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Typical MS numbness

well, for a very long period of time I have experienced MS like symptoms. Each morning I would wake up with either one of my arms totally numb.However, on rare occassion numbness could be felt in both hands/arms.
It usually emanates from the fingers, and radiates to the arm.
. With these symptoms, I went to see a GP who referred me to a neurologist. After performing a neurological examination that may have lasted less than 20 mins, he diagnosed me as suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. From the information gleaned from the internet, It appears to me that there's noway any doctor on earth can rule out MS based on neurological examination that doesn't involve any input from paraclinical examination. Basically, he gauged the response of my muscles using a reflex hammer and based on that he declared me alright. Does it ring a bell, anyone?  
Another thing he told me about MS related-numbness is that MS numbness stays on for weeks, sometimes months before improving. The numbness that I typically feel goes away with the shaking or movement of limbs and this sort of numbness is typically experienced at night while asleep. In short, movement/shaking of affected limbs doesn't alleviate numbness if it is caused by multiple sclerosis. Can anyone verify this statement.

Thank you.
10 Responses
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611606 tn?1315517767
From what I can tell by what you have written, I would suggest that you see Another Dr. as soon as possible and get an MRI done of your brain and Spine.
There is no one way MS acts it is always different and always moving around and changing... I don't  understand these Dr. who want MS Patients To all be just alike, and that is NEVER going to happen... So please if you do nothing else , See a Different Doctor.ASAP...
I'll be keeping you in my Prayers, Jordan...
{{{{~!~}}}} DJ
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well, doctor says that preponderance of women and caucasians in the MS population make the possibility of my getting the disease miniscule, since im neither.
I lived in a sub-tropical climate. I was brought up and raised in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Based on the above factors, its almost impossible for me to get any doctor to take me seriously. On the other hand, I have all the classic MS symptoms. I get muscle twitches, numbness, jaw pain (trigeminal neuralgia?), sudden outbreak of floaters (just one or two of them that I can constatly see from out of the corner of my left eye).

now im contemplating suicide!
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410281 tn?1254229064
NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! Do not even think about suicide!  Please.  I have been there, done that.  I am very lucky to have a husband that cares, and I know that you have someone close to you that cares too! We are always here for you to rant and vent your frustrations and tell us about your winning moments, please!

Limbo land is a very very hard place to be.  I've been here for a long time and I can tell you that this forum is very safe and helpful. I'm convinced that some of the most kind and thoughtful people on the planet are here!

I have all of the symptoms that you listed here and so far have been simply dismissed as having headaches, since I fought chronic daily headaches for a couple of years.  My headaches have since turned into a couple weeks on a couple months off type pattern,  but all the drs see when they look at my chart is "headache." and they simply dismiss me.  I recently had to write a cover letter pleading with a new neuro to look outside the "headache" box.

Remember, too, that MS mimics many other things.  I suggest that you ask your PCP to run lyme, ANA, Vit B, Vit D, and all tests relating to the mimics.  Is it possible that you could be diabetic?

Please, stay here with us.  We're here for you and will help guide you through limbo land as much as we can.  There are many of us here with many different experiences - and we care.

Feel better, Be strong.

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634733 tn?1316625992
Search on google for a web site called Life In Spite of MS and on the left menu select From CIR to You - I have never seen anyone further from a white female - that at least gives you some ammunition.

Don't give up, it took 20 years of symptoms for me to get a diagnosis and I have also been in that dark place. Lean on this forum it is inspirational and very, very supportive and please seek another opinion.

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410281 tn?1254229064
As an afterthought to my last reply - Montel Williams is a famous face with MS. African American Male......Michael J Fox got Parkinsons at a very young age - though it is typically diagnosed later in life.

Keep fighting!
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953123 tn?1251757774
Honestly you are probably sleeping with your arms bent(more like the fetal position). which will cause numbness in your hands, fingers, arms, and shoulders. If you are getting MS numb, it does not subside within minutes or within the day. At least for me, I have never heard of a 45 minute exacerbation. Best to you...as for the suicide dont even type that. My older (not anymore) brother did that 14 years ago and it solved nothing. Actually it created more problems for a family that was already being destroyed by them....I was reading above and what other symptoms are you having? Is it all upper body or are you having anything with your legs, problems urinating, fatigue?
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hi Jordan,

I'm sort of thinking the same as borntolose102, from what you've described its sounds like your arm numbness is conected to how you are sleeping at night, even a bad pillow or sleeping position (pintching nerves in your neck) can create the things you've mentioned. MS numbness isn't the same feeling as when a limb has gone to sleep, its very difficult to describe, its often with out cause, long lasting hours, days weeks etc. nothing really alters that weird feeling, shaking or rubbing doesn't bring back normal sensation.

What i would say is very important is your anxiety and suicidal thoughts, depression is not something you should dismiss, there are many studies that state along with the emotional coponent there are often physical symptoms too. It really is in your best interest to at least get that side of things sorted first, even people with dx MS take medications usually perscribed for depression.

Even if your symptoms dont resolve after you've delt with the depression/anxieties, at least you'll know for sure its something else so really what have you got to loose?


PS. Pick up that phone and call your dr!
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Hi Suicide is never an option.  There is always help..!  I don't have a distinct diagnosis.  I know it can be frustrating. But I believe maintaining a positive personality / outlook help a lot.   I know it's easier said then done but I make an effort everyday to live this way

In the last little bit (summer here) My symptoms have lessoned  for a few months and I was able to go on vacation and enjoy myself and forget about things with the wonderful person I'm dating.  I feel hopeful that whatever I'm experiencing I can still get along quite well and enjoy life. We drove out to Newfoundland went camping and really had a nice time.  A few episodes of needing to go to be early but he is pretty understanding and accommodating (just need to speak up a bit when I need a rest!)

As per the numbness, this week a huge heatwave has hit Ontario, and I've been feeling it pertty hard.  My hand went numb Saturday and off and on has been that way for three days.  Sometimes if I run it under warm water it feels better, but as soon as I dry it off it's back. I mostly just ignore it now.. :P It's always the same hand.   I have some other symptoms that affect me more (difficulty with bladder etc).

I've sorta of accepted they might never figure out what it is and I'm ok with that.  That means "it" hasn't got so serious that red flags are showing up everywhere, and that means I'm not getting any worse. And you know what that is good right?  Might not have a name, but I tell people experience some symptoms with my nerves and after a brief description most accept my word and don't need a specific name of what it is.
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Please dont be as ignorant as her doctor.  I wake up every morning and my arms are asleep. I also can hardly thing straight, I hurt and I feel extremely depressed.  It takes a few minutes before I can move my arms.  I DO have MS and MY doctor says this IS my ms.  Please don't make comments if you don't know the answer, especially when it only makes her feel worse.  
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Sorry, I was talking to borntolose...
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