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   For about 3 years now ive experienced problems that ive found no answer for.
My brain sometimes wont tell me all the information it needs when looking at something.
To give an example i may be in a supermarket looking for a certain item on a shelf containing lots of other items( chocolate bars for example) i know what im looking at but my brain wont tell me what item i want, then all of a sudden my brain is telling me everything and i can select the item i want.
Other examples are i may be reading a magazine with a pic of a celebrity i know but my brain wont tell me who it is until i can shake off the brain fog.
It usually only lasts for seconds but its worrying and annoying.
Ive seen my local gp and ive had a brain scan but everything was ok.
My gp gave me a test and asked me 10 questions and i got them all right so he said it dident seem to be Alzheimer's or related problems.
Im not suffering from depression and this problem is random and sometimes i dont even realise im having it.
Ive had it driving the car and im aware im driving and am able to know what is happening in front of me and can react if the car in front slows down or stops e.t.c but my brain fog seems not to be telling me other information thats happening elsewhere.
This is quite hard to explain and as it only usually lasts for seconds i can get through it ok.
Yesterday though was bad, we had visited family which was a 80 mile drive and as we set off home in darkness driving through the city  which was busy with traffic i found it hard to shake off the brain fog type  problem.
I was finding it very hard to concentrate on what was happening in front of me and as a cars went past all the light and shadows changed and my brain was not able to tell me the correct information and struggled to process the simple  thing that your brain usually does on auto pilot.
It was like my brain was trying to process too much information and was struggling and i started to worry and panic as things seemed to be all too much and things happening too fast.
Also the colours of the car lights seemed intense whilst in brain fog mode but was normal when i  seemed to get my mind back in focus.
In the end i had to pull in and let my wife drive as i was worried that i might end up having a accident or a panic attack.
When this as happened before i have shook it off in seconds and been ok but this time evertime i shook it off it came back .
When we arrived home i was feeling ok but whilst watching a tv prog about nature i was watching something happening and all i really saw was colour and shape and it was like i was watching it but not really taking it all in.
When i rewound the tape to watch that bit again i was instantly aware it was a bumblebee on a flower.
Today im feeling fine and so far have had no brainfog at all and somedays its like this.
My question is  what is wrong with me and as my gp does not seem to know and a specialist ive seen could not find anything wrong and put it down to old age creeping up on me.
Im a 50 year old male and work in a chemical factory and im getting worried about things getting worse and me losing my driving licence and my Job.
Im also worried to go back to my gp as he may tell me i cannot drive anymore and without my car i cannot get to work so would lose my job.
I am really worried things will get worse and i know myself that if it does then its not safe for me to drive.
Saying that i can go out and drive and not experience any brain fog for a whole week  and if i do it only usually lasts for seconds.
When it does happen i usually slow down and i can understand now why older citizens sometimes. drive so slowly .
I suffer from high blood pressure and take Amlodipine for this.
I have lots of other examples of my problem but i think ive touched on the main area.
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with me and do others suffer the same problems.?
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I have recently been having frightening issues while driving on the highways. I am usually do in control but these recent feelings leave me with such anxiety that I may cause an accident that I have pulled over serveral times until I can convince myself to get back on the road.
It’s like Im spacing out and I catch myself and sometimes I feel like my body is not in control - that my foot is not attached. I don’t ever want to drive again! I don’t know if it’s vitamin deficiency, or gluten sensitivity or early brain disorder, but it’s freaky!
Any ideas to help?
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Hi Maltyke
   My name is Denise. I am 26 years old and going through the same situation. I have been dealing with this since I was 4 years old. I've been to neurologist after neurologist, endocrinologists, no one knows what is "wrong". I recently was informed that this is most likely Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which randomly occurs. I lost 10 months of my life to these evil spells. I have also linked some foods to making me feel ill or go through brainfog/tunnel vision. I'm assuming this could really be a food allergy type of reaction. I've gone through the same spell for 2 days now. MSG & Gluten really mess with me when eaten in decent proportions.  I had a pulled pork sandwich yesterday and instantly I started to get dizzy. I also notice that sometimes I do hold my breath unintentionally. Processed foods are a killer.

I also have horrible drenching night sweats, making me feel soo sick.
You're not alone even thought it seems like it. Every day is a battle for me and it seems that at any moment it can start, making me scared to do much of anything.  No one really understands what we go through and how it impacts us daily. I took a leave of absence from work and school... I'm back at work now and school starts in a week.... I'm hoping I can do this.

If anyone has any idea what this really could be please contact us!
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Still having the same problems but not as frequent or as bad.
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Hi Ste8049,
                      ive never experianced dizzyness whilst driving, its more like my concentration goes and im aware whats happening in front of me but ive sometimes gone past my turn off due to having to concentrate harder on the road ahead rather on whats happening at the side if you know what i mean.
Im still having these issues but it lasts for seconds rather than hours as in your case.
I still find driving can be stressful if im driving somewhere new and not sure of where im going.
I have good days and bad days and when having these issues i have to slow right down and i talk to myself telling my brain to kick in and give me the information i need then all of a sudden everything is normal again.
Ive never found a complete cure and i am still looking, the doctor thinks it could be depression but although i sometimes get a bit down i dont see it as depression.
Im learning to live with it and driving to work or places i know is not such a problem becouse if a do have a brainfog/concentration attack i know it will only last a few seconds.
Your condition sounds dreadfull and i do feel for you and hope you find some answers and hopefully a cure.
I bought a book about brainfog and although it was a interesting read it never really helped me, saying that i can see where it could help others.
See link below.
I do think exercise can help and getting out in the fresh air for walks.
Let us know how you get on and dont let your doctor fob you off.
Get a Mri Scan and keep a diary of what you eat and drink and symptoms you have.
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1563920 tn?1299288683
      Hello Maltyke. I am a 21 year old female, who is currently attending nursing school. The symptoms you have listed previously, I have also been experiencing. Throughout the past year I would periodically get "spells" like this, which would last for an hour or so and then go away. Recently the symptoms have gotten much worse. My driving has been effected substantially. Sometimes I will get the tunnel vision and feel very faint, almost as if I am about to lose consciousness. It is a very freightening experience. I feel like I am kind of having an out of body experience, as if I no longer have control of the vehicle and my body is on autopilot.
    The most recent episode, which is STILL occurring, has lasted for 6 days now. My symptoms include memory loss, confusion, tunnel vision, dizziness, lack of coordination, constant fatigue and tiredness, impaired depth perception, irritation, anxiety, a spaced out feeling, difficulty finding words, feeling "high", depression and mental fog. For the past 6 days, I have woke up feeling normal and within 30 minutes, the "spell" will begin and last all day. I went to my primary care doctor, who ordered blood work and advised me to drive as little as possible. He also referred me to a neurologist. All of the blood work has come back normal.
     As I mentioned before, I am a nursing student and for the most part, I have always been an honor student. This current spring semester, I have been forced to take a leave from my job as a waitress, and postpone my education in nursing. I am scared to death to drive and don't feel as if I have the mental ability to complete my courses. This entire thing has been very debilitating to my life. I have been very depressed because of this. I feel like my independence has been taken from me. From the sounds of other people's posts, there doesn't seem to be a solution to this problem or even a diagnosis. I am scared that I may live my entire life like this.
     I am wondering if you have ever found a solution or have recieved any other insite. I am so scared and just want to feel normal again. I would appreciate any sort of help. Thank you for your time.
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Hello fellow anxious dizzy drivers - I may have found a simple and free solution to our problems - BREATH - please read on: I'm a 30 year old male from New Zealand and have had pretty much all the symptoms of above posts, slowly getting worse over the past 6 years since I developed OOS and also put my lower back out when I was 24 (which was basically a result of terrible posture, weak core strength and a high pressure job with a lot of time spent at a badly structured computer station).

I was anxious about the symptoms, but they only became a debilitating problem for me at the end of 2009 when I had a panic attack while driving at high speed on the motorway. I was very stressed at the the time as I was intensively working on a feature film script and also about to get married!

I found this forum 3 or four months ago and began occupational rehabilitation therapy after reading the post about somatoform syndrome. This has been a big help with relieving the neck pain and building better postural strength so that I can actually sit in a healthy position while driving i.e. not slumped forward with my neck tilted and pinched at the back - basically retraining my body so as to get rid of all the old bad muscle memory.

But my big break through was when I went to a new GP recently for a check up. I had it in my head that I might have an inner ear infection and that might relate to the dizzyness etc, but alas no infection to blame - however when we discussed my symptoms of dizzyness, loss of balance, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, erratic heart beats etc she clicked that all the symptoms where text book HYPERVENTILATION SYNDROME. I have unknowingly been an "under-breather", which means I take tiny short breaths into my lungs. This under-breathing causes us to have a lack of oxygen and when our body doesn't get enough oxygen we panic and feel faint and dizzy - it's a primitive fight or flight type reaction, but it's very unhealthy to be living in a constant state of anxiety about fight or flight!

I have only just started to retrain my breathing technique but have already noticed that if I catch myself feeling dizzy I just need to start taking healthy breaths in and out again (simply put: 3 seconds breath into diaphram - not into chest - and 4 seconds out) I also plan to take up meditation classes to help with my breathing retraining and you probably should too, but in the meantime do a search for healthy breathing techniques/exercises and start practicing!

I hope this helps!
All the best
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What is M.E/C.F.S.?
Well its 2010 now and although i still suffer from brainfog im learning to live with it and am managing to live a normal life.
I still get days when i feel not with it and fuzzy headed but i still function and no one knows when im having any syptoms.
I am  driving ok and have stopped suffering from Anxiousness.
I seem to get brainfog more when im tired and stressed.
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have you thought of M.E/C.F.S.? just a thought!
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Had a funny turn today, felt light headed and my legs turned to jelly and i had to sit down.
My hands felt a bit numb and i felt really weak.
I was at work at the time and only had 30 mins to the end of my shift, i managed to drive home ok.
2 hours later and i still feel weakish and tired.
Ive had some food and am going to bed now and hope i feel ok in the morning when i get up for work.
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My appointment as been cancelled till may 12th.
Last 3 days ive been clear headed and i find if i get up early on my days off rather than lying in helps.
Wonder why that is?
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My pleasure.  
All the best...and keep us posted. x
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Thank you for your feedback scaredphysio, ill be acting on your suggestion.
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Just a quick suggestion...try asking for a review with an ear, nose and thoat specialist...they can do vestibular tests e.g. tilt table, hallpike manoeuvre etc and if positive can refer you to a physio for this.
p.s Shopping in supermarkets, driving, stress and other postural movements can/may aggravate sensations.

All advice given...needs to be checked out with a reputable doctor.

All the best...keep us updated.
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Im now taking Simvastatin to help get more blood to my brain.
Ive been getting the odd day of not feeling with it and being a bit dizzy/fuzzy headed and it seems to be getting more frequent now.
My episodes/brainfog seems to be improving but this feeling fuzzy headed is worrying me.
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My blood tests all came out fine with no problems.
Ive got a apointment with a Neurologist on the 2nd of May.
I sometimes get the odd tunnel vision type thing when im driving but it doesent last long.
I do seem to be improving apart from sometimes waking up fuzzy headed like im still sleepy.

When i feel like this outdoors seems really bright and a little sureal.
My main task is to see how i cope on a long car journey and drive somewhere ive never been before and see how i cope.
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How did your blood work turn out?  Have you seen a Neurologist yet or have your symptoms disappeared?

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Ive started to do 30 mins exercise per day on a treadmill and this seems to be helping a little.
Im also on simvastatin to help blood get to my brain and ive only just started to take these so its too early to say if they are working.
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Does anyone know if Valleyfog still frequents these forums as i have been trying to contact him.
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Today i went to the doctors and on monday im having some tests done.
Full blood count, esr,creatinine,lft,glucose,lipds,and tft.

Drove to the docs this morning and felt pin sharp, its always a reliefe when i drive and im 100% focused.
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Today i went to the doctors and on monday im having some tests done.
Full blood count, esr,creatinine,lft,glucose,lipds,and tft.

Drove to the docs this morning and felt pin sharp, its always a reliefe when i drive and im 100% focused.
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Do you seem to have these episodes when your stressed, tired or too much is happening.
Im getting very frightened that ill have to give up my job in and wont be able to drive anymore.
I can be ok most of the time whilst at home or at work but i do get stressed out when im due to drive home and worry i may struggle with my concentration.
If all is fine once driving i do relax but im aware that my concentration may waver before i arrive home.
Although i call it brainfog i dont get any foglike symptoms it more confusion and my brain not giving me all the information.
Ill let you know how i go on with my tests.
If you are willing we could e-mail each other with our weekly experiances and how we are getting on in life with these episodes.
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Its now  getting worse, whilst driving its hard to concentrate sometimes and the dark nights do not help.
Sometimes its like driving with poor headlights and not being able to see far inough ahead.
I end up stressed out after a 30 min drive home from work.
The dark seems darker and lights seem more intense in colour.
I really have to concentrate and im beggining to hate driving.
I also sometimes do not recognise objects or people that i know.
I doesent last and my brain tells me the information eventually.
I can live with most of it but the driving is starting to erode my confidense and i get stressed and anxious when i have to drive.

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49 years old
United Kingdom

For the last 3 days ive been fine and had no problems at all whilst driving and have actually enjoyed driving again.
My friends and family cannot see anything wrong with me as im alert and converse with no problems.
At work im fine and carry out my duties ok.
Next year im going to keep a diary and see if i can pinpoint why i have these episodes.
It could be food related or some other trigger.
My confidense is back but its still worrying and its like waiting for a timebomb to go off.

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49 years old
United Kingdom

I went shopping on xmas eve day and whilst in Asda everything got a bit too much for me and i just wanted to go home and get away from it all.
But i stuck it out as i had prezzies i needed to buy.
My concentration went to peices whilst in asda and my brain was playing silly Bu**ers again and i was looking at dvds for a minute or so before i noticed they were x box games.
It was hard work looking for prezzies and trying to keep my concentration on what i was looking for.
Later on whilst sat on a seat in the shopping center talking to my daughter i calmed down and all was fine again.
So im coming to the conclution that driving, shopping in busy areas looking at lots of objects on shelves e.t.c can sometimes give my concentration a real test.
That evening whilst at friends having a drink and some food i was 100% fine as i was relaxed and not stressed.
Im going to the doctors in the morning to see about going to bupa for tests.
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I've had brain fog since about 2000.  It started gradually and only when driving at dusk.  Fast forward....I have not driven on the freeway since 2005 because the brain fog leads in to panic attacks.  Over the years I've had every test possible but no one knows exactly why I have this brain fog.  They even think it's quite peculiar, even neurologists.  The closest I've come to a diagnosis is from my chiropractor neurologist. He says my eyes are moving too fast for my brain. We have tried several eye to brain exercises to get this in sync but to no avail.  The only thing that the chiropractor neurologist was able to resolve was numbness on the surface of the left side of my face/scalp using adjustments to my spine.  I also have some balance issues that are part of it. The other thing that I've noticed lately is that too much computer work at my job makes my concentration even worse.  Like Maltyke, brain fog messes with my concentration and focus while driving on the freeway and sometimes just driving around my small town when there's too much traffic.  This is very depressing because I LOVE to drive. If anyone has been diagnosed with this and had successful treatment PLEASE let me know.

Valley Fog in California
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I'm 46 and I too have this issue, however mine is seizure related and I am on medicine to control it, which helps a lot.  See a neurologist and not a gp.  It may not be anything, but a neurologist's opinion, or two, or three may be useful.  Not all neurologists are competent in my opinion, but some are excellent.
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