222135 tn?1236488221

for my DH

If it's okay, I'd like to ask for some happy thoughts for my DH tomorrow early in the am. He had a stress test last month, which we thought was fine as we had heard nothing. At a different appt last week, the doc said she wanted him to see a cardiologist, as there was an irregularity in the stress test. He saw the cardio today and they want him to have a cath tomorrrow morning. The speed of this all of the sudden has me a bit spooked. We have to be there at 6 in the morning.

Ok... as I'm typing this our Christmas tree just fell down with no one near it. Never happened before. Good thing I'm not superstitious.

18 Responses
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281565 tn?1295982683
Sorry I am late in posting but I have not been on for a couple of days.

I am sending prayers that everything will be okay for your DH although it sounds like he is in good hands. I'm sure it must have been very scary for you to have to go through that.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing to have the tables turned for awhile, this way you both get to see how the other feels.

I'm sending prayers to you to Penn that you get through this alright.

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222135 tn?1236488221
Thanks so much for all your hugs and support (boobs areprobably out of place anyway, Quix at this point in my life! The cardio did say the follow up would be within the next week or 2, so he will consult between now and then.

I am jealous of the speedy diagnosis - grateful too, but jealous! I'm having a hard time getting him to let me help HIM for a change. I can see why he gets so frustrated when I don't want help, lol! We're a stubborn pair - match made in heaven;)

He's pretty sore in the area where they put the cath in. He's much better at lying down and behaving than I am, lol!

We appreciate all the support so much, I cannot begin to tell you all.


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147426 tn?1317265632
I've been thiking about you and DH the whole time.  I apologize for not speaking up.  You have done all the right things!  You are both rocks - each other's pet rocks.  It's sweet.  Sounds like there is some trouble, but not imminently life-threatening and, I have to agree that when your doc wants to consult on proper next action - THAT IS A GREAT THING!

None of this is your fault.  Heart disease is far more genetic than diet.  Billions of pharmaceutical company ad $'s have not convinced me otherwise.  You've caught it early and the science and technology now very good.  Now, why can't you just go in and get a firm diagnosis like that?  He is making it look far too easy.

You have our love and support for both of you through this whole thing.  Keep us carefully and dutifully posted or you'll be getting one of those knitted whole-body stockings and I probably will get the boobs out of place again, so I can't promise any comfort.  

((((HUGS)))) Quix
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I know how you must be feeling. I too am married to my soulmate. Last year he had 2 heart attacks and has severe high blood pressure which we can't seem to get under control. Unless theres a fluke or something!

He is my best friend and I can't even think of what it would be like not to have him by my side.

It seems that at this point it either him or me that is sick or having to go to the doctor's never is there a time when we are both ok. But our love for eachother is all we need to get through these hard times.

As long as you keep your love strong for eachother you will find a way to get through everything rough in your life together.

You sound as though you are a very caring wife, and god blesses those who help others.

Please share any new info with us so that we don't worry, hon.

May the New Year be a easy calm breeze for you both, God bless you and your hubby.


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Just want to add that I am praying for you and your husband too.  My sister in law is a nurse and I am always impressed at her ability to stay calm; sounds like you tapped into the same thing.  I am truly glad that tests were run and (hopefully) the healing will begin.  God bless you, Amy
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251222 tn?1270936117
I want to second Carol, this in no way was in anyway your fault. I am glad to hear you are home now but sounded a little rough there afterward, indeed would be frightening at his passing out.

Yes, please let us know what is happening and we are all here for you,


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199882 tn?1310184542
First of all don't even think that this is any way your fault.  Your husbands worrying and caring for you over the last year did not block his arteries.  Now the snack machine at work, that's a different story.

The Lord will be with you both and I know if you lean on him he will carry you both through this ordeal.  Keep the faith and now it's your turn to be your husbands rock and his soul-mate.  I have a feeling that you will do it just fine.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.  If you need to cry or just vent you know where we are.  Let us help you through this.  It really does help to have friends to lean on in a time like this.  We are all here for you.

I'll be praying,
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220917 tn?1309784481
I cansee now that those are the results from this time.  I thought they were from a previous test.  Have you heard from the consultant?  Let us know when you hear what the plan is...

Ditzy Zilla*
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So sorry to hear about this new problem.  I'm glad I checked in today.

My dad had this same problem, which the drs fixed.  And this was many years ago before all the new things they have now.  Dad was like a new man and lived a long and productive life after his arteries were taken care of. It sounds like they found the problem in time and they will be able to fix DH up without any problems.

I will add extra prayers for you and your DH, but please try not to worry, everything will work out fine, I just know it.

Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

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220917 tn?1309784481

Sounds like you've been through it!  Hope you're resting peacefully today.  Hope you had a nice holiday, too.  Let us know how the results turn out...

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It's Saturday morning and we're waiting to hear how your DH is today. Please give him our best wishes.

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333021 tn?1207759633
I'm so sorry your and your DH are having these problems . Ir's great though that the blockages were picked up now . You know what it is and will have a definite plan of action. You'll need to be an even bigger rock , maybe a boulder ,for your ' chicken' in the coming weeks .  We'll all be here then to.  Good luck to you and your hubby. God bless

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My prayers are with you both.  As you said, better to know. It's good that his cardio wants to consult. My experience with cardio's is the think they are God, so his being willing to consult shows excellent judgment. My ex-husband has survived 4 heart attacks, a triple by-pass surgery, then 5 years later a double by-pass surgery, and is still working at age 66 as a Correctional Captain. Modern medicine is such a miracle. I know it's really scary, but hang in there.(((((((((((((BigHugs)))))))))) Maggie
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Sounds like you two did really well, considering the circumstances.  I am sure you will be just as much of a "rock" in supporting your husband as he is to you.  

I hope the two of you have a restful weekend.  Take care and we will be   praying.
Craig  (feeling a little better, thanks for your kind words and prayers)
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222135 tn?1236488221
We were exhausted when we got back from the hospital about 3 hours ago, so both fell asleep on the couch. I just woke up and thought I'd check in. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the ones fo rme too, Heather. Turns out we needed them.

He tried to chicken out a few times, but I made him go through with it, Told him it's better to clear it from our  minds now; that even if it's not good news, it's beeter to find out this way than the hard way. The cath showed that the main arteries are good - 1 clear and the other 30% blocked - thank God. However, of the secondary vessels (can't remember what they're called - bit of a blur), there is one that is 100% blocked, one 90% and one 70% all feeding the lower left. There is a 60% on one feeding the lower right. The cardio wants to consult with a colleague before acting.

When we got back to his little room and he was finally able to get up to the bathroom before going home, he passed out in the rest room. No nurses had stayed in the room after walking him into the room - duh! Really glad I'm a 1st aid insrtuctor - keeps me calm. The nurses could not get him up for quite a while. They brought oxygen in, as he was NOT a good color. Nurses commented about how calm I was - I was terrified! That's my rock and my soulmate lying there - an extension of me. He's never had so much as a bad hangnail. Felt I had to not cry or look terrifed so he would not panic - he's not good with medical things, even just needles.

Anyway, he's resting now and we will start fighting with THIS now tomorrow. Too tired tonight. I cannot help but think that worrying about me and being "my rock" over the past year+ is a big part of the cause here. That and he admitted at the hospital (while on the floor) that he spends a lot of time at the snack machine at work.

Thanks again (and again, and again...) for your support. Al thanks you too.

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251222 tn?1270936117
Hi Penn,

I just went through this in November, both DH and I were very nervous beforehand, but it was ok.

I hope things have went smoothly and your DH is out and resting. Let us know how things went,

Many good vibes and thoughts going out to you

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195469 tn?1388322888
You asked for thoughts for our DH and you will certainly get them.  Hope you don't mind if I send up a few prayers for you both.

Please keep us updated.

Big (((HUGS)))))
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Our tree has fallen down in the past. Now we tie it to the wall!!
We will pray for your husband tonight.  Please read the consent forms carefully.  In our hospitals, there is intervention done during the cath to clear any blockages and if the intervention does not clear the blocked arteries, then the patient goes directly to the operating room for open heart surgery.

Maybe your hospitals do caths and then  tell the patient the diagnosis and treatment plan.  But here they do not.  You consent to all treatment when you sign the cath papers.

I hope your husband breezes through the procedure.  Is he having chest pain??  Shortness of breath?
Take care,
Elaine (still filling in for Craig who is feeling a bit better)
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