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Muscle twitches

    I am wondering about a condition that I have that started about a week ago.  I was carrying some rather heavy bags on my right arm, and right after I came home, my thumb in that hand starting twitching.  This lasted for about three days, off and on.  It seemed to be mostly my thumb, but when I would try to use the mouse on my computer, it would feel like it was my whole hand.  I finally went to a doctor (not my regular guy, who was booked) who said that it was probably carrying the bags, and that I didn't have any signs of neurological deficiencies.  This was my regular MD.  Anyway, I don't know if this could possibly be in my mind, but now I feel like I'm getting the twitches and tremors everywhere.  Just sitting here typing this now, I had a bad twitch that lasted a few minutes on my lower lip.  I feel like I keep getting them in my calves and feet.  I am so anxious about this, and maybe that could be what is causing this, but it's hard to imagine my mind doing all of this.  I went to my regular doctor today, and he seemed concerned, and said that I need to see a neurologist.  He mentioned ALS, Parkinson's and MS, but also said that there are alot of other reasons to get the twitching.  He took some blood work, and then said to make an appointment with a neurologist.  Do you think this sounds like something serious?  As I am sitting here, I am getting the twitching going down my neck now.  I couldn't possibly be so full of anxiety about this that I could be causing this, could I?  By the way, I am a 47 year old female, in generally otherwise good health.  Thank you so much for any help!  By the way, I don't have muscle weakness that I know of, or anything else.  Thanks, Val
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Hey Val,

You're not alone on the blood work by the way. I don't remember if I posted this but I was certain my twitches were coming from Lyme's disease. So I went and had the blood work done. I was dissapointed when they came back negative ! I remember a skit on I believe SNL a long time ago when AIDS first came on the scene. The character came out of the clinic jumping with excitement that he tested positive for The Clap ! So I know how you feel. I've also felt like my left leg, especially my left calf is a little odd feeling the last few weeks. ( If I didn't read that foot drop was a symptom I wouldn't be concerned I'm sure ) However I know it's not weakness, and that the joint in my knee sometimes flares up, but I still feel like I might be walking funny. I'm not overly stressed because I know in my mind it's not weak, but I've been runnning a mile on tread mill every week or so to make sure it's not weak. ( I always feel weak on the treadmill until I get to about a 1/2 mile then I'm fine. It's crazy ! )

I'm trying different techniques constantly to see if anything helps. It's starting to warm up here so I'm getting some sun when I can to see if the warmth might help. I have a theory that maybe sweating might help as well. ( get the toxins out. ) I don't sweat much, even when working out. I also think it might be dehydration, so I'm trying to drink more water. ( which I never do.) I do drink a ton of coffee and diet soda, so I'm trying to cut back on that now. I've also been taking Melatonin at bedtime to try and sleep better. I have a real problem with waking at night several times. ( not due to twitching, just always do. ) I got a good nights sleep last night and so far today no twitching. ( which is extremely rare for me the last few weeks. ) I also think in my case it's a muslce tightness problem in my neck shoulder area. So I'm going to work on these Yoga c.d.'s I've got a bit more. I think the MAIN thing for me is to stay off the computer, which is hard because I need to be on a certain amount each day. But I think the twitches are coming from that more than anything. As I always get the shoulder problems and the carpal tunnel when I've been typing an excessive amount for days on the computer. The thing with "laying out" in the sun, I was surprised that I didn't twitch at all the other day when I was doing that. It was a bit windy, so it masks the feeling, so I don't know. But hey, the sun does cause the body to make Vitamin D and can make you sweat out toxins. Worth a shot.

Gotta go, take care,
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Hi all~~
    You're right, we are having too much fun on here to be sick!!  Ha ha~~that comment made me feel good!  I really do think that as soon as I get reassurance from the neuro (if that DOES happen, let's hope).....then these twitches will miraculously dissapear.  You guys did hear my shoe story, right??  You are so funny, kidcoconut, cause you remind me so much of my brother, and he and I compete in the "biggest hypochondriac" contest.  He is so funny, he started text messaging me last night, he is a teacher and was staying up late to grade papers.  Anyway, he was trying to make me feel better about my symptoms by telling me all the things that were going on with his family, and he said "I personally walked straight into a wall three times today, my wife thinks she has lupus, my daughter is an insomniac (she is 4), and I can't breathe".  I was cracking up, he did help relax me!!  
    He also used to get the twitches, mostly all over his body.  I remember him being really worried about ALS.  I felt better when I learned that with ALS, and also Parkinson's, the weakeness usually comes first, but now I wonder if I've already had the weakness.  I'm thinking now I have that also.  My knees like almost went out a couple months ago, and I remember wondering why they would both go out at once.  Is that weakness?  I chalked that up to being out of shape and getting older.  I don't have any trouble climbing up stairs or walking all over.  
    Have you guys tried the Chiropractic route?  I went today, I think I told you, and he did a manipulation on my back.  Not my favorite thing, for sure.  I also read where those can be dangerous, but it's like one in a million or something that has a problem with it.  
     That is a good point about the doctor noticing that I had already been to the other guy, but I didn't think he even noticed that, at least he didn't mention it.  I am such a spaz.  
    Ok, well thanks for the laughs, and for letting me go on and on about my symptoms.  I know what you mean about your sister freaking out, I think I would be the only person that figures that it's bad news that my blood tests came out ok!  You know what I mean, eliminating the more benign things, blah blah blah.  Ok, well talk to you later, my husband is screaming for his computer!  Thanks, Val
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You guys are really cracking me up.  It is obvious that none of us are on our death beds if we're having this much fun on a health chat forum!!!  My husband has made mention (in fun, I think) that a lobatomy (sp?) would be a good place for me to start.  He's really a funny man, that guy!  All jokes aside, I'm not making light of any of the symptoms being described here.  I think there is reason for mild concern, but I'm with kidcoconut...Let's hang on to the positives and see if they symptoms aren't better soon.  
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I don't know if your regular doc. knew you went to a doctor prior, but maybe he felt that if the first doctor saying it was nothing to worry about didn't prevent you from coming back with the same ailment, that he should send you to get checked either so you don't keep coming back with the same symptom or just to cover their backsides. I hate to say this Val, as you already have one husband!, but you sound a bit like my sister with regards to doctors. Me and her a both hypochondriacs, but the difference is that I only go to doctors if I'm bleeding from the ears ( both of them ), she'll go every time she gets a hiccup. But she is never satisfied with what the doctor tells her "isn't" wrong. So she keeps calling and going back until the doctor finally takes all the blood work, etc. , which freaks her out, but he knows it's the only way either of them is going to get any peace ! ( it always comes back negative by the way ) Me on the other hand, if your doctor checked out me, ( and we have very similar if not identical symptoms ), I'd SPRINT out of the office never to return again, happy as a preverbial camper ! Me thinks thoust protest too much ! The doctor who did the strength test said don't worry about it, why are you going back to another doctor and now a neurologist. I would stop worrying about it. Look at it this way, the odds are heavilly heavilly heavilly in your favor that it's nothing. Especially since the doctor, who doesn't want to be sued, said it was nothing. AND, if God forbid it is something, there's really nothing they can do about it anyway. It's like when we purchased our Collie dog . There was a thing called Collie Eye that some collies just have. The vet can do a test for $200 to see if he has it. He was a puppy, we had him several months, there was no reason to believe he had it, and if he did their was no cure. So why test for it ? (The Collie's fine by the way, and I spent the $200 on dog biscuits ) I guess since you're worried you should just go to the neuro and find out that you're fine. But your husband's right, if they keep doing tests and bloodwork something will be a little off at some point. Then you're going to be nervous about that and have to get more tests, and even if they don't find anything you'll think they missed something ! Now I'm not talking down to you, because no one is a bigger hypochondriac than me. ( except my sister ), but next time the doctor says "all clear" , sprint for the door !!!!

Good luck Please let us know how you made out. I'd really like to know what tests he does. ( strength , especially any I can do myself.... I talk a good game but I'm still nervous about it all myself ! )

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Hi~~and thanks for the post!  It makes me feel better what you said about the doctor, I also thought he was being kind of an alarmist.  I thought he would tell me that they can be brought on by anxiety, but he looked at me kind of perplexed, and said that twitching is unusual and gets their attention.  I had made an appointment with another doctor in the same office as him first, because the normal guy I see (the one that said the big 3)..wasn't available.  This other guy was a Internal Medicine doctor (not sure of the difference)...and he is the one that kind of did the opposite.  He gave me some finger tests for strength and coordination, and said that he didn't think I needed to worry about anything such as ALS or Parkinson's or MS.  He said it was probably from carrying the heavy bags, and sort of left it at that.  I kept my appointment with the other guy, cause I had already made it, and by the time Monday rolled around, I was still twitching, so I went in, thinking I would get more reassurance.  When I saw him, he only listened to my heart, and didn't do any tests for muscle weakness.  I don't know what he was thinking, though, maybe he did see something that gave him a weird feeling about it or something, you never know.  My husband says that if you go to enough doctors, you will find one that makes you nervous, and sends you off to a specialist.  He did a blood panel on me, which I just found out came out normal.  I had already said in my other post, that I guess that can be good and bad news, since I was hoping the cause of the twitches would be something benign, such as thyroid, or blood sugar problems.  Now, I guess we are onto the more serious things.  Unless it just is anxiety, but that is so hard for me to believe, because I will be totally relaxed watching tv or something, and get one going up my thigh, or sometimes be woken up from sleep, and how much more relaxed can you be than when you are sleeping?  
     Generally, I really know what you mean, though, about symptoms getting worse when you think about them.  I've always been very tuned in to each and every symptom I get, and then I go down a long road of tests, etc.  This dosen't feel much different than alot of other times, except for the fact that I am actually having the symptoms.  I still find it hard to believe that my mind can do that.  
    Anyway, I will let you know how the neuro goes, but that is not until April 9th.  A lot of waiting and worrying until then!  Thanks again!  Val
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Hi, I'm going to paste this post from a neuro from this forum that if you havne't found already may help ease your mind a bit. Hope it works !


I think if your appointment with the neuro is still a ways off you should seek another opinion from a "regular" doctor. I find it outrageous that your doctor would mention the BIg 3 to a patient whose whole reason for twitching may well be anxiety to begin with. I doubt most doctors on this forum would suggest that because you are 47 that twitching without weakness is so "concerning". Sounds like he/she is covering their backside. Either way there was no bedside manner. I'd see another doctor. Did you doctor do any strength tests that lead him to believe their may be muscle weakness? If so, what were they ?

Oh, Kidcoconut was the name of a band in the 80's that did a song called " Stool Pigeon" that we got a kick out of in college. I think I like "Skyhag" better though !
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