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Sharp pain inner thighs

The pain I experience is usually in my left inner thigh but last week it was in both of my inner thighs.  The pain is a slicing excruciating pain that is horrible.   I have had three children so I know what pain is, but this is horrible pain.  It feels like someone is stabbing me.

It doesn't happen very often and I have experienced this pain for the past several years.   I am 58 years old, I am 5'8" and weigh 165 lbs.  I exercise frequently and am in good health. The only medication I take is celebrex for arthritus, estratest, and synthoid.  

I have been to a back doctor, a neurologist and no one seems to be able to find the cause.  Every time it happens it scares me to death.  There is absolutely no pain or soreness after the pain ceases.  It usually doesn't last over 5 minutes.  But five minutes of horrible pain is enough!

Any ideas?  Any remedies?  Help!  Nelllie
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Could be triggered by damage in the hip. Specifically the labram. Had surgery to repair my hip because I periodically would get horrible inner thigh pain best described as "if I had a gun I'd  shoot myself " type of pain. Haven't had an attack for four months now since surgery.
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Was bone spur removed also which could have triggered nerve causing aductor muscle to spasm. Believe me, I know what you're dealing with!
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I too get sharp, excruciating pain in my inner, upper left thigh.  It’s like I’m being stabbed with needles.  Wakes me up in the middle of the night or hits me when I’m driving.  Tonight was so bad that my kids heard me crying.  I went to a neurologist who wants to do prolozone therapy which is considered experimental and thus not covered by insurance.  My pain is a mystery but I’m tired and tired of suffering. What kind of doctor should I go to next?
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It's been 11 years since your post, yet people continue to suffer this horrible pain! I experienced it for the first time the other night. (We all know what a late Saturday night at the ER might be like; so even though I thought I might have a blood clot, I didn't go.)  I'll skip boring health issues history - I was awakened by what felt like a cattle prod was shoved into my left heel up the inside of my leg to my groin that was dialed to 11. I cried and screamed and was pretty much paralyzed for about one minute (which feels like an eternity).  I'm sure all of you have thought Dear God, what if this happens when I am driving?
Anyway, much research resulted in a rare pain disorder called Arachnoiditis, which pretty much describes this and some of my other symptoms.
Recently I was diagnosed with Venous Insufficiency and feared a blood clot, but reading everyone's stories here actually made me relax, a bit. Because it sounds like as excruciating as it is, nobody has died from it.
I've also noticed a lot of us suffer during our sleep. Do you have your cellphone next to your head, or a cordless phone base on your nightstand? Is there a smart meter anywhere near your bedroom? Do you leave the WiFi on? ElectroMagnetic Fields and Dirty Electricity do cause numerous health issues including insomnia, tremors, brain-fog, headaches, etc.
On my health journey, I've attempted various detox protocols, done very strict dieting, etc. Now I'm addressing biological dentistry - already had mercury fillings removed; now addressing cavitations  and having two old root canals extracted. I've decided to just be patient, and see if this shock-thing comes back, after I detox from all the dental revisions.
The brightest minds in holistic healthcare agree there are a handful of important things we need to clean up, for optimal health: Clean diet (Paleo, alkaline, Candida diet etc). Parasites (yes, the U.S. population has plenty). Toxic heavy metals and chemicals in the body (chelate/detox).  Psycho-spiritual work (balancing chakras, releasing negative energy). Dental health issues. Gut issues.  Additional stuff to Google: Huggins Protocol, Biological Dentistry, Root Canal Cover-Up....one thing will lead to another and hopefully you can follow the bread-crumbs and find ways to address your health issues. Good luck and I wish you all sweet dreams and death to this terrifying attacker, the leg zapper.

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I have 3 conditions that cause those pains to show up..internal hemorrhoids, vaginal lichen planus and lichen schlerosus. Have you had those areas checked?
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Hey all having the same issue. It looks like for most of the times ive been dehydrated. When I chug some powerades and water it subsides for a couple of days. Also learned vitamins help
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I was very happy to find this thread and discover that I am not about to lose a leg, or worse! I have had the same 5 min excruciating pain in one or the other inner thigh at night about 4-5 times now in the last 18 months. I am 59 yrs old, 5'5, 1151b, exercise regularly (aerobic type stuff), and I am vegetarian. I have never had back or hip injuries or problems. Mine started after being put on Cypro for an infection caused by a cervical test. Maybe a coincidence. I am not going to bother to ask a doctor as they do not seem to know diddely about it, and I can not afford a ton of testing, which appears to have been unproductive for most other people anyway. If anyone ever finds an answer I would love to hear it.
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After occasional attacks and then the most excruciating half-hour of agony I've ever had, I came across this forum, and skim-read a few comments that mentioned vitamins.

I've just started taking multivitamins and the problem has gone!

If it comes back then I'll let you know, but right now the very simple solution of taking multivits has sorted the problem.
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Four months so far with no reoccurence. Yay Multivitamins!
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I am both happy and sad to stumble onto this thread. I started having these severe pain attacks in my right thigh. I have NO idea when it's going to happen (actually most times I get a threatening whisper of the pain to come) I scream from shock and the pain. The pain is only what I can imagine being branded would feel like, but the burning comes from within my front thigh. I'm kinda embarrassed, but at the time the attacks started happening I was HARD CORE into the world of ADULT COLORING. I would try to limit my time sitting cuz I have lower back issues already and sitting is the worst for flairing the problem. But those pictures were addictive and I would be dying once I looked at the clock and calculated how many hours I sat hunched over my kitchen table. When the attacks first began it was during the night. 10 seconds felt like 10 minutes. I had bloodwork taken. I was told I was defienct in potassium, magnesium and B12. I threw my pencil crayons in a junk drawer and was TOTALLY willing to give it up in return for no more attacks. I realized how much I braced the right side of my body to color tiny intricate shapes by the millions. I am right handed and so I brace my right leg to support my right arm. I wondered if I colored with my left arm and sat supporting my left side in equal proportion to coloring with my right hand if it would have fixed me. I didn't give a damn. I started taking magnesium and B12 and starting eating bananas like a monkey. Wouldn't you know it? I was so lucky to find the solution. Pain free for about 4 months. Then slowly, gradually they began attacking me again, only now it was when I had no choice but to sit down. Sitting down is as good as a guarantee that I have a dose of pain waiting for me. Then they started back at night. 2 nights ago I felt like I was timing contractions. They usually last 20 seconds TOPS, but I am single and I live alone and I was terrified it had to be a blood clot trying to move inside my thigh. The excruciating searing stabbing laser pain is me for those seconds and when I think Is This It? The pain isn't going to just vanish this time? I would surely die if that were to happen, but I panic and it feels like an eternity. I am afraid to drive. I have just been taking aspirin. I haven't taken any of the vitamins. I stopped cuz I believed the stress of sudden 8 hour coloring sessions were the culprit. I made a doctor's appointment, but it's not til July 12th. In the meantime I am wondering if I should start that regimen again - but I would like to see if my levels are defunct again. Also I have had success in the past with a physiotherapist. I am going to book myself to see him and get his opinion. I have much more faith in his ability than I do my GP. My heart goes out to everyone that told their story. I wish we could all hold one another's hand when seized in pain. I wish I had someone to tell me the pain is going to stop when I start thinking chronic pain is going to swallow me. Good luck EVERYONE. Peace & love.
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Hi, all! I'm 33 yo, 112-lbs, 5'2'', female.

The first time the stabbing pain hit me was when I was at lunch with friends (18 days ago, 09 June 2017). It was a very sudden, and extremely excruciating pain (I couldn't breathe!). It was came as a shock (both literally and figuratively) when it happened as I had never experienced it before. I was confused.

Yes, like what most who shared here have experienced, the "stab" lasts around 10-20s, after which there are no residual pains whatsoever... as if everything's back to normal.

I have kept a "diary" for whenever it strikes. I jot down the day, time of day, estimated pain duration, and what I was doing when it attacked. It is becoming more and more frequent, unfortunately.

9 June, lunch, sitting position, ~15s
17 June, sitting position, ~15s
19 June, 3pm, lying in bed, ~15s
23 June, dinner, sitting position, ~15s
24 June, 9am, sitting position, ~15s
24 June, 5:25pm, lying in bed, ~10s
25 June, 5:30am, woke up from sleep, ~20s
25 June, late afternoon, lying in bed, ~20s
26 June, 3:30pm, walking(!), ~10s
26 June, 7:30pm, sitting and getting back massage, ~10s
27 June, 1 hour ago ~3:15AM, woke up from sleep, ~10s

As you can see, the frequency has been increasing. I'm a little afraid to go back to sleep now (but I have to).

Based on the comments, I want to try water therapy first and have my potassium level checked.

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I have Transverse Mylitis. I also am having the same type pains. My Neurologist said it was the nerves in my leg regenerating themselves.
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I have Transverse Mylitis and I have the same type of pains in my inner right thigh. My doctor says it is caused by my nerves regenerating themselves.
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Guys, I think I figured it out. Although it has only been 2 days. I would have these attacks only a few days a week, then recently at least 2 times a day, but sometimes more. I had this parasite zapper, that I tried when I was trying to get pregnant. We had tried for almost a year. Put that thing on and I got pregnant right away. I didn't want to use it while pregnant (wish I would have), but I really didn't know anything about it or what it was really doing.

So I packed it away. I found it recently and thought I would give it a try. I didn't have a bowel movement for a few days. I just thought it was because I wasn't eating much. I decided to do a diluted Apple Cider Vinegar enema, and it was so hard, I put the gloves on an examined it. I'm weird like that. Well, there were tons of parasites. My energy went through the roof right away and the leg pain went away. It's only been a week, since I did the parasite zapper, but I am thinking this is the solution. I am just learning all the stuff behind it, so I will post again once I do. But I just feel bad for all you guys. I put the device on my child's foot while she slept, and the next day she had dead parasites in her stool.

I am also putting the device on the area where the pain was, because it says it can neutralize damaged tissue. Because I do believe what most of us are describing is the nerve entrapment thing. And it's scary. I was worried this might happen when driving. So anyway, pick up this little device. It's only $35. Just Google "Basic Zapper". I got the cheapest one and it works fine. I think the company is CT busters, is the one I ordered from.

Let me know if you guys have any success with this. I would love to see if this helps others. I think I'm going to buy them in bulk and sell to my community. It's so fun to be able to cure something so scary and unknown, that even doctors are baffled by. Love an light to everyone!!

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Myotome Chart (nerve system diagram)

Short Video clip describing disc degeneration:

Zygote Body (3D interactive Body diagram)
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Male, age 60.

I've experienced this once so far, and definitely don't want to go through it again.

I was watching TV reclined on the sofa. I went to get up and got hit with an excruciating pain in my right inner leg originating from the groin down past the inside of my knee and towards my foot. It dropped me immediately to the ground. Gasping, I attempted to treat it in the same way as cramp in my calf by trying to straighten my leg, but with no relief. I could do little else than writhe in pain on the floor for several minutes until it finally subsided. It was definitely one of the most painful things I've experienced.

I'm glad I found this forum. If nothing else, it's good to know that others understand what you're talking about.

With that, I started to look into Myotome charts (nerve diagrams) and ZygoteBody (3D body diagrams) in an effort to isolate and identify the nerve, vein, or muscle that followed the exact same path.

A nerve makes more sense than muscle, because once the pain goes away there seems to be no residual effect. Unlike a leg cramp, when you're still limping around for a few hours afterwards.

As far as I can tell - and others on the forum have touched on it also - it could possibly be the SAPHENOUS NERVE, which is a branch of the Femoral nerve.

Nerves can certainly generate that kind of pain level, and a possible cause is compression or entrapment of the nerve. That makes sense in my case, because I've had herniated discs in my back. These particular nerves are affected by the lumbar (lower) discs in the L2-L4 region.

Some in this forum have mentioned the Sciatic nerve (also affected by lower discs), but that one runs slightly more down the backside of the leg.

People should ask themselves if they have lower disc problems, if you've had a recent back strain or injury, or if you were positioned in a way that might have pinched a nerve.

Sometimes I still get a very, very slight tingling or burning my leg running along the same path (sort of a gentle reminder that I might have it happen again someday). It makes me wonder it's being caused by inflammation in my lower back, and in turn affecting the nerve.  

But I'm also intrigued by the theories of vitamin or mineral deficiencies and dehydration, and it doesn't hurt to address those anyways.

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Very interesting reading.  I know HOW mine happened..quick move to my left playing basketball and went down in a heap.  INCREDIBLE sharp pain like I've never experienced and I've had a punctured lung, spinal fusion, two broken hands, four broken collar bones...you get the picture  :)
I'm going to get to the bottom of this.  I've now had the pain for two years...as others have said...rolling over in bed, separating the legs, getting in and out of vehicles, etc...  I had hernia surgery.  Obviously was a problem but wasn't the cause.  Four weeks ago had hip artroscope including repair labrum tear and reshaping the left hip bone.  Granted...still early after surgery (12 weeks of rehab) but I already know the problem still isn't solved.  Exact same pain S T I L L.  My annual health care deductible is met so I'm going for broke to find a solution.  I think it's a nerve issue at this point but again...the pain is incredible.  Mine is groin/way upper thigh.  No issues w/mid thigh or lower on my leg but it is hard to walk for a good minute or two after the pain and I scream out every time it happens.  Can't control it.  If I find out anything that can help everyone else I certainly will post it.  Good luck to all
ps - and the idea of wanting/having sex is the furthest thing from my mind lol....I'm a 50yo healthy male...still...not worth the change of the pain happening
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I have had this same pain for 7 years. Countless MRIs and xrays have shown NOTHING. Every doctor went straight to my hip. Absolutely NO meds touch this pain. Sitting makes it worse. It started off slowly. Would hurt for a week or so and then go away. Now, in my 7th year of this, I have had constant pain for about 4 months. Cannot sleep, cannot sit on certain chairs without excruciating pain. Getting up from seated position is horribIy painful and sometimes I just cry. I just had two more MRIs this week. It appears that I have a small tumor or Schwannoma on the L1 vertebrae. L1 has a nerve that comes out there and it goes directly to the groin and thigh area. Maybe they are looking too low in your back with imaging. All of my back pain is in the lower back, not anywhere near the L1 region.  My doctor found this by comparing my MRIs from years back to the new ones. The spot has become larger. I am seeing a neurologist next week. I cannot take this pain much longer. It is so excruciating and runs from my left buttock to the thigh and groin, sometimes all the way down to the knee.  It is the worst pain I have ever experienced. Lying down is painful. Rolling over is painful. Sitting is painful. Standing from a sitting position is painful. Getting in and out of the car is painful. Sitting on the commode is painful. This is pretty much constant stabbing pain shooting through my left thigh and groin. Right leg is fine although getting sore from limping so much. Sometimes, it feels like it locks up my leg and I cannot straighten my or bend my leg without EXCRUCIATING PAIN.
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i have the same exact symptom. i was told it was the main tendons getting stuck when you go to take a step or bend your knee. i get an excruciating pain that makes me fall on the floor. it happens atleast twice a month.they recommend this exercise where you lay on your back. you take your fingers and push on the knob where your hip is next to the crease of the leg and put alot of pressure on it and pull your leg in toward you and it will release the tendon. it does work but at first the tendon would get stuck again. anyway i hope this helps. good luck'
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Have experienced excruciating pain as described by others. Doc's were zero help...  Just went to a place that offers natural alternatives & believe it or not, FINALLY - this is the 1st relief i've had. Tried massage,chiropractor, laser therapy, PT, you name it, & spent a lot. For ne turned out to be a ratio of calcium/magnesium & kelp my body needs to tame the sudden, unexpected gripping, stop-you-in-your-tracks pain. Know this is years later but if it helps 1 person, hallelujah!  I saw a person that offers kiniseology (sp?) & she was able to help me where no one else has been able to.
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Oh my goodness!  This is me.  Did they ever find out what was wrong?  I've been in pain for 4 weeks.  A steroid shot an naproxen 500 help, but like you I wake up in so much pain because the naproxen doesn't last all night.  I'm scheduled for an MRI on Monday.  The doctor seems to think it is lower back nerve pain.
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You condition sounds like me speaking! Seriously! Love your sense of humor btw;
Did you ever find out exactly what was wrong? I'm seeing a Neurologist the first week of May. For once, I'm glad to be going to a doctor. As in comparison to you, I too, dread the whole car experience.
Thanks! girliegirl2012
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I have been having leg cramps alot lately, I just woke up knowing one was coming it spread up the inside of one leg and then down the other to cramp my foot.  Standing always stops the pain, not this time.  It was the area that you feel when doing a wide leg stretch on the floor.  Scared me so bad I hobbled to the computer to try and find out what it is.
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I had pain in the inner thigh and thought I'd cracked something but the doc seems to think it's Osteoarthritis. Maybe this is what is causing your pain!
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I first experience this today, I had three separate attacks that lasted seconds, the pain nearly floored me, iv been sick with plursey last year, this is very fast and out of no where. I googled it and can't believe that no one medical seems to have an answer. I feel it is something to do with nerves. I have slight curve on bottom of my spine, which might have something to do with it. My iron is 10.3 few weeks ago I got burning sensation in my right foot, like a pin been prickly in that area, then I got it in exact same area of my left foot, tiny as pin hole. Both pin areas spread, my feet very sore, I didn't go to Dr about that, I had been so many times,the plursey, throat infection, my body broke out in rash, everywhere bar my hands, feet, face. Then got virus in my joints, still have that, and part of lung from plursey still agony.iv great chiropractor I go to that helped me after the plursey, I was in agnony by lowering my body, first I think I should go back to her, as lot posts iv read says DR's don't have answers to this flash pain.
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Sounds very similar to mine. Did you ever see a doctor. Mine will last for 10-20 minutes, as well. Just when you think it will start to subside, and you get a breath, it come back on. It gets scary to even go to bed. Any answers?
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