn't know our baby as well.

We live in a beautiful community, only 12 houses in our little dirt road and we all help each others kids, families etc., the bush is such a lovely place to be.  All neighbours are okay with our decision because they know we will make sure our dog is not a danger to any other dog.

Heather the vets, animal behavourist etc. have said that our dog was protecting her territory and because this dog barked at her and aggravated the situation she has done what is instinct for a stafffy, perhaps if the dog was bigger and stood and fought our dog would have prob ran away, still sad situation, horrible one to be in and a lesson to be learnt by all this for all  pet owners.

I am indeed lucky to have such nice neighbours, this has helped with the whole thing, I think I will give them a nice bunch of flowers or a plant like a rose or something to plant in their garden to express my sympathy and appreciation for their understanding.

Better scoot work is calling me.
Thanks Udkas.
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410281 tn?1254229064
Yeah! I love happy endings!  I'm glad the neighbors backed your decision, or rather helped it.

You made me smile!!!
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751951 tn?1406632863
Look for a product in the pet sections named "Bitter Apple."  It's supposed to put a scent on things that dogs won't chew.  It's worked every time I've seen it tried, but I don't recall seeing it tried on walls.
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1106023 tn?1258089356
does any one have trick to keep a dog from eat the sheet rock lol. i lock my dogs in the laundry room when i`m not home and one of the is eating the sheet rock. she even eats aluminum cans when given the chance
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667078 tn?1316000935
You are doing all the right things. Do you have access to the Dog Whisper he has great insight into how dogs think.

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195469 tn?1388322888
Dearheart, I am so glad to hear that you have contacted professionals, your vet and an animal behaviorist.  That was the right thing to do.  Do they have any opinions, as to why your baby suddenly snapped?  Was it due to the other dog entering your property and your pup was possibly protecting her territory?  Or is it just a guess?

You must have very animal loving neighbors.  God bless them for not wanting to see your pup die, because their dog was killed.  They obviously did not want revenge.  This was a very gracious gesture on their part and very forgiving.  I only wish them the very best, as they go through the grief of losing their dog to such an unforeseen tragedy.  I really feel their pain.  They have looked through their own pain and did not want to see you have to part with your own family pet.

You ARE a responsible pet owner, for taking so many precautions, to make sure that this scenerio never happens again.  I am like you though; I would never fully trust her again, especially around children or even another dog.  I also expect that some of your other neighbors will not be so forgiving, when they find out that you have not put your dog to sleep.  Be prepared for some people, not to understand your decision.

This has been a difficult situation for all involved and I pray for peace and forgiveness for all of you.  I am sure that you are heartrbroken about the other dog's death.  Maybe you can do something special for your neighbors, to help them through your grief.   Frankly, I do not know what I would do.

I am so sorry for your neighbors, but happy to know that your dog did not have to die as a consequence of her actions.  As Pastor Dan said, an animal is an animal, who doesn't always behave as we feel they should behave.  God only knows what goes on in the minds of our pets, in certain situations.

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751951 tn?1406632863
We will pray that the decision you have made continues to be obviously the right one, as I believe it is.  I know that I am listening to and watching Bandit and Annie play/wrestle as I type, and though they've done this daily for a month, each snarl or yap makes me cringe.  It is so hard, sometimes, to remember that our animals are animals.  We just need to appreciate them as they are, I suppose, knowing that they won't always have the idealized behavior we ascribe to them in our hearts and minds.
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