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1753162 tn?1317278184

Yet again another update

Had my PCP appt. today. So, she is letting the MS up to the neuro. to rule in or out. So, new abnormal blood resalts are
WBC 13.05 (range 4.13-9.78)
MCV 99 (range 81-97)
Absolute Neutro 8.61 (range 1.81-6.82)
Absolute BASO 0.13 (range 0.00-0.08)

Much more was taken including urinalysis and everything else has been normal.

She said she is really thinking this is a more aggressive form of Lyme Disease then I had already been tested for which was neg. or she is thinking Pernicious Anemia. Soooo, new blood work paper says Lyme ELISA with reflex to Western Blot and MMA & Homocysteine (for the PA)

She asked how the sleep dr. went, I told her and she said ok just lets see what he wants to do. She put me on Baclofen for the muscle spasms since nothing else is helping at all. And shipping me off to Pain management to keep up with the pain and spasms.

Oh she also has me on the effexor and asked how that was going. I told her it's not doing anything, it's as if I'm not taking it at all. She said ok, give it until my next appt. and if I still don't notice anything then we'll stop it.

My poor arm can't take much more blood work :( I was joking with my hubby telling him I need to just go donate blood in one of them bags so they can just test it when they want lol
12 Responses
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1753162 tn?1317278184
Yes the wbc is high but I think it's because of my back pain. I'm no Dr either but it's about the only reason I can figure out why. I get terrible back pain which at this point we do not know why. I do have scoliosis in my lower back but it's my upper back that hurts and has the very bad muscle spasms/pain. I know I had a high wbc count once before and a high sed rate (mid 60's was the lvl). Which was all last year. This year my sed in March was low at 14 and no back pain at the time. This time the wbc was high with back pain but my sed wasn't checked. Like I said no idea if that's the cause or not. I have an appt. at pain management on oct. 14th maybe I'll figure this back thing out soon lol

I had a lyme test done last year that was neg. but she wants to check it again just to make sure. And nope no infections in years that I'm aware of or even being sick in a long long time. Maybe a slight cold a year or two ago but that's it.
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Hi i am not a doctor, but I get blood work once a month (including cBC which you posted a portion of) and my doctor is good at explaining it!

Your MCV is slightly elevated according to your lab's range, but it is not that high.  Some labs use a different range that goes up to 98 or 99 as "normal"

I'd be more concerned about you white blood count, it seems pretty high?  I know you mention lime disease, but have you had an infection lately?  I would get that rechecked in a few weeks to see if it is still elevated. and follow up accordingly!  Sorry I don't know your history but maybe you are already aware of this!
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1753162 tn?1317278184
Ok, I did talk to my Grandfather today and yes. My Grandmother and my Great Great Grandfather all had B12 issues and had to take shots their entire lives. And he did tell me symptoms they had, but according to what I did read about pernicious anemia they can all depend on the person. So, at least now I know I do have a family history of B12 problems.
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293157 tn?1285873439
Hi there, you sure have alot of history that you should let the Drs know about OK.. start typing or writing things down for them.  

I hope you find answers soon
take care
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1753162 tn?1317278184
Thanks for the link Red_Star. I did book mark it.

After sitting here wondering if this is also what my Grandmother had it makes me wonder how long I could have had this if this is in fact what is going on. I recall when I was young having problems that I have often wondered about but of course all my mom says is "I don't know" lol I know in fact it happened cause she has photos. And after googling Pernicious Anemia can in fact cause these two issues. When I was about 3 or 4yrs old for some ODD reason I lost almost all my hair on the one side of my head. Plus since I am little I have had petechiae that never goes away. In fact over the years it started at one little spot and has taken over my left arm. I of course have asked Drs about it but they all would say the same thing. "look at it oddly and say I don't know" It is petechiae since it doesn't blanch at all. I have it all over, but not nearly as bad as my one arm.

I sure hope this is my problem. If so I'd never be so happy to take a needle in my life lol :)
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Parietal cell antibody and intrinsic factor antibody tests are needed to make a diagnosis of Pernicious Anaemia. I'll send you a link with more information. I have autoimmune pernicious anaemia and i currently take 2000mcg daily of B12 sublingual spray. No injections..ahh life is good. :)

The MCV is increased in:

Hereditary anaemia(s).
Megaloblastic Anaemias (pernicious, folic acid deficiency, B12 deficiency)
Reticulocytosis (acute blood loss response; reticulocytes are immature cells with a relatively large size compared to a mature red blood cell)
Artifact (aplasia, myelofibrosis, hyperglycemia, cold agglutinins)
Liver disease
Drugs (anti-convulsants)
Zidovidune treatment (AIDS)
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1753162 tn?1317278184
No because I didn't even think about it until I went to pick my hubby up at work :( It was one of those "driving down the road and it hits you things". I was like wow... and mentioned it to him.

I'm going to call my Grandfather just to see about her B12 shots. I know she got them, but was it something she only did when younger or did she do them her whole life which I sort of doubt she did. I do know she was always at the Dr. and they could never find what was wrong with her :( May have been something simple, to simple that they just over looked for years. I shouldn't say simple... Look at me lol Going on 2yrs :P
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I trust you have told your doctor about this family history?  Everything may fit into your picture some how, some way.  And there are a lot of preventative things thtcan be done these days that wasn't available a decade ago.  keep us posted, ok?
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1753162 tn?1317278184
I know Lulu, I'm soo happy with her! I'm glad she's not giving up on trying to find out what's going on. I told my hubby if she can tell me what is wrong I think I'll hug her, kiss her and cry :) lol

No, I have been googling this Pernicious Anemia though and although I'm not 100% sure... It seems it can be hereditary. I know my Grandmother was always sick and did have to get B12 shots her whole life. She just passed away a few months ago and I had talked to her husband the day I had my MRI done (actually went to visit him & with her being so sick and always losing weight ect. she wouldn't let anyone see her the past 10yrs) and he says I sound soooo much like her. So, we'll see. But, she had such problems swallowing she ended up having a tube put in to eat, mental issues her entire life ending with dementia and no cause for her death either :( Sort of scary really.

If neither of these are what's going on then we'll see what Ms. Dr has up her sleeve :) lol
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It sure sounds like your doctor is continuing to look for answers, which is good.  Hang in there  - you will get an answer eventually.  Have you checked out the lyme forum here ?  They are great folks and always good to answer questions.

best of luck,
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1753162 tn?1317278184
She gave me 10mg but told me to take only half of one 3x's a day unless it doesn't work then I can take a whole one she said.

I have no idea which Lyme test I had before (different Dr who didn't want to do much of anything) and he just said it was neg.

My poor arms are so done with blood :( My left they can't get anything out of that one anymore and right one only with a butterfly lol I think they are about shot.

I sure am hoping and crossing my fingers this is all the B12 thing!!!! Would be very nice if it were that easy to feel better :)
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338416 tn?1420045702
The ELISA test is supposed to be pretty reliable.  

How much baclofen are you on?  They say you have to titrate up - one pill the first week, two pills the second, etc.

I know what you mean about blood work - I was in the hospital for a blood clot, and after three days, it was torture to tap the same vein.
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