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Muscle twitching entire body, tongue feels swollen

I posted on here about a month ago or so about previous (exisiting) issues I have been having. To give a background:
26 yr old male
5'10" 205lbs
Body type: Athletic (though getting a little pudgier now that i'm married)

I have been experiencing muscle twitching (fasciculations?) since early in this spring '06 (I think it began maybe in late February or sometime in March). The twitching initially began in my arms. My right forearm, and tricep and left tricep were the first that I noticed. There is a muscle apparently on the outside of the elbow, because that one has been there since the first time I noticed the twitching. Unlike most of the other areas that twitch, the area on the outside of the elbow I can trigger at any time with stress placed on it. If i would flex my tricep muscle or use it with alot of tension on it, after I would relieve the stress/tension on this muscle, this place will twitch 2 to 10 times immediately following the release of tension on that muscle. Sometimes the twitch isn't like a on/off, it will stay contracted at times for a second or two, and then start twitching a little.

I have twitching EVERYWHERE now. Well, not literally, but in distinct and separate areas of the body (both sides), including my face. Though, the twitching that sometimes occurs on my face (especially my lip) actually almost feels as if i'd been shocked with a small charge. This isn't the case anywhere else, just on the lip or some facial areas it seems.

I've noticed for about 2 months that my tongue has felt swollen (not painful, it feels large)
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Exactly what I have...but I'm almost positive mine is a result of Cipro toxicity.
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Have you looked into Cipro toxicity or flouroquinolone toxicity?  I have these exact symptoms and it all started after taking Cipro.
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Have you found any answers to your questions?  I have your exact symptoms, including the tongue issues.  Also stomach problems.  All started after taking Cipro....
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Have you found any answers to your questions?  I have your exact symptoms, including the tongue issues.  Also stomach problems.  All started after taking Cipro....
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I have suffered from muscle twitching since Aug 2006 and I feel as though I am literally going insane sometimes -- as though I don't recognize my own body. I thought it had to do with caffine so I stopped sodas and coffee (still drink tea and eat chocolate). I have noticed that when I am nearing my cycle that the frequency of the twitching picks up. I have to ask this question: does anyone have herpes? This question was presented at another site that I visited.
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Have any of you looked into Myastenia Gravis?  It's an auto immune condition that breaks down the nerve endings in the muscles.  My grandmother has it, and her tongue and throat were the first things affected.  Just weak, swollen, floppy.  Some of your symptoms sound similar, so I thought I'd thrown out this possibility. It's rare, but may help someone.  Good luck:)
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Im 24 and have VERY similar symptoms.. Already did a EMG, it was clean.
Still, im going crazy :(
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I am 21, and experiencing some of the same problems. inflamed tongue, and sort of a muscle ache under the tongue between the mandible. It comes and goes, but my muscle twitching seems to be constant. started like yours in the triceps and then went away. now i feel it in my butt firing off all the time, sometimes in my shins and calves as well, mostly when im trying to sleep or trying to relax. Has anyone had any luck diagnosing this problem? i do not have medical insurance and im worried to get testing done because of the price.  

please email me at ***@**** with any information.
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Where abouts in Australia are you?
Have you travelled recently.

I am also Australian who has had many symptoms mentioned above.
I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease.

Email me for more info - I have learnt alot over the past 9 months. ***@****

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At the risk of repeating everything already written here, I too have experienced very similar symptoms.  I am 27 years old and have had muscle twitching for a couple of months, heavy legs and a swollen tongue which comes and goes.  I am doing an EMG next week and am so scared about the results!  I can;t believe that its all a result of anxiety but I HAVE TO HOPE thats all it is...
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omg thought I posted this one. I started in august feeling like I had something caught int throat, arm felt very heavy, by end of sept legs were heavy and I was twitching in all different parts of body. I had emg mri, mra, bloodwork, catscans, seen neuro. Allsay I am fine. Started anxiety meds in sept. In october all heaviness went away. Still twitching. 2 weeks ago left leg started cramping and feeling wierd. I had another emg and seen ent about lump in throat. All say I am fine and now..... 3 days ago my tongue started feeling heavy. It is like it is tired. Sat night it did it and then on tuesday it came back. I am scared to death. I am 30 yr old female with 2 kids.Right now my main problems are lump in throat, heavy tongue and leg cramping, twitching all over. I dont know how to get back to this sight s you can email me at ***@**** . All dr.s tell me is anxiety. I am driving my self crazy with als theory. They say no to young. I have had a neuro, and speech patholigist, and ent and my dr all tell me it is not als. I get the final report of emg done on cramping leg this week but in office she said it looked fine.
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Check out quinolone side effects from antibiotics in meat. Have you been on any antibiotics lately?www.fluroquinolones.org
Drugs include cipro, avelox etc.  Good luck
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I should also add in that there is an area that I do notice fatigue (muscular). My abdominal muscles (which I have never exercized with really...) seem to fatigue quickly. I am not sure if I have lost any "strength", but stamina seems to be an issue. My abdominal muscles seem sort of tired from simply sitting around all day at work. They just have a general feeling of fatigue. However, My other major muscle groups do not appear to have any associated weakness. I don't know. I know this isn't something that I used to have, but I have noticed over the last couple of months or so.

Do you all know about abdominal fatigue and any of these conditions? Thank you.
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I guess just to add in another detail...I have had teeth impressions on the sides of my tongue. I feel like my tongue is larger than it used to be and I am pressing it into my teeth subconsciously or something. Any ideas? I appreciate any feedback greatly. Thank you all.
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For some reason I can't see the comment made by CJZABEL.
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Hello this is the firt time I have posted here, but I read your post and wanted to tell you my symptoms. I woke up one morning five months ago with my calf muscle twitching. Then after about two weeks it spread to both legs, back, fingers, lips, and stomach muscles, pretty much everywere I have a muscle. I have graves disease so this is the first thing my doctor checked, my levels were high so they thought this was causing the twitching. Levels went back to normal still twitching. I got on the net and looked up my symptoms and ran across ALS, this scared me so I saw a neuro. He did the work up in his office, found nothing wrong. I went home feeling a little better but not totaly reasuerd. Another month went by still twitching, called the neuro, he scheduled an EMG, but could not do it for two weeks. I stayed on the computer through this time, I became absolutly convinced I had ALS. I am only 27, I also have four little girls. I got so scared that I took out a life insurance policy. Finaly I got up one morning after a night of twitching in absolute panic. So long story a little shorter, the EMG was completly normal, doc gave me Lexapro for the anxiety from the twitching. I am feeling better after four weeks on this, please don't convince yourself you have this awful disease, it is rare and there are alot of people that have posted here with the same problems as us.
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I can see your post now. I have a visit scheduled with a Neurologist on January 4th. I really, really, really am hoping that I am just a hypochondriac at this point. I really would like to donate or volunteer for something ALS associated though. These have to be extrememly strong people. The thought of this is on my mind probably 95% of the hours that I am awake during the day.
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I noticed about 6 weeks ago that my tongue had felt funny, and my whole lower jaw area (including tongue) felt fatigued when I would speak. The fatigue (it was almost a muscle burn sensation, as if I had really worked the muscle out alot....but it was my jaw/tongue area, and would occur after only speaking for 30 seconds to a minute or so at a time! Since that time, 6 weeks has passed. At this point, my tongue still feels odd (swollen feeling, feels like I have a tongue in my mouth that is larger than it was before or should be). I do not experience the burning sensation in my jaw (it felt like it was around my jaw-joint, not sure about the technical name). However, I still do experience fatigue in my tongue sometimes when speaking for a period of time.

I am not sure if I am imagining this part or not, but it seems like my hands sometimes have a muscle burn when clenching something like if I was using a spray washer at a car wash. After 4-5 minutes of holding that spray washer in , i would have to switch hands because my hand muscles were burning.

These are the symptoms. Twitching in many areas (calves,quads,butt,triceps, fingers will twitch sometimes...but havn't for a while, or as noticable if they have, facial at times, my back, abdominal muscles).

I have scheduled a visit to a neurologist for early January, but I really want to communicate this to others. I really am worried about this, as I have read about ALS. I know some say twitches only occur after muscle weakness,etc, but others say this is not always the case. I had a blood test ran by the general practioner, and he said bloodwork was normal (which was bad news to me, because I was hoping it was something simple and could be corrected with supplements,etc).

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I think about it non-stop, as I am sure I am not the only one in this boat :(

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