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Presciption without diagnosis?

Hello everyone. Just joined last night but Im sure you will see lots of me as I have MANY questions. About a week ago I experienced some horrible symptoms that led me to the ER (walked like I was intoxicated, brain fog, speech problems, head and leg twitches). After failing the Rhomberg tests as well as touching my nose etc.,I was sent for a CT scan x2 over that weekend b/c my symptoms were not going away and I had a headache that was worsening. They ruled out brain bleed or tumor but the mention of MS kept coming up from the Dr.s. I was fortunate enough to get an appt. w neurologist within 10 days(I go this Thursday). What I would like to know is, even without a firm diagnosis(I know this may take much time), will the Dr. prescribe me meds in the meantime for this horrible twitch, muscle weakness etc?
Thanks for any info anyone can provide :)
8 Responses
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1396846 tn?1332459510
Hi and welcome to the forum. I am sorry you have been going through all of this. It is great that you got in to see the neuro so fast. The process can be a very long one and it is good that you understand that.

There are many medicines that they can prescribe to treat symptoms, a lot of us are on meds to control symptoms so there is relief out there. Your neuro will evaluate you and decide what approach to take.

Wishing you the best of luck and once again welcome to the forum,
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667078 tn?1316000935
I am glad you received an appointment quickly as well. If the Neurologist will not prescribe medication for symptoms a PCP can. I go through my PCP for medicine for several reasons. One I do not like many doctors prescribing for me since drug interactions may not be noticed. Two it is easier to contact my PCP and get an appointment. Three my insurance makes me pay $60 for specialists and $25 for the PCP.

I hope you get an answer soon. Sometimes it take awhile to sort out. I did not understand this and became very frustrated.

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293157 tn?1285873439
Welcome to the forum, this sounds horrible to go through and I hope you get some meds to help with these symptoms and you feel better soon.

before your appt on Thurs, check out the "Health Pages" on this forum, top right side there is a link to the pages.   So much information there.  

make sure to do a timeline report... of your symptoms and if you can, get copies of results from your tests if you think the Neuro would want them.  It's always good to have your own copies of results.  

let us know how things go and welcome again
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1318483 tn?1318347182
Hi, angie!   :)

I just wanted to step up and say welcome to our little corner on the web.  There are bunches of wonderful people here which makes it a comfortable place to pull up a chair and join in.

Paula, Alex and wobbly gave you great advise so there really isn't anything for me to add to it.  I agree with Alex about meds.  My primary doc treats all of my symptoms, too.  This is because his office is right around the corner from me and I can usually get in to see him same day.   My neuro is 1 1/2 hours away and appointments are few and far between.  

Good luck with your near appointment and, again, welcome to the forum!
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704043 tn?1298056844
  welcome!!  but my drs well the family dr  wont  step in i -have- to go to neour. urgg!!
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1168718 tn?1464983535
hi to you, and a very warm welcome is extended to you.  Feel comfortable to make a tea and join us any time, we love having new members, as everyone has had a different story to tell.

I have just recently been positively diagnosed and have had a tough road for the last 2 years.  You are very lucky to be seeing a neuro to quickly, that should help you alot, and give you a place to ask your questions.  

I know that I am probably going on a bit, but I just wanted you to understand that we will do our best to help and comfort you, that you can count on.

Take care, and keep in touch,
Hugs and welcome to you,
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Thank you very much to all of you for responding. I will be sure to let you know how I make out on Thursday and if anything comes up in the meantime.
Hope all of you are doing well :)
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1045086 tn?1332126422
Welcome Angie.  I'm sorry all this is happening to you but (like the others) glad you are getting to see a neuro so quickly.  I hope he/she can offer an accurate diagnosis in record time and offer some helpful treatment.  

Please do look over those Health Pages as they are very accurate and informative about many aspects of MS.  Of course the ones about diagnosis would be most interesting and valuable to you right now.  

It shouldn't take much looking through those Health Pages to realize that the neuro is likely to prefer looking at an MRI of your brain than the CT done in the ER.  MRI can image a larger area of the brain and gives different impressions than a CT.  He may want other tests as well before coming to any conclusions.

In the mean time, ASK for medication that can help you function and feel better until the final answers are available.  Sometimes, doctors don't seem to think about relieving symptoms until they have a diagnosis to work from and need a little prodding.  

You may be told it's not a good idea to take any medications until a diagnosis is more definite and you wouldn't really want to alter test results or hinder that process.  On the other hand, living with those symptoms isn't easy for any length of time (we know!) and pain MUST be addressed in a reasonable amount of time.

If you get your hands on ANYTHING that relieves the weakness, perceived weakness or rapid muscle fatigue PLEASE let us know.  There will be a long line forming behind you of others who want to give whatever-it-is a try.

As a favor, please break up your questions and responses as you see others have done here.  Many of the members here have problems reading long sections of unbroken lines.  For me, 3-5 lines at a time are ideal but since members can change font size to read and there is a difference between composing look and posted look...... just a random break here and there will work well.  (See, I broke my own advise by adding a long run-on sentence!)

Welcome and please let us know how you are doing along the way.
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