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Smell burning loosing my memory headaches brains melting worried sick help ?

this is a long story but I don't know where to start ! . I am 23male and I am feeling like a different human from what I used to. my memory is failing on me I don't know what I am doing anymore I forget everything ie I will go and travel with family etc and forget my stuff on the way back forget my bag money etc etc. i get pounding headaches all day every day and been to a neurologist 2 years back had scans but nothing was as bad as it was now and the MRI was fine so there for they think theres no brain disorders.

but as the months go bye and all these tests have been done the symtoms are getting worse and worse and i just don't know what to do i forget words forget how to say the correct words forget my passwords lose things every single day without fail! i feel spaced out zoned out. i have been on medication wich could of indused some kind of brain damage with the way i am functioning "! amitripline 3 x 50Mg tags at night for over a year and stopped them 3 weeks ago but the symtoms was there when i was on them. also taking diazepam 3x 5mg daily for anxiety but i have got to go for a BRAIN WAVE test soon because of the symtoms i am explaining and i can no longer see my neurologist because he cant diagnose anything with my brain only in the last 2 weeks my puples are dialating one goes huge one goes pin point and that happens mostly at night with the left eye blurred and coulor goes bright i went to the emergency room they says go and see a neurologist again !!! so theres i some times walk in to things trip over my own feet and so on its getting behond a joke ! i always forget what i am actually doing where i am going what i need to get and how to do simple things. i am forgetting how to cook properly just things like that i feel brain dead ! totally I am forgetting where places are and recognising things and everything seems like it's not real not happening I slurred my words at times talk really fast people can't always understand me . All the prescription drugs and binge drinking could that have triggered a brain disorder ?? I am walking around and don't know what day it is some times ! What will a brain babe test show will it know if I have a Tumor stroke etc ? Because I only thort MRI brain scans detect that ? I just feel physically ill and unable to move my head at times my muscles kill all the time what is this !!

what is wrong with me i did used to binge drugs and drink bad at the weekends but i have chilled out doing that now it seems like i am loosing my memory and mind not just the fact of memory genially feeling ill feel wrong different and doing simple tasks seems impossible no doctor or neuo has mentioned dementia but combined these symtoms 24/7    forgetting where my things are.. forgetting goods .. cant read properly anymore.. cant learn anything ... smell burning .. headaches ... dilated puples ... clumsy ... lack of understanding things ... walk in my room to get something no get it forget it was there and somebody has to remind me ! loose everything in my sight ! .. cant remember how much money i spent and also lose that all the time ! why do and how can i do all these things all day every day like forget to get cloves forget where i put anything forget words forget how to cook and it goes on and on and on this happens to much for my liking and its not a mental health problem because i know docs can say anxiety can do this no it cant make u turn drain dead and make u feel 100 i don't know what do do any more . there are about 300 different things i could keep going on about but this story will go on all night ! if somebodys having a conversation with me its like i really have to put all my effort in listening to it to undersnad what they talking about it may sound insane but this is unreal i am worried sick i do think about things but even when i am in a relaxed zone i still cant get my memory better and it feels like its getting worse what is this ? all the meds have prob made me a total wreck brain dead ! but i have stopped amitrips now just take diazepam. i know its a serious issue when u walk down the street loosing money and don't know what uve done with ur bank card etc goes on and on but on the otherhand can mental heath do this cus i don't know where to start ? Even down to forgetting names etc could this be dementia ? cus i feel so ill i cant describe i think u all get it now ... many thanks for reading this . il keep checking if theres any replies what this mess could be ... Thank you
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Yea thanks for the comments back since I last posted its gotten to to stage where I can't barley do anything I try and tell my self I'm ok but in my heart I know something is wrong . At night my eyes like I was saying are getting worse my purples are huge and one is small ! I can smell horrific burning which has gotten worse because it don't go at all now my brain feels like something is seriously happening to it day bye day ! My whole face body has gone numb and I'm getting pins and needles constant in hands and feet my head is spinning I don't have much sleep at all ' no docs or Neuo will listen to what I'm saying because 2years ago the MRI was clean but 2 years ago I wasn't just forgetting how to read write think and so on with this head ache body pain and numbness I dno what to do anymore because its getting worse and making me feel dead day bye day ?? Thanks for reading I dno but brain Tumor seems the only one for me because that has exact symptoms and over the last 3 month I've noticed a whole like change in how I'm feeling just a start smell horrific burning ... Head face feels like water inside ... Numbness in heaviness in face gains legs ... Can't read and write or spell simple words no more when a few month back I was perfectly fine ... Can't learn nothing ! Forget how to do a job I've always done ! No amagenation what's so ever .. Slurry speech has came really bad and I can't understand my self or people have difficult understanding ... Head aches I can't describe ! Stutter most words now and why I am so worried because 3 month ago none of this was like it is now !! .. It feels like I wake up in the Am with my mind spinning and confused in where I am ! Even at home what is going off !!! Realistically anxiety can not do this to somebody because that's what I'm getting told I really think I need a MRI again but no body's listening doctor wize what could I do in the meen tone I e stopped every single medication now but that obv ain't helped and dont want to go back to them ! Many thanks hope to read something positive from someone soon ..
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Your situation sounds very similar to mine. Not exactly alike. For instance, I've never really done prescription drugs (the most I've ever really had was antibiotics for a sore throat) or been involved in much drinking (I've had a few glasses in my life but never been drunk or anything). Another difference seems to be in the way we type. The only reason I bring that up is I have had people tell me that I clearly don't have cognitive problems like I think I do because I type grammatically correct. I mean for one, I was an English major, so I think it's to be expected that I'm going to at least try to write a grammatically correct sentence for as long as my brain will let me. For two, it just took me four tries to type that last sentence; just because the end result is clear enough doesn't mean I don't struggle to produce it. And for three, if people actually paid attention, they'd notice that my grammar has actually gotten pretty awful. I have a tendency to type in long, run-on sentences if I'm not careful because it's difficult for me to break up my thoughts; it wasn't always.

Anyway, your symptom list sounds extremely similar to mine. I have throbbing headaches every single day of my life too. Sometimes it's worse than others, but it always hurts. My last neurologist actually had the nerve to tell me that my headaches "weren't concerning to me." Somehow because I don't pump myself full of Advil to mask the pain, that tells him that I'm not concerned about the fact that it always feels like someone jabbed a dirty knife through my skull. I told him they were concerning, and he repeated, "They're not concerning to you." Thanks for telling me how I feel, dude?

I also have a failing memory and trouble remembering and processing words. Just a few weeks ago, I went to the grocery store, came home, and then realized like 4 hours later that I had left all of my groceries sitting in my trunk. I forget to do simple things all of the time. I've even walked out of the bathroom holding dirty toilet tissue because I forgot to flush it. Yet try to explain my concerns about my memory to doctors, and they tell me to go see a psychiatrist. Remembering words has gotten very difficult for me. When I was in college, I did an internship with a local magazine. I remember sitting there in the office pulling up an online thesaurus for every other word because I would know what I wanted to say in the article. I just couldn't find the words I was looking for to say it. I even found a pretty significant typo that I submitted that the editor never caught. In one article, I was writing about a guitar-making WORKSHOP that was taking place in the area. Instead, I wrote that a guitar-making WORSHIP was being held. That's what wound up getting published and hitting stands. I do things like that all of the time.

As I mentioned, I also have the trouble processing information like you mentioned where you said, "if somebodys having a conversation with me its like i really have to put all my effort in listening to it to undersnad what they talking about." It's very difficult for me to just listen to people. For one, I have no attention span. For two, if what they're saying is something more complex than, "Did you feed the dog?" or whatever, it's had for me to just process it. I could never follow what my professors were saying in college. I would have to go home and read and re-read over my notes and textbooks over and over and over for hours on end until I was slowly able to make sense of the material. So did I do okay on the exams? Yes. Would I have been able to hold an intelligent conversation regarding the material if they had asked me a question about it in lecture? Probably not.

I have had the brain scans too. Nothing abnormal. Well, there was a tiny spot that showed up on my MRI, but they just told me it doesn't mean anything. They told me I don't have dementia because I scored okay on the neuropsych test. As if they can rule out memory and word-finding problems by having me stick blocks in holes; the test was such a joke.

Since I haven't gotten any answers, I don't really have any advice to give you, but I encourage you to continue looking for answers because something is wrong. Don't let anyone tell you you're making this up. You're only 23 years old and cannot afford to live your life the rest of this way because the doctors you've seen are pinheads too lazy to think outside of the box. Let me know if you figure anything out. Also, if you haven't already done so, I would ask to have your B12 level checked. Mine used to be extremely low, and some of my symptoms actually have eased up a little since I started taking a B-complex supplement. That was the one thing my first neurologist was good for; he did discover the low B-12 level.

Best wishes.
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1711789 tn?1361308007
Hi there!

Well, without a detailed clinical evaluation it would be difficult to determine the cause of your symptoms. Possible causes that may need to be considered include stress/ anxiety, nutrient/ micronutrient deficiencies, primary cranial headaches, cranial neuralgias, ophthalmic causes, neurological causes, cardio-vascular issues, neuro-psychiatric issues, medication side effect etc. Without a definite diagnosis at hand it would be difficult to suggest a management plan or pre-define prognosis. I would suggest getting this evaluated by an internist initially and depending on the cause diagnosed/ suspected, it can be managed accordingly or specialist care may be sought.  
Hope this is helpful.  
Take care!  
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