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Hi Quix,

I was just checking on you.  I read a post awhile ago (can't remember which one) and you made a remark about how yesterday had upset you.  I'm assuming the LD thing.  I just wanted to make sure your okay and also to ask if I said anything in my posts that may have upset you.

I know that the LD'ers where making me mad but I tried to keep it together but if I said something that was wrong please let me know and I'm sorry.

Anyway, I hope your okay and I hope your having a good weekend.

We had made plans to go to dinner with some friends but like usual I had to spoil everyones fun by telling them I did'nt feel like going.  I am just hurting so bad today.  It does'nt matter what I take nothing is helping.  Got an suggestions on a better way to take my meds:

methadone 4-5 daily
lyrica 3 per day
oxycodone 3 per day
cymbalta 1 day
potassium 3 day
metolazone 2 day
prednisone 1 day

I think that's all..  I usually take 1 of each when I get up and then the rest throughout the day.  I can't tell that they even help when I'm hurting bad.

Any help would be appreciated.

I'll be praying,
25 Responses
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147426 tn?1317265632
okay...so I have no self-control....I also don't like to ignore legitimate questions....q
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251222 tn?1270936117
Quix, it is so great to hear from  you. (thumbs up) Thank you for caring for us and looking out for our best interest. How greatly I wish, you could have been my family's doctor.

I know that I was drawn to this site immediately. At first it was because I had just been handed the title MS behind my name. (More weird humor, I love working and showing dogs and the more titles around their names the better lol). But after just a day or so I felt so connected to everyone, that now I dont' know that I would do, if I couldn't stop in here for a few minutes every day and 'talk' to everyone.
I feel like you know my pain, you know this ugly thing that inhabits and controls my body now without my permission, and I dont' have to try and explain what life is like, you already know. That is so comforting.
Hugs to all (( ))

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NO the earth is FLAT!! That was just my attempt at humor!!!
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199882 tn?1310184542

I have probably read this site about 10 times.  At the beginning your cry and as we get towards the end you laugh.  What a great group.  

Sure there are a few of us that are a little twisted.lol  Then there are some who are just sweet and kind.  We also have the smart group, thank God for you, and the I want to learn as much as I can group.  We have all types and thats what makes us so great.  People better watch out cause we can't be brought down no matter what Earth Group your from.

I love you all so much and I'm not sure if I could make it through the day without you.  There are times I just read because my hands wont let me type, but I'm always with you all.  I also say a special prayer for each and every one of you every day.

Take care my friends and I pray for low pain,
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Hi, I am 52 and also been having symptoms for a very long time, just didn't know what it could be. The more I research and read the posts here I am inclined toward MS, I have so many of the symptoms.  I haven't even been tested yet so I am a long way from a dx.  Trying to get insurance problems worked out right now.

Great to have you on this forum, the people here are absolutely the greatest!  I would just be lost with everyone here to talk to.

Best of luck to you, I don't trust myself to offer any medical advice, but I am here for you anytime you need someone to talk to.  I am sure others with more knowledge with answer your questions.

Be well
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220917 tn?1309784481
Is SOMEONE trying to convince us now that the Earth is not FLAT?  Here we go again!!!!

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Have some cheese ith that whne! LOL You are all so great. I come over here from the neuro, fibro, & diabetes forum for inspiration. My PCP wants to send me to a rheumatologist for further evaluation.Gee maybe it's ..the dreaded LYME!!!!! ( I have a weird sense of humor) My legs have started to hurt when I walk even a little ways. I was walking a mile everyday after cervical fusion, and swimming, now can't hardly walk up my stairs.Any ideas? I've never had a brain scan. I'm 60, but have been ill for close to 20years. Please don't mind my joing in, you guys are so good here. God Bless you all.
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147426 tn?1317265632
shoot!!!  I meant to say that defining my idea of reality for you is not my job.  Here is my favorite "Not My Job!"  picture on the internet. Enjoy.


Now you all KNOW I have a twisted sense of humor.  q
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147426 tn?1317265632
You guys are wonderful.  Yes, I was inappropriately trying to keep the science on this site sound.  You are big people and you can judge this for yourself.  In the future if people, like....say...."The Flat Earth Society," come on the forum and try to get us to buy their version of rewritten science, I will stay out of it.  If one of you "wants" to hear my view, ask in a different post and I'll offer it.

If any of you see me getting all red in the face, my right leg twitching, and putting on my armor, then QUICK!!  reach thru and disconnect me from the internet!  Friends don't let friends get into silly arguments, lol.  Notice I have not entered the most recent LD discussion.  It's called self control - not something I'm known for.

No, none of you made me angry - I can't imagine it ever happening!!  And, even so, what if you did?  It is not my forum, even if I act like it is.  

May we all sleep well, may pain be calmed, may twitches be silent, and may loved ones be well and safe.

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198419 tn?1360242356
Double Shewwww. . .
Your note is just lovely, and thoughtful, and I just wanted to add that I hope you do indeed sleep well tonight. . .I hope we all sleep well and am adding on a prayer too (just for good measure) for many, many more, symptom free nights and days. . . .
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199882 tn?1310184542
Quix,  I'm so glad your okay.  I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.  We will talk to you when your able.  "SHEW"  That's a relief".

Momzilla,  You have always got something nice to say about somebody and I truely appreciate your remarks about me.  It makes me feel worth while knowing that I may be helping someone, but now it's your turn to take a compliment.  You are always there for any of us who need it.  It like you can tell which post to read.  You just seem to always know what to say to either cheer us up or give us the advice we need.  I know that I for one truely appreciate you and everything that you do.  I think that you are a terrific person a to me a God send.  I pray that the Lord will truely bless you and give you low pain.

Vera,  We are blessed to have you with us and I hope that you receive even half of the blessings that I have and you will be rich in them for sure.  I pray for little Kenneth everyday and for you too.

Well, gang it's all happy again,  LD'ers are gone (or not posting) and Quix is okay.  I'm gonna sleep well tonight.lol

God Bless you All and I'll be Praying,
Carol  (Hot Legs)
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251222 tn?1270936117
Thank you so much Zilla. I feel so at home here. What will I do if my reg. Neuro decides I dont' have MS? I won't be in the diagnosing MS category any longer, I will be in even a more remote nowhere land of rare neurologic obsurdities. Just call me RNO  haaa

I hear and feel myself echoed in the words you all speak. Doni - you could be taking the words right out of my thoughts. Checkbooks are out of the question for me lately. And to just think.. I used to know nearly every plant's botanical name. I can't even remember normal words anymore. :

Fran I am sorry to hear that. Many many cyberhugs to you.

Quix I am so happy to hear you are having a nice time with your company. Take care gal and hope to talk to you soon.

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233622 tn?1279334905
I just want to jump in here and say I am very happy to have found this group too!
Glad to see Quix posted!

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Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, I hope things get better for her.  You and yours are in my prayers.

Try as best you can to take care of yourself.  I know how exhausting it is to sit in a hospital and it only makes it worse when you already feel bad.  Hoping you get some needed rest soon.

Hugs & Prayers
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Once again, I thank GOD for all of you... you are a place of refuge and strength, i feel so blessed to be part of this extra-ordinary group of friends. I care so deeply for all of you.

It has been a difficult few weeks but even so these past few days. I am exhausted, my mother- in- law had a heart attack, is in icu & having a pacemaker put in on tuesday. She may also have breast cancer, we were taking her for her 2nd mammo when she became ill, we rushed her to the er.
I have been with her non stop...which i want to do but i am in so totally wiped out. I would appreciate it if you could keep my family in your prayers.

I will continue to lift you all up in my daily prayers. Stay well and feel the love,
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Of course I know you wouldn't leave me out!!!  I think you and I were posting at the same time - ha

I always feel all of you are all here for me and you know how much that means to me.  I feel somewhat better today not so many muscle spasms and pain.  

I think what gets me so down is my lack of brain function.  I had always been able to do anything and usually tackle two or three projects at a time with no problem, run our home building business, and physically work on job sites too.  

This year I do good to carry on a 5 minute conversation without going completly brain dead.  I don't even trust myself to balance a check book anymore.  I can't help with the business decisions or even get my brain to work long enough to pick out the decorating items for our homes.  

I guess I'm just drinking up a large glass of whine the past few weeks, cause I feel like such a burden to my husband.  I am just not contributing like I should be, and I can tell it makes it hard for him.  He has always depended on me so much to make final decisions and to keep the business going, while he is doing other things.  I guess I just feel like I am useless now and only cause him worry and am not pulling my weight.  Wow, I am realllllly feeling sorry for myself aren't I!?!

I am determined to get through this and I know I can.  My family always says I am the most stubborn person they have ever met, well now I just have to make that work in my favor against my depression.

I love you all and hope you are all having a good holiday.  You and "Hot Legs" and Quix and almost everyone on this board are great inspirations for me.  I know if all of you can go through what you have been through, then I need to just buck up and move through it too.

Thanks again for all your support and kindness.


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220917 tn?1309784481
We must have been posting at the same time!  I didn't mean to leave you out!  I hope you are feeling better.  I have had a history with feelings of depression, from time to time,too.  I hope you are feeling the support of the group lately.  You're such a big part of that.  So sorry that I missed your post!  It looks like I "dissed" you, Girlfriend!  You know I wouldn't do that, right?  I was just checking in and noticed.  

Take care and consider yourself hugged.

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147426 tn?1317265632
Hi, people, I have family here today and can't talk right now.  You're all so special.  Let's keep Vera around!  Q
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220917 tn?1309784481
Now that I have a captive audience~  QUix ~ Yes, I hope you're getting over the sting of the Lymies.  They just suck the life out of us, and don't have good information.  Our friends in the forum are wise enough to see that.  Their support for you is evident.  I hope you can see that.  Keep on keepin on.

Carol~  You never cease to amaze me with oyur great attitude.  I hope you feel better soon.  I want you to find some great medical care.  Hang in there!

Kristin ~  You are so sweet!  Always an encouraging word for everyone when I know you are going through the wringer yourself!  I know you are going to find a doc who will get to the bottom of your troubles and get you better.  To take you seriously.  Thanks for being such a support to everyone.  Take it easy on yourself.  See you at the bonfire!  

Jazzy ~  You have quickly and easily become such a vital part of the forum.  Thanks for your kind words.  You, too are very sweet and quick to jump in with encouragement.  Take care nd feel well.

Vera ~  Our hearts go out to you and your family. You are definitely a part of our family.  We want to know how things are going with Kenneth, and also how you are doing.  It has to be so hard.  I can't imagine!  As a mother, I wish I could take the pain myself for my child, so he could be spared.  I know you must feel the same way.  To see my children having medical problems is the worst!  

When I saw the thread between you and Quix, I just felt awful and helpless.  I'm so glad Quix was able to put you in touch with some contacts that may give you some help.  I pray it will!  Please know that you are thought of daily here.  Any time you need support, please just ask!

Take care.

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Hope you will check in soon. You are a very special person and mean so much to all of us here.  I agree with Kristin about you always going the extra mile to help all of us here.  I know that the research you do to help give us answers to some of our questions is very tiring.  You have got to understand that we don't want you to jepordize your health or well being for our benefit.  

We want you to be as healthy as possible and for you to take care of yourself.  First and foremost you are our friend and we love you for who you are.  We thank you and appreciate all the work you do to help us, but none of us want you to hurt yourself in order to help us.

Please take care of yourself and know that all of us think you are just the cat's meow.........

My brain is still quite fuzzy so I hope I got my feelings across well enough that you can understand.

Be well
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228463 tn?1216761521
Vera: You already are one of the group so pull up a chair and get comfortable.  We are all here to help eachother through life not just one specific illness or disease.  Welcome to the forum!

Quix - please just type an I'm OK when you get the strength, we all are concerned about you!

Take care and I will be praying for you both!
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263804 tn?1451100757
Although I just be here for only a few days, I feel the warm breeze over here. And everyone of you is so nice and considerate. Is there a real chat room for all of you to chat on the time like msn? I tell my son, Kenneth about a group of people helping him. He is only 9 but he is surprised. Since in Hong Kong, most of the people do not have this heart.

Anyway, thank you all and I will keep on stating my son's situation. And it would be my honour to be treated as one of your group.
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251222 tn?1270936117
Hi Quix, just adding my post to check on you. I hope you are well and having a good holiday weekend.


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199882 tn?1310184542
I'm sorry if I made you think that I have a headache.  Actually I hurt in my back and legs.  They keep going into spasams and it feels like charlie horses that won't go away.  

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with me using my walker more.  My therapist told me to take it slow but since I've gotten these braces I don't want to take them off and have to sit in my wheelchair.  I just want to keep on walking.  

I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law  but I'm glad they finally found something to work for him.

I'll be praying,
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