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286034 tn?1201096840

Who are you?

Okay, so we all have issues which could or couldn't be MS or a number of related things ....but I know I am more than my symptoms!

I am a 25 year old mother of an (almost) 2 year old boy and step-mother to an 8 year old little girl. I am Jamaican born and raised but live and work in the Cayman Islands. I have a husband who I love but is a pain in the *** sometimes (aren't they all???) Apologies to the men on the forum, I'm sure you're different!

I love going to the beach, reading (mostly horror, fiction, suspense....favourite authors are Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice....) and playing computer games (World of Warcraft at the moment - lol), I love animals, especially dogs and have bred and trained American Pit Bull Terriers for about 9 years now.

I'm a scorpio and have been told since I was about 3 years old that I am the most argumentative, stubborn person most people in my life have ever met. I will question if the sky is blue and will argue with you about it until you agree it is green with pink spots - LOL

Hence why I started law school, I didn't finish though as I quickly realized I do not like most lawyers. Figured that could be a problem... I've always wanted to do Veterinary medicine but I could never pass chemistry in high school....sigh.

So...in a nutshell, that is me!

Who are YOU???
82 Responses
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739070 tn?1338603402
Hi Moki,
Glad you're still lurking! Miss your posts. I hope you are doing well!


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5112396 tn?1378017983
I'm going to split the difference.

I'm going to put honest info on here, but retire my actual face from my profile (still visible to friends). I'm also going to be a bit coy about the use of my real name. After lurking on here for over two years, I know the names and people I'd trust, but as was mentioned, anyone has access to the forums, so I think I'll save all that for the private messages.

I'm 32 and have lived in Ireland the last seven years after four years in Germany. I've not visited the US since I left in 2002 and my husband is Irish (and I'll be starting naturalisation proceedings in August), so I consider Ireland very much my home and will respond to things with an Irish perspective. See? I even wrote naturalisation with an 's' without even thinking about it. They may as well hand that passport over now!

Happily child-free and currently on the hunt for my next big challenge. As for hobbies, Camp Nanowrimo starts on Monday, and I love going to the theatre (as in plays). Also, we've an Arduino coming in next week, but what we plan to do with it is quite nerdy, so I won't bore you with that. My husband and I met online (OK Cupid represent!) so I'm pretty darn comfortable engaging in this format.

MS for me came out of the blue, 6 weeks from first hint to iron-clad diagnosis (= one multi-focal objectively observable episode followed five weeks later by a separate objectively observable episode added to positive LP, VEPS, MRIs, and seriously even an emergency room CAT scan "consistent with demyelination, query MS"). It was a disorienting time!

I'm currently on a drug trial for daclizumab (double-blind, so I could be on it OR Avonex) and have been relapse-free for two years. Huzzah!

I've been lurking on here since December 2010, so I do recall and value the latter days of Quix's regular presence. Also, I truly miss COBOB who really always enlightened us with MRI facts and a great critical approach to information. But there are still a few of the doyens out there and for that I'm very grateful!
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281565 tn?1295982683
Hey Lu,

I'm still kicking around and keeping up on you guys as much as possible. With no diagnosis and no hope of one in the near future, I just haven't felt like I have much to contribute.  

I so loved reading this old post again. Wow, it's been a long time and I remember why I joined here in the first place. We're a family and this is a great way to get to know your family just a little bit better.

Hugs back at ya

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Oh my - I'm  suffering from some bits of nostalgia here.  I just reread all of these and find I miss some of you terribly.  Where are you Rena, Moki and Doni?  Especially Quix - come back, please!!  There are a lot of names I don't know - people who were here before I started this journey, but I still loved reading each and every one of the stories.  I hope those of you who are new will add to this thread and keep the true spirit of this wonderful place alive and thriving.  hugs to all, Laura

PS I was reading along and thought this was really old and then suddenly I found my own entry - it surprised me!!!
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No, don't delete.

Identity theft is real, no doubt about it, but on this forum we don't want to undershare either. We help each other by revealing a bit, not much, of our personal stories. I haven't read anything that would lead to info about Social Security numbers, addresses, names, or any other factors that could become fodder for criminals.

We want to be safe, yes, but we don't want to be paranoid.

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Oops. You're right. Didn't even think about that. I'm used to more "locked" online environments. Do you think I should delete?
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just remember everyone, posts can be googled, be careful how much info you post............it can be "assembled" by hackers.....and come back to figuring out who you are....we are all cautioned not to include too much personal information on a post...........anyone anywhere can access them
just saying
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Wow, this is such a great thread. It reminds me so much of why I joined this forum, which was at right about the time the thread started. I don't know why I didn't contribute then.

I'm kinda old, so my part would be long :-)  At some point I should try and write my own saga.

People here are so bright and so interesting.

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Ooo! Great idea! I'll give it a shot -- at least until my hands give out!

I'm a 36 year-old mom of three, a girl and two boys -- ages 4 1/2, 8, and 10 1/2 respectively. My eldest son has high-functioning autism and my daughter is adopted from Ethiopia. Oh and I have a husband too! He's great -- very supportive, comes to all my appointments. :)

We live in the Pacific Northwest and have 2 cats, 2 chickens, and two gerbils. Before I turned into a lump version of my former self, we were very active outdoors, doing day hikes, exploring all the national parks and beaches around here. Love to be outside!

I studied biology in college, but somehow ended up in the criminal justice field, interning with the juvenile court and eventually helping with the discipline program at one of the local middle schools. I quit to be a stay-at-home mom and after 5 years of public school decided to start homeschooling the kids. (Mostly due to issues with my son with autism, not because I have anything against most public schools!)

Let's see...what else? I'm an animal lover, love to read, and like to dabble with sketching and (non-fiction) writing. I hate cooking and shopping and do both only out of necessity. :)

I've never been very sporty, mostly due to chronic knee injuries skiiing in my teen years. I do like to be active and have found it really hard to adjust to the fatigue and weakness of this maybe-MS thing. The pain is no fun, but the inability to do the things I used to with my family really drives me nuts.

In person I'm very quiet and reserved, very sensitive. I'm active in my church, enjoy coffee and helping people.

Can't really think of anything else.... :)

Oh, Sierra isn't my real name, but a nickname my mom used to call me. My real name is Sarah, but there's already one of those on here! :)
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382218 tn?1341181487
Came across this old thread again.  Didn't get any takers last time it was bumped up. Would really love to learn more about our newer members - new since 2010 that is!
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382218 tn?1341181487
I like this thread and am resurrecting it for the newer members who would like to chime in and tell us about themselves.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Who am I? good question and when you work it out will you let me know, cause i'm still trying to find that out :-0 :-)

What I do know: I'm a camelian and some tell me a comedian, life never worked out how i planned and i'm the planning type but i learnt to roll with the punches and I always have a plan B,C,D,E.....Y and Z.

Hmmm maybe i'm a figment of my imagination, anything is possible if you believe in Murphy's Law, which is something to remember if you dont like lifes little surprises.

I dont want to list kids, husband, family etc, dont kick me but i dont think that information really tells you who I am, none of it defines me. Sorry but i've had a life time of being defined by my family's very long list of disabilities and issues, to me all that stuff, is what it is and there is nothing i would want to change or maybe i should say there is too much i'd change if i had the power to take away what mine suffer with but i'd keep them just the way the are and unfortunately you cant have the good with out the bad and get the wonderous people that i'm fortunate to call mine.

I learn something new everyday, and i will keep evolving until the day i finally fall of my purch, is there any other way to be. This year so far i have learnt, that with heat comes pain, constant never ending pain, bugger!! I also learnt that gritt and determination will still not get your legs to find the strength needed to get you up on a wakeboard and the payback isn't worth the tick of satisfaction i'd get for crossing it off my list of things i still want to be able to do, so cay sera sera (sp?).

I'm as bold as brass but as soft as marshmellow, turn up on my door step and i'll feed you and cloth you and give you a bed to sleep in until you get back up on your feet but dont expect me to ever ask for you to return the favour cause i dont know how to not get back up, and anyway i'm too stubborn to let you know i'm down and in need.

I love, I care, I think, I feel, I laugh, I know pain and I bleed and thank god for that because it means i'm still here, everything else is just nutts and bolts that holds me together. I dont cry very much i much prefer to laugh, those that know me well still forget i use laughter to hide behind my fears. I always say its impossible to feel bad when your laughter feeds your brain a healthy dose of happyness.

I'm a calm person, there isn't much that gets me in a tiss but go after one of my kids and you'll feel whats underneath this five foot, 47kilo, pearl wearing mumma bear lol. If i love you, i'll accept you in any way shape or form you come in, to me you'll always be just the way you were always meant to be.

So who am I, as i said i'm still trying to work that one out!

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984138 tn?1359813073
My names is Erin and the Zoe part of my screenname is actaully my confirmation name. I'm 23 years old and live on my own in my late grandmas house. I have an older sister who is my role model and best friend

I have a boyfriend of 3 yrs old who at first had a very hard time supporting me an understandind MS and had him move out but is being wonderful about it now.

My mom is my rock and i don't know what i would do without her!

I had a hard childhood and been and seen alot in my life but have dealt with and came over it triumphitly

I just started having a relationship with my dad when i was 20 and now we get along i can say I love my dad for sure  I'm now a daddys girl and never would of pictured that one in my life!

I want to be a Zoologist and study wild animals in there natural enviroment  Anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about animals! I plan to save them all and trust me i am going to!

I'm the kind of person that wants to see and do everything and amalways up for anything! I love to talk looovveee to debate ( everyone says i should go into buisness because i know all the loop holes and know how to work it and work people) lol but i'm more into animals and will use that skill to help them!  

I lovve to learn everything and anything i can  can hold a conversation about any topic. And i always see both sides of things and rarionalize wich some people cant stand that about me mainly the bf lol

o and i;m a gemini and live straight up to it! lol I'm crazy fun always have ideas running through my head  starting like 10 things at the same time but never fully finishing them all! Loves to talk about the weirdest things    am the life of the party and love planning things with be groups of people. Can be a true friend to you and wil lalways be there.  

my flaw is i'm very blunt i jsut dont see the point of not telling the truth about anything wich can be harsh but also extremely nice.

I like to do kind things for people  and always want to do things that i know will make someone have a better day and smile a bit more!

Last year on my checklist was go to california  cave dive water ski water tube. This year is learn to snowboard  white water river raft sky dive and go back to cali to camp for a week . I try to make a point to do what i really want to do and atleast do 4 or 5 things a year and live my life to the fullest. My motto is you only live once so why not do what you want and be the person you want to be!  
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147426 tn?1317265632
Now, everybody else!!  What a treat to read these again!!

Join in!

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Wow this is wonderful

My real name is Kirsteen, I am 54 years old, and married to the most wonderful man

I was born in Tennessee, but raised in Aberdeen Scotland, came back to the states 23 years ago, i have a lovely Scottish accent which i never want to lose lol

I was an Irish  Dance Instructor for 33 years and an International Dance Instructor and Choreographer for 28 years, retired 3 years ago as i was feeling too darned old hee hee
My nickname for 33 years was Twinkle toes which used to make me cringe lol that was one of students who started it and it kinda stuck

I now work full time retail i love my job very much,

We have 5 horses which i used to love to ride but due to this miserable disease, i had to give up
we have 16 chickens, 3 dogs 2 cats, an African spike tortoise and a rabbit called duke,
a parrot and a love bird,

I don't have any children as i had cancer when i was younger so had a hysterectomy when i was 23, but i got over the bitterness and now love to spoil all my nephews and nieces

I think everyone on this site is just wonderful, and it is great to get to know  little about everyone
love and hugs


Ps: the name Tyler came from my nephew, lord knows how he came up with that lol

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1080243 tn?1262975363
What a great way to get an insight into everyones every day lives well thought JI JO!

I am coming up to 55 yrs and married to someone that I met on a blind date 25yrs ago.
My daughter on the picture and my previous dog that passed away 2yrs ago.
Have another dog now a boxer 2yrs and rescued 2 cats.
My twin sister is parelised and confined to wheelchair but is a real fighter and was voted woman of the yr for al her charity stunts.

We moved into the country 8yrs ago into a 200yr old house in beautiful surroundings we grow veg make jam, knit, sew all the old fashioned crafts.
I bought a range cooker that keeps the house warm and cook upon it this is where my world started to go very wrong.

My husband is an Archectecual Designer and works from home he started to get sick and couldnt walk his blood livers were high and being a non drinker we couldnt work it out.
To cut the story short I started to get really sick jaundace raised liver count, lost half of my body weight. I was rushed into hospital near death BP 180/100 I suffer from low BP the docs couldnt understand what was happening.

People were passing out in my house and taking ill.
The new cooker was leaking Kerosene vapours/combustion fumes we couldnt find out why we are sick. This had gone on for 5yrs. My husband had asked the docs you dont think its the cooker ever since we have had cooker we have been ill? No they said.

Three yrs on I have continuing neuro symtoms classic MS the docs have all witnessed flairs and speech problems. Left side numbness, balance, thought I had a brain tumour.
Have abnormal Neuro tests but only three leisions on scan just had another this week so may get answer.

My husband has sugar readings so high he shuld be in coma our GP said to expect premiture death in near future. He has high arsnic and lead through products of combustion.

My dog blead to death through his spleen he slept next to cooker you see.
I feel lucky to be alive but wish I didnt have MS I have lost so much of my former self but like my twin I am a fighter. The docs have not been helpful because they are too scared to get involver with leagal implications.

we go private for many things and all these docs tells you have some serious health issues but because of the poisening no one will stick their neck out for us.

Many other people I have met that have also experianced a exposure seem to share two deseases that being MS and Raynauds.

I am worried that if i dont get diagnoised I wont be able to stop the desease progressing I have come through this poisening and dont want to end up in a wheelchair.
My Neuro wrote on my report this week ?PPMS and I noticed more white leisions on the scan but I will await the radiologist detailed report.

I have gone on too long I feel , but let me say this forum has been so great and I want to thank each and every one of you for keeping me strong and not being alone.

A massive Thankyou to you all  from tarter
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Thanks, dv, it was really nice to read all these again!!
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382218 tn?1341181487
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611606 tn?1315517767
How did I miss this one??
All of you are so wonderful, I am blessed to get to know each of you. We are a very diverse group with a lot in common.
Me Lets see, I am 63 years young at heart, a Mother to six  and Grandmother to 16. I have three sisters and two brothers, my Mom is 84, she'll be 85 in Sep. (Most days I feel older than her), too many Nieces & nephews to count.
I decided 24 years ago that No INITIAL would ever define me or who I was as a person. This was due to AA not MS.
I am a Mother,GrandMother ( Nana), artist, poet, crafter, .I discovered art when I went back to college at the age of 44. I never sold any of my art, they decorate the closets of family and friends. Some do hang on a few of their walls...
I once had a nice career in Property Management and also was a Drug Counselor.
My life is rich and full beyound my wildest Dreams. I love being a Grandmother, each family of kids named me, so I am known as "Grammy", "Nana", "Gram DJ", "Grandma"
and "Grandmommy". You'd think I'd get it all mixed up, but somehow  am able to keep it straight.
Next, I hope to start a Red Hat's Club in my apartment building. I am hoping to get the women involved making preemie hats, blankets etc.. to donate to our local hospitals and also for our service men and women who are staying at the Fisher Houses across our country. I have been given so much and I have a Need to give some thing back, even in this small way.
JL JO Thanks so much for this forum Post, It was a good way to remind us that we are so much more than initials. I am sorry I didn't find this sooner, but all things happen in their time...
Have a Beautiful Healing Spring all of you...{{{{~!~}}}}
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398059 tn?1447945633
Well, I am a fast food burger with bacon.
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I am nobody! who are you? are you nobody too?

i am a mother of 4 wonderful girls and i have an absolutely fantastic fiance.  I am a virgo to a tee. I am an artist and a writer and have the best job in the world (at least i think so) I care for people in a long term care setting. I can make them happy and in doing so that makes me happy.

I am analytical, caring, and believe there is always another way.
I am most always positive, I believe that anything is possible and that just because someone has not seen, heard, or experienced something that it does not mean that those things do not exist.

"You cannot step into the same river twice"

I love philosophy. music of all kinds. and am content just to live within my needs.

I am always learning. and believe there is always a lesson to be learned from the things we go through in life wether they be good or bad. there is always something positive to be gained, if you can see past the dark clouds.

i am me

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648910 tn?1290663083
Who am I?  That is a question I war with a lot anymore.  I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, pet parent and patient, and that seems to be pretty much it.   I used to be so much more.

I was intelligent, quick witted, loved a good debate, learning new things, figuring out the answers to the universe.  I was the strong one of my family, the glue that held us all together.  I was the one everyone turned to.  I was the first in my family to graduate from college...majored in social work.

I raised two boys as a single mother from an abusive marriage at the same time I went to college and worked.   I  was tenacious.  I had to succeed at whatever I did...a true Type A personality.

I drove 75 miles one way, attended class, drove back, picked up my kids, fed them, did the homework, gave them a bath then dropped them at my mom's while I went back for a night class.  After I picked them back up I would tuck them in with a story and prayers or I sat by their bed and sang them to sleep. One day I was singing Amazing Grace to my first born and my nephew, who was 5 years old at the time.  The baby feel asleep but my nephew was just about there.  He looked at me with sleepy eyes and said, "Sissy can you sing that Amazing Graves song again? :) The best time of the day and still is...is when they are all home and asleep.  I know they are safe for another day and I feel happy and blessed.

I drove 55 miles one way to work.  I worked as the associate director of an Mental Retardation/Developmental Delay Program at a community care center.  I oversaw a medicaid program, Supports for Community Living, and a State General Funds block grant program.  Also a Supported Living program.  I answered only to the Director and Executive Director.  I also worked at the same time as the Associate Director of Operations at a 80 bed personal care home for the Chronically Mentally ill. I had ten 10 staffed residents, a 17 unit apartment building, 200 clients and 362 staff I was responsible for.  I worked at the local and the state level with everyone involved with MRDD and CIS. My job was stressful and sometimes unmanageable but I loved every minute of it.

After I quit working I brought the Type A personality home to live with me.  I raised a vegetable garden and preserved the food....corn, beans, broccoli, strawberries and on and on.  I made my own pizza,spaghetti, picante sauce with fresh herbs, tomatoes, onions, etc all from my garden.  We did not eat "store bought" potatoes.  I grew my own.  All of this was a joy.  I even loved cleaning the house.

I planted and tended (I honestly could not figure out how to begin spelling that word) my flowers and yard.  Summer was so wonderful.

Last summer everything changed.  It had been changing for a while.  I just would not admit it.  Finally I had to see a doctor.  Nothing has been the same since.

My days are filled with confusion, frustration and pain.  I no longer know who I am.  It seems I am fighting to keep my illnesses form defining me.  My planner is no longer filled with assignment due dates, or meetings, or training dates.  Not even dates I planted my vegetables or flowers.  It is filled with doctors appointments and testing dates.  Without it I would forget where I had to be.

I try not to feel sorry for myself and most days I am successful because I know in many ways I am blessed.  It at least appears that whatever is wrong with me is not fatal at least in a physical sense.  I don't have a brain tumor or an aneurysm....so I am blessed and I am not being facetious.  I truly know this.

What I do have is a disease that causes me to fall and stumble like I am drunk.  It resides in my brain and it must be taking up a lot of space because there is no room for thoughts and calculations of the higher type.  It is a chore to remember to let the dog in or to spell or write or use the right word or speak a full sentence.  Heck, I used to write policy and procedure, training manuals, reports to the state, manage millions of dollars in budgets and services.  Now remembering to pay the bills is a problem.

I think I focus to much on what I used to be because I haven't yet figured out who this new me is.  I am not sure a dx of other than demylenating disease or white brain matter disease would help because no matter what you call it the end result is the same.

This week has overwhelmed me.  Next week will be better.  I will remember that b**ching and whining will not change what has occurred or who I am at this point in my life.  I will then choose to smile and to deal with whatever life throws my way but this week is not next week yet.


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559187 tn?1330782856
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648910 tn?1290663083
Ok it is 10:40 pm.  I have been reading all the entries since around 10, amongst all the other things that are part of a nightly routine...including checking in on the forum before I go to bed.  I am to tired tonight to respond myself but have so enjoyed getting to know everyone.  There are so many amazing and talented ppl here.  Tomorrow I will try to add my story to yours.

Thanks for sharing yourself with us

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