230948 tn?1235844329

Quix or anyone

Im having my tests done on wednesday the LP,NCS,EMG.

My question is the lyrica which i take is ment to act on the nerves (something to do with the transmitters) i dont understand all this really but it relieves sx so when they do the NCS which i believe is the nerve testing one, how will they read this if the drug (which in my case has stopped some nerve pain) come up giving the right reading would it not give a different reading if not on the drug?

Also the EMG will this pick up the buzzing and twitching muscles and the awfull sensitive nerve pain i get if im not having it at the time of the test sometimes mine comes in flares? ( and as you know iv been in a constant one recently but am coming out of it.)

And the CK blood test what does that show?

I always feel after normal activities if i get a good day the next day or even a couple of hours afterwards if iv been sitting down and get up and move that iv done a work out or pulled muscles is that not lactose acid build (i dont think iv spelt that right i heard that in a exercise class along time ago before i was ill) can they not test for this in the muscle?

sorry alot of questions, i hope you or others can help.

7 Responses
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230948 tn?1235844329

Thank you for being honest, the reason i have not much faith in the spinal tap is i had asimular experience foe a spinal block on a C-Section on my first daughter he was a junior and took up to an hour to get the spinal block in it seemed to work but wore off right in the middle of the C-Section so they carried on on my permission then put me under to finish the stictching up, the second and third were better but still had problems getting it in, Quix has assured me that it is slighlty different and with a big bump in the way you cant curl up in the right postion to open the spine enough.
Im hoping as it is a teaching hospital i wont get a juniour and im hoping they might use the SP so will be over quick, they say i have to bed rest on the ward afterwards for two hours. That was a lovley thing to say to imagine god will be there on the day holding my hand, there really is nothing he cant get me through!!  I think back now what my mum went through with her cancer it was nothing compared to this she was truely a brave lady and if all you can do it so can i.


thanks doni i will think of you and the others on the day your all so brave and caring on here. XX


I have my wonderfull very active children to keep my mind off it we have been drawing pictures and reading books and having fun today!!  I cant take them out as just not up to it and there used to me just jumping in the car and taking off somewhere with them but not since iv been ill, but they have been fine about it. Friends are going to look after my two eldest for a couple of days and my youngest will be looked after on the day and back in the evening.
The hospital says i have to have two hour bed rest after the LP so hopefully that will help any after effects as iv read some awfull storys. And when ever i have anything done to my body it never seems to work out well lol

Its alot of tests in one day and i know ill be tired by the end of it but hopefully a little nearer an answer.

Thanks for the strength.
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Sam,

Just wanted to send some strength your way, Sam.  It is good news that you are getting all of these tests run  - finally after all you've been going through.  I feel you are close to some answers here, and I just wanted to say I am sending prayers your way.  

Reference your LP.... lay flat longer than they tell you too, don't go up and downs stairs, and don't lift anything afterward.  So, for preventative purposes, despite what they tell you, take it VERY easy afterward, know in your heart you can do this, we are here for you.  

You probably have to find something to distract yourself from now until Thurs, that way you don't get too worked up the next few days.

Be well,
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Sam, just imagine all of us here on this board there with you during your tests.  Hold our hands for comfort and know we are with you.

Love & ((((hugs))))

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195469 tn?1388322888
I know it's hard, Samantha to be calm about all of this testing...but you have to try and not worry.  Getting yourself all worked up before Wednesday, is not going to do you a bit of good.  So many of us have been through the same testing and while most of us were scared, we ARE back among the living and posting here...none of us passed away as a result of the tests.  So try to think of it that way...  

I didn't like the LP, but mine was a botched job by an inexperienced Intern.  He tried for over an hour to get into the spinal space to get fluid.  He was an idiot.  I finally went back in three days and had my LP done by using floroscopy (sp?) and they hit the right spot the first time.  It didn't hurt really, it felt more like an intense pressure.  The little shot they give you to numb the spot, feels like a little bee sting.  That was the worst part for me.  But it was over quickly.  I didn't "see" any needles, which helped me a great deal.

With the NCS and EMG, the same was true.  One didn't hurt at all and the other was just uncomfortable.  There aren't any needles...just little wires that they insert.  That part didn't hurt at all.  When the applied the slight current, it was a little "ouchie."  But I got through it.  It was testing that I needed to have done to finally get my diagnosis, so I was willing to do what I had to do.

I really hesitated about writing this post, telling you exactly what I experienced, cause I didn't want to scare you.  But I don't think you would want someone to lie to you and say, hey Samantha, I didn't feel a thing.  That would be cruel and I won't do that to you.  Sometimes it helps to know what to expect before you have the tests.  The "unknown" scares me more...so I am the person that would rather know up front.

You will get through this.  You have alot of people here that have been through the same thing.  Unfortunately, medicine is one of those areas, that does involve needles.  It's just something we have to face with our chin up...  I did it and so can you.  I have faith in your abilities.

I totally understand your fears...you are only human.  Please know that you are in my daily prayers...especially on Wednesday, when I will pray that God is there to hold your hand and give you peace, strength and comfort.  Just pretend all of us are there with you, holding your hand.....cheering you on.

Chin up girl......If you have gone through childbirth, you can face this with no problem.  

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230948 tn?1235844329

thanks hun they ask me to take my meds in or list as im in for the day, ill take a list so i can tell the person, god i pray there nice this is everyday stuff for them but it scares me like i just posted to johnny im scared of hospitals and im scared of needles so thinking calm thoughts at the moment there not till wed and kids off on half term so they are keeping me worn out!!


thanks hun scared but hoping to get some answers. x
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Just like to wish you all the best for your tests. I dont really know the answer to your questions about nerve conduction and lyrica etc but sure someone else will
Thinking of you
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195469 tn?1388322888
Don't forget to tell the person doing your tests, which medications you are currently on.  They take all of this into consideration, when they read the results of your testing.  The LP will not be affected by the medications you are on.  

You have alot of testing coming up.  God bless you.  I wish I could answer some of your other questions, but I don't feel qualified to give you any answers.  Best left for Quix.  But do tell the person doing your tests, every medication you are taking and what symptoms you "were" having that you aren't having now.  All this information helps.

Best Wishes, Heather
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