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mri showed hyperintensities

I went to doctor Monday because i was having issues with my eyes which she diagnosed as nystagmus.  She sent me for bloodwork (which came back fine) and an MRI.  She called today saying it showed several hyperintensities.  She said it was difficult to say what was going on and she is referring me to neurologist and eye doctor.  I have also been having head tremors.  Im just scared and want to know whats going on and she said it could take awhile to get into neurologist.  Are these symptoms of ms?
15 Responses
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1658667 tn?1310091382
I am mystified as to why there is wait time between things. The doctors have to know how anxious we are to have answers, but I know with tests there are reasons for the delay.

I would think that you could get the results if you call. That way you don't have to wait for 2 weeks til your appointment.  

I am glad that the LP wasn't bad for you. I have read that some people get sick after from a headache--sometimes for days. I will have one in about a month or so I think so now I am not as scared. Thank you for sharing your experience :D
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Yes, it really was alot easier than I thought it would be.  All that fear for no reason.  I had to lay flat for 3 hours afterwards and told to take it easy and no driving for 24 hours.  I am feeling fine today and they did it around 2pm yesterday.  It was exactly like getting an epidural when your having a baby.  I felt pressure but that was it.  No after affects at all.  Yes I agree about if feeling like forever waiting for results.  My neuro didnt set my appoint up for 2 weeks so it could be longer than the five days unless they will tell me if I call for results. Thats why i was wondering about the time frame for the blw that they did along with the LP.  Maybe it takes longer and thats why he is wanted to see me in 2 wks??
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1658667 tn?1310091382
Were you feeling OK after your LP? Any after affects like a headache? Those 5 days of waiting are probably going to feel like 20 :D

Have a good weekend!
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Ok I am finished except for waiting on results.  It went well.  It was xray guided so I was positioned on my stomach and the person that did it was exceptionally nice.  He showed me the fluid which was clear.  He said that most likely it wasn't an infection because it was so clear.  I asked if it was MS if it could be clear and he said yes.

In response to your question Miss Laural as far as I know he was checking for Lupus, Lyme disease, ANA--which is autoimmune?  and MS Panel.  My DR said the check for protein levels, infection, rings?  Sorry I'm not very educated on this whole thing.  I asked him what he was leaning towards with the testing and he just repeated the blw he was running.  It could take up to 5 business days for everything to be completed from the LP.  I am not sure how long for the blw...but I guess that went along with the LP.  If anyone else knows what they are looking for and how long it takes I would be grateful for your response.   Thank you all for you posts and support.  It is so nice to have someone to vent and ask questions, who have some of the same issues going on in their lives.  I feel understood and comforted here.  Thank you.
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1658667 tn?1310091382
I am so sorry for the fear you feel right now. I am undiagnosed and in the process too. One thing that sounds encouraging is the speed at which you are getting tested. My dx has been in process for 2 years, taking months and months to get things done. So that is a good thing that they are doing things quickly for you. Limbo land is painful.

My MRI had 2 right frontal hypertensities that were chalked up to nothing but age (in my 50s) according to my doctor. I also have Diplopia which is an eye problem that causes me to see double when I look to the right. Neither of these problems seemed to concern my neurologist as they can be explained by many things. It still scares you when weird things happen though!

What do they hope to find in the LP do you know?

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352007 tn?1372857881
If they do the LP at bedside, my Neuro had me sit up and curve my back while leaning on the bedside table.  

It did not hurt nor did the injection of the local anesthetic.  I did not have a LP headache and I laid there for 2 hours flat on my back after the procedure.  

I can empathize with the fear of the unknown and your mind is reeling with the "what-ifs".  

We all do that as we walk out of the Dr's office and say to ourselves, "Oh I wonder.... or Sheesh I forgot to ask..."  

Please let us know how it went.


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Apparently the most important thing you ca do prior to an LP is to HYDRATE. So drink drink drink,  including caffeine. This apparently helps avoid the LP headache.

Most places insist you lie flat for a few hours afterwards (though here in my local place they just tell you to go home and rest.) And take it easy for at least 24 hours.

I understand you fear. It's terrifying not knowing what is going on. I'm diagnosed but still freak out every time I feel a new symptom .....

Try reading a nice light-hearted book to help you relax and get some sleep.

Good luck!
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Well I got into neurologist sooner than expected.  It wasn't quite what I expected.  I didn't find out much as to what my diagnosis is.  I am having a lumbar puncture tomorrow and I have some bloodwork that the nurse said I need to do before the procedure.  the bloodwork was for ANA, lyme, lupus, and ms panel.  I am really nervous about the whole thing.  When I started having the symptoms I was scared and wanted to know what was happening.  But my tremors have almost completely disappeared.  the nystagmus is still hanging around but I feel I am functioning really well.  Im afraid for my myself and my family.  I just remarried 2 yrs ago and have 4 children and life was going really well.  This could change all our lives.  Its almost 1 am and I cannot go to sleep.  I hope that I can get result fairly quickly so I don't have to worry for much longer.  Does anyone know what my limitations will be after the puncture?  How long will I have to stay afterward?  I didn't think to ask the questions at the visit...of course I though of everything afterward.  :(
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338416 tn?1420045702
Nystagmus is usually caused by a lesion in the cerebellum - I had that, and it was awesome!  (just kidding!)  Every time I tried to focus on anything, it would vibrate.  And then there was the time the room appeared to be spinning... it was actually my eyes.  I think it can also be caused by a lesion in the brainstem.
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She did a CBC, tsh, b12, glucose, liver profile.  My symptoms are head tremors and nystagmus.  I did have an episode about11 years ago which neurologist diagnosed as probable guillain barre syndrome.  That started out as numbness in legs and fingers and progressed to paralysis waist down.  I did recover fully in about a year and have had no other issues until now.
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Sorry your having a bad day too wobbly.  If you dont mind me asking...what were your symptoms.  How long did it take before you got a diagnosis?  What test did you have to do?
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352007 tn?1372857881
Yes there are many diagnostic considerations for hyperintense white matter lesions on the brain.

Simple reasons:

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

I could make a list of many more but I feel that it would not do any good to do so.  How about what did your primary doctor test you on already?

Do you have a medical history that is pertinent?

What are all of your symptoms?

I am not a doctor and I can't diagnose anyone at any time.  

This may be a simple thing.  Allow the doctors to run their tests and inquire with them what they would be ruling out.  That in itself would help you understand what is going on.

I can understand the anxiety you may feel and most likely you're reading up on the internet and googling finding things that may scare you -- but don't let it.  

You nor the doctors know exactly what is going on so allow time to run diagnostic tests (blood work or otherwise) and you will feel more empowered with the information your doctor and/or neurologist gives you.

Stay here, chat with us -- ask away..  We are all here for you.


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293157 tn?1285873439
Hi there, welcome to the forum and I know how you are feeling, I was there a few years ago, wondering what was wrong with my body and having to wait for appts and seeing specialist.  It's not an easy process.

hyperintensities could be different Dx, I think MS is like a puzzle that the Neuros have to figure out.  It's not just one thing that will get a Dx.  

sorry, I'm not having a good day myself, but wanted to let you know that your not alone in this and we all understand what your going through.

hang in there
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Do you know what other conditions can cause hyperintensities?  Thanks for responding to me...today hasnt been a good day.
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352007 tn?1372857881
Welcome to the forums Tammy!

Your doctor is doing the right thing by you in sending you to a Neurologist and an "eye" doctor.  

There are lots of diseases that can cause hyperintense white matter lesions and yes, one of the diseases can be MS.  But MS is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning they have to rule out other diseases first.  I'm not saying you have MS for I am not a doctor or here to diagnose.  Im hoping I could allay some of your anxiety that you're feeling.

I can understand why you are scared, these abnormal symptoms would scare anyone but have no fear, you are on the right path to find out what it is and you're in a great community ( I think the best one of the internet) to receive emotional, intellectual and spiritual support.  

What is going on is for you to make that appointment with your Neurologist.  He/she will perform additional blood work that your primary may not have done yet.  He/she may order additional testing such as evoke potentials.  When you go to your neurologist you can ask him/her "what do they think that is possibly going on" ask why they are doing these tests (when he orders them).  

You are in a forum that have many many people here that can relate and add to what I'm saying for they are intelligent, compassionate and know their stuff.

Good luck to you

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