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Widespread Tingling Sensations - migraines?

I have been experiencing off and on tingling/burning sensation in my hands, arms feet, face for 6 months on both sides of body, have seen neurologist, had bloodwork (CBC w/ diff., electrolytes, b12, folate, thyriod) MRI of head and neck w/ contrast, nerve conduction studies, all normal.  I am 29 - have history of migraines and Crohn's disase, but no other explanation that Dr. could find aside from that they might be hormone/migraine related.  They come and go and seem to be worse around menstrual cycle - lately mostly around my lips and chin on left side, just tingling, no numbness.  Also have aching pain that comes and goes down my left arm. Could this all just be related to migraines, after reading on subject and finding scary information on paraneoplastic syndromes and numb chin syndrome, am still worried that something else could be going on.  Dr. said symptoms would be much worse with serious underlying disease, I just have myself scared to death.
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So far my arm & feet tingling, and left upper spot on lip, then lower, has been diagnosed with HYPOTHYROIDISM and enlarged pituitary gland (possible tumor)...not sure about the feet & lip...but arms anyhow...were common with hypothyroidism.
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Hi to all:

As one of my favorite doctors told me once, "Just because a doctor doesn't find anything wrong with you, it doesn't mean that there isn't anything wrong.  

So with that note, always remember YOU are right when you feel something is wrong.  Doctors definitely do not know everything and most of the battling is getting them to realize that you are not making up a story.

I had headaches, tingling, burning sensations, sharp shooting pains, eye problems, fatigue, foggy thinking,  and so many other strange symptoms.  First I was told I had fibromyalgia but the doctor could not explain why.  With pushing forward and being persisent about trying to figure out why my body was "under attack", it ended up being Lyme Disease.  So......  

Check that out.  Rule it out.  If you have Lyme Disease, you must be put on antibiotics.  Antibiotics saved my life.  I was tested 2 times for Lyme when I first started with these strange symptoms but my blood work came back negative.  I believed the doctor when he told me that I did not have Lyme Disease but I wish I had known at that time that the blood test used is only about 30 to 40% accurate (something the doctor should have told me but did not.)I was in the 3rd stage of Lyme Disease but once I got a diagnosis, I was on the road to recovery.  I still have issues because I needed antibiotics and was not given them in time.  

Keep in mind there are many reasons for tingling, but my reason was Lyme Disease.  The best way to learn more is go on the internet (lymedisease.org is one place that has a list of symptoms) and look at the list of symptoms and read all you can about the disease.  While ticks are infested in Pennsylvania where I live, ticks are everywhere.

Do not give up on yourself.  Doctors like to play God and think they have all the answers.  Unfortunately, that is why most people are in bad shape.  

Good luck to all!  ***@****  I may not be able to respond to everyone, but when it comes to Lyme Disease, I will most definitely try! :)
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I'm a 45 year old woman & i've been having tingling in both hands, both feet, and around my lips, tounge & gums. It started all at once about 18 months ago. The tingling is constant, but the severity of it waxes and wanes. When it is mild - I've learned to live with it, but it's been severe the last several weeks again & is driving me crazy! I've had all the blood tests, conduction studies, & 2 MRI's - all normal. I don't really have pain associated with it - however, I was diagnsoed with Fibromyalgia over 20 years ago & have back, neck, arm, and hip pain with that. I have heard that tingling can be associated with Fibro. Has anyone else heard this? Thanks!
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I'm a 43 year old female. In Oct. I too started experiencing cold feeling in my right hand and ankel.  I was under a lot of stress...so dr. and I thought stress it was. After things calmed down I went back to dr. due to symptoms getting worse...tinlge around both eyes and top of head. Warm pins and needles on lip, chin and both front thighs.

Dr. ordered an MRI - results abnormal - (first misdiagnosed a brain tumor) second opinion in Mass General - found a cavernous malformation in my front parietal lobe.  However, all dr's do not feel this has anything to do with my symptoms?  If you have a CM on right side of brain it should show side effects on the left side of body???

The other day I was outside light shovel and light lifting when I returned inside my body felt like fireworks were shooting through my right hand, ankle, back, both thighs and my last two fingers in both hands felt numb up to my elbow, with an achy feeling.  The numbness started about a week ago - happening maybe two other times.  I think there might be something wrong with my back??? Does anyone else have these same symptoms??  Try lifting something and see if you experience the forth of July ;}
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I sympathize with everyone here,about 6 years ago I had the same symptoms, pins and needles, burning sensations everywhere.I have every test the doctors can give me. Nothing was found except slight bulging disc in lower back and maybe one in the neck. They put me on neorontin, which did absolutely nothing. They then thought it might be in my mind, so the gave me Paxil, which did absolutely nothing, I then went for physical therapy and tried a chiropractor,it seems after the sessions the sensation got worse. I stopped everything and about 6 months later the sensations went away. It's been about 6 years and guess what, they are back. I am going to try an alternative approach this time because the allopathis approach does not seem to work and they cant figure out whats causing it. If the alternative approach does relieve these symptoms or remedy the problem, I will be glad to share it with everyone.Good luck to everyone, hopefully I will have some good news soon....
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Peripheral neuropathy and other neurological symptoms can be a rare extraintestinal complications of Crohn's disease. See, for instance: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15705608&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum   (you'll have to copy this whole URL into your browser address bar).

Hope this helps.
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Numb chin syndrome is just that, you seem to have a more widespread sensory disturbance. Paraneoplastic syndromes are very rare, and migraine is common, so this has to be taken into account. While some antibody tests are available for paraneoplastic syndromes, the yield would be quite low - ask you neurologist to see if these tests are indicated.

The 'spreading' neurological dysfunction of migraine is consistent with oyur symptoms, but test should be done ,as they are doing to exclude other causes first.

If they tend to be brief ie seconds to 1-2 minutes, an EEG might be benefiical during an episode to rulout a partial seizure/aura.

There are a variety of sensory neuropathies, that tend to be more constant, but are generally rare such as sjogrens syndrome, amyloid, HIV, monoclonal gammapathies among others- testing for some of these may or may not be appropriate in your case.

This advice is for educational purposes only, so check with your doctor first

Good luck
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Oh wow, do I know how you feel!  I've been dealing with this for the past 8 years, it comes about once or twice every year or two.  Three weeks ago I was hit with a doozy...muscle twitches, tingling in almost every part of the body you can imagine, freezing ice sensations/burning, aching feet, etc.  My neurologist says that since I have had several MRI's (last one being 9 months ago), MS is not likely.  All of my bloodwork is normal, although he will not test me for a B-12 deficiency because he said Americans eat a healthy diet.  So, here I sit...tingling, buzzing and twitching for the past 3 weeks.  He did put me on Neurontin the other day, so I'm hoping that kicks in soon and helps.  He thinks it is from anxiety...well, the only reason I have anxiety is because of these strange sensory symptoms no doctor can diagnose!  The first neuro I ever saw said about 30% of all neurological symptoms that comes into the clinic, the neurologists can't ever figure out an exact cause.  Good luck in your search for answers...I feel your pain!
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Wow!  I am 34 years old and I have just about all the same symptoms.  I have a EMG test schedule for February 22nd.  The waiting is just killing me.  FYI.  I think it might be a good idea to check you b12 levels.  I got me results today and the doctor said it is low.  The level was 230.
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Do anyone of you got a cycle of a quinolone antibiothic in the last  2 years? Seems many cause of neurological problems come from that. Take this with a heavy grain of salt though, and do your exams.
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hi I have same kind of symptoms. I am 28 yrs. I had all tests done ,my b12 is low. I am waiting for MRI brain to be done next week. How is the nerve conduction test is performed?  my neurologist did not recommend for that. Dr thinks i am not a neurologic patient, it is just anxiety...

Since last month, no tingling anymore, but headaches and muscle spasms in hand and legs... thought may be getting better, or just symptoms getting worse.. god knows...

please reply.

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I too have tingling and numbness but mine is only on my right side. I had every test known to man ran on me, MRI's, blood...etc. Everything came out ok so doctor said Migraines so tossed me on Topamax and my migraines are responding to it beautifully! BUT NOT THE TINGLING AND NUMBNESS. It's almost depressing. It's beginning to cause a division in my husbands family because some of them feel I'm making it all up.
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