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Please help I need advice and support

Hello my name is Nicole and I am a 27 year old student, mother of 2, and a wife. I was hoping to get advice because I have been putting off seeing a neuro I guess because I have been so busy that I didnt want to get any sort of bad news. Now that the school semester is done and I have been having more strange symptoms I need that extra push to go, or you all may tell me I am fine.   I had my first mri in 2005 do to chronic migraines and it showed a  periventricular deep white matter lesion that was non specific. I had a repeat 8-16-07 and the report was more scary to me and I was hoping you all could help me understand what it all means.
Findings: CSF spaces are normal besides slight dilatation about the sylvian fissures. On the left in the deep frontal matter adjacent to the ventricle is a single area of increased T2 signal with normal diffusion and no enhancement. No other areas of abnormal signal intensity, abnormally restricted diffusion, or abnormal enhancement are seen.
Impression: Single area of gliosis similar in appearance to Dawson's fingers. This could be demyelination but other causes of increased signal cannot be ruled out. Consider ischemia, trauma, post infectious, vasculitis, vasculopathy, and collagen vascular diseases.  Minor atrophy. Normal brain otherwise. No mass, hemorrhage or infarct.

I put this all away in my mind and have ignored the symptoms that my family doc was concerned that is may be ms. It wasnt until last week when I took a bad fall down my stairs because I couldnt feel my feet that all of this started flowing back and overwhelming me. My biggest complaint right now is that I am a 3.6 GPA student and toward the end of last semester I struggled to maintain my grades because I am so foggy. I was put on adderall two years ago and it no longer seems to help. Also I have been finding it hard to speak the words that I want. I say things backwards or a word that was out of no where which is very embarassing! I have other quirks and pains that I have learned to live with. The word atrophy is scaring me. Should I continue with school, Am I doing it all for nothing when my brain is slowly wasting away, or should I be spending the time with my kids and husband?
Thank you all so much for listening to me and for any advice. I know I need to go to a neuro, but in the mean time I really need feed back. I have no support because noone understands.
Thanks again.......Nicole
4 Responses
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220917 tn?1309784481
Hi, Nicole!  Welcome!  I'm glad Sunny and Aura answered you.  I had started to yesterday, and then had to make a mad dash out of the house.  Was my son's birthday, and had all sorts of activities to arrange.  

You have a lot going on.  Like the others, I am not qualified to interpret your MRI report.  None of us really is.  We have a doctor aboard, and she will be able to help with a lot.  She can tell you what the MRI says.  But we obviously can't diagnose you, and I know that's not what you're asking.

Dawson's fingers can be found in MS; that much I know. And you have a "non-specific" periventricular white matter lesion.  That would also point to an area that lesions are commonly found in MS.  I am not sure what makes it 'non-specific.'  That is as far as I will blunder your MRI...

The symptoms you describe can fit the symptoms of MS as well.  The thing which is troubling to me is the fact that you fell.  Was it that you couldn't feel your legs, like they were numb, or that you couldn't perceive where the steps were, or something else. perhaps?  Do you ever have strange sensations in your legs or feet?

Also troubling I'm sure to you is what we refer to as 'cog fog.'  I HATE that!  I do not have a diagnosis, but I have had that awful experience of feeling like my brain is about seven seconds behind the rest of me.  It just can't keep up, and in some things never gets there!  SO frustrating!  Especially with you in school right now and with two little ones to care for....

I think it would be a good idea right now for you, as you said, to get a thorough neurologic work up by a good neurologist.  Preferrably one who treats a lot of MS patients.  Perhaps your internist can recommend someone.  That way, the doc can either confirm that you fit the pattern of MS symptoms, or say, "No, you really don't seem to fit.  Let's look at something else."

We can help you in the meantime to prepare for the appointment by getting information together regarding any relevant symptoms and get a time line worked up.  Let us know how you're feeling, and also what other symptoms you've been having.  We'll be glad to help you through this!  

Take care and feel well!

Helpful - 0
506846 tn?1217265961
I can't tell you enough how lucky you are to have found a forum full of support and knowledgeable people.  I don't have answers for you about your MRI Findings and I to am in limbo land.

You have a full load, and it is understandable that it is easier to try not to think about something being wrong.  When things like falling down the stairs happens it is not as easy to dismiss as not finding the words to say something. (Which I have issues with all the time)

Your not alone, I can promise you that.  I would encourage you to make a Neuro apt. Sometime we are better off knowing then not.  What if the Neuro could tell you what is wrong and it isn't as serious as MS you would have been worried for nothing.  If it is, do not worry it can be treated and you more or likely will be able to go along with your day, to day, life with no issues.

My Brother has MS.  He had been taking Copaxone for the last 4 years with no issues.  I know that is only one case but I am sure many here can shed some light on the situation.

Take care of yourself! You not only owe it to you, but to your children, and husband.

I will say a prayer for you!
Helpful - 0
486038 tn?1300063367
Hey, I'm bumping this up for you.
Helpful - 0
486038 tn?1300063367
Hi, nice to meet you! I'm glad you joined us, it's the right place to come for support- I've found sooo much love and understanding here I've become overwhelmed sometimes.

I'm not diagnosed yet, and I'm not qualified to help you with your findings on your MRI, others here will be glad to chime in soon I'm sure, but the week-ends are always a bit slower. I just wanted to welcome you and encourage you to stick around, here you will find the help and encouragement you need. Feel free to also check out the "Health Page" link at the top right hand of this, they are FULL of great information written by several people who have been diagnosed with MS and they may help answer some of your questions.

I'm also a college student, and i know the feeling of watching the grades slip downward. I encourage you to visit the neuro and be sure to mention this, and since you feel like it is a problem, try to find creative ways to study and take notes to help your memory. We have a student services at our school that allows students with medical problems sign up for help with taking notes, or the ability to use recorders in class, or extra time for tests and papers and this could really help.

I have the word problem too, and I've gotten myself in all sorts of embarrassing situations by either saying the wrong word, or simply going blank and not being able to think of the word. With your family and friends, let them know what's going on and make it a "game" to find the word you are missing (example- it's red, goes fast, has lights, yeah, yeah that's it, a fire truck!). When I'm with others that I'm not familiar with, I try to talk slower and think of what I'm going to say before I speak (that's difficult for me, a fast and impulsive talker). I still get embarrassed sometimes- I think I've shared the story here how I've called somwhere and asked to speak to myself instead of the person I wanted to talk to. I've had to remember that laughter is always the best medicine!

Have a wonderful afternoon!

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