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lab test from pcp

Well how is everyone today?

I went to see my pcp yesterday. She called Friday and wanted to see me about my labs.
It wasn't anything bad. Thank God. Just she had never seen anyone's Cholesterol drop over 60 points in just 5 months. It has her worried, I'm not on any meds and my diet has not changed and I gained 5lbs since last Wednesday.  She is wondering This is a long shot if I'm giving false readings and if I do then is the rest of my labs correct. We decided to run them again in 2 months.

Now for the bad news. Before I went to the dr. I got up to walk across the living room and my legs went out. I could not stand I lost the feeling and strength. This only lasted about 15 minutes. I told the dr about this. She did a complete check up. When she checked my reflexes I had none, so we talked and she came back did it again, and NO reflexes. She did this three times. She check my arms she kept telling me to push and I said I was pushing it was hurting my back. But I wasn't pushing. I ended up getting xrays, she is hoping that it is just a slipped disc, me too. It will take about 3 days to get the xrays back. She did get after me since I wasn't walking with my cane. But it was hurting my back when I put pressure on my hand. My legs wanted to drag. The only thing I did different was 2 nights ago I went to a program and stood for about 5minuets if that. My husband had to hold me up my legs were giving out and my back started hurting really bad.

This pcp is a little up set with my neuro. She wants to send me to another neuro. I agreed but I told her lets wait until we find out about my back. She is really surprised this neuro didn't check my spine after my visit. My first visit my reflexes were very active, this last visit my left leg was active my right leg no reflexes and that I commented that when I use my arms my spine hurts.  Now both legs no reflexes. She did explain how neuro's work. For some reason they can't think out side the box. All I could do was picture my neuro in a box trying to get out but the door was not exactly how a door should be so he wouldn't open it. Sad isn't it?


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I'm sorry I mixed my words up.
What it says is Periventricular areas increased signal identified, as well as area with in the periventricular white matter on the left.There are additional areas in the deep white matter. Findings believed to reflect demeylanting process such as Multiple sclerosis or Lyme's disease. Lyme's was ruled out ASAP. Now the second reading of the MRI from the 2nd neuro came up with the same except he stated Similar changes could be produced related to microvascular ischemia, although very prominent for the patients age. He commented that this looked like someone 70 not 47.
My hubby just called to say I love you. He does that every day. We celebrate valentines every day we can with a smile, a hug (lots of tho's)a date to clean the house so it won't be over whelming to me. Now we have started to hold each other and have a crying time. It is so refreshing after that. I know I feel like I have prince charming (sometimes). He Even reads to me before we go to sleep. The words jump all over the page, and my left eye when it gets tired I have vertical double vision.

Of all day's it's suppose to rain. My son is bring his baby's out to play a 3yr old and a 1 yr old. I'll bring in the trike and car so they can ride through out the house. You only have grand kids once in life so live it up. My mom let my kids ride their bikes in the house on cold and rainy day's. I guess it's a family thing.

Talk to you later
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195469 tn?1388322888
Oh sweetheart, what you say about your hubby made me weep.  What a beautiful story.

Just so you know, I just had a BRAIN MRI with a 3T power.  Only thing I had to remove was my earrings.  I was fully clothed.

Are you sure when you said that there was demyelination in the "gray matter?"  There cannot be any demyelination there, only the white matter.  The grey matter does not have myelin, which is the favorite "snack" of the MS Pac-Man.

Scrambling up your letters and even hearing is a common complaint when someone is dealing with a Neurological disorder.  You are definitely not alone in that symptom.  Maybe of our forum members talk about having the same problem, including this lady.

I am so glad that your marriage is doing well.  What a great story of love...

I am so glad that you have joined our little group.

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I am going to go to the other Neuro, I want to take all the fire power I can.
MRI I have the films and a CD and report, The x ray of my full spine, and if I need a MRI of the spine I want to take that.
Also the report from the balance diagnostic physical therapy (which I am going to next Thursday) and the visual field mapping from my opth / eye surgeon.

I have a question about MRI strength. Back in the 90's I had mri of brain everything normal
in 2000 had MRI of brain (I forgot about this one, my mom reminded me) everything normal
2003 same thing
2207 bingo demeylanting in the priventrical and in the gray matter very prominent.
Now the question--- Back in 2004 I had an mri of my lower back It was at the hospital from a traveling MRI. I was told it was the new mri strength, the tech showed me with his shoe. That I had to take everything off just in case. His shoe went flying off his foot and across the room his shoes had nails. He also showed me the pictures, they were colored and looked 3d. Really neat. Nothing showed but L5 disc herniation.
Now this last MRI I had done on my brain I got to wear all my clothes. which had snaps, zips, hooks my glasses were put on a table in the room.
Could the strength be that different? If so I know where I want to go. Which is good since my dr's office is in the parking lot as the hospital.

I have to tell you this. I forgot to tell the dr. I have started hearing when words are spelled. The letters will be all scrambled up. It has happened more than twice in the past week. Sunday night was the last time. The speaker was spelling rare and I heard arre. I sometimes see letters scrambled and I will type them that way, but now it is also hearing. I guess I need to tell her when I go in for my follow up on the x rays. I hope it will go away. Maybe if I don't think about it it will go away.

Thanks for the response. I'm not one to let people know what is going on but the more I hang around here I have started feeling comfortable and close to everyone.
My hubby and I are going for our 3rd counseling session. It is really helping us out. I really feel for my hubby, watching what is happening to me has brought back the memories of watching his father die of cancer. It's the helpless feeling. And going through this it has brought back my feelings of when I was raped back in 1989. Instead of us pulling closer we pulled apart.
He is a good husband. We have only been married 2 1/2 years. I love him and I'm so glad he called and set the first appointment. That just made me love him more. When we met he had not had a serious girlfriend for 35yrs and I did not let any man get near me for 13 years. But the moment I met hubby at a friends house I fell in LOVE and the same thing happened to him. That was May 2nd 2003 we dated 3 years and then got married. He is 60 and I am 47.
Thanks again your all are so wonderful.
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195469 tn?1388322888
My cholesterol feel from 199 to 106.  I don't consider that a bad thing.  Certainly is beneficial for the overal outlook of heart heath.

You do have alot going on, just as "ess" suggests.  Please keep us posted on your progress.

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My goodness you have a lot going on. The only positive thing I can think of is that you really have gotten the attention of your doctor, who is the type not to let things rest. If I were you I'd see the next neuro anyway. It sure can't hurt anything. That last one is too hide-bound by a lot.

As to cholesterol going down, I am wondering. Maybe it depends on how far down. My own spiked once, last fall, after always being great. But that was the day after getting home from a trip where I had been eating as if there were no tomorrow. The doctor said to watch my fat intake and come back in 2 months. That's really all I did, and it had gone down by 68 points. Go figure.

Please follow all your doc's suggestions and keep us posted.

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