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hand eye coordination

does anyone else have problems putting a cap onto the pen. I have pen marks on the finger of the hand thats holding the cap from me missing the cap when i go to put the pen in cap
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That is scary.. The numbness. Do you still get numbness?
I always want to cry when i read the forums, and not in a bad way.. Its because everybody knows how i feel lol.. Its like im reading something i wrote about myself.
The silver lining is that even with a diagnosis of ms there is support. And meds and healthy living can definitely try and make the most of it.
The bitter sweet thing i have definitely thought that myself i tell my boyfriend that all the time if i have a diagnosis of ms.
I just want them to schedule me already for a spinal tap... I will definitely let everybody know.. Thank you for all the info/support and encouragement!!
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Its amazing how many different problems people can have with ms. The testing and waiting is what im dreading..
ahhh slurred speech... I hate that.. When i would apply for temp jobs i would specifically ask for back office work, no phones because i slur my words..
The neuro doctor never told me what he was thinking i could have. I do know that they suspect or am trying to eliminate pseudotumor.. The same day i had neuro appt i had an eye appt they sent me with a note asking if he could check for optic neuritis. Everything was good with my eyes.
I have read about pseudotumors but i just dont feel like i have that.. All the research on forums everybody complained about constant headaches.. I hardly have any at all. So im not sure.. Like i said maybe they are  just trying to eliminate it.
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3204881 tn?1345499926
I have MS.

I have had all kinds of symptoms over the last 5 years or so including some wicked vertigo. Every time I went to the doctor for these things they sent me home with a pill or just told me it would all go away.

I was finally diagnosed with MS this year when much of my left side went numb and I was having a hard time with coordination. I thought I was having a stroke. Someone finally scaned my brain with contrast and sure enough, I had lesions. I was sent to a nuerologist for more tests and the rest is history.

I get the whole just wanting to know thing. At each stage of testing I thought I was going to go crazy waiting for results. When the doc told me that I have MS it was kind of bitter/sweet. On one side it was really comforting to know that I was not crazy. On the other it felt like the worst sock in the gut I have ever had. MS is no fun at all and I am really sorry to hear that you are possibly facing it. There are things that you can do to live the fullest life you can with MS though. If you eat a healthy and well balanced diet, exercise to the best of your ability, and take the MS meds, you can slow the disease down so much and function fairly normally (with some exceptions....) I know that you are scared. I was scared out of my mind. Keep your chin up.  

Please keep us posted on your tests.

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352007 tn?1372857881
I so understand the "not knowing why" scenario and for two years, I've been going through it.  I think I have settled for idiopathic symptoms rather than seek a final diagnosis. For me, it was exhausting emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually.  Perhaps I needed a break who knows.  

I feel the same way if I had a name for what I have it would at least give me some comfort as to understanding why I am going through what I am going through.  I am sure that is with anyone.

Most here have a diagnosis of MS.  Some are in "limbo" as to what disease they have or etiology that is causing their symptoms.  It is frustrating for the latter population.  And not to exclude those with a diagnosis who have MS go through lots of frustration as well.

You'll receive answers like "slurred speech", "inability to swallow knowing they should but their brains could not communicate with their muscles", "blurred vision/double vision (optic neuritis)", "paresthesias", "ataxia (imbalance)", "trigeminal neuralgia", "fatigue", "weakness", "incontinence of urine and bowel" and the list goes on with the neurological symptoms of MS, but together with laboratory and diagnostic testing aids in the diagnosis due to many mimics of Multiple Sclerosis.

However, a lot of people will answer this with vigor and share their experiences and you will see some repeat themselves and match up with yours and sometimes you have a symptom no one else has.

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It ***** feeling like this, and ***** even more not knowing why. I just want to know already and move forward. I think if i had a diagnosis of ms at least i would know what is wrong with me..then i think im always going to feel this way.. And not get better.
Everybody: are you diagnosed with ms? If so, what was your symptom that prompted a diagnosis
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352007 tn?1372857881
I can see why you feel the way you do and understand it completely!  

I know if I have 10+ hours sleep, sometimes when I wake up I feel as though I was given anesthesia...its an awful feeling and dragging a$$ throughout the remainder of the day.

No you should not feel like this at 33!! I hate that I'm 48 and I feel like I'm 200 years old!  It shouldn't be....Granted Im getting up there in age..but I used to be very athletic and active just a few years ago....now everything is changed.

I find that Im more clumsy...spilling, knocking over, walking into walls...LOL...

(((Hugs to you))))

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meg: sorry meant i appreciate that you responded in the first place!
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Ahhh me too meg!!! Also Dropping things, trying to pick things up...so frustrating.. We hardly get glass anything because i have dropped and broke too many things..lol
I feel the same way...i just turned 33. I should not normally feel like this.. Even in my 20's ive felt myself become more stupid.cant grasp or retain information forgetting things.. Ugh everything.. When i had no problems before. I always thought it was from lack of sleep but ive always get 8 plus hours of sleep but still feel like i could sleep more..ive even tried less but that was just worse..
I appreciate your response.

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620048 tn?1358018235
I really hate the hand/eye coordination thingy...this morning I poured water all over the counter because I missed the glass...I do that often.

I always knew I had MS, I really trust my instincts.  Also, my cardio knew I had MS long before I was diagnosed.  I just never told anyone that I thought I had MS.

I think we will always be waiting on someone or something.  I feel like just stopping all of this, you know tests and stuff and just be me.

Having a hard time putting my thoughts on here so I will hang this up...

hugs, meg
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Tom: Thank you. Even with trying to figure out whats going on with me, i do find this forums helpful.
Lol all i think about is game app for phones, where you have to smash the ants or whatever pic you want.. I do understand about the jumping to conclusions, it can be dangerous and stressful. At this point for myself its a double edged sword. I did not first jump to this conclusion in search of trying to figure out most of my other problems the common denominator is ms. Then as i started reading about it things just made sense.
Im just tired of feeling this way for no apparent reason, tired of being tired, tired of feeling drunk, slurring my words when i can actually get them out lol. To not feel well or just plain drained to do something simple and have your boyfriend or significant other get mad and say well im tired too. Or accuse me of just being lazy.. Its hard. Many fights over me just not being able to do anything...
Im sorry for rambling.
Thank you for your responses!
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352007 tn?1372857881
Perhaps not a pen cap, but I do know there's a particular area in my house where small ants will come during the hot summer days (not many) and I'll try to kill them with my forefinger and miss them completely! LOL!

I am very clumsy compared to what I used to be....(used to be a gymnast!)

It can be very frustrating, but I will warn you, to take heed on "deep down I know" scenario.  You never know even if all the arrows point to it.  Even with the lumbar puncture, your results may be "0" oligoclonal bands, however, they say that 10% of people who do have MS do not have o-bands in their spinal fluid.  

With that said, Im sorry that you're going through this.  We can all relate to the slow and monotonous battery of testing and dr office visits (multiple specialties) and have no answers.

Hang in there kiddo, we're with you on this one and let us know how your lumbar puncture goes.

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3204881 tn?1345499926
It is horrible. There are ways to deal with it though. You are doing the right thing by seeing the nuerologist. Please keep us posted on what happens.

There are a lot of good people here who can give all kinds of advice and great tips on how to cope.


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thank you for responding. Just frustrating. Although i am not diagnosed yet i know it deep down.  Ive been dealing with these problems for at least 5 years..as i read eveybodies experiences i just want to cry because i can relate so well, couldnt have said it better. I am now seeing a neuro and will be scheduled soon for a spinal tap..
Im just tired of being tired. Feeling drunk all the time... Plus all the other issues.. Its horrible.
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3204881 tn?1345499926

I am sorry to hear that you are having coordination issues. It is a pretty frustrating thing to go through for sure.

I was at a wedding a few months ago. At the time I was having an MS flare. They were serving vegitable skewers as part of the menu. I could not for the life of me get the stupid veggies off of the stick. My brain knew what I wanted to do but my body could not carry it out. Frustrating........

During this time I couldn't perform simple tasks without a huge ammount of effort. I couldn't even say what I wanted to say because the lack of coordination was effecting my reasoning.

I am not sure of anything that helps this. Maybe there is a medicine. Fortunately for me, I have a great bunch of gracious people surrouding me. They give me a lot of room.....

I hope that you can learn to cope with your circumstances. Just know that you are not alone.


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