1336491 tn?1340619541

Been see GP today what a laugh x

Well i went to see my GP today and sorted my prescriptions - so i told him how my symptoms had changed like daily dizziness and constant headaches and muscle spasms in my legs.

GUESS what he said; "Oh How strange" i was waiting for the punch line but nothing came.

He said according to the letter he had received from my Neuro he didnt suspect MS ( The Neuro)

I said well what about the brain scan discrepancies - he said he thinks its a disc misplacement in neck , so i said well if thats so why did the spinal surgeon i was under say it wasnt and refered me to a neurologist in first place.

Why am i havin a spinal tap if they seen a disc slipped and why the 3 day intravenous.

Why the 3rd MRI ordered .

He said "Oh well may be he does suspect MS then"  Hello is it me or is he a medically trained medic or not

i give up ha ha ha xxxx

jan xxx
Best Answer
1312898 tn?1314568133
Oh my gosh!!   That is rich!  We need this post at the top of the list so everyone can laugh even if they are in pain.

Seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while.  The visual of him praying for you is just ----well---it's hysterical.  I'm sorry,  there is nothing wrong with praying for a patient I guess, but praying you don't lose use of hands that is funny.

However, he sounds like he truly cares about you which is also amazing.  A doctor that pushes to get you what you need is a wonderful/caring person.  It sounds like he takes your situation seriously as he should.

He does sound like a good doctor!

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I stand corrected.  It may very well be cervical problems.  One thing I failed to mention is that infection/inflamation can cause cervical based problems as well.  This probably explain the need for the lumbar puncture and/or need to try and pin down if it is/is not MS.  .

I didn't realize you have been out of work for 6 months. I sure hope you get some answers soon, Jan.  

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1336491 tn?1340619541
Hi Frank thank you for your info very interesting. xx

To be half fair to the Dr the symptons of dizziness and legs is only a recent thing, my ongoing problems which are been investigated are ..started with left arm numbness at work 6 month ago - no neck pain. more or less woke up that morning with a dead left arm.
My Goodness has it got worse !!!

6 month down the line i am still not working - cervical and radiculopathy is whats wrote on my sickness certificates for work. i have pain and pins and needles constantly still in left arm and alot of neck pain. The pressure at back of my neck and head is horrendous feels like its going blow up.

Had 3 MRI,s brain scan showed hyperintensity which hes blamed on my smoking.

They said there was a swelling on my spinal cord c6 area i think..

im going for lumber puncture on 14th july

TV Dr ???? What programme  jan xxxxx


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Hi Jan,

Welcome. You just so happened to pick a great site to be.  The people, information and support you will receive is great.  

You mention that Dr. said "how strange" in reference to your symptoms.  Well, he's right, it is strange.   I probably shouldn't be saying this because I am obviously no physician, but I do play one on TV!  Besides MS and another neurological disorder, I have degenerative disk disease and my entire spinal column looks like it's been hit by a train.  

I have been seeing Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic surgeons.  This is the first time I have heard of cervical disk problems causing the symptoms you mention - “dizziness, muscle spasms in legs and headaches.” To the best of my knowledge, the general symptoms of cervical disk problems are:

Dull or sharp pain in the neck, arm(s) and/or between the shoulder blades (besides the cervical disks, doctors can also cause neck pain)

Loss of sensation and/or abnormal sensations in the arms/hands

Weakness in the arms/hands

Pain which can radiate down the arm to the hand or fingers – referred to as  radiculopathy

Numbness/tingling in the shoulder or arm.

Sometimes (not so common), problems with cervical disks can be complicated by cervical nerve root compression, abnormal sensations + loss of strength in an arm.

In spinal cord corod compression, both arms and legs may be affected - clumsy/stumbling gait, difficulty with fine motor skills in the hands and arms, and tingling or shock type fsensation down the trunk or into the legs.

This is probably more than you wanted, but it is so frustrating when patients have to deal with disinterested physicians.

Welcome again and good luck. Hope to “see you” around.
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1336491 tn?1340619541
Ha ha i know my sisters were in hysterics, they asked if he had got any bones or voodoo dolls lying about in his surgery ha ha

Best laugh had in a while glad i cheered u up lois  lots love jan xxx
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1336491 tn?1340619541
HI sarah

unbelivable isnt it xx I have seen this dr on numerous ocassions, however my faithful trusty dr is sunning it up in Canada and not back till end July so im knackered.. ha ha

I will have have my Lumber Puncture by then so i will wait and speak to him re; letter off neuro.
You will not believe this but my normal Dr ( The one in Canada ) last visit asked if he could pray for me, would i be offended ? !!!  i swear the truth .

he put his hand on my neck and said i pray this lady doesnt loose the use of her hands and arms, and send the pain to the mountains !!!

Well the pain didnt go to the mountains, and i was a bit shocked when he mentioned loosing use in my hands and arms.

May be he was a witch Dr in a former life, he means well and i do like him he is African.

He has pushed and pushed the hospital to get me appointments quicker and always puts the phone on hands free so i can listen to the conversation.

He is some what unorthodox in his approach but a great Dr all round. ( more than i can say for him today ha ha )

Jan xxx
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1336491 tn?1340619541
ha ha so so true xx

best thing was he was reading the letter off computer while i was there, but seemed to scroll down the page very fastly.

at least he never mentioned my smokin caused the brain scan abnormalities

jan xx
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1253197 tn?1331209110
Hi Jan

I hadn't noticed that you are in the UK but when you mentioned GP the penny dropped. I cannot believe that this doctor appeared to be so uncaring and lazy. It is not good enough and as he does not appear to know you or is not a GP who you see regularly I suggest that you see someone else next time. You deserve better and the GP should be there to support you and help you ...not dismiss you without having read your full history.

I hope that the 3rd MRI scan provides some answers. Good luck

Love Sarah (from sunny Gloucestershire)
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1312898 tn?1314568133
I have come to the conclusion that some of these doctors don't read histories thoroughly, don't listen and basically dismiss patients if they can get away with it.

I think it's amazing how good you were at persevering in this conversation and not allowing him dismiss you and your illness.  

Here are some possible reasons that your doctor had no clue:

1.  He was too lazy to read your chart
2.  He was too lazy to read the results from specialists thoroughly
3.  He actually believed that he could get away with being sloppy
4.  He thought he could get away with dismissing you
5.  He is a trained doctor but stopped studying after receiving his MD
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