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body buzzing and vibrating

I started buzzing and vibrating all over my whole body about 2 months ago.  The week before that I began to have full-body tremors but not at rest, only during movement.  I'm now taking generic Inderol (propranolol?) for the tremors and it works.  But I still feel electric.  This has gone on non-stop.  When this all started my GP gave me Xanax for anxiety and told me to take a good vacation.  Right.  Anyway, being on the Xanax I realized helped the buzzing.  I've also noticed my ears ringing which gets worse when the buzzing is worse.  I have now seen a neuro who changed the Xanax to Clonazepam.  Whenever I haven't had the Xanax or Clonazepam for like a whole day my body muscles begin to twitch and spasm, even my face.  I have slight spasms all of the time, but not much with meds.  I've had an MRI which showed at least one lesion (I'm not sure how many) and I was told that my MRI is considered normal at this time...no MS.  Does that mean it will be abnormal later with MS?  I have another MRI in May.  I do, however, have Arnold Chiari Malformation in which my brain 'tonsils' apparently go too far into my spinal canal.  The neuro doesn't think that's my problem.  Plus my EMG and all reflexes are normal.  I know I've rambled but I don't know what's going on and I feel like I'm going nuts.  I know there's lots of buzzing going around on this site, but has anyone had it constantly?  Will it ever go away?  What do you do for it?  Thanks
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same problem buzzing and vibrations at night sleeping is often impossible i only suffer in my house and fine elsewhere..i suspect a cannabis lab next door as heat lamps and pumps and venting will make your home and body vibrate and buzz that's my theory as a lot of suspect goings on its a horrible feeling been suffering for 4 years with no no authority action
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Do you have an update since this post? I have similar symptoms and have been too many Drs. I Have a few responses myself, but don't want to talk to the air waves if YOU don't see this. Thanks#
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I know this is an old thread but I have been searching for people who have this buzzing electrical feeling all over the body at the same time. Is this a typical MS symptom? Along with my nauseating Chiari headaches I am getting this horrible symptom.

Mine will last for a few days and go away. Sometimes I suspect it is a reaction to food, but am not 100% sure. It is usually accompanied with bee sting, mosquito bite sensations, zapping, itching sensations everywhere and is extremely uncomfortable and keeps me awake a night! It later fades into a sunburn kind of feeling and pin pricks when I run my nail over my skin.

A large dose of Chlonazepam will help but not take it away entirely. I am 61 and have been dx with Chiari Malformation with 12 mm herniation with CSF flow blockage, and moderate to severe cervical stenosis. My recent head MRI said "possible signal in the upper chord but cervical MRI said no significant cervical spine signal.

So, not that I think I have MS, but just wanted to ask in this MS community if it is a common thing? Because so far my docs think I'm nuts. Wondering how it all worked out for the posters above.

Will be seeing a NS soon for the Chiari. Thanks!
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I had this, particularly during an active attack with allodynia  It went on for about a year.  It became so bad that it was like ny nervous system became overwhelmed with buzzing and electricity; and then overwhelmed with pain, and then suddenly totally numb at places on the outside with extreme pain on the inside.  I could not let my arms touch the bed or even the vehicle seat or I would have searing pain with external numbness.

I have been diagnosed with MS, fibromyalgia, possibly lupus, and a cervical syrinx and transverse myelitis.

I hope that you get feeling better really soon.

Feel free to keep us posted.

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Ummmm, guys, if your whole body is buzzing and vibrating, enjoy it, don't stress out about it. I been having this feeling for months now and it's kind of like a whole body message. It doesn't feel bad at all. Understand that we are living in a phenomenal time. Right now, our earth is passing through the Galactic Plane making it's inhabitants feel energy pulsing through their being. From every direction we are feeling the effects of a changing environment, from our evolving DNA to our ever changing universe. It's energy flows through us continually, and at this heightened time, we will feel it physically. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! ENJOY IT!
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Ummmm, guys, if your whole body is buzzing and vibrating, enjoy it, don't stress out about it. I been having this feeling for months now and it's kind of like a whole body message. It doesn't feel bad at all. Understand that we are living in a phenomenal time. Right now, our earth is passing through the Galactic Plane making it's inhabitants feel energy pulsing through their being. From every direction we are feeling the effects of a changing environment, from our evolving DNA to our ever changing universe. It's energy flows through us continually, and at this heightened time, we will feel it physically. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! ENJOY IT!
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I am so sick of the anxiety thing!  I know when there's something wrong with me.  I went to the emergency room when this all hit and the diagnosis on the paper they gave me was anxiety.  After my MRI was 'mostly' normal, my general practitioner told me that I needed a vacation.  He had already told me prior that anxiety could be the cause of my symptoms.  No, buzzing and electric fence feelings and muscle spasms and tingling and numbness are not normal and they're not anxiety.  I know exactly what you're talking about.  Mine is affecting me differently in ways, but the only way I know to describe it is like holding onto a low-grade electric fence.  Good luck with getting help.
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I have not been dx'd with anything as of yet. I am so bothered by these sensations and felt so relieved to see others have them. My family doc looked at me like I was growing a horn out of my forehead. She has been trying to tell me it is anxiety and to stop thinking about it. Huh? How am I supposed to do that. I finally said I wanted a second opinion. She did some more bloodwork and another Holter monitor which were normal. SO now I go to a neurologist but have no idea what he will do. I get this "electrical shock" like feeling radiating out from my chest into my arms. When they are active I can bring them on my closing and opening my eyes or stepping on certain parts of the bottoms of my feet. I have alot of numbness in the bottoms of my feet on and off. It feels like when you touch an electrical fence in cow pasture. Not the pain but the after buzzing affect.
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Do you have an update since this post?
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Thank you .. I will do the same   :)  Linda
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I hate to hear you've been doing this for three years.  I hope that if you do have MS, or even if you don't, that they can do something for you.  Like I said, I've been taking Clonozapam (sp?) 3X daily and that keeps mine at bay.  It doesn't go away completely, but it definitely helps.  I'm just getting started with neuro as well, so if I find of anything else I will let you know.  
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Hi...I am not diagnosed yet but have an appointment the end of the month with a ms specialist.  I have been having  the buzzing and vibrating like you for 3 years now.  I have whole body  internal vibrations  and at times they are stronger then at other times. It feels like live current running through me.  Then  at times it feels like just my feet are buzzing...then  my legs buzz.. it seems to move around...then all over again!   I have ringing in my ears daily..along with foot pain and spasms,and my left eye has been twitching for the last 6 months now.

My new mri showed brain lesions which were not there 3 years ago.. I started gabapenten which seems to help but I still have the vibrating.. maybe I need to up the dose???  just wanted to let you know you are not alone  I know what you are talking about I have been buzzing 3 years  now   ..  it sounds crazy but you kind of get used to it after a while.  I hope you feel better...if you find something for the buzzing please let me know :)  Linda
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198419 tn?1360242356
Oh, they better take it serious (the chiari)!

You are very welcome! Please know, the L'hermittes definition you may find on google is not necessarily how this is felt for all. When the Dr. told me what my issue was, I googled it and read it and said "this man doesn't know what the heck he is talking about."

Dr. was right, just the textbook definition is off. - fyi
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Thanks for the comments and suggestions.  It helps just knowing there are people who care enough to take the time to comment and try to help.  I should clarify that the buzzing is like an electric feeling throughout, but I also have tingling in certain areas as well, my left foot and back of my head are the worst.  I guess this is almost a wait and see game, huh.  Sllowe, I will look up L'hermites.  I've never heard of it so will do.  As for the Chiari, no one has so far seemed to take it seriously, but I am planning to discuss it further with the neuro.  Thanks!
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198419 tn?1360242356
Sorry, I should clarify - buzzing and numbness associated with L'hermites that is...
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hii there,

I've not heard much of total body buzzing and MS, but it's going to be very important to get a thorough workup.

I know we always harp on the countless mimics here, but we do for a reason. One lesion + symptoms does not = MS.  Wish it were only that easy to identify a source of this nature.

L'hermittes and buzzing and numbness is typically triggered upon neck flexion. It's bothersome but not painful.  I have Lhermittes and it does come and go - thankfully it's not as active as it was during my 1st attack.

Is your Chiari formation followed regularly? This is an important finding and one that should be given serious consideration by your Dr. as a culprit of some of your problems.

Thanks for joining us - you'll find so much support here and learn lots!
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I started out with tremors a few years ago. They started in my arm. Then arms & legs. Then full body. They became so bad I once asked people at work if we were having an earth quake :)
I developed electical feelings about 3 weeks ago. The feeling kind of roamed around my body. It never stayed in one place, but was always in some place. I had 3 weeks of that & honestly it was the hardest for me so far.

My GP gave me Lyrica samples & they worked. I take Lyrica when I wake up & at bedtime. Missing a dose gets me pins/needles to remind me to take a dose.
I take Provigil on work days to help me stay very sharp.

I plan to take it a few more weeks & then try to taper off- see if my shocks are gone. It's causing me to swell up a bit & I hate taking meds.

I hope you find the reason all this is happening to you & feel better soon
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338416 tn?1420045702
With one lesion and symptoms, you're a possible MS patient.  However, the all-over body buzzing is a bit unusual.  Typically symptoms are localized - in your right arm, on the left side of your back, or the back of your head.

Since MS is a clinical diagnosis, you're stuck for now.  It's possible that eventually you will be diagnosed with MS, but it's also possible that it's something else entirely that's caused a bit of neurological damage.

The neuro is giving you the right drugs at the moment.  All you can do is keep your abnormal nerves under control.

As to whether the buzzing will go away...  Mine did.  My back buzzed for three months, on and off.  So did my right knee, especially when I put pressure on it.  It comes back in different areas, but usually goes away.

I think it usually takes about three months for neurological damage to heal.  So if your buzzing doesn't go away in three months, I would talk to your neuro.
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333672 tn?1273792789
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time of it. I don't have buzzing like that and don't know the answer to your questions, but I'm bumping this up in hopes that someone else has some ideas. In general, all-over symptoms are not typical of MS, especially in the beginning.

As far as MS and negative MRIs go, you might look at the health page on this at http://www.medhelp.org/health_pages/Multiple%20Sclerosis/How-Can-a-Person-with-MS-Have-a-Negative-MRI/show/161?cid=36. There's a lot of useful info in the health pages (yellow icon in the upper right).

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