187799 tn?1219609573

Anterior Cervical Fusion - C5-C6

Hi All - New to this forum, but have been on the OVCA and anxiety forum for several months.  

Anyhoot, just had anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion surgery Friday and am in a great deal of pain in the back of my neck.  I cannot sleep at all as laying down puts way too much pressure on my neck.  Pain meds are not doing a great job.

I can handle this if it's going to get better so I'm wondering if anyone out there can offer some advice on recovery, how to hold my neck, etc.  I also do not have a brace and think I should.

Thanks for any advice.
7 Responses
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187799 tn?1219609573
I have a quick question.  Although I'm feeling better with the pain today, I sort of have some weakness in my neck; hard to describe, but it's like almost hard to hold up and sort of jiggly.  Any thoughts?  Thanks again.
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187799 tn?1219609573
Thanks so much for your comments - you have no idea how much I appreciate posting with someone that has gone through the exact same thing.  My Mom had this done 20 years ago and I was telling her about you and how comforting it is to talk with someone else going through it.  She never had anyone to talk to and she became very depressed as no one told her either that the pain would not immediately go away and it would be along recovery.  But she did recover fully and it took almost a year completely, but she also had the bone taken from her hip so that needed to heal as well.

Whe I talked to my neurosurgeon Sunday morning, he said that by Monday afternoon (yesterday) I would start seeing a turn for the better.  Do you know that he was absoutely right?!  All of a sudden yesterday, I began to feel a little normal again, the pain started to subside, and I was able to move my head a little more.  I just didn't have that sick, sick feeling anymore and I know you know what I mean.

Still, waking up this morning was agony, but a little less agony and I slept a little better.  I have also been eating more and I know what you mean with being careful not to choke - I still have the lump, but that also is getting better.  It is hard to get pills down, but so far so good as I couldn't live without these pain meds.

What kind of bandage/incision cover did you have?  Mine is just skin glue that they said will dissolve when the wound heals itself.  I think it's almost all worn off so I hope it doesn't open up as it's only been four days.

Thanks again and you also have a very Happy 4th!!!  I love this holiday!  If you don't mind, I'd like to keep posting to you for your support and any I can offer you in return.

BTW - I'm a 42 year old female with three girls - ages 15, 10, and 2!  I wanted to wait until the girls were a little older to have the surgery, but it was quite urgent now.  My husband and girls have been wonderful through it all though!

Take care.......

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As near as I can remember it was about 2 weeks. I also have fibromyalgia, so some of the pain I feel is from that, as well as the surgery. But today was even a better day, didn't even take a nap today, so things are improving steadily.  I would have to say at 4 weeks, I feel about 65% back to what is normal for me. I know when I return to work the pain will probably come back for awhile, as I drive 8 hrs a day on my job, so that will irritate the shoulders and arms again, but I'm expecting that. Glad to hear you were better this morning. Every day should bring you closer to feeling better. Applesauce, yoghurt, ice cream were my first meals, but am now back to anything I want. Bread still sticks some, so I still avoid that. And be sure to cut meat in very small pieces and chew thoroughly. Sounds simple, but seems to make a big difference. My throat still feels like there is a lump in it, my problem is swallowing pills, not eating. How are you doing on that? Keep up the good work, have a great 4th!
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187799 tn?1219609573
Thank you again!  The pain was maybe 5% better this morning when I got up and the swallowing is getting a little better as well.  I ate my first real meal last night and it went down o.k.

When were you able to sleep again without the pain?

My best to you........
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No problem at all, any questions I can answer I'll be happy to do so. It does get frustrating when they say it is "just" anything! I know how bad it hurts!  Heat helped me more than ice packs, but everybody is different in that respect. Good luck, it will get better
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187799 tn?1219609573
Thank you soooo much for your comments; I'm thankful they were all positive!  Just got up from another nap and, OMG, is the pain horrific.  As I move around, though (and with more meds), it will feel better in an hour or so.  It's just the thought of going to sleep tonight and waking up with this pain again!  I did talk with my neurosurgeon this morning as I was nervous and he assured me that these 3-4 days are the worst of it and that it is "just" the muscles that are aggrevated to heck from the surgery. He told me to do whatever cool/heat relief made me feel better right on the muscles, which I didn't know I could do, so Bio-Freeze has also helped today.

I may be bugging you a few more times for information if  you don't mind since it sounds like you went through the same thing as me and are 3 weeks ahead of me.  Thanks so much again.  Best to you........
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I just had a ACDF on June 4th. Yes, my pain was also worst in back of neck. I think it's the muscles they moved around. My pain meds didn't take it all away either, but made it bearable. I am 26 days post op, and feeling MUCH better. Very littlke pain now, just achey-type. My incision is still tender & sore to the touch. But I haven't had any headaches since the surgery. I can walk about a mile. I too didn not have a collar. I was told for a single fusion I didn't need one. I think it's just the psychological feeling of security if our neck was braced that we think we need. Your neck is stronger right now than it was before the surgery. Just be sure NOT to lift anything over 10 lbs, keep it close to your body, nothing above your arms. I vacuumed today...mistake. Sleep on your side with a pillow pulled against your body and hugg it. It supports your arm and shoulders. A long body pillow would even be better Good luck, and be assured it does get better!
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