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Unbalanced And unstaediness

For the past 2 years I have been dealing with feeling unbalanced and unsteady. The problem is constant but makes itself more noticed when I am in shooping malls or other stores. I had fainted once before and was awaken by a stranger who told me that someone was trying to rob me. Anyways do you have any suggestions as to why I would be feeling like this. I have gone to have a test done (ENG), They mentioned that my left ear was less responsive than my right. Could this be the cause of my unbalance or unstaedy feeling? I also have a MRI dont today but I am still waiting for my results. Any info you cn provide would help greatly.

33 Responses
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The problem of your balance could be related to your ear problem.
However, other disease conditions should be ruled out.
A cerebellar (part of the brain) problem could also present with this symptom.
I agree with doing a cranial MRI to rule out possibility of cerebellar problem.
Good luck.
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I had sinus surgery and one Ent said I should not had surgery but had sinus surgery but still dizzy and unbalanced this ***** and I'm and only 56 and in a nursing. I need help with being unbalanced but the Dr here will not send me to have it looked at. I had a MRI done with a neurologist and they found nothing but I needed to see Ent due to fluid  in my right ear..MY Dr here at the nursing home will not refer me. I am on Medicare and Medicaid. I have been thinking er and they looked at my heart and head nothing wrong. I need help.
308787 tn?1201681348
This also could be related to anxiety, I suffer from anxiety and I get the same syptoms as you and they are made worse when i,m out shopping, and I feel really queer when at the checkout having to pay, my head just feels really funny, hope this helps.
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Symptoms of imbalance are commonly caused by either a vestibular disorder or a midline cerebellar syndrome.  

Do you experience any eye movement disorder such as nystagmus (involuntary rhythmic shaking/wobbling of the eyes), ocular dysmetria (constant under-/over-shooting of the eyes when trying to focus gaze), or poor eye pursuit? Do you experience dizziness?

Although a cerebellar cause of your symptoms cannot be ruled out as a complete neurological examination has not been performed yet, your preliminary findings of the left ear not as responsive as the right might indicate a relation of your symptoms to a vestibular disorder.

You could initially consult an ENT physician to assess your vestibular system and a neurologist to conduct a complete neurologic examination.

Good luck.
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I think your symptoms may be due to ear problem or cerebellar causes as mentioned above but also hypoglycaemia can cause dizziness, unsteadiness and fainting. Please get a blood sugar test done.
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OMG I am suffering with the same feelings.  Good to know it not only me!  My doctor thinks it is anxiety but she wants me to have an MRI of the brain to rule out any thing else.  By the wayt do you ever feel as though when you are walking that your body favors one side over the other.  My body seems to veer to the left.  It is so weird. Doctor also put me on Xanax which makes me feel worse.
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I have unbalanced symptoms as well and my doctor said that it is anxiety which I was on medication for 6 months. It helped alot but I still have it and it is lighter then before. I feel like fainting, unbalanced, sometimes dizzy, lack of energy.
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Things that improved my symptoms is sleeping 8-9 hrs a day. If I sleep more then 9 hours then I will have the symptoms the next day and the following day I need to sleep 7 hours, 1 hour less then my average. Also go to bed at the same time, I always go to bed no later then 11pm. If I delay it lets say if I go to sleep at 2am, wish me luck the next day functioning. Eating vegies, reduce fats or trans fats from you diet., put more salads to your menu. So far I have experimented and found out that they help alot which I can do my daily activities like walking in the malls, excercising... most importand woking and making a living. Once I remember when I used to deliver furniture I was in the truck where I jumpt down from my seat and I felt my brain like a yoyo going down and coming back up again. It was a nasty feeling. I learned how to coupe with it. When I first had it I was 27 years old. Untill age of 30 I didn't mention it to anyone, I didn't see any doctors either. Finaly I went to the doctors and I was told it was enxienty and got the medication for 6 months which made me feel better.
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Although there are some good suggestions, you must pay attention to the details someone gives you when they ask for help. Ant88 stated he/she gets dizzy more in Malls. That would indicate a visual symptom and then the anxiety brought on by being in a public place and not wanting undue attention drawn to one-self. The result is more anxiety, which manifests itself into the fainting spells. There is a condition known as "vertical heterophoria syndrome". Type that into a google search engine. The first site that comes up is vision specialists of Birmingham ( Michigan). Check out the site, see the symptoms and the testimonials and see if you can relate. There are only three specialists in the USA that can evaluate and help. Most of the anxiety people feel, is from the fight or flight reflex associated with the "syndrome" and as we all know, you can't get "away" from your eyes. I have nothing to do with the site, just want to help, as I was helped. You have nothing to lose, as there is no surgery and no meds involved. Actually you have to be off all meds to get treated, see if another doctor can tell you that. The reason it is not widely known is that the medical community can sometimes be quite dysfunctional and with all the "brilliance" out there, they have trouble seeking advice from each-other and do not share patient symptoms with each-other, easily. The result is a lack of "connecting the obvious dots". Good Luck. If you want more detailed info, send me a private message. Oh yeah, I had MRI, CT scan, all the bloodwork you can imagine, ENG, ENT and gastroenterologists and Neurologists, all shrugged their shoulders.

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Well, it seems I'm in the same boat as some of the people in this post. My symptoms, however, didn't develop over time, rather it was an 'out of the blue' thing, one minute I was a normal healthy 27 year-old and then following a panic attack-like moment, I developed a constant feeling of unsteadiness, feeling like the body is favoring one side (pulling sometimes left and sometimes right). Vision had also gotten blurry. Mental stress makes it much worse and physical can too. Strangely enough, malls or other large stores make it A LOT worse. This condition has persisted for over a year, and yes I have had EVERYTHING done.

lognum, I have checked that website but can't find any suggestions that these sorts of symptoms may arise suddenly, as in my case. Also I have had the "eye movement test" done where the laser monitors the movement of eyes, and everything was apparently ok. Plus I saw a neuro-opthalmologist and he had no explanation.
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Did you ever recover? My dizziness also started suddenly like yours.
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Mine arose as suddenly as yours and progressively got worse. If you contact them, they will evaluate the probability that they may be able to help you. I was very skeptical, sounded to good to be true. The doctor personally called me and had a patient contact me to discuss the similar symptoms and give me some reassurance. I had nothing to lose, except a five hour drive. She did not need a patient from Canada to make more money, as I am sure there are plenty in the USA. She just wanted to help and knew she could and did. Give them a call. If it's not for you, at least you made the effort.

p.s. I also had the eye movement test (nystagmus) and went to my optometrist for his opinion and help. He was wrong, she was right. What can I say.


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Did anyone just wake up and find that they were unable to walk? I had to hang onto the walls to walk. I have had every test done imaginable and no one can tell me why I feel so unbalanced and feel like I am leaning to the right. No way can I go into big bright stores. My leg just freezes up and I can't get my body to move. Some neurologists say that I got a viral infection (white count was way low). I feel so much in a brain fog. Hard to work like this. It is all that I think about wondering what happened to me.
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I am a 77-year-old male who suffers from light-headedness. I also have myasthenia gravis, but light-headedness is not a sympton of that auto-immune disease. 2 1/2 years ago I contracted a head cold which soon turned into the flu, and that is when the light-headedness began. It was not too bad, but lately it is worse. I  ran a low-grade temperature for 6 days. No medical treatment helped me at all. My civilian MD did all kinds of tests, but found nothing to cause the light-headedness. I have two types of tinitus, one is a high pitched sound for the last 30 years, and one is a rumbling sound like far away traffic which I have had for 7 years. My VA MD says that this type of condition is virtually impossible to diagnose, much less treat it. It is not life threatening, but those of us who have it, find it really diminishes our life because we worry that it might be something serious. BUT I have had it this long, but my health otherwise is fine. LIve and bear it?
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I am having the same kind of issues that you all are having and cannot seem to get any help. I am going to try some of what you guys are saying because i have no other options.
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Whatever this is it starts in the ear, and then the unbalance feeling appears,
even the woozy eye movement comes later
But something starts the ear infection.
This may be infectious, check those that are close to you. see hoe they feel
The medical profession may not be aware of the causes yet, but this appears to be in to many places.
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i am very unbalanced only when walking and standing, i got a burning sensation behind my left eye when waking my eye was completely red.  i feel dizzy and nautious and yet i have an apetite. if anyone feels the same  as i do please give me some feed back.

I look forward to reading your response.
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I have bppv on both sides (positional vertigo) Im getting treated for that but i also have a lot of other medical problems including pins n needles in all extremities, artheritis and have had a lumber fusion. I suffer from unbalancing and veering to my right, my coordination is not good i over shoot steps etc when I walk I feel top heavy as if my body continues when I stop its a weird feeling. Does anyone have any ideas
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I developed high blood pressure at 52 years of age.  I was put on a blood pressure pill by my gp. All of a sudden I had sever headaches and was really dizzy.  My heart rate increased to 202 beats per minute.  All of a sudden a cardiologist diagnosed me with afib.  put me on meds.  heart rate and blood pressure now good after 2 tries, but still so dizzy I feel like the old time bobble heads.  Tried all the vertigo exercises.  no good.  Cardiologist is now sending me to ent to see if there is any inner ear issues that cause the dizziness and imbalances.
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I have had an imbalance problem for 4years! It's progressively getting worse. It's terrifying and destroying my life. I can't accept it's anxiety. It can only be physical in my mind. Anxiety symptoms are a lot less severe aren't they!
My worst symptoms are- left sided chest pain/palpitations on rest and exertion, feeling like I can't breathe, flushing sensation, bad imbalance/rocking sensation that leads me to become extremely lightheaded.

I have had lots of tests and been to AnE 36 times with this! It makes me feel that bad and so debilitating. I first though it was anxiety, but how can it be. It simply can't make you feel so SEVERE. The main two areas that concern me are my heart and brain. It's becoming a joke. I have seen many specialists and everything's normal. It is put down to migranal vertigo. But all the time...... It's stops me doing all the things I want to do and I'm really struggling. Feels like a either a tumor or heart problem to me NOT anxiety.   :'(
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OMG!  I am going through this exactly.  I had a baby 3 months ago and 30 minutes after her birth I developed an aweful headache and neck pain.  I have been in and out of doctor's offices since then and have developed a dizzy feeling constantly along with tightening of my tounge muscles.  I have had every test known to man.... well probably not, but a lot..... and they tell me I am fine.  I have severe headaches on my right side of my head, dizzy feeling to where I feel like my head is so heavy and leans to the right.  Things do not spin abour me, but I feel very rocky if you know what I mean.  I too continue to think that there is something wrong with my brain and heart.... but I have been diagnosed with anxiety.... I don't feel anxious!  I feel dizzy..... and it is really starting to make me angry.  I have 4 kids and cant take care of them like I want to.... I cry all the time!  I have gone to an ENT, Neurologist, had an MRI, heart EKG, blood tests, hearing test, eye exam..... and nothing.  I have been back to my neurologist 4 times, my GP 7 times my OBGYN 3 times and talk to whoever will listen to me about this..... I am scared, I don't want my babies to have to grow up without a mommy!!!!  Not sure what to do.
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Did you ever figure out the cause of your symptoms? My symptoms are very similar to yours and started suddenly too. I also have a toddler and it's miserable to feel like this all the time.
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yes I have been to the doctor many times for this and all she said that I had vertigo
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well I have been to the doctor many times for this and nothing what about your heart rate
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I woke up one morning   did my normal routine.....  got out of shower and turned my head and had a major dizzy spell....  not spinning but unbalanced..  seriously I thought I was having a stroke.    I sat down   and was ok  ..... speech was good   no more dizziness   just felt a bit unbalanced.     I went to my doc    he did a an exam on me and said  he thought it was just a vertigo thing....  since  ive had tons of congestion and pressure in my right ear     saw a ent and he thought it was a virus .....  one minute im good    the next I feel like im sitting in a fog....  this is awful....  I believe I have anxiety because I react to the symptoms......  any suggestions.........  how long does a virus last ?
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I am experiencing similar symptoms. Came in suddenly in work when I suddenly felt very dizzy. Gp says vertigo caused by virus,started on stemitel. Started feeling better but out in shopping centre one day and symptoms became worse,back to gp who changed tablets to betahistine which helped for a while. Referred to ent but still awaiting appointment. Have been off work since March and am fed up,also experiencing tingling in tongue,difficulty swallowing at times and foggy feeling in head. Does anyone else experience this. Am trying to stay positive as I've 2 young kids but it gets u down
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