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Neuro Is A Keeper!!

Well, as you all know, I had my first neuro appt yesterday.  A little history for those of you who don't know.  I do not have health ins and this is a very slow process for me.  Had brain MRI, which was clear, in Oct 2008.

I had researched neuro's in Birmingham, AL, as that is just the closest place for me with the best drs.  Quix, was also researching this for me, which I didn't know at the time.  Well folks, guess what, Quix and I both chose the same neuro for me!!!  Yes, I do not believe in coincidences so that is who I had my GP refer me to.  Quix and I both picked a female MS specialist, I didn't see her as she only works with the dx MS patients, but I ended up in the same office and saw her husband.

I've done a lot of praying in the last few weeks, as I've heard many horror stories on the forum about bad neuro's.  I just prayed that he would be a good guy and want to find my dx.  Well, here's my story of yesterday:

Well, our prayers were answered, I love my neuro!!  He is a really nice guy, somewhere in his forties, maybe 45?  He listened to everything I said and never once acted like he was in a rush.

I did the finger to my nose and back to his finger thing, did okay.  Crossed my arms in front of me and raised them, tried to push against his resistance, couldn't do it.  Walked for him, he says my right leg shows lots of weakness and I seem to be dragging it.  Had a hard time getting up out of the chair and onto the exam table, he was taking note of that. Asked me if I always had this problem, and I said yes.  Of course Sammy (my hubby) was sitting there with this big fat grin on his face, because last week I took a bath and it took me 20 minutes to get out of the tub because of my legs!!  Told the dr this too.

The neuro took off my shoes and socks, and my right side toes did their contortion act for him.  He laughed.  Checked my reflexes in knees, really brisk.  Checked reflexes in my feet, I didn't see any movement at all.  Got a paper clip, bent one end out and started sticking my feet and legs.  Could feel in some places not in others.  Told him about the no sensation thing in my upper thighs, when I used Icy Hot in Oct, he seemed to really be listening to that.

Did the, sitting on the table, lift your leg against his resistance, didn't do well.  Wanted me to lift my foot up toward my shin while he gave resistance, couldn't do that at all.

He used the light and looked at my eyes.  Made me spread my fingers with his resistance, did okay.

We just talked and talked, and he even asked Sammy some things.  He said that it would be hard for him to believe I had MS, because of the length of time I've had symptoms with no treatment, that I shouldn't still be able to walk.  

Sammy and I both laughed and told him that he just didn't know me!  I told him over the last year that there had been times I wanted to give in and not try to walk, but that I knew if I did that I might never walk again.  I told him that I am tough and stubborn and that I worked really hard not to let my symptoms win, even though sometimes it was beyond hard.

I asked him if my high level of fatigue could have something to do with my cognitive problems.  He looked at me and said, yes, they could.  He of course said that without lesions in my brain or C spine (haven't had this MRI yet) that it was doubtful that my problems were MS.  That was okay, I guess, as long as he finds out what it is.  I do believe he will be one to find out what is wrong, whether it is MS or not.

He asked if I thought it could be stress, and if I had been overly stressed.  I said no, I would have had to been overly stressed continuously for 20 years, and he agreed and we both laughed.  I told him when I'm stressed I know it and it will always effect my stomach, not cause spasms, weakness, etc., he agreed.

If I had insurance this is what he wanted to do yesterday!!  Repeat brain MRI, a C spine MRI, VEP, Nerve Conduction Test, EEG, Blood Panel, EMG.  When the nurse came with all this, I reminded her I didn't have ins, and it really bothered her, cause she wanted me to get these tests.  

I explained to her about my local hospital that did the first MRI and about their reduced rates for the uninsured.  She wants me to check on all these tests and see if they do all of them at a reduced rate, and if they do, the dr will order everything through them.  I called this morning, and am waiting on a return call now.  When I get the answers from the hospital, the nurse at the neuro office will schedule my tests.

I am very pleased with the neuro and his nurses, they were all everything I could have asked for.  That prayer was answered, now I've just got to work out the tests, and I think I will get a dx.

I'm really exhausted today, but happy.  I really hope me being uninsured doesn't change his attitude, he doesn't seem like the type that it would even matter to him.  I sure hope not, because I do like him very much.

Sammy and I were talking about the neuro visit last night and he made the point that after the neuro watched me walk and did the resistance tests with my arms and legs that he changed and never said again that it might not be MS.  Maybe he saw something when he was doing his exam?

All in all, I feel blessed.  I believe I have found a wonderful neuro and that he will work toward finding a dx for me.  He spent close to an hour with me and never once did I feel he was in a rush to leave.  He asked questions and answered mine.  He let me talk and explain what I wanted to, never making me feel uncomfortable or that my issues weren't important.

My prayers for all of my fellow limbolanders is that you will find the right neuro.  I still feel like c r a p, but my heart is lighter now, because I have found a neuro who will be on my side and work to help me put a name to this monster that has taken over my life.

You are all always in my thoughts and prayers.  Thanks to all of you who have put me in your prayers and thoughts, it really does help, I know it does.

Love & Hugs,
23 Responses
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198419 tn?1360242356
Will you call the Dr.s office and "ask" them for the lab order too???

Please, please, pretty please???

Git R' Done!

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Zilla and Kathy, yes girls, it's going to be our year for a dx.  I just know it!!  Prayers do get answered, we just can't give up!!

Thanks Heather, it's funny you should mention that about your neuro.  I had a dream the night after my appt, that my neuro did the same thing for me!!  

It sure would be nice, but either way, at least I feel I have a dr that I can count on now.  I'm just praying that my lack of ins won't frustrate him.  He doesn't seem the type, and I'm keeping positive.

Heard back from the hospital, they will do both MRIs and the EEG, they don't do the VEP there.  Regular charges for the MRIs are $5200 each and EEG is $1800.  They will do all three for $1575 and stretch my payments for 6 mos.  I'm gonna go for it!!!

I don't know why the neuro's office didn't put the blood panel in there too.  Guess he wants to see the MRIs first.

Again, thanks to all of you for all the support you show me everyday.  Don't know what I would do without all of you, you are my rock.

Love & Bunches of hugs
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195469 tn?1388322888
Time to do the "Snoppy Dance."  Hip, hip, horray.  Actually what I read in your post is that the conversation may have ended a couple times, had you and Sammy not come up with some quick responses.

I hear you about insurance.  I do have insurance, but my "great Neuro" was not approved by my insurance company, since she is "out of network," so guess what, she sees me for FREE and has for over a year.  I have been more than blessed by this miracle woman from God.  She is the greatest.

Glad you seem to have found one of those too.  We are both blessed.

Snoppy Dance continues.....

Big Huggies,
Heather - Earth Mother  
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405614 tn?1329144114
I'm doing a happy dance for you, kind of a modified hula...

I'm just tickled that you got to see a good neuro, that you and Q both found his wife, which sent you to him.  I just know that the tests will be done somehow; I think all hospitals have hardship waivers and reduce or dismiss charges for necessary tests.

It sure sounds like this neuro will convince them that these tests are necessary.

I'm with Zilla; this is your year!  Yours, Zilla's, and maybe mine, too!

Bunches of love and hugs,


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220917 tn?1309784481
Hey, girl!  I'm so happy and pleased that you have a doc that cares.  What more can you ask for?

I hope you and I get our shy little lesions to finally show themselves this year.  This IS our year, Doni!

Much love,

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Thanks, Ess, Wobbly, Wanna, Cee and Christy.  All your responses make me feel even better.  It's really nice to know I have a team pulling for me!!!!!!

Hugs to you all!!
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590310 tn?1273871747
I am so happy for you. Sounds like this is what you have been waiting for all this time. This will be the one that will get the dx for you. I have my fingers crossed and you are in my thoughts. Good luck!

Christy D
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I'm so happy for you!  

I can't wait to hear that you've gotten your dx.  

Lots of prayers!

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For you my friend, I must post :o) and tell you how happy I am that you are FINALLY getting somewhere, be it MS or ?????whatever?????...the testing will be done and you will get the h*ll out of Limboland...which is h*ll on earth.

I pray the answer comes SOON!!!

Love and HUGE HUGS,

Wanna :o)
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293157 tn?1285873439
well this is such good news to hear you found a Neuro that will listen and actually want to help find you some answers...which ever they are...I hope you find them soon and get some treatment to help with you symptoms.  

being in Limboland is not an easy place to be and so many of us here know what it's like to not have a Dr that will listen and explain things.  

it took me a few Neuros to find the MS specialist I have now...she sounds alot like the one you have there.... I may not have MS..but I feel she is willing to keep working with me to find out what I do have...and I think you found the same.. This is great news..

take care
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Thanks, Elaine.  I know what you and Craig have been through, and I know how blessed I am, finding a good neuro on the first try.

Thanks, Quixxie, couldn't have done it without you.  You've never given up on me.

Sunny,  thanks, sweetie, pm me and I will get you my neuro's name and phone #.  It's worth a try, I think you would really like him.

Thanks, Udkas, I finally think my answers are coming and I can't help but be excited.  It's weird how I can't wait to find out I have some kind of disease, huh?  Knowledge is power, my favorite saying.

Thank you to all of you for all your support, thoughts, and prayers.  I would never have made it to this point without my forum family.  You've lifted me up so many times and kept me going, when I just didn't have the energy to fight for my answers.

I owe you all so much, and will always cherish my friends here.  Even if it isn't MS, you are gonna have a hard time getting rid of me.....hahaha

Love & Hugs to all of you,

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Way to go, Doni!!!!!!

I'm SO happy for you. You are one of our biggest cheerleaders, and now it's time for us to cheer for you.

Hip hip HOORAYY!!

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Hi Doni,
I am so glad that your appointment was great, it is so important that you can find a neuro that will listen and be caring, even if they can't give you complete answers. Diseases of the nervous system seem to be so difficult to diagnose but it's better to get the correct diagnosis than the wrong one, which I think would be worse.

I hope you get your answers soon, but having a caring Dr who is trying to help you with this is half the battle.  I feel for you with the insurance stuff, in Australia the MRI machines are free and any treatment, you can be a private patient and go to a private hospital but even then the machines are funded so the out of pocket expense is not huge.  Is insurance expensive? When we pay our taxes some of the money goes to a levy which funds our healthcare system.  All the Drs that I see are FREE! All the tests that I have done will be free, sometimes there is a small gap.

My MRI today will cost as I am using the private hospital as I decided not to wait for the other one to be fixed.

I am praying for you to get an answer. So glad this worked out for you.  I hope you can get the tests done soon and get some sort of answer. Take care,

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486038 tn?1300063367
wow doni, i'm so happy for you!!! Perhaps I will have the grit to go to this guy myself, he's closer than the other ones i've visited, you know. :) Right now I'm just "living" and at some point I'll try another doctor again, for now I'm so tired of scary doctors who don't seems to care, and to be honest, I don't want to spend $$ either.
YAYYYYY!!!! for you!!!!!
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Thanks doni for letting us know.  What good news and such a relief to find a nice neuro.  They are rare you know!

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Hi Rena, we must have been posting at the same time!!!  Thank you, friend, it does feel like a positive and I'm gonna keep up the praying...hahaha

Hope you are doing good and get in to see that new neuro.  What's up with that?

Take care, my sweet friend, have a good day.  Oh yes, give the pups a hug from me!!

Hi Lu!! Ain't it great!!  Neuro's office is faxing the order for all the tests to the hospital this afternoon.  We'll see what the cost is and I will go from there.  I'll keep you posted.  Hope you are feeling well today.

Love & Hugs,
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147426 tn?1317265632
I'm just clapping my little hands and feet in total glee here!  You (we) found a good one!  I'm sure he is still scratching his head about you.  I think it is telling that he wants another 3T brain MRI.  The only reason I can surmise for that is that he can't shake the suspicion of MS.

I also think it is interesting that he didn't end the visit with a statement of how unlikely MS is.  But we have to remember that your work up has just begun and none of the mimics have been ruled out.  He sounds like the guy to handle the work up though.

To everyone:  Even though Doni hit it on her first one, this is why we recommend that you leave any dismissive, rude, lazy or condescending neuro behind and look again.  the good neurologists are definitely out there and there are enough to go around.

Doni, I'm so happy for you!

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What a difference a day makes, huh?  This is so encouraging .... have a doctor that you trust and feel is working in your best interest makes all the difference in the world.  I know you will keep all of us posted on your journey .........

lots of love to you, L
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Thanks, nette and bio, I really feel that I'm finally going to find some answers, and it does feel good.

Hi Shell, got the hospital and they want the neuro's office to send an order, and then she will work up the pricing and let me know what tests they can do and how much it will cost.  Payment options, etc.

Called the neuro's office, but haven't gotten a return call yet.........Patience is not one of my finer points...........hahaha

I will let you know as soon as I know!!!

Love you too!!!
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335728 tn?1331414412
Hey honey...sounds like you FINALLY may be getting somewhere and I certainly hope that this neuro is going to continue to be intrigued by your symptoms and you are able to have further testing!  To not have access to medical help because of a lack of insurance is criminal in my mind and I certainly hope that the new government in the USA is going to do something about the problem of a lack of insurance.  

Please let us know how you are making out and if you have any further tests booked...it would sure help if you could get them done at a reduced rate!  I am rooting for you friend and I hope that you get some answers soon...you have waited long enough for this to happen to a good person!

Lots of Hugs,

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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Hun,

We talked yesterday, but I just "have" to keep this on top for all to see.

I will add on to your prayers here -  that everyone here gets a "keeper."

I want to hear what the hospital has to say....I know, I'm a nudge.

Love you,
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307874 tn?1242755798
I am so glad you found a good neuro!  The good ones always try to find out what is going on!  I hope you get all your tests done!  Hugs to you, Lynette
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378497 tn?1232143585
Doni, that's a big step and it sounds like a promising one. I hope that hospital confirms that they'll do those exams at a reduced rate because they almost undoubtedly will help you find some answers!

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