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Starting to Get Concerned - Help.

I am a 35 yr. old female who is generally good health (some allergies, history of headaches, mild epileptic symptoms as a young child), I exercise 2-4 days per week, eat generally well (very little processed foods, etc). I drink a lot of water.

I have always had a history of "tension" headaches, but in the last two years they have gotten significantly worse. Up until three months ago, I chalked it up to overwork, underpaid mother of two year old. fyi - I am not pregnant.

In the last three months, I have had an almost constant headache and other symptoms:
- pain, burning, strange feeling in back of head (always suffered from that "funny" feeling)
- pain and burning in and behind eyes and temples
- neck and shoulder pain and stiffness
- in the past two weeks, intermittent mild to heavy nausea.
- sleeplessness but very sleepy, weakness
- arms fall asleep at night

Doc says "migraines" gave me Frova + 600 mg ibuprofen and low dose Ativan to sleep at night. Not working, no relief. Ativan helps me sleep, but weary about being dependent on it.
Had MRA - all is well.

Any ideas?
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     In response to your problem.  I was feeling the same way.  I would always have head aches, neck and shoulders would hurt, fuzzy feeling that wouldn't go away, dizziness, and I would sleep for long hours and always feel tired, or I couldn't fall asleep.  I'm not sure if this with relate to you, but I was under a lot of stress that I didn't realize and I was having anxiety attacks.  Anxiety will do many things to your body and make you feel very "wierd".  I started seeing a chiropractor whom is AWESOME!  He has helped relieve the stress and tension.  I also stopped taking tylenol.  I would take it everyday.  I read somewhere that if you take too much tylenol, besides the affect it has on your liver, it can have the reverse affect.  Instead of taking away the head ache, it can give you a head ache or make yours worse.  I also bought a book that explained anxiety and how to recover from stress and anxiety.  I also stopped eating and drinking anything that has caffene in it.  Not sure if this helps, but let me know.  If you think this could be the case, let me know and I will give you some more tips that I have used.  :)
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Since july 19th of this year i have had severe and intense pressure in my head. other symptoms such as eyes dilating, head pain and ears popping constantly. I went to a neurologist and she said it was just migraines. I have had migraines since i was 19 years old ( I'am now 30) and i know this is not a migraine!! Now since last week i have had tingling in my head and constantly feeling like i'am going to pass out on top of all the other symptoms.   Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else and if so do you have any idea what might be causing it???
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My apologies, high CRP levels.
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Funny you mention that. I had Lyme in the Fall of 2000. Spent two months on doxycycline. But, you are right. I have never been the same since.

Perhaps a retest is necessary.

Had some recent blood work done and got a note from my doctor saying "increased levels of CRM" (I believe that is the correct anagram). It was a blood test for arthritis.

Anyone know what that may mean in conjunction with my other symptoms?

Thank you!!!
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I was looking for info about spinal taps and came accross your posting.  Just out of curiosity, have you by any chance been tested for Lyme Disease?  Every sympton you mentioned, I have plus about 15 others.  I have tested positive twice now for lyme but at the first "positive" my doctor did not treat me right away.  Needless to say, the disease has progressed, therefore more symptoms.  

Just wanted to let you know.  I normally don't "butt" in but you sound so much like me! I have had migraines since the age of 12 and beleive me, I have had a headache almost everyday now for the past 8 months.  Some really bad but most bearable.

Do you have any pain in your major joints, pelvis, dry mouth, blurry vision now and then, sometimes can't "spit" the right word out, mood swings, loss of apetite, naseau, etc?  You might want to do a search on the internet for lyme and take a look.

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Thank you so much for your advice. This is a great outlet for people who struggle with doctors and our current healthcare system.

One of the symptoms that makes the least sense to me is the nausea. It's come on very strongly in the last 6 weeks, particularly after the smallest amount of alcohol or anything but a small meal or snack. It's also this constant fog as if I have a bad hangover and have had too much cold medicine.

I will try a few nights without the Ativan. I have only twice take more than .5 mg at night. Anything more is too much. I can't bear anything that makes more foggy than I am!

Thank you again. You do a good service!

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It seems like your headaches, which were probably always migraines, are getting worse

Of course, your doctor should exclude a more serious headache disorder by doing a neurological examination and history. Your sleep issues could be evaluated by a polysomnogram, sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea can exacerbate migraine

Migraines can be triggered by neck pain, and this should be looked into by a physical therapist, muscle relaants, massage etc.

Ativan, and other benzodiazepines, if taken for longer than 2-3 weeks can cause addiction, and should not be used for longer than this. The effect wears off anyway erquiring higher and higher doses. Try the sleep evaluation to detect the cause of the insomnia, and try non-pharmaogical methods to get asleep, There are some non-addicting sleep aids on the market as well.

If the headaches are daily/constnt you need to cut out any over the counter meds you are on, and only take what your doctor is prescribing - migraien treatment will not work until overuse of pain pills stops. A preventative medication like Topamax, or Effecor, or Nadolol would be useful then to reduce the frequency of headaches, while acute headaches could be treated with Frova and ibuprofen. Botox is also an option.

Good luck
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forgot to mention, I've had swooshing in my left ear for about 8 mos. Saw Ear doc, says it's wax...but nothing helps it.
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