352007 tn?1372857881

Rush for time

I am sure as the sun rises in the east and settles in the west that at least one of you have dealt with your insurance companies giving an authorization for a MRI with and without contrast.  Im in a rush for time because it is now Monday and still no authorization from insurance company for my Thursday appt. of MRI.

I have an appointment on Feb 13th for brain MRI with and without contrast.  The secretary just called me  to tell me that my insurance feels I do not need the contrast.  She puts them on hold and runs to the Neuro and asks him, "Is it ok if Lisa has it without? Will that suffice?"  He said, "Absolutely not."  So she went back and told the insurance company person that the Neurologist states that it is imperative that I have the contrast and begin to start me on MS Protocol".  

What crap people have to go through.  Right?

If I went through the emergency room (which I was two hair's breaths away from going last night) I would have brought the printed order of MRI of brain w/wo contrast with me and had it done there.  Since my paresthesias in my bilateral lower legs is STILL there ( since Jan 11th) and now left arm is doing it too.  My vision is blurry even with corrective lenses on.

THen the insurance company can't deny the contrast if I go through the ER.  Isn't that something?


PS - Just frustrated.
19 Responses
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352007 tn?1372857881
Yes it is a PITA Lisa. LOL.

Well, we had a Noreaster come through and the facility called me that day and cancelled my MRI appointment and rescheduled on Feb 25th.  

So have to wait until then.

No pics to post LOL.


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738075 tn?1330575844
For the last MRIs I had, my old neuro called for authorization for it to be done with and without Gd.  I got the authorization for just "without". I got the Gd, anyway, and the insurance company did ppay.  I gues I got lucky.  What a PITA all this is!
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739070 tn?1338603402
Glad the authorization went through!!  Waiting to see your pics from the MRI!


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352007 tn?1372857881
LOL Alex!!!  Isnt the medical field grand?  I swear they all need a swift kick in the arse! (preferably by your horse's hoofs!)

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667078 tn?1316000935
Glad you got authorization. I was waiting for a week for the Pain Clinic at Duke to send me a script because they did not have my address. I have not moved in 17 years and they bill me so they have my address!

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352007 tn?1372857881
ty PastorDan!!!
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751951 tn?1406632863
Congrats on getting authorization.  Here's hoping you get clear direction from the imaging.
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Alright, I'll try to watch for your next posts (& pics).  
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352007 tn?1372857881
Of course I'd let you know :D  You know I post pics LOL

It will be interesting to see if I have new lesions.  I wish he ordered a lumbar spine . I asked but....he did not do so.

I wonder if I have a bulging disc or something that is causing the lower leg paresthesias yanno?

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That's good news that they've now authorized it with contrast. Still don't see why they denied it in the first place.

I guess let us know what the MRI shows this time around.

-Kelly :-)
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352007 tn?1372857881
I got the authorization!  w00t.


Thank you all

xxoo Lisa
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352007 tn?1372857881
Well I called and left a message for the doctor/Neuro.  Apparently, he did not seem to think it was worth calling me back, since I did not hear from him.

I hope I did the right thing.  I hope he's not thinking, "She's calling me about sensory issues and blurry vision (even though she has astigmatism) and off balance?"

I mean its funny when its yourself that you don't know if and when you should call.?

I must admit...its been a month with the lower legs paresthesias...and one would think I'd be used to it by now (and I am)....but..its annoying as shyt.  If there was something I could do for it to make it go away, I'd love it.


Thank you for your responses!

Dennis...I think maybe tomorrow if I still have the blurred vision issues with the corrective lenses on....then I'll just might go into the ER during day. Well..that's  a big maybe. I talk about it but when it comes time to do it...um I change my mind.


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900662 tn?1469390305
sorry about the typo's  

"Then they"

should MRI also let to surgery...

DO these insurance companies think its fun for us?  I hate doinMRI'S  
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900662 tn?1469390305
rather weird this is one thing that my MSneruo  can do great , they know the magic word and alway get approval for MRI'S in 24 hours.

When I need an MRI for  shoulder they wanted me to do PT first for six weeks,  then when I hurt my back   I got he same BS from them,  my surgeon said- to me,  If you feel like you can't go to the bathroom go to the emergency room and them they''ll have to preform the MRI.  I had a swollen nerve at L4-L3 and was in surgery in just a few weeks.

Its only going to get worse for everyone..  whether you have insurance or not.

take care
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645800 tn?1466860955
I would call your Neuro.  He might want to try a IVSM treatment to calm things down.

And yes blurry vision does bite. I have to get with 1 foot of the screen to be able to read anything since I started my new Anxiety medication in the mornings.

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739070 tn?1338603402
CALL! You know the answer so just do it!

Meant to emphatic not bossy or rude :-)

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352007 tn?1372857881
Poppy: Thank you for stopping by and responding offering the best of luck!

We'll see huh?

Dennis.  We're going to have to put you in a suit when you go out! Looking like an astronaut! (Teasing)

Side note and off this topic:

I am wondering --

Do I call the Neuro to let him know that I still have the paresthesias in both my legs and now has moved to my left arm, my balance has been off today and since yesterday...my vision extra blurry than other days, and even with corrective lenses on.

Or do I just suck this up?  And deal?

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645800 tn?1466860955
While I have never had to deal with insurance Co. before an appointment or procedure I have had my fair share dealling with them after the fact to get them to pay bills.

Back in 1990 I got stung by my first ever bee and had to go to the ER as it turns out that bee stings can kill me. By the time I got to the ER you could see the pounding of my heart right through my shirt (which wasn't a tight fitting one). They didn't even do any of the usual paperwork, but just rushed me back into one of the exam rooms and started pumping full of drugs to counter act the effect of the sting. They even brought over a crash cart as I was that close to cardiac arrest.

After about 3 hours and them getting me stabilized they sent me home with drugs to take. Well about 4 hours later I started having a second reaction to the sting that was just as bad as the first one.  Again rush to the ER, crash cart next to the bed, and tons of drugs.  This time they kept me for 5 hours just to make sure I wasn't going to have yet another reaction.

Next thing I know is that the insurance Co. is refusing to pay for the second trip to the ER. They are insisting that the hospital is double billing them since both trips to the ER were on the same day. Especially since the bills were for the same things and same amount.  It took several months to finally get the Insurance company to believe I had two reactions to the same bee sting.

What made it even worse is that just after I finally got the Insurance company to pay that bill I got stung again and had the double reaction again. And had to fight with the Insurance co again to pay the second ER bill.

I have been stung a couple of times since then as well and still have double life threatening reactions every time. Needless to say I'm very paranoid about bees and wasps. LOL

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4943237 tn?1428991095
I am so sorry to hear of your struggles with darned insurance.  With health issues, the last thing you need is to have to chase up these things.  

I've got my fingers crossed that it all works out by Thursday for you.

Best wishes

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