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its just possible...still scary

    so i am displaying symptoms and MS has been mentioned. odd thing is in doing research i havent come across anything mentioning of someone coming down with MS after an injury.  only after some illnesses.
                               so everyone here looks friendly and helpful figured i would run it by here.
    anyone hear of it popping up after an injury you just couldnt recoup from? the injury was to lower lumbar, and damage wasnt severe enough to cause the pain i was in. it didnt help that i waited 4 months at least before i sought help for pain relief. and the only thing that worked was injections they lasted 8mo to a year. that was 5 years ago and been a roller coaster ride since.
    tried matching things up with the mcdonald theory but i just cant understand the chart.
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         morning its 1am here.  sorry if i sounded vague and rambley with my descriptions, the gabapentine does that too me. makes me confused, and more aggressive. will try an clear things up this morn before i take more lol.

    i am a 50 yr old female, mother of 2, grandmother of 3. pleased to meet all of you and my heart goes out to all of you and your families. i had a grandfather who had MS and saw what it can do at its worse with what i will term "old medicine". that was many years ago when i was quite young and honestly always had a mindset that my issues were something else till 3 months ago.

         ok as for the possible glaucoma getting a full work up on the 21st to see if it is glaucoma. he said the nerves def arent normal, and the eye cups appear large but may be normal for me. i re my reg eye dr saying "no change in measurements hmm" cups?  i didnt ask her what that meant. also researching glaucoma i see no mention of facial swelling. and no idea if MS causes swelling? when i went to the eye surgeon he asked if the DV came and went or stayed. well told him it stayed because it had at that time, however it eased up a bit and was better than it had been the last 3 weeks. also good to note that it was both eyes, minor in left but the right being so bad i failed eye test with glasses after just having it corrected in april, that is the one with the cataract. but the other nite pain, swelling, tingles etc hit left side leg, foot, lasted 2 hrs left and vision went completely normal! i was elated running about excited to be able to read again. stayed 2hrs pain etc came again milder this time (no doubt my running about), the dv slowly has crept back over the last 3 days. dont the MS symptoms last longer than 2 hrs before popping in and out? or is this more a glaucoma thing?

      also, i was dx about 8 yrs ago with TMJ so the 24/7 ear ringing, change in tastebuds anything like that i discount as a MS symptom. in fact i dont even bring them up at the dr. and if they ask i be sure to inform/remind them of the TMJ. that was a trying event to get a dx on. the neuro thought it was in my head, luckily i have an awesome GP that stood by me. however on a side note TMJ has caused facial swelling but not purely 1 sided, and always with jaw pain.   its like cutting a picture of a face in half up the nose bridge. glasses are tight on only one side, actually had to take them off, but no jaw pain.

    the "rubberband ankle" as i like to call it has been there for yrs and yrs. would just turn completely sideways like the foot was never there, the concern in the episode i mentioned though was the fact that when it happened having to lay there till i got the strength to crawl....which hasnt been mentioned to dr completely forgot about that till i started typing yesterday. that happened about 07-08 was a single episode i chalked up to "odd". i re the timing due to the fact it was around the time of my hysto.

     after the ER visit in june is when things started going real bad i thought it was a stone, fit the description perfectly to me. however the confused state i was in i dont think is a side effect for that. all they did is a urine dip test to ck for blood. i basically got scolded for not being in pain management, doc spent all of 10 min with me and left.  he chalked it up to my undx reason for pain etc.  its the "confusion" part of this that worried me. i could barely comunicate with them ie name social etc. very slow and lethargic, on cloud 9.    does the pain of MS get bad enough to warrent ER runs when you werent dx'd yet?
    it could very easily just be that my original injury 5 yrs ago actually did nerve damage in the tail bone area where all those nerves come together which would cause all kinds of neuro symptoms. which is what i have believed though they have yet to test that and i really am not sure if there is a way.  if there is a test anyone knows to ask for i would greatly appreciate the suggestion. i have shown somewhat reduced marrow signaling from the june MRI of the spine. and i have had no luck trying to research these spinal lesions i see people talk about with MS. do they only show up with dye as well? because i havent been ckd with dye.  just repeatably told that i should not be feeling the pain i do with with tests i have had.

    in closing i will say that i feel my osteopathic dr does appear to WANT to find a reason for all this i see him tuesday. although he isnt ordering dye tests so i have to assume he isnt specialized in MS nor thinking MS. and my PM dr isnt at all happy that i want a reason, he feels i should take my pills, see a shrink, take 20 min walks daily and just com to see him.
     hugs to everyone out there enduring dx'd, and undx'd pain!!
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     oh and no idea how to tell if they are MS drs.  my GP was the one that mentioned worry about possible MS. neuro surgeon said anything he could do wouldnt improve my symptoms enough to warrent surgery, sent me to pain management, he took me off spasm and pain meds prescribed gabapentin which helps but new stuff keeps popping up
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been to PM, neuro, NS, and GP

MRI of lower lumbar no dye,  minor disc degen and crowding, 2 small cysts in spinal column. minor bulge s1.
multiple xrays, MRI of brain yesterday...no dye. neck next if brain comes back normal. ordered by an orthepedic surgeon who wants all info before giving RX.
CBC's 2x since june borderline high cholestral, blood a bit thick(red cells?),
3 UTI tests, EKG after a confusion episode hit that i mixed up meds and went to hospital.  all came back normal
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1831849 tn?1383228392
Some of your symptoms might suggest MS, others not so much :-)

The bladder issues could be MS related, as might the numbness and weakness. The glaucoma is likely unrelated. I have it and it's not related to my MS. I got it from my mother and she does not have MS.

If I were you I would try and start from the top down rather than the bottom up. I mean that rather than chase treatment for seemingly unrelated symptoms, I would try and determine if they are in fact related.

I chased symptoms for years never thinking they were related. Turns out they were all related and all MS caused. Have you seen a neurologist, hopefully one who specializes in MS? Have you had any testing done?
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    forgot to list my symptoms lower back pain and spasms from lower shoulder blades down like "ocean ripples when waves recede over sand" make me yell or say ouch. many nights only 4hrs of rest, pain would wake me right side mostly.then incontince creeps in, with most coughs and sneezes. then came the "morning pee dance" while filling the pot hearing the water run would cause sudden release that sends me running. bladder went in overdrive for 2yrs.
     other things started creeping in, numbness and tingles in legs came and went. had to stop taking hot baths, felt like i would swell in tailbone area. installed a shower ripped out the beloved cast iron tub. but hot showers made me weak and trembly. bought an expensive air matress with a pump helped for a while then it too wore off. back to 4 hrs of sleep. noticed i couldnt mow anymore in hot weather the pain became unbearable.
    weakness set in that i had to hold on to things as i walked, trembled if i stood more than 15 min. had to sit with feet propped now. making dinner was such a chore had to go to bed afterwards. folding laundry caused spasms abound. bending and getting stuck needing to have support to get straight. ankle went to rubber fell to the floor tripping over the dog, home alone layed there 15 min and crawled to sofa front to pull myself up...couldnt do it from the arm side.
      couldnt see went to eye dr, she found double vision. added prism.
      4 months later had a bad pain episode left sided that nearly froze my bladder went to er. pain was worse than childbirth i figured stone. ER did nothing sent me home with meds. took three wks for bladder settle, but it didnt fully recover.
     from here on out it went crazy. left side body pain, itching, tingles and swelling that comes and goes. face now too, however only mild headaches that come and go. eyes went downhill, rx cataract, nerves in eyes def not normal - possible glaucoma. bladder goes up and down with pain. not sure if i am forgeting anything.
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1831849 tn?1383228392
Hi and welcome to our little corner of cyberspace.

I'm not a doctor, nor are the rest of the folks here. We are are people who either have MS or are in the process of figuring out whether or not they have MS. I'm in the first group, you seem to be in the second :-)

You mention "symptoms" but the only one you specify is pain. Pain is not usually one of the primary presenting symptoms of MS. Things that tend to show up are numbness on one side (left foot or right arm etc.), extreme fatigue, vision problems, muscle weakness and balance or gait issues.

Do you have other symptoms? Have you see a doctor(s) and if so what kind? Have you had any testing done, like MRI's, blood work, lumbar puncture?

The more information you can share with us, the better we may be able to help.


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