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if anyone could help to my questions

ok the story starts like this:
on the 23th of june i had gastroenteritis for a couple of days.high fever , muscle pain and diarea.this lasted for a couple of days and 3d day came to normal.the 3d day i began to see zig zag flashing lights in my eyes.after a couple of days i went to the opthalmologist he didnt find anything in my eye so i went back home.she did give me some exams to do though such as blood count, holisterol etc., triplex of carotid. i did on my own an MRI on the 3Tesla without contrast it came back normal.on the 8th of july i was at work and as i was seating and turned my head under the office to fix smth at the tower of the pc and went my head back, i felt smth like vertigo for 5 seconds.everything in the office was spinning.the next days after that were full of stress and fatigue.i dont know if stress made feel so fatigue or smth else.on my last exam(this week) called OCT, ocular coherense tomograph, the opthalmologist found shadows in the eye and demanded a fluro-agiongram to exclude 'some autoimmune illnesses'.the next the exam was done everything was clear and he said that i dont have to worry any more for this and the flu made this problem with my eyes.the problem with my eyes bythe way 3 weeks after flu is recurring much more rarely(every 5 -6 days, in the beggining was every day for 15 minutes)
my questions:
should an MRI 3TESLA without contrast find at least one lession relative to MS or not?whats the probability of this MRI to miss it?
are my symptoms consistent with MS?should a single episode of vertigo(i found on the net that this type is called BBPV) along with my eye problems are enough alerting of the onset of MS?
I am 34 years all, healthy till now and being very stressful most all of my life.
also i dont have any familly member that i know having ms.
I would really apreciate if anyone who has knowledge of MS give me some clu with all of this.
sorry for my english , i am from greece, athens.
13 Responses
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hi all again....
well  i was very stressed after my vertigo and very fatigue after that for 10 days..probably due to stress.but i did a second MRI this time with and without contrast...negative again.
its been a month since the last MRI which was without contrast.doctor told me that if vertigo was a true ms vertigo then the MRI with contrast would show active lession cause they normaly stay active for about 6 weeks..he told me that i have to understand that if it was MS with 2 MRIs with and without contrast they would have found it.he said also that they would definetely have found the tumor if it was a cause for the vertigo.as far as the eye concern, it keeps coming again but not in a daily base and the only clue probably is mgraines with aura...i did so many exams...if there was smth they would have found it..
i guess i have to relax and only then these funny zig zag lines will go away...
any comments?do you think i am out of the possibilty that i have MS?
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hi willowwoman777 and thanks for posting.
i have a question regarding MRI.if indeed i am at the onset of ms, i mean, after my gastroenteritis, first symtpom was visual disturbances and second symptom 2 weeks after vertigo, what where the chance of an MRI without contrast to catch any lession?in simply words, is it common first to have symptoms and after months a lession to be shown on an MRI?
thanks in advance
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and i want to add smth i found on the net searching that match my symptoms...
its called vestibular neuritis and comes weeks after a bad flu
i know i m not a doctor but maybe an explanation of my symptoms
we ll see...
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Hi..Having a bit of trouble reading the long posts, today; however. I can add that my MS was dx'd without contrast. I have kidney disease and the Radiologist refused to use contrast and told me to NEVER (his stress) allow anyone to give me the contrast for MRI. Even without contrast, many large lesions, according to doc they were classic MS. What he told me is that lesions will show up if there are any, the contrast shows their activity. I don't know if that helps. Just had an MRI last week where they found 2 new ones and w/o contrast my neuro just can't tell how new they are.
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soupermum ms and Lulu54
thank you for posting me
well yes i am a very stressful person and i agree that maybe my agony for not having a desease may result to weird symptoms.but its the first time in my life i had this kind of vertigo(BPPV) and all the symptoms together just make me believe that is smth more serious than a simple flu.i think my next appoitment will be with an ear doctor to check if that was BPPV.
just another question: is it very common for ms people to have the first symptoms after a flu?
and is it common a BPPV be post flu symptom(it was 2 weeks after my flu, i think is way too far)
thanks again for all of your support
if in the near future become an ms person be sure that i will become a frequent member of this forum cause i ll find it very good and supporting
keep healthy and smile
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I was going to add my welcome and share my opinion but as I scrolled down and found Twopack and supermum's replies there isn't a whole lot more to add.

The sensations/problems we have from a virus if it is going to cause any can often last a year or more from what I understand.  

Our body is really an incredibly noisy machine.  If we stop and listen we can hear all sorts of sounds and the more we focus on those sounds the louder they become and the more it builds on our anxiety about them.  Right now if I pause I can hear ringing in my left ear as an example.  Now that I've written about that ringing it has gotten louder.  ;-)

I hope you will follow through with the doctors if you continue to have doubts, but I also hope you can find a way to relax and see if this all improves slowly.

For the BPPV, if you do have this condition it can be treated by using the Epley Maneuver.  My favorite website to explain this all is

I guess I really did have more to add after all!

Good luck and stay in touch to let us know how you are progressing.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hi and welcome,

Your sx don't sound like MS or ON to me but I do believe you were ill because of more than one health related issue happening at the same time. Is it possible that you are too anxious and that your fear of a serious disease is exaserbating your anxiety so that you are not being reasured with clear results?

The 3T MRI is the better MRI's, the likelyhood that all your tests would be normal and you still having MS or any autoimmune disease would be exstreemly rare, not impossible because nothing is full proof. The point is, you should not be fearful and worried at this time of your life, someone once told me "to not fear and become anxious about anything until it happens, to do so only makes you go throught the horrible experience twice, first in your mind and the second in reality" I think that is wise adice.


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hello twopack and thank you for posting about my situation.
well my dizziness was definetely not any classic one, it was smth like BPPV as i searched on the net but to be honest that day i havent eaten anything since morning(happened around 13:00 noon) in greece now the weather is really hot so as you said maybe low blood sugar and or blood pressadure issue.yes indeed was 2 weeks after my flu.
ocular migraines could be a posibility and yes my stress is TOO much generally in my life.
another information i must add is that during this period i had my wisdom teeth removed.The BPPV happened 7 days after my wisdom teeth.searching from the net found that there are some cases with BPPV post wisdom teeth removal.
another thing to add is that during my flu i was taking amoxicilin (1g) for my wisdom teeth cause my dentist told me to take in order to take it out.i took for one week amoxicilin and when the gastroenteritis came i was silly not to call my dentist and ask him if i should stop it or not.so this also could be a posibility.
i told my opthalmologist about my single episode of BPPV and she didnt bother too much about it.
as i wrote in my first post, my MRI without contrast was clean.it was a 3TESLA.what is your opinion about it?i mean what are the chances lessions be invisible?i ve read its about 5%. is it true?
sorry for asking you so many questions but i m really worried
thanks for your good words about my language skills and yes i hope that i ll relax on vacations
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1045086 tn?1332126422
Hello lakwnas.  What you describe doesn't really sound like MS to me.  It does sound like you get very sick when you have the flu or gastroenteritis though.  Fever and diarrhea that lasts for several days can leave you very dehydrated and weak.  It often takes longer to recover from sickness like that than it does to actually be sick.

The office dizziness happened around two weeks after you were so sick.  I bet you were probably still under nourished then and maybe still a little dry and weak.  It's possible your blood pressure or blood sugar was low.  Or it might have been one of those 'just because' things.

Sometimes people get a spinning feeling for a few seconds when they move their head quickly 'just because'.  That's it.  No reason is ever apparent except that our bodies have a big job to do just to keep everything constantly balanced correctly and we don't make it easy for ourselves with constant quick movements.  

We usually barely remember this happens as long as it goes away and doesn't keep happening dozens of times a day.  Maybe when this happened to you it seemed extra important because you were having those zig-zag lights flashing and disrupting your vision at the same time.  Did you tell your ophthalmologist about that?

Flashing lights can appear when there is a problem with the retina in the back of your eye.  It sounds like your doctor could tell that was NOT the problem right away and checked for other things.  Since the tests all came back normal, I wonder if you might have had what is called ocular migraines.

These are pretty common for people in general (with or without MS).  They create strange visual effects that build over several minutes, may or may not block normal sight and then fade away again within about thirty minutes.  Sometimes a headache will follow but usually this happens painlessly (yet it is still considered a migraine).  Some people (including me) notice they happen more often during stressful times like you were having then.  Did any doctor mention this as a possibility?

I hope I can ease your mind a little without just dismissing your concern.  You understand what is normal for your own body better than anyone.  If something that needs your attention is going on, your body will let you know soon enough.  Worry can bring on problems that make it hard to see exactly what is developing.  I hope you can relax and enjoy your summer until your body gives you a clear sign it is time to worry or fine to heave a sigh of relief.

Good luck to you and I extend a huge thank you for your efforts in learning a non-native language.  No apologies are necessary.  It is your skill that has allowed us to share here.  Thank you.

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hi carol again...
i had call today with my opthalmologist and asking her if the shadow they found is optic nevritis, she said for sure no.she said that if there was a suspicion of MS from this shadow she would definetely write me down further exam.she said also even without contrast the MRI 3TESLA would show smth.....i m puzzled....
on the other hand you said that i ll definetely check it out cause symptoms are alarming...
my familly dont want to hear a word for exams for MS, they think i am crazy..
i m in the middle of no where now...
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199882 tn?1310184542
If it where me I think I would want to see a neurologist... Once you explain your symptoms that you have had in the past up til now he will probably want  to run some test...

When it comes to my health I don't want to mess around... I want the best... I'm sure most of us are like that or else we should be... Your ophthalmologist sounds to me like she doesn't think anything is wrong with you and that the flu caused your problems...

If you agree with that then that's fine but I'm pretty sure you don't... I wouldn't either... I hope you will go to another doctor... Please keep me informed and I'm here any time you need to talk...

I'll be praying,
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hi carol, thank you for your answer...no the MRI was only for the brain.the problem is that my opthalmologist after the fluro-angiogram told me to go back home and relax cause she doesnt find anything serious.but after you reply i m starting to doupt if just an MRI without contast was enough to just close the case...
3 ophtalmologists didnt mention  a word for optic neuritis which is very common in ms people.BUT...4 years ago after a very bad flu i  had symptoms of optic neuritis(pain in the eyes, blurred vission for about 3 days but it was gone and i didnt bother to check it anymore). the problem is that i read people developing optic neuritis have a posibility of getting MS within 15 years .

to be honest i m sure i am on the onset of MS but havent done the apropriate exams.do u think i should get in contact directly with a neurologist or wait till my opthalmologist says her final word?
he actually said:dont worry, this shadow is from your flu, it will subststain and come back on september to see if it has gone...
by the way i ve done visual field test, OCT(ocular coherence tomogragh-this found the shadow-) and fluro angiogramm which was clear
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199882 tn?1310184542
Hello and welcome to our family... You will find a forum full of caring and wonderful people... You will also find some that are very knowledgeable in MS... I really can't help you with your question other than I do know that not all lesions will show up on a MRI... Also was your MRI just of the brain or did it also include the spine?

Some people will show lesions in the spine only while others will show in the brain only... and some will show in both places... Also there are several other test that can help eliminated other things this could be... MS is the process of elimination and I really don't think 1 MRI without contrast can determine one way or other if you have MS...

I don't know if I've helped you at all but I'm sure others will chime in and give their opinions too... I wish you the best and please keep us posted...

I'll be praying,
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