405614 tn?1329144114

Quick test results; wow! Know what they mean? :o)

I saw my new rheumy yesterday, had some blood drawn, and was already e-mailed most of the results.  The ANA, ENA, and Hep C must take longer.

The reference ranges are a little different than i'm used to, and it doesn't have the telltale H for high or L for low, or C for critical.  The ones that are out of range are:

Platelet count  425        150-400 Kcu mm

Neutrophil % 79             50-70%

Lymphocyte % 17          18-42%

Neutrophil  #  8.4            1.8-7.7 K/cu mm

C-REACTIVE PROTEIN      3.4     < 0.6- mg/dl

SEDIMENTATION RATE     38     < 21- mm/hr

Everything else is in the normal range.  Highest CRP and Sed rate I've had, as far as my own records show; wonder if it means anything?  I know it means inflammation; wonder if they have any idea about what it's from.

I suppose if any of it was of concern, they would contact me before my two-month follow-up.

I just thought it was so cool that they got the results to me so quickly!

Any input would be greatly appreciated, as always!

18 Responses
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293157 tn?1285873439
wow...that is quick answers for blood test... I'm sorry can't help with answers more then you already know...INFLAMMATION... and we know that can mean so much....

your platlet count is abit high...don't know what that means either..hope someone with info can help out here... did you check online to see what it could mean?

I do know that you Sed and CRP can change quite often...inflammation can change quickly too...high then lower...then higher...etc...

take care
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405614 tn?1329144114
Well, I did a quick google; seems that the high platelet count can go two ways; either they get sticky and can cause some clotting issues, or they can be slippery and cause more trouble with clotting.  I bleed a lot, bruise fairly easily, so I'd guess the second option for me.

Like I said, I took a quick look, so if anyone has more information, bring it on!

Of course, I'll probably have to wait and see what the doc says about all of the pieces of the puzzle together; I skipped over the part about what horrible diseases can cause test results out of range.  Mine aren't overwhelmingly out of range, so I'm hoping for nothing too annoying.

I can't help but wonder; won't obsess, though.

I'm off to PT now; hopefully she won't increase my inflammation, ha ha!

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559187 tn?1330782856
If it were me, I'd give the doctor a call and ask about the results. How are you feeling overall?  Anything new going on?  Have you been sick lately?  A sed rate of 38 is a bit high unless you are in the midst of an infection or getting over one.  Hmm.....you are such a perplexing case.

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405614 tn?1329144114
You said it; perplexing is my middle name!

I've just been very fatigued lately, with a lot of dizziness/vertigo.  No fever, quite a few aches and pains.  That supposed virus I had in February should be long gone by now; my trip to the ER was Feb. 3 for abdominal pain; haven't had anything new since then.

One day I took two naps, one for an hour, the other for about 3 or 4 hours.

I know I need to get out and get more exercise, that it will help me feel better; I just can't find the energy.  The lack of balance doesn't help much, either.  I have this bruise on my leg; looks like a cut; I tripped and kicked something so hard it broke the skin.  

Would I call the rheumatologist or my PCP's advice nurse?  Or do I just take a nap? ha ha :o)

Doggone it, I just heard Fluffy downstairs trying to hack up a hairball, so I jumped up to run and catch in, and hit the catch-plate on the door jamb with my right forearm; another bruise.  Time for the arnica gel.


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378497 tn?1232143585
I'd say based on those results that it's a good thing you're seeing a rheumatologist!

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152264 tn?1280354657
Hi Kathy--you sound beat up in so many ways (from door jamb to fatigue to bombardment with confusing test results!). Hope you feel better soon and that your rheumatologist is able to at least give you a sense of "where you're at," even if you cannot get a diagnosis.

Oh, that distressing hacking-up-a-hairball sound... I know it well. One of our (now-departed) kitties used to love lapping up one of the other (also departed) kitty's semi-digested food, so when I heard that wrenching sound, I knew it was a race between me and Isabella to see who'd get there first! Sorry if that grossed you out. If you don't have that problem at your house, slow down on the hairball cleanup! :)

I think that CRP can fluctuate a lot. Mine was normal once but 6.6 (?) another time, for no apparent reason. That's about all I know about blood tests. Good luck and keep us posted.

Nancy T.
P.S. Do you find that in the kind of heavy/rainy weather we've been having lately you tend to be more fatigued and sleepy? I'm fighting that a lot these days (having a terrible time waking up in the morning or from naps, and feeling like my legs might collapse after not much exertion), and I suspect the weather may be partially to blame. And, of course, it's virus season. Either way, don't stint on the naps!
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That elevated CRP could come from dental problems or a UTI or anything else floating in your system.  Let us know what you find out about it and the rest of your tests.

my best,
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405614 tn?1329144114
No dental problems; had dentist check up end of Jan. because of TN; no dental issues.  Also, no UTI, saw urogynecologist; I haven't had a UTI for decades.  Who knows what else there could be...  I'll share if I find out anything.

Nancy, I haven't been able to connect increased fatigue to the rainy weather, though I do seem to perk up a bit when the sun breaks through. I keep thinking that if I could get some exercise, I'd feel better, like I did before the tremors, dizziness, fatigue and etc. hit last Feb.  However, I don't feel up to getting much exercise.  My body doesn't even seem to be happy with my physical therapy exercises.

Are you taking Vitamin D?  My PCP has me on it, as she says I'm not getting enough sun and with neurological issues, I need a high-normal level of Vitamin D in my system.


I hope this rheumy can continue his patience with me and my many issues!  At least he's part of a team, so I won't totally overwhelm him.  So, you think those results might point to something that a rheumatologist might be able to piece together?  I hope so!

Good night, all,


As for Fluffy and his hairballs; we're staying at a friend's house, so I try to catch any mess before he can make it.  He did manage to barf in the litter box once, which I thought was quite considerate.

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152264 tn?1280354657
Hi Kathy. Yes, my PCP recommended a vitamin D supplement, so together with my regular multivitamin I get 800 units daily. Seems reasonable. I think he recommends it for everyone (I never told him about my neuro symptoms except dizziness). What dose of vitamin D are you on?

Nice to have a "considerate" kitty. :) Mine is getting a bunch of teeth pulled today. He may come back toothless! (He has FIV, so lots of tooth trouble.)

I know that feeling of thinking you need to exercise more but just not having the strength to do it, or, rather, being wiped out by just a little bit of activity. Just gotta keep going the best we can, I guess. Hang in there.

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405614 tn?1329144114
My PCP recommended 1000 IUs of vitamin D daily, but said 2000 IU was fine for a while when a friend of mine was kind enough to send me a bottle of one of her favorite brands.

I've started some new physical therapy exercises.  My ribs have a tendency to get displaced, so I get really painful spasms between my ribs; can hurt to take a deep breath.  My PT got everything back in place yesterday, started me on new exercises, then had to put another rib back in place.

She says I need to keep up the exercises so my muscles can help hold my ribs where they're supposed to be, since my thoracic spine seems to be trying to do the job by being completely frozen, which causes other spasms.  I'll carefully do the exercises and build up my strength again.

I need my strength to carry Fluffy up the stairs; he weighs 17 pounds!  :o)


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147426 tn?1317265632
Hi, I haven't read all the posts here so if I repeat something that was already said, I'm sorry.

First the numbers off your CBC mean very little.  Those reference ranges are not at all absolute and a tiny variation up or down is pretty meaningless.

The numbers all together, with a barely high platelet count, slightly high neutrophil and slightly depressed lymphocyte count point softly toward a bacterial infection.

The platelets don't start to have a sticky effect on the blood until they get much nearer 1,000,000.  425,000 would still be considered normal by most doctors.  However, platelets are also an inflammation reactor.  In conditions of increased inflammation they often rise a bit and that goes along with the usual predictors of inflammation, the CRP and the Sed Rate.

Now the Neutrophils and Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils and Basophils are reported as percentages so that the sum of all of them is 100%.  So if one type (here the neutrophils go up in the total percentage, then something else HAS to go down)  In this case the Lymphocytes have gone down slightly.

A quick and dirty explanation of what the different cells do.

Neutrophils are the main defense against bacterial infections.  Most of "pus" is made up of dead, spent neutrophils.  So if the percentage of neutrophils is elevated you would think first about some bacterial infection somewhere, like an abcess, sinusitis, cellulitis or such.  Mind you a 79% percentage of those is not all that elevated.

Lymphocytes are primarly involved in fighting things like viral infections.  When they are elevated you think virus.  Here they went down to compensate for the neutrophils being up.

Eosinophils are the allergy cells.  Usually they are less than 5%, but can go higher like to 15% or so in states of high allergy.  I once got to 20% when I was living in a grove of Mediterreanean Olive Trees and had developed a severe allergy to them.  ooops.

and so on.

If you are looking for signs of infection you want to know what the Total White Cell count is.  It will go way up in times of acute infection and may drop way down in times of overwhelming infection of any type.

The absolute number of neutrophils here is slightly up and that also points toward a bacterial infection.  We worry about the absolute count in things like chemo therapy and AIDS because as the absolute white cell count drops way down, you worry about susceptibility to serious infection. - immune-compromised.  Yours is fine.

And the CRP and The Sed Rate are moderately elevated.  Yep, there is inflammation there somewhere.  That's what they say.  They are pretty nonspecific.  They just say it is there and the doc has to go looking.  Combined with the blood count results, I would first look for a bacterial infection.  

The highest Sed Rate I ever had in my practice was a little girl with Kawasaki's Disease.  Her Sed rate was 125 and her platelets were 1,200,000.  We were worried about the cardiac consequences of the disease and the dangerously high platelets.  She got put on therapeutic aspirin.  The only other cases I saw sed rates nearly that high was in Scarlet Fever.

What to do?  These are such mild results, I'd probably recommend a nap.

There is good research that says that a daily intake of 2,000 IU per day is quite safe.

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405614 tn?1329144114
Thanks for the explanations; makes it so much easier to understand!  I should print this out and keep it in my notebook.

My eosinophils are 1%; guess my allergy shots are working pretty well?

A nap sounds good, though this late it might interfere with my sleep; I'll save the nap for tomorrow.

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428506 tn?1296557399
I just wanted to mention that my labs were very similar.  My SED rate topped out near 50, and my CRP was also above the normal range (I don't recall the details).

I also had very low vit D, in the single digits tested by two different labs.  I've been taking 1000 to 2000 IU's a day for a couple of months.

You guys know, but for others reading, I have Lyme and two other tick borne infections, consistent with Quix's instinct that these numbers point to bacterial infection.

For me, I wish my PCP had paid closer attention to my subtle abnormal test results, as I repeatedly tested negative for Lyme through the ELISA screen a d didn't have a classic presentation.  I think for an undiagnosed patient, you've gotta work with whatever clues you can get, even if they are not obvious!

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152264 tn?1280354657
Kathy--why do your ribs get displaced so easily? Do you/the doctors know why?

Good luck with the exercises. Sounds tricky (to exercise without displacing ribs), not to mention painful.

Yeah--carrying Kitty around is exercise in itself! My Pasha of One Tail weighs in at 18.5 lbs. Yikes! He just had to go on a diet, so I joined him.

Take care,

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405614 tn?1329144114
Wonko, I tested negative for Lyme AB IgG WBlot and Lyme AB IgM WBlot, Performed at ARUP Laboratories.  My Vitamin D wasn't really low, but my PCP wanted it higher.

I'm hoping this new rheumatologist will be good at working with whatever clues show up, even the weakly positive ANA 1:40, homogenous and speckled (last two tests, the most recent isn't back yet) and this ENA he ordered might turn something up.  

I'm getting pretty good at following the clues, and discussing them without sounding like I'm trying to join a disease-of-the-month club.  I hope.  I just want answers, and a life, maybe.  Well, I have a decent one, just want things a little better.

Nancy - I'm curious as to why my ribs pop out like that, too.  It's been happening on and off for years; sometimes I think it's an MS Hug, as things get so tight throughout my ribcage, then other times, I'll get some spasms between a couple ribs that will pull so hard the my ribs are displaced.

It can be caused by something like turning the corner pushing a Costco shopping cart, or something as simple as stretching out on the floor or bed.

My PT's theory is that they'll stay in place if I get my muscles working properly; I don't recall if a doctor ever ventured a guess.

I've also been told that if I tighten my core muscles, my lower back and SI joint will hold together better and cause less pain.  I've worked on that for years; no improvement.  I even tried Prolotherapy injections in my SI Joint.

Fluffy refuses to go on a diet; if I try to cut down on how much he eats, he won't let me sleep.  I decided he's cute as a big white hairball!  I get him checked out at the vet regularly, and so far no issues with diabetes or liver, just hyperthyroid and inflammatory bowel disease.  Dontcha just love giving medicine to cats?

I need to lose weight, too.  What kind of diet are you on?  I guess we're straying off topic; you can PM me if you like.


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429700 tn?1308007823
I had an elevated CRP and sed. rate, along with a positive ANA.  At the time, the doctor thought I had lupus.  However, the ANA wasn't high enough for that.  Have you had an ANA recently?

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152264 tn?1280354657
Kathy: do you have problems with your joints popping out of place, or is it just your ribs? Does this have anything to do with some kind of connective tissue disease, maybe? Just a wild speculation.

Pashie has to lose weight because his back-leg muscles are atrophied and he limps; we don't know why, but vet says treatment is weight loss no matter what the cause. My own diet consists of just plain ol' counting calories, writing everything down and keeping a running total through the day. It works--if you stick to it!

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405614 tn?1329144114
Deb - I have had my ANA tested 3 times in the past year, and each time it is weakly positive at 1:40.  I just got the results from the latest, and it says the pattern is homogenous, the last two said homogenous and speckled.  

My test results are relatively mild; it will be interesting if my new rheumy can find anything in them.  Oh, my Hepatitis C came back negative, as did my Anti-DS DNA (haven't looked to see what that one is).  Rheumatoid factor 12, less than 15 is just fine.

Nancy - Fluffy is missing one of his back legs; accident of birth, and that's why he can talk me into carrying him up the stairs.

I keep a food diary, but I've kind of fallen off of writing down portions and calories, and weight crept on with pain issues, then kind of piled on with fatigue issues.  I finally put the brakes on, but now I want to lose the weight I gained ( I had lost over 100 lbs; gained over 30 back)  I'll do better with my food diary, and doing my PT exercises.  I keep track of exercising, too, but my pedometer stopped working.

Only my ribs go out of place, but I have troubles with my large joints; 5 knee surgeries, 2 shoulder surgeries, hip labral tear and arthritis, etc.  I wondered about the term connective tissue disease, but was told that meant an auto-immune disorder.  I don't know if there's one that's related to the issues I have.  

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