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Hot head, fatigue, painful spots on head


I have been dealing with this problem for 2 months now.

My head feels as though I have high fever, but my body does not have a fever, I have taken my temperature numerous times without any indication of heat. Normally it is around 98.4 degrees.

I have two points on my head that are painful to touch, however when I place a hot bottle of water on those points, the heat on my head is alleviated for a brief period of time, usually 3-5 minutes.  Also once I remove the bottle of hot water I begin to experience headaches.

Often I have a dizzy feeling after any type of labor.  I also have the pain isolated to the left side of my head.

When I use the hot tub, my forehead stops feeling hot, and I have general relief, but this stops within 5 minutes of leaving the hot tub, and my head heats back up again.

I also notice some floaters in my vision, however an eye doctor ruled out anything suspicious.  

I recently had a CT scan which came back negative for tumors or other brain abnormalities.

I have a history of circulation problems, and I often have cold feet and hands. In addition I have a scoliosis, but my back is not more then 15 degrees of curvature at any one point.

I believe that I may have severe circulation problems and as a result decreased blood flow to the head and the warming feelings associated with that.
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Hi All, I had struggled with many of these same symptoms - warm head and ears, sore spots, and pressure on both sides of my skull just behind my ears, vertigo when leaning over to pickup something or lift any heavy weights, etc. as well as elevated blood pressure. After months of zero progress with doctors, my primary care pointed out I was vitamin D deficient. I started a course of vitamin D plus vitamin K2 and magnesium and within a week felt MUCH better. Within a month, all my symptoms were gone and my vitamin D level was back to normal. Bottom line was, go to your primary GP and get a blood test for vitamin D deficiency to see if that will help resolve your symptoms. Best of luck.
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Hi All, I had struggled with many of these same symptoms - warm head and ears, sore spots, and pressure on both sides of my skull just behind my ears, vertigo when leaning over to pickup something or lift any heavy weights, etc. as well as elevated blood pressure. After months of zero progress with doctors, my primary care pointed out I was vitamin D deficient. I started a course of vitamin D plus vitamin K2 and magnesium and within a week felt MUCH better. Within a month, all my symptoms were gone and my vitamin D level was back to normal. Bottom line was, go to your primary GP and get a blood test for vitamin D deficiency to see if that will help resolve your symptoms. Best of luck.
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I been dealing with severe migraines everyday all day for going on 2 years now. My head stay hot. I been to several doctors for 2 years and everything came back normal.  I'm begging for help sms answers.
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Unfortunatly I am late to this post, but I still feel it's necessary to give people peace of mind. Firstly my symptoms: Burning head, no fever, extreme dry mouth, fatigue, pain in the left side of my head near the temple, palpitations, night sweats, constant urination.

I had all the scans and blood tests that if I listed them all it would be a novel. All clear and they couldn't find anything.

Diagnosis: Anxiety. Seriously look up the symptoms on the NHS website. You may be prone to some of these symptoms, maybe more, maybe less, it varies from person to person.

Anxiety symptoms are not a sign of illness, they are the mind's ability to produce the "flight or fight" response which gives rise to many physiological changes.

The reason some people feel better with the remedies suggested is because you think you have found a solution, which reduces the anxiety temporarily.

Solution: BEFORE going on anti-anxiety tablets (which have numerous side effects) try herbal meds such as kalms.
Other methods include meditation and trying to reduce stress in your life naturally.

Please go to your GP and ask them about anxiety.

Good luck people, hope this helps.
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Hi did you ever have a blackout or mini seizure?
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Hi I was wondering if you found anything out. I am having the same type of stuff. Seeing a neurologist next month. Mine has been going on for 9 months. I have seen a dermatologist , allergy doc. Nothing. Oh I also had my hormones checked.
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Read up on intercranial hypertension. This causes severe headaches, nausea, back pain, vision issues like double vision and intense pressure in the head. It's quite rare, best to ask the doc if this could be the issue
Hi All, I had struggled with many of these same symptoms - warm head and ears, sore spots, and pressure on both sides of my skull just behind my ears, vertigo when leaning over to pickup something or lift any heavy weights, etc. as well as elevated blood pressure. After months of zero progress with doctors, my primary care pointed out I was vitamin D deficient. I started a course of vitamin D plus vitamin K2 and magnesium and within a week felt MUCH better. Within a month, all my symptoms were gone and my vitamin D level was back to normal. Bottom line was, go to your primary GP and get a blood test for vitamin D deficiency to see if that will help resolve your symptoms. Best of luck.
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I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my neck. An inury in my younger years is causing me to suffer now that Im in my mid 40s. I have all these same symptoms that all of you have and I have lived with it for over 20 yrs. Muscle relaxers, ibuprofen, heating pads will all work temporarily. Chiropracters, physical therapists, massage therapists, acupunturists can all help ease the discomfort.  You need to change your lifestyle a little bit, watch your posture because muscle and bloodflow that are out of wack can increase the pain. Limit the stress on your neck, eyes and back...stretch routinely because sometimes running can put stress on your neck. electric stimulation might also give you some relief to increase or regulate the blood flow. Hope this helps.
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to (johnson4730) and (chelasd) i can relate to u guys more becoz of the cold hands and feet. plz read this carefully and try to relate my case with urs as clearly and close as possible.i started to feel and realize these symptom in 2006 or 2007 and suffer from it till date.i.e almost 9 yrs runing. coz before that i was fine. i dont know what suddenly happened to me and what triggered this.plz try to relate from here.i was aged 20 in 2006. (before 2006 i was ok but after 2006 i started developing gastric problems which turned to stomach erosion when i did an endoscopy in 2009 as i was diagnosed with typhoid)the reason i described this coz i slowly suffered depression after having this unending stomach problems(even kurt cobain suffered depression due to his ibs) as i was getting depressed and more depressed i just wanted to be happy and i started smoking weed to keep away all these pain and after being diagnosed with typhoid and ulcer i quit smoking weed .i went to an MD talked to him about my cold hands and feet and the un tolerable heating up of my head esp from neck to forehead, he told me to consult a phychologist and went to him and explained the situation. so my psychologist told me that i was suffering from depression,anxiety and that was the cause of my head heating up(NOTE- my symptoms are like as my head starts to heat up simultaneously my hands and feet stars to get cold as if all bloods are rushing up above to my head and then heats up very badly.NOW NOTE over these yrs i've noticed that when my hands and feets gets warm then the heating of the head doesnt happen except sometime.ITS LIKE THE COOLANT SYSTEM OF A CAR HAS FAILED AND THE ENGINE COULDNT COOL DOWN.so over the yrs ive realized that we human too have a natural coolant system which keeps our head cool but unfortunately in our cases the coolant system has failed. NOW  about the cold hands and feet my md told me that it could be  due to thyroid problem.when i was diagnosed with typhoid my MD did an THYROID TEST and found some abnormalities so told me to do another but in the 2nt time it was normal.so couldnt come to any conclusions. I still have cold hands and feet.NOW about the hot head symptom i tried to find it on the internet and everywhere but couldnt find any ans. so over the yrs i just kept observing myself and tried to relate to anxiety and depression and realized that to some extent it is true NOTE THIS when i focus too much on a work reding or anything i.e if a little amount of stress is generated my head starts heating up immediately but then i suddenly colse my eyes and try to rest my brains ( coz i cant focus anymore as my head heats up) then automatically my head cools down but again if i put stess then it starts to heat up again.so i think it might be related to depression or anxiety coz i recalled i never had any of these when i  was not deprerssed.NOW ANOTHER thing i noticed is that after having a bath when i dry my hair in front of a stand fan after i stop the fan then my head starts to heat up again . i then related this theory to my riding motorbike i.e as i stop my bike after coming from a ride sudenly my head starts to heat up and it woud even heat up even if i slightly rub my ears i.e rubbing the ears could even trigger to heating up my head.NOW I WANT TO ASK U TO OBSERVE YOURSELVES MORE MINUTELY WHAT CAN TRIGGER THIS UNEASY UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS. I have even noticed that when i talk to some one on the phone this too can trigger or if i talk too much staright out this too can trigger NOW what i want to ask u too is do u guys ever suffered or suffering from   depression/anxiety coz i belive somewhere in my case it might have started from depression coz i have done most of the tests MRI CAT THYROID etc NOTE i too have that pain kind of thing on the left side of my brain more of a hangover kind of uneasy feel which i have till date and headaches which i believe is due to my stomach ulcer. NOTE i asked u about depression coz in 2013 end i suffered from serious panic attacks i.e 2 times severly. so i had to take antidepressants and took it for and yr and i noticed that the heating up of my head was a little less but i quit cold turkey as i didnt want to be on antidepesssants and the heating up was even worse after quiting the anti depressants.LIKE u too i thought i had fever or flu everyday and i too didnt understand what was going on but as i have suffered for over 9 yrs time i now know for sure that its not fever but may have something to do with anxiety/depression issues also coz if u have done all the tests and all negative then one options remains i.e psychological issues ie anxiety or may be we dont have enough technology to understand this phenomenon clearly.and for the cold hands and feet it could be circulation problem which for reasons i dont know somehow mystically got simultaneously with hot head phenomenon.NOTE- for the dizzy part after physical activity observe if u get dizzy after suddenly standing from a sitdown position or waking up suddenly from sleep to toilet it coud be ORTHO STATIC HYPOTENSION i have that and i get dizzy too AND i dont have scoliosis. i have learned over the yrs that one problem can lead to another and another and thus form a vicious cycle like ours.my life or shoud say the quality of my life has gone down drastically hitting rock bottom. i dont know when i smiled last .i am very depressed tried everything i can but it wont end but trying to live live as far as possible ,couldnt even explain to anyone as people just say that its just that i dont want to work which is not at all true as i know that we live life only once ((.I JUST WANTED TO ASK BOTH OF YOU that do u have any anxiety issues or masturbating issues pls dont judge coz i was almost addicted to masturbating when i was 20,21 i refferd this coz whenever i see erotic or sensual scenes or anything that increases my heartbeat or masturbate my head heats up very badly and therfore i stopped to almost zero and i dont watch any erotic things coz i think in my case it might have contributed to this hot head phenomenon also i try to avoid any kind of exicting or hear pumping or adrenalin related things in my case riding motorbike coz it always triggers this symptom and also one more thing related to cold hands and feet do u feel cold all the time or most of the time even during summers coz i do coz i think one the reasons of me having cold hans and feet is feeling cold all the time NOTE i dont have any blood pressure issues)) plz do take out time and read this and try to relate yours if its same or not .i know its v.long but will be helpful to u only NOTE one more thing the phenomenon of head heating up for me i found it more likely like a blushing but more xtreme form only that my face dont turn red only the heat feel of the blushing if u can understand idont know what urs feel like so i just tried to describe it as close as possible. from my experience of sufffering this for about 9 yrs i know that i have to live with this until my dying day not discouraging anyone or not being a pessimist ,just being a realist and for others in this  forum i dont know wether u have these phenomenon still on or not but try to relate to my article may be could help u .
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Finally, someone who gets it., who gets me
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I have had migraines for 34 years  and recently I have started with the hot head syndrome my headaches last 6-8 days on average, and I am taking Tylenol 3 to help keep them at bay!  Any suggestions anyone's has would be welcomed.  No hot tubbing here and no scoliosis or back injuries! Help please!
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My mother was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease and has similar symptoms to many of the posts here. She was generally in  good health before the onset of symptoms. For almost a year she couldn't get a diagnosis as doctor's could not associate her symptoms because they were so random. The frequent hot flashes (she's beyond menopause), swollen, red and watery eyes which were most of the time painful, sudden onset headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, nausea, extreme fatigue, rapid weight loss and severe hair loss. She had many test performed been to many specialist and it was with the help of the endocrinologist that she was finally able to diagnosed and start treatment. Hope this helps someone get closer to finding out what is ailing them. Don't stop asking questions, don't take one doctors "opinion" of what's "not wrong" with you. You know your body better than anyone else and if it's telling you there's a problem, get it treated.
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Over the last few years I've had a steady downhill slide with dull but persistant headaches, vision problems, concentration and general mental fatigue.  For a while it was almost as though my brain had dropped back from broadband to dial up, and was struggling to keep up with the world.  Heat knocked me around alot, and when I was able to work (ICT) I used to withdraw to the server room for the relief of the chill air.  My scalp always felt warm, and would often get breakouts of ache on it if I indulged in chocolate. Nowhere else, just my scalp. Spent a couple of years jumping through hoops for my neurologist trying to figure out what was going on, until I got a positive back on Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.
Since then I've been using CPAP nightly, and within the first month my scalp is now much cooler, acne breakouts are minimal, and concentration is slowly returning.  Its still poor, but its a hell of alot better than crap.
Currently I'm trying to ease off on the caffeine intake that I was using in concentration-in-a-cup, and one bad night still takes a couple of days to recover from, but it is trending improvement rather than decline.
If everything else is coming back a dead end, get a sleep study.  If your scalp is hot, it may be that your brain is working overtime when it should be resting.  Partial waking (in my case) every 3 mins will certainly do it.
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So weird. I have been having constant headaches, on a daily basis for about 7-8 months now. Headaches, dizziness, horrible eye pressure, vision problems, floaters at times, ringing in ears at times, but also crackling & popping as well. The hot head thing is so spot on, Ive been complaining about this for so long, and call them "hot spots" because most frequently i get them on my head and scalp, but also other spots on my body as well. Ice packs help , but only when they are on, and walking around with an ice pack on my head isn't ideal.  I had an MRI, nothing exciting, except sinus problems. Blood tests normal, vitamin D deficient, but have been supplementing and still having symptoms. Use to see chiropractor, who said i have verry slight scoliosis but nothing major. Doctors just say migraines and prescribe pain meds which i do not want. Have been playing around w/ dietary factors, cutting sugar, high sodium foods, no more caffeine,etc. No much relief. Now my doctor assumes its just anxiety, which is frustrating. Has anyone found any relief ???
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What you describe is exactly what I am experiencing
What you describe is exactly what I'm experiencing
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Well I see your post was in 2009 - I hopefully everything with you are fine and hopefully have found a cure for the Hot Head syndrome.
  Im at the point to where I was thinking my husband was going crazy ?
He would say on & off that he had a hot head again- The top of his head-
It has gotten so bad that he has applied ice packs on his head.
He gets some relief and eventually goes away but then it will come right back- He also has ringing in his ears and sores on his head.
Sounds like to me it's a circulation problem ? I don't know but he is at the point to where depression is setting in on him ,because he can not hardly cope with the RED HOT feeeling on top of his head . Please if you have found out what this problem is - please email us. It would be so greatly appreciatedd... Thank You - ***@****
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Also, I have always had low BP. Often it is 90s/40s or 100s/50s.
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dr_paul555 made some interesting questions in jan 2013. I have all these symptoms. I don't have scoliosis. However, I do use a computer a lot. I also masturbate frequently. (Don't judge, I can't sleep otherwise, and it's better than being a ****.) And I am frequently mildly dehydrated. Why did he ask those specific questions?

Please note that I am not a high stress or high anxiety person. I don't think it is that

I will say that lately my back and neck has been bothering me and I suddenly developed frequent gastritis. One of the posts said a chiropractor helped one lady. I'm going to try it. I had a patient (I'm a nurse) who told me he got diagnosed with all sorts af abdominal disorders like IBS and Crohns but it turned out to be a pinched nerve. It resolved after he saw a chiropractor. Has anyone else seen a chiropractor since developing these problems?
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I suggest a chiropractor.  Same thing, for so long.  i can't even tell you all the doctors and test I saw.  Last ditch effort, and went to the a Chiro, who only after one treatment felt relieft with these 'episodes'.  Apparently, the neck can cause all sorts of these issue and now doing research on it I understand why.   Sitting at the computer all day makes it worse.   only one side most days, sore to touch sometimes more syptoms but the headaches were getting awlful.  Now when it happens I go see a chiro a few times and back to normal again .    I swear by it.
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Do you feel this could happen in 25 year olds?
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The related illness most of the symptoms seem to point to is related to one or more forms of Vasculitis.
We have Elisnore to thank for her reply, Feb. 2013.
I never saw any posts yet on people finding what name is associated with these symptoms.
There are a number of forms (names) given to which area of the body is effected by the inflammation of the lining of the arteries.
For head, scalp it looks to be names Giant cell arteristis and fortunately it appears to be possible to diagnose and treat.
It is reported by Mayo Clinic, that half of the people also have Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMP), which is symtomatic of shoulder, neck and arm soreness. This may be why many people posted they use hot tubs.
Do NOT jump to the conclusion this is your specific diagnosis, but, discuss with your doctor in conversation and via blood testing. For those not familiar, the Mayo Clinic is a respected Medical Center in United States.
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5649152 tn?1371642301
have the  same problem...nowadays i sit  in a hot tub (with salt) hips down to  increase my feet temp and drench  my head with cold water in the same time to reverse the heat difference...it does comfort me for that moment....
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I have the following symptoms and have been diagnosed with vasculitis:

'hot head" with no fever
tender spots on scalp
sound/sensation of pulse in my ear
crippling fatigue
periodic "giddy" feeling

Symptoms increase after higher than normal salt intake.  I hate hot tubs/showers/anything hot so I cannot comment on how heat affects my symptoms.

Hope this helps somebody.
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Has anyone who posted been able to find out the cause of these symptoms first described?

My wife has been diagnosed with arthritis in her neck and I think it is blood flow issue that causes this, but, not sure.
She is experiencing what appears to be migraine headaches.

She does have high blood pressure and take Lisinopril.
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Hi guys I am trying to understand the issue so please answer these three simple questions in order benefit others and yourself:

1. For how long you keep staring at your computer screens? (either out of habit, hobby or profession)

2. How often do you guys masturbate? (and I am just being concerned about the stats to see the pattern in the issue)

3. Do you keep a check on your daily water intakes?
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Hi Jadedock
You might want to check out the Action for ME website as it's possible you have ME/CFS - which is sadly still a "junk" diagnosis ie none of the standard blood tests at your GPs will give any positive results - but there are plenty of things you can do to improve your symptoms, the most important of which is Pacing.
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Hi everyone i Guess i am welcome to the club, I have the same problem, for about 6 months on and off, before that i would feel dizzy, i always have headaches, So i started taking tension headache pills,and the heat would go away, but 3 months after ,pills stopped working, I use cold ice compress, and it kinda goes away but it later retuns, the doctors say its nothing just stress, I seen another Dr. in Mexico who said it might be related to my High Blood Pressure, Anyway in  about 2 weeks will go to mexico to have a complete check up for this,i like it better because lab work is ready in 1 hr, and all diagnosis ,so hopfully is not to bad.
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hello, im 15 and i have the exact same problem except there are no floaters in my vision and i dont have a scoliosis, however i did injur my spine a couple of years back quite severely and wasnt allowed to do any physical exercise and i had to stay at home for a bit.
but i have the exact same problem with my head, when i feel it, it is really hot to touch and is sometimes so hot it burns my fingers. although the rest of my body isnt warm at all, and is how it is normally; i feel no difference. i also have a pain in my stumach which is mostly to the left side however sometimes it spreads.I also feel tired and confused and get emotional easily. i feel weak and have pain in my muscles sometimes. however, this pain seems to go away for about an hour when i take paracetamol, but it always comes back. i have not yet seeked any medical help, if any of you find out what the problem is, please let me know, thanks
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