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176722 tn?1193378258

Concentration loss-lesions right temporal lobe-small seizures

Trying to find answers, I am in my 50's, it is not meno. memory loss and concentration has progressed over 10 yr period. Now past 2 years have started having seizures, Had 4 MRI's found 2 lesions right temporal lobe. No head injuries.Past-sleep disorder lab--OK,spinal tap  OK,CRT  ok, memory test do better on visual than remembering. Blood test ok.When 42 prescribed hormones thinking that was it, no it was not.  Had 2 espisodes of severe bleeding, doc thought fibrod tumors, No it was not.
Had laproscopic nissan surg, for hyiatla hernia.Had D&C, still had hemmorraging, had hysterectomy 1 ovary left Still having memory loss all this time, prescribed Ritalin, adderall to function, klonopin, xanax to sleep, elavil. get the doc to admit me for test, I could not keep making appts, and remembering to write them down, I had to have it all done at once.

Doc hints bi polar, cannot be correct, do not have highs and lows, cannot believe it just started to happen at 42, doc hints at attent. def, I was an accountant, I did multitasking, no way could I have ADD and keep the jobs I had for at least 11 years at each job, of course I changed jobs for better pay and positions. Doc hints at mini strokes.

I have had cardiograms, wore a machine to push a button when a seizure happens, naturally it don;t happen the month I have the machine, had cartiod artery sonogram. OK

Not a diabetic, been healthy my whole life , I hiked in mtns, I was active.

Still taking Ritalin, Lamictal, Klonopin, and estrogen patch and Elavil for sleep, now taking folic acid, seems to help with confusion
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A related discussion, Right Frontal Lobe Lesion, Retention & Medications was started.
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A related discussion, i feel lost from all these symptoms was started.
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176722 tn?1193378258
Yes, I have neck pain in back, I don't know why, i have tried to sleep different ways thinking that is it, I have to take Aleve to kill the pain.

I was tested for Lyme was ok

Doc's have not mentioned anything to do about lesions, they act like they are nothing and just dismiss it.

Have you gals used Depoprovera for birth controll in the past, I swear when I quit these shots all my memory problems started.

This is my history:
Used the Depo shot for 7 yrs had no periods during this entire time (told that was normal)
Quit depo 7 yrs later, still no period. Start to get a rash all over my breasts, on underarms, on hands, legs, raised dry looking things. Never had rashes in my entire life. Taking selenium seemed to control the rashes, why I don't know.

Short term memory loss starts, start dallying at work, Not at all like myself, I was a multi tasker, fast, efficent worker.

Gyn gives me hormone, it don't help

have hyatia hernia surgery

1 yr later 1998 have a gigantic flooding
(you girls no what I mean), I couldn't believe it, have a D&C to see if it quits.

It does not quit had flood one more time, doc think fibroid tumor,no it is not.

had hysterectomy 1 ovary left. Rash seems to ease off a bit

2 yrs ago had a swimming feeling on both sides of my head, felt a numbness going up from the back of my right foot up my leg all the way up my spine and the swimming head started, i have had about 8 of these in 2 yrs, the first 2 were the worse,  When 911 people got to house BP was very low, by the time i got to hosp everything was normal.I assume that is why i am taking lamictal and klonopin. Nothing was every mentiioned to me that Ritalin causes seizures.

at present still memory loss, cannot think strait, have to take ritalin, lamictal, klonpin, elavil,and neuro added folic acid,  and the new thing is my right foot is getting numb, go to ER Xray ok, no blood clots.

I'd like to know why the lesions are in my brain and why the doc's just dismiss them, does everyone have these?

So I have had this memory loss, forget everything, have to make notes on everything I have to do, have done, have no idea when next seizure or swimming in the head feeling is gonna start, it starts out of no where, last time i was eating a tangerine when it started, so when it starts i just lay down wherever i am until it passes, no sense in calling 911 just to go to hosp to get a CRT scan and everything is ok, I tell my family don't call 911 unless I pass out. I just don't have the money or time for wasted ER visits., it is pitiful and I hate it. I hate taking Ritalin, i feel it is a band aid over something else. I am not myself at all anymore, geez I forget how to turn on (i totally forget where they are) my windshield wipers on my car, sometimes my high beams, this is not normal. This is BS.

One time I went to store and had to buy something, I forgot I bought it and bought it again an hour later. This is crazy and embarrassing. So enter the notepad binder and keep track of everything I do or buy or what pill I took.

I need quiet when I do things, noise irritates me at times.

Had memory test done, i score better on visual tests.

Just had MRI same as before, white matter lesions, having EEG for brain this week, doc says to be sleep deprived when I go for this test.

I told my family if something should happen to me, to have a autospy done on me, especially on my brain, so that it may help others who are going thru this.

At this point I am ready to tell the doc's to just drill a hole in my head and figure out what is wrong, I am tired of living like this with no answers.

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First of all, keep in mind that I am unable to diagnose you because I am unable to examine you, this forum is for educational purposes.
   The symptoms that you describe are consistent with right temporal lobe dysfunction.  Your right temporal lobe (the part of your brain behind the right ear functions in memory (with some help also from the left temporal lobe).  Specifically the hippocampus is the structure in the temporal lobe that is involved in making memories.  When this structure is damaged then people have trouble with short term memory loss and confusion.  The temporal lobes often give rise to seizures when damage occurs in this area.  Patients with right temporal lobe lesions in particular can have trouble with psychiatric problems (increased religous tendencies, obsessive behavior, pressured speech and just odd behavior in general).  The question I have is what has been done to evaluate the '2 lesions' in your right temporal lobe.  Many different things can cause lesions in the temporal lobe including tumors, hippocampal sclerosis, vascular malformation, viral infections (encephalitis), etc.  It sounds like you may need a biopsy of the right temporal lobe lesions of the nature of these lesions is unclear.  Caution should be taken with ritalin as it can make seizures worse.  I hope this has been helpful.
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My mother was diagnosed with labrynthitis last year.   She presented with dizziness when moving her head and could not get up and walk around or she would get dizzy
and vomit.  She laid in bed for days getting dizzy if she moved her head she would become dizzy. Two weeks prior to this episode she had a bad cold and her asthma
flared up.  She only takes and occasioal ventilin spray treatment.  She is a bit overweight but has normal blood pressure yet cholesterol levels are a bit high- she is a big meat eater.  After 12 weeks she slowly returned to normal and last week, one year later while driving on very windy roads for four hours she had an attack again.  She fell to the left and was again very dizzy and could not stand.  Now the hospital seems to think it is a small stroke although nothing shows up on the CAT scan.  On a physical exam the physical therapist found very slight weakness on the left side and her tongue  - ever so slightly deviates to the right.  
I am uncomfotable with the lack of evidence of stroke and wonder why this occured
while driving on a winding road.  Could it be an acoustic neuroma or occlusion of the
carotid arteries. Speech and language are perfectly clear.  The reoccurence of the symptoms seem very strange and seem vestibular.  Any ideas?
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176722 tn?1193378258
PS also eye doc says low tear production, because i went there because my eyes were having aches in them.
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Have you considered Lyme disease . . . I have all same symptoms and I have Lyme.
Best wishes,
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Gracelyn, I am a 23 year old female, with very dry eyes and lots of eye pain and blurry vision (also loss of concentration, balance problems, etc). I had an MRI and they discovered a right temporal lobe lesion. I was tested for antibodies for Borrelia (Lyme disease) - came back negative and my blood tests are just fine. Do you also have pain in your neck?? I wish you lots of luck!!
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