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335728 tn?1331414412

Result from Rheumatologist

Well I am back from the appt. with my Rheumy and it looks like, according to her, that I have Osteoarthritis in my hands but the rest of the "aching" pain that I have been suffering from is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D.  I have been advised that I should take 800IU of vitamin D for the rest of this year and next year lower it to 400IU and I should be fine.  

That was about all she had to say until I mentioned that I am currently dealing with an MS Specialist that will not see me and will only deal with me through my gp.  I told her about the problem with my eyes and she said that my MS Specialist should be seen about that.    I also mentioned that my gp has stated that "I won't lie, I don't really know anything about MS."  The rheumy stated that "you shouldn't predict that the neurologist won't see you unless you call and try to make an appointment.  If you call and she wants a new referral, you will have to get one from your gp.  If your gp will not give you a new referral, then you will have to see what happens from there."  THANKS FOR NOTHING DOC!

So, I am really no further ahead than I was before other than I know that my kidneys are working well, I don't have arthritis and I have met yet another doctor that is going to be of no use to me.  Don't get me wrong...I am very happy that all my tests came back normal and even the Vitamin D level isn't that bad...I am at 70 and the norm she said is 100.  I probably made up that 30 points just standing in the sun fishing for a few days for cryin' out loud.

I don't know what I am going to do next...I have to see my gp regarding that CPP form that she will be getting in the next few weeks...not that she probably knows what my limitations are.  Now that the rheumy says that she can't find anything much wrong the gp will probably say there is nothing wrong and that I am able to work with my luck!  My biggest worry is my cognitive function or lack thereof and it's not always evident but it is a definite problem and would hold me back from working that is a fact.  I walked around the "smaller" block with hubby last night and it used to take me about 5 minutes...last night it took about 40 minutes for me to get all the way around and my legs were killing me!  But I don't have to explain that to any of you...most of you know the situation and this is just another installment in "As Rena's Medical World Turns" the most boring soap on TV!

So that was that.  I feel like I am on an iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean all alone with no help in sight and the worst part is that I don't know how to swim and there are no life preserver's being thrown at me by any doctor.

Lots of Hugs,

9 Responses
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335728 tn?1331414412
I probably am giving too much info at the start but I don't really want to end up with a gp that doesn't have any interest or knowledge about MS either.  I also don't want to end up  being referred to the same MS Specialist again.  

Actually the rheumy asked yesterday who my neuro was and I told her and then she asked if I had seen Dr. W!!!  I said yes but I will not be going back to him and I couldn't believe it when she responded "I don't really blame you, he is ready for retirement anyway."!!!

It is a really tough situation in that I can't waste any more time than has already been wasted...if I went to every dr that I have tried, they would have either referred me to the same neuro I have now, Dr. W. or they don't have a regular neurologist that they have referred patients to.  

I understand where you are coming from db and I do appreciate the efforts that you have put forth on my behalf.  I received a call from my gp's office today and you will see the result on the post "I almost fell off my chair!".  I hope that this gp is actually going to start to take me seriously and I have a feeling that she is willing to help but is not knowledgeable in this field.  Don't get me wrong...after all of this **** that I have been through I am not going defend her but I am going to hold my horses until I see what she is going to do about these forms.  If she makes a concerted effort at filling this in properly then maybe my attitude will change.

I am still keeping my ears and eyes open for a change in my gp and if I find what I need I will seriously look into it.  Thanks so much for your help db...you have been a good friend through all of this and I do appreciate it!

Lots of Hugs,

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382218 tn?1341181487
Re: those GPs who are accepting new patients, how come they won't book you an appointment when you call?  You shouldn't need to tell the receptionist that you have a chronic condition.  If they ask you about the purpose of the appt, which they often do (ie: to know whether to schedule extra time, say for a Pap), you could just say it's to renew a prescription or something.  Best to wait until you actually have to get one filled so it's not a lie!  That would at least get your foot in the door.  

I've needed to switch GPs four times in Alberta in the past few years because they kept moving away.  Whether or not I had a chronic condition (which until recently I didn't) was never an issue when I booked my first appt.  I just would say, I need a prescription or a referral or an annual physical, etc.  Whatever I needed at the time.  Is it possible you are disclosing more info tha necessary about your MS when you call?  Or are you being grilled for details which you should not be required to share with a receptionist?  Something to think about maybe?

I know I mentioned this before, but MS is a protected physical disability under the Alberta Human Rights and blah blah blah Act.  Medical services are included amongst those services for which these grounds apply.

Refusing to treat you due to MS is no different that refusing treatment if say, you were HIV +, or based on your religious beliefs, race, sexual orientation, etc.  It is illegal to refuse treatment on protected grounds unless to do so would cause UNDUE HARDSHIP to the service provider.  I don't believe that a busy practice could demonstrate that by taking on a patient with MS, this would cause them to experience undue hardship (ie: force them to close down their business) as per the Act.  The discrimination that you are talking about is really blatant.  

Have you tried Patient Relations at Capital Health to discuss this dilemma?

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335728 tn?1331414412
Santana...I went to the rheumy mainly to rule out Fibromyalgia which she did so I guess she did answer my questions.  I guess I was hoping that I had found a dr. that really gave a damn about her patient instead of what others in her profession might think,  I guess I have assumed for too long that drs take the hypocratic oath in favor of their patients over and above there cronies...so far I have assumed wrong I guess.

AMO...all of our referrals to a specialist have to be referred by our gp or we cannot get in to see a specialist.  It is very frustrating and has proven to me that it is like whipping a dead horse...I have tried to find a new gp but they all say that they don't have the time in their practise to see me which in turn means that I can't get a referral to a new neuro.  My gp has flatly refused to send me to a new neuro because she says "I don't know any other neurologists."  I was hoping that the rheumy would refer me to a new neuro but she said no!  I surely do appreciate your words of encouragement though honey...I am going to stick to my guns but it gets harder all the time.

LLWB...I think that they do play with GOLD GOLF CLUBS anyway tee hee!  I agree that I should just go fishing and I just might this weekend depending on the weather...it's supposed to rain all weekend!  At least I didn't have to pay for the little I got from the rheumy and I am sorry you did!  That is so unfair that they can do that!  We don't have any extra billing in Canada and we don't miss it either!  I will save you a seat on my iceberg though and you can come fishing with me anytime honey!

Wobbly...sure appreciate your words of support...I was too hoping for some help from this dr. thinking that she is new...she doesn't know the whole story, maybe, just maybe but again I was wrong.  Who knows what the gp wrote in her letter to her either...I am getting to the point that I want to see what is in those letters that are going back and forth to the drs....it all points back to the fact that I angered my neuro and had to fight to get in to see her!  Now I don't want to see her at all cause she is useless to me!  Arrrgh...I am getting tired of it all!

Mcbcon...it sounds easy doesn't it?  I have tried and tried and tried...in all, I have called approx. 27 doctors and every one  has said that they will accept new patients but they haven't the time to accept a patient that has a chronic illness at this time.  I have called the college of physicians and surgeons and they say that they can't help me...the dr's really don't have the time and I am just going to have to wait.  Even if I could get in with a new dr. there is no guarantee that I would get in with a new MS Specialist either.  When I asked the MS Society about changing neurologists they wouldn't give me a list of neuro's because as he said "all the neuros are part of the same group and I would be taking a chance on being black balled by all of them if I were to change."  I was then transferred to the nurse at the society and she was no help whatsoever.  It is a struggle that I am tired of dealing with and I am about ready to give it up.  What else can I do?  I am going to try to call my current neuro to see if I can get an appointment and I have an appointment with my gp on the 16th..what the he** for I have no idea...she is just going to offer to refer me for these tests and nothing will be done...it will be the same as it has been since last January, that's how long I have been waiting to get a referral to a lung specialist and she still hasn't sent any letter.  I called the lung specialists office and they have never received a letter from my gp (she told me that she sent the letter on May 8th...at least I can call her on her blatant lies this time).

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398059 tn?1447945633
You could get a new GP and referal to some other MS specialist.
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293157 tn?1285873439
I'm sorry your having such a difficult time with the Dr there... I too thought that the Rheum I saw would have some answers...I saw him three times...at the last visit he said it's Neurological...go back to your GP and get referred back to your Neuro...so here I go again...

frustrating I know... but hang in there and go and see your GP again..good luck with the paperwork.. let us know how its going.

take care
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That was supposed to read "quit" going to doctors,  and "golf" game.LOL
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Heh Girl, if you're on an iceberg in the Atlantic, get out the old fishin pole, set up your camp chair, and relax! Humm Global Warming might melt that sucker.....I haven't found Rheumies of much use than for arthritis. Mine said yep, you have DDD, DOA, and fibro. But then said not to bother coming back, as he didn't treat fibro pts. Plus required me to pay $100. up front, for the few times he did see me, in case my insurance didn't cover all of his bill. You know the old "reasonable rates" clause.  Doesn't seem like they just enjoy giving you the run-around? Wonder if everyone just quite going to doctors how they would pay for their gold game? Maybe we can roast yours' on Fri night.

Take care girl, breath deep, and GO FISHING!  (hugs)))

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dear rena,

well, it may wwell be you have the osteoarthritis in your hands, and maybe you do have vita D lacking. That would be nice and easy.
It    does perplex me though, do alll referals have to go through the GP there? Couldn;t the rheumy refer? i just maybe not know the difference in cananda.

But that isn't what i want to tell you, I belelive in my heart you know your body and whaat is going on is not right.
For  whhatever reasono your giving challenginns in fron t of you to keep forging ahead.
I think you must be very frusturated right now and your faith in medical is been beaten down. Don't give up and don't give in!

I alway wished 'they' could be us for evean a day. They would see what is going on and find the answer.
Rena, stick with your gut instinc. I talk from experience, it somwtimes goes farther thann a few mintues time in the doctors visit.
I hope they discover your answer so you could feel better.

hang tough, you really are not alone dear, that berg can hold alooot of us! amo
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429949 tn?1224691579
That is pretty much how I felt when I left my first Rheumy appointment a couple of weeks ago. She seemed lost or uninterested in anything other than my joints. She thinks I do have Osteoarthritis, but is waiting to read my X-rays to me when I come in for follow up.

Can I ask you what exactly the Rheumy can rule in or out in situations like ours? She did do the test for the antibodies for Sjogren's and it came back negative, but then she stated that this doesn't mean I don't have it for sure. Comfused me even more.

My next step is to ask my neuro to include my C spine and hopefully my entire spine in the MRI imaging this time when I go back which is suposed to be in June. Doing this is like to work a puzzle with too many pieces! Very tireing and emotionally draining!

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