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MS & Cognitive MS??????

Ok, so I was finally diagnosed with Hypothyroidism back in 2001 after telling my Dr for 3 years something was definately wrong.  He said I was a Hypochondriac.  So I went to a different dr and he instantly diagnosed me.  I had all the symptoms and the next was coma.  Anywho, for years I had also been complaining about a tumor i just knew was in my head.   Of course no one believed me.  2006 I had a tumor removed from my pituitary.
so now I have other symptoms, but can be confused with they Hypothroyid symptoms, but they were not so apparent before the sugery.  Like while walking my legs and feet (on one side usually the left) will go completely numb and I walk funny.  My headaches are back, I am even more irritable than before, severely depressed anf for the last 10 years I have been complaining about severe tiredness and got worse after the surgery.  I just dont feel right now.  My hands will also go numb on me.  When I take a shower or a bath my muscles and joints swell up.  I have pains in my lower neck and lower back area.  I hear ringing in my ears and I see spots sometimes they look like those fire flies type of things but I live in the City.  I can tune anyone out at anytime and be in la la land .  Once in a blue moon when trying to write or hold a cup of coffee I get tremors, but usually atribute that to holding the cup wrong. The exhaustion is just driving me crazy.  I have to work as I am a single mom and I love to work, but by the end of the day I cant even do the motherly role well as I am just too tired to cook or do laundry or anything, I jsut want to sleep.  I do not feel rested at all.  I do have a family history of MS, could htese be signs of Ms?  I have many symptoms that are not related to the hypothyroidsm.  

The problem that I have found is that MOST drs, do not really listen..........at least none of my dr's even though I was able to prove that I knew something was wrong.  I did not sue or anything, I just want to find out what the hell is wrong.  I actually hate going to any DR now, as first off it is a 15 min first visit and nothing is really discussed.  We have to make another appt.  The second one is well your depresssed so here is some anti depression medicine.  Even though I have given family history and with my own history.  It is the most frusterating process ever and I get real fliped and angry.  I think 10 + years is long enough.  I even offered to pay for a 1 hr visit instead of 15 min visit, they said no.  All I wanted was the dr to read my history of complaints, however, I have not read my medical records and I highly suspect that the one dr who for years did not believe me, did not dictate accuracy, which will really anger me.  
I have been in property management for going on 6 years, it is the only job i do well, but the stress level is extremely high and normally I handle stress very well, but with the depression...........i think about suicide a lot, not that I am going to do it, but I feel stuck.  I have a drs appt with an internal dr and this is a new dr, but again I get to meet with the FNP first to take the intial, then another month or so before the dr.   This is absolutely rediculous.  I just want to know what the hell is wrong with me.  Patients should not have to be doing the research to find out what the hell it could be and then be looked at like were idots.  That we are hypochondriac's.  I dont know about other people but I sure dont want a $200 + dr bill just to waste my money.  

If you could please give me some clues as what it could be that would be great.  I personally believe its MS with the Cognitive as well.  For many years I was thinking it was CFS, but with the legs and other symptoms I truly think I have the MS.  It all makes sense, but hey I dont have the MD behind my name.

Sorry if it seems I am irritable..........I am but not at any of you.

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I'm put on 30kg in the past 2 years while I'm still regularly going to the gym. I'm a health freak and I watch my weight. I play tennis every Sunday and badminton on Monday. But, I have become weaker and bigger.

I have a headache thats making my eyes droop. My insides are sometimes screaming. It's like I'm slowly going insane. I have become irritable to everything. Everything annoys me so much that I have isolated myself from everyone. I stopped going to university because I cant bring myself to see people. I used to be described as 'happy-go-lucky' and 'friendly'. Now, I wake up crying and sad and depressed and I know something is wrong with me.

My girlfriend left me cause she doesn't know who I am becoming and why I'm always so angry. It's making her lose herself. She's a medical student.

I don't know why I'm so ticked off at everything.

My hands are always numb and sometimes I feel lost. I tremble sometimes. My joints hurt and I'm sluggish that I stopped playing tennis for the past few months. I went to see a doctor and all they lousy guy did was give me pills for obesity saying I eat too much. Funny part is I am vomiting everything I eat and I hardly eat. But, he isn't listening.

They found a spot at my pituitary from the MRI and you know what he said? Oh, that's probably nothing to worry about. Yep. No blood tests...no nothing.

Do doctors know what they're doing anymore? DO they even listen? They even made me think I'm a hypochondriac.

I've never felt sick. Even when I have a bad flu I just let it pass it's course. For the first time in my life I feel sick but the doctors aren't doing anything about it.
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well it is August and i have done all my tests; even ruled out the diabetes.  And still have not received a diagnosis..........I am really really ticked off.  After I have been shocked in the arms and legs to see if there any neurological problems ; which the dr did find abnormalities and a hearing test; which I am loosing my hearing in my left ear and with the brain scan; which she didnt even talk to me about or at least not that I can remember I still have not been diagnosed.

So with all my cognitive problems and the undue stress from work; which by the way I was let go for no reason; at least they didnt say when I asked; i now have no insurance as the cobra is $500 a month and wouldnt you know it the dr's wont take medical.  So I have to come up with $ 280.00 damn dollars and not even guaranteed she will give it to me straight.  She will want to do more tests that I cannot afford and more office visits at the ungodly amount.

10 years of bull 10 years of increasing health problems which are most likely due to the lack of care I was given because the dr's only want to do 15 minute office visits and more damn tests.  Now I understand that tests are required, but com'on when you have done every test under the sun and have been poked, prawded, x-rayd, shocked, scanned; with positive results of abnormalities on all but 2 and y ou have 10 years of medical records and family history; you would think that you would have a diagnosis.  Even if it was horrible news at least I would know I am not crazy.

So what am I to do now with no insurance and a dr that does not take medi-cal?  Ihave to say my sister who just moved back from living in Ireland for 34 years had great medical and the US should follow suit.  Everyone in ireland has medical.  It's like everyone puts a small percentage in and the state pays too and all are served; even those who are unemployed.

We need to do something because America is huge in population and everyone deserves health insurance.

I have a motto I live by " If you cant take it to heaven, then it ain't worth stressing about".  Good Motto I say; except the only thing I can take to heaven is my soul and without medical insurance it looks as though my health problems could send me earlier than I want.  Or who knows......maybe I will just work myself to death and get laid off of every job because my cognitive and physical health are getting worse, but I will live another 50 years being miserable.

What I am trying to get across is we need a better health care system.  The housing market is ****, the health care plans are ****, we are in a war that is devestating not only our own, but inoccent people across the world and because of the gas; EVERYTHING is going up.  Talk about stress......you would think that heathcare would be a priority; but then again how long has america been concerned about health care?  I was born in 1968 so I believe its been going on for at least 40 years if not longer.  I would say it's about time that Heathcare is addressed and finalized once and for all.  
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Had my diagnosis appt yesterday and was prepared for either good or bad news, but figured it would be bad news that I was crazy.........lol and good news for me is that I am not crazy............. well It was good news so to speak.......Im not crazy........yeah.
So after numerous tests such as MRI, EMG, Hearing, and a hole lot more....the nuerologist found that my left ear is loosing hearing , my hands and feet and arms and legs do have a nerve problem (something like that), that explains why my hands and feet go numb on me, but she said that could be normal..........OK, whatever............not normal in mind.  I then asked about the MRI, that had no signs of lesions or tumor, but something that sounded like mediominal something or other.......scar tissue that could be from surgery.........well yeah! that makes sense.  Ok, so she asked me about my vertigo, I told her that I have been taking the med but still am having it.  So now I have more tests, for diabetes, hepatitis (which I have been tested for over and over again) oh and now physical therapy for the vertigo.  Now dont get me wrong I really like my dr.  She is willing to do whatever to get to the bottom of it.  I was actually expecting her to tell me she couldnt find anything wrong and I was ready to see a shrink.........LOL  I would not have been happy about that, but was prepared for the worst.
So I asked her about MS again even though the MRI showed nothing.....or even CFS because you dont have to have a finding on the MRI.  I have been having all the symptoms, she said she wants to do more tests....OK, so I dont have a problem with that except for the fact that my boss is asking me why I have so many appts with dr.  It is none of his business, but being in managment I know how the game is played.  So now I have additional stress of worrying about being fired, because I have missed so many hours.  So I think because of the intense stress I will be talking to my doctor about a medical leave so that I can reduce the stress that is clearly agrivating my symtoms and concentrate on my health.......after all I am a single mother, with no family or close friends around.  That appt is next week, but cant remember the date..........damn I hate not having a memory.  
Anyway, this is my update.
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I wish every doctor could reaad your post and realize how patients are often treated. I've wondered how one gets on TV shows like Mystery Diagnosis.  I guess first you have to actually find a diagnosis, which I have not found for my "weird" symptoms in 10 years. On that show, eventually some doctor makes it his/her mission to find the right diagnosis, whatever it takes. We should be so lucky!  Have you been to the Mayo Clinic? Barrows Neurology Center in Phoenix?  I've been both places but they have no answer for the constant swirling white lights in my eyes.  Their jaws just drop at the "constant" part.  I guess there's no one else in the world with this. It's horrible to have to keep chasing a diagnosis and at the same time attempt to "live with it." From reading these posts, I realize that I am not alone with strange symptoms that no one seems to have an answer for.  I've learned that I have to "allow it to be" and trust God that if I can't find relief, I will be strong enough to cope with some degree of grace.

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Well the first thing out the DR's mouth was CFS and wanted to know if I had ever been diagnosed with it.  I kind of laughed as all the dr's in the town I lived in do not believe in it.  My Vertigo is a constant thing now for the past 2.5 weeks and is driving me nuts and the meds they gave me are not working.  I am doing more tests, ecg, mri, and lord knows what else.  10  years is way too long and wish they would just review my history as I am sure the answer is in there, but instead we are spending more money and time.  There has got to be a better way to do it.  Oh well, gotta do it and in the meantime I will just go slowly insane.  
thanks for the support.

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Please keep us informed of what happens with your appointments, etc.....

We are here for you!


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thanks for the support.....I jsut got back from the dr's and of course we will have many blood tests to do etc.  so my next appt is on the 14th and all blood work and stuff should be in.  They are also sending me for a mamogram.......the problem with that is ......i dont have any breasts to put into the machine, so that will be a very interesting process.

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368886 tn?1466235284

The present symptoms can not be explained solely by either hypothyroidism or pituitary dysfunction. I would have suspected a peripheral neuropathy, but there are more symptoms that just a neuropathy would explain.

I do not know if you have had the MRI of the brain and the spine, but getting it done will help. There may or may not be any lesions. CSF examination for the IgG index and the oligoclonal band should also be done. Even though MS is a diagnosis of exclusion, there should always be a high degree of suspicion, especially when there is a positive family history.

I can understand what you are going through right now. Whatever happens, please do not lose hope and courage. Those are the two things no one can take away from you. Please don't let that dreadful thought come to your mind again. Take help from others. There are so many good people out here on this forum and some other forums. One of them just bumped your post to the top some time back.

I feel you should look for investigations for MS, consult your surgeon (who did the surgery) or an endocrinologist to see the scope of pituitary dysfunction and check your thyroid levels.

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