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Will cognitive thinking improve with Medicine,I was diagnoised with M.S.?

Hi, I am 49yrs. old and newly diagnoised  with MS.,I was wondering if my thinking would improve with the proper meds.I suffer with many of the symptoms, balance and coordination,bladder,vision,hearing,thinking,climbing,muscle weakness,etc.I started getting sick in May of 2003, and progressively have gotton worse.I had to have many neuro test done.It has taken so long to get this diagnoisis. I am still in the process of finding the right medicine that agree's with me, and also take some of this fatigue away!Thank you so much for listening, and I hope to hear from you soon.I've been trying to post a question for a long time,God bless,and thanks again,Gail.
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I read your post on medhelp.  I was trying to find out if MS patients should be around someone that has all types of Hepatitis they received during a blood transfusion and ran across your post.  

I too have MS and it wasn't until after I thought I had Lyme disease or a stroke did I find out that I had MS.  What a day of reckoning that was.  I was offically diagnosed a day after my 38th birthday and the day I offically got fired from my job with the state government of the state in which I live. And had been employed with for 7 years.  

I hope that things are going better for you.  I know that it is alot to understand and there is tons of stuff to read about on the internet.  I haven't tried the MS support group yet as they do have one in the city that I live but I have talked to the lady who runs it, she just happens to be a nurse and is employed by a private nursing agency that provides nursing assistance to the state office building in which I was working in.  I haven't had enough nerve to go to a support meeting yet, as I am still trying to get used to this.  It has been 2 years and I still can't believe it.  Oh well.  I guess it is just something we have to learn to live with.

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Imroswell, Hi!thanks for the encouragement. I had a hard time deciding if I could talk about my MS and other medical problems via the internet. I hope I didn't come across as sarcastic, but sometimes you get a bit discouraged and it seems like your losing the fight. That's why I initially decided to write.
Grace E.
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Wow, what a time you've had.  I came to this board several years ago, because I was experiencing weird symptoms.  I've been fortunate not to have been diagnosed with any major problem, other than tachycardia.  I've always loved medicine and the human body facinates me, so I participate on some of these boards.  Always feel free to post, as there are a lot of supportive people here.
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Hi Gail. You certainly do sound like a very positive person. I'm really glad to see that you have some options up your sleeve. I didn't really understand what your job entailed when you said you worked in an elementry kitchen sorry.(We don't have school caffs in little old New Zealand - the kids take packed lunches to school) I can imagine the fast pace would make it pretty difficult. I was never fast paced anyway so I guess I haven't had to adjust to such a huge change. I was born with Dyspraxia - my nervous system didn't develop as it should in the first place so I've always had a struggle to keep up with the rest of the world. It affected me in similar ways to MS.I couldn't figure out how to run until I was six. Couldn't co-ordinate my eyes to catch a ball. And I fell over alot. Alot of this I grew out of, but was always generally slow. Being a determined type, I tried to fight it by taking on demanding jobs, becoming a champion rower, and generally pushing myself in every way that I could. But now I have learned to accept myself as being slow and that has brought much more satisfaction and happiness. So anyway, it'll be interesting to see what the neurologist has to say about the Dyspraxia - as far as I know, it does'nt suddenly get alot worse - it either improves or stays static. I see him in 10 days. Anyway - must stop babbling. Hope you are well Gail - and happy. Best wishes - S.
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I was dianoised with MS a month after I turned 50. Next month I will be 53. I woke up one morning and started getting ready for work nd felt like I was having a stroke. I had an MRI without dye, and an MRA done to rule out stroke. They did find MS legions in the brain. I was given a spinal, which came out border line. I have problems with balance, coordination, bladder, vision, climbing, fatigue, muscle weakness and cognitive functioning, a bit of spine cuveature, and herniation at the C1-C3, and L5 areas of my back(I hope I got that right).
I get migraines, prior to all this I never got many headaches, I always said my brain was in my stomach, because I always had a lot of stomach problems. It makes it hard to take medications.
A year after being dianoised with MS I was dianoised with two Conective Tissue Disorders and Arthritis.
Wait it gets better. 14 months before being dianoised with MS I had surgery for Thyroid Cancer and given a large amount of radiation. Six months later Skin Cancer and minor surgery.
I had to stop working two an a half years ago. I use a cane and recently got a motorized wheelchair. I'm dianoised as having slow progressive MS. Thanks for listening, this is my first time writing......Grace E
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Good Morning z,how are you doing today? I'm hanging in there.I just wanted to let you know that my place of employment,does'nt permit the use of a cane. I was told that your only aloud to come back to work if you can maintain ,and keep up with my very fast pace,of what I do.Unfotunately,with my type of job,it does not allow another person to come in and help me.With my MS. and other Medical problem(pelvic Mass),which will be taken care of in the beginning of March,I kind of have my hands full.But!,I am a very positive person.I plan to get in the best shape that I possibly can,and then I'm gonna find a little part time job that suits me.So,while I'm in the process of recuperating,it'll give me time to figure out new adventures.I received a call this morning from my dear friend and co-worker.She wanted to know if I could train her for my job as a supervisor for school,in the caferteria,while I'm on my leave of absence.It gives me something to look forward to.I was also thinking of voluntering at the Hospital near my house.I could come and go as I wanted,and besides ,I really enjoy helping out other people.I might even go to meetings for people with Celiac Disease,to learn how to help myself(for I have that Disease also)anyway,I'm very enthusiastic about the furture,and of course warmer weather.I like to go for a walk on a beautiful day. Well I'd better go for now,time to do some housework,Hope all is well,and of course I wanted to say that I'm very happy for you,knowing that you still get to enjoy doing the things you love to do,even if it means you only get to work a couple of hours at a time,you get to teach and help others learn how to paint,so they can go on to teach others as you have taught them.Well Sweatheart,gotta go for now.I've enjoyed hearing from you,Love Gail.
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Thanks. I hadn't thought of it like that, and that makes it all the more worthwhile to get out of bed in the morning. There are days when I really need to make a list of reasons- like today! But I've certainly found it really affirming to put it out there.
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Oh bugger! I spent nearly an hour writing a big long speel last night - thought it was pretty darn good myself and I could swear I hit 'post comment'on completion (although I was pretty tired by then).So I tuned in tonight and its not there! Maybe they thought it was too long. Anyway, I'm going to try and rehash a condensed version.I was thinking about your work Gail - and how you miss it. A year ago I was ready to give up my beloved career - teaching and painting because of the mind numbing pain it caused. It was a very dark time for me - realising I probably wasn't going to get any better, I was experienced enough to understand that acceptance is the best place to be, so I thought the answer was to give up that which was making life so hard. Then a friend refered me to workbridge - a government agency that helps disabled people keep working. I fully expected them to find some part time clerical job where I would not strain myself. But no - they wanted to look at how they could make it possible to still paint and teach as that was what I was good at and so it had a greater earning capacity. I tried to tell them there was no hope, but the hooked me up with an occupational therapist and an ergonomist and they showed me a whole other world of possibility. A special chair, a custom made mechanical easil that keeps my arms in a more relaxed position (this they got me to help design as I know best what my needs are) special techniques to keep me from over doing mentally and physicly. They insisted that anything was possible with the right help and they were right. OK so I don't manage the output that I used to, but I've altered the way I paint so that I'm not puting as much work into each peice. I also have a wonderful assistant who does the donkey work and anything thats going to physicly strain me. As I said< there isn't a great income at the end of it. I'm broke mostly, but without my work I'd be lost. My students understand that I'm not well - they take the lids off the paints if I can't. Sometimes I'm pretty damned useless in my opinion, but they still want me to teach them because I have something unique to offer. Thats why I'm going back to teaching next week. God knows how I'll be. Its only one 2 hr class a week and I'm scared I won't be able to hack it, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Why the big long story Gail, and anyone else who can be bothered reading, is because I wonder what could be possible for you. You may have already looked at this, and I hope you don't mind me sticking my nose in, but what if you gave up what your work is supposed to look like, and attempted to recreate it?. as you said - you worked really hard to get there - you have something to offer. Is there some way you could offer it in a way that accomodates your needs? Can you teach the teachers perhaps? Can you gom help out when it suits you? I don't know how your job works, but have you talked this over with your previous employer. We tend to assume that people will only want us if we are able to do everything we could previously do as sadly this is the case with some. But I've found that the majority will be very accomodating if they know the situation. Anyway - this really has gone on too long and I must get to bed. Hope all this may be some use. Love S.
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I am glad you posted your story and wish you all the best.  I have always told myself that when there is a problem, there is always a way to deal with it, a solution, if I may say that.  It might not be a perfect solution, but there are always usually options for any situation.  Not only are you teaching your students about painting, but when they see you do what you do, you are teaching them so much more.
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Hi!,Thanks for your reply.I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.In 2003,I could remember how odd it was that I could'nt hold myself long enough to make it to the bathroom.At that time I was in great physical health.AS I'm sure you have read all of my postings,the answers to your question are,did I have the same symptoms as you are experiencing?In some ways,I was very strong in my abdominal muscles,and I could'nt understand why when it felt like I had to urinate,the normal thing to do was try to squeeze and hold it as run to the bathroom,just to find that no matter how hard you try to hold your bladder,I just kept on having accidents.I had my bladder checked out in 2oo3,2004,2005,and the Dr's down here where I live said,that my bladder looked normal on cat scans,and other ex-rays,an test were all normal.With what you've told me in your posting,we have very similar symptoms.It was'nt until recently,I was diagnoised with Multiple Sclerosis.And the connection with MS and bladder control is,when the Central Nervous Systems signals or the Myelin or coating that protects the nerves is damaged,the brain loses it's connection to were it needs to go,for instance,telling your bladder to hold on,and it does'nt listen.I'm not a DR., but it's hard for me to explain it the correct way.I hope you read this posting,because I'm going to give you this e-mail address for Ms.It will help you understand more of this disease. The address is WWW.MSActiveSource.com. It helped me tremendously.I hoped I helped you a little bit. Please keep in touch,Gail.
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Yep.  That's me when it comes to my bladder.  Sorry if this is TMI (too much information), but I also leak for no good reason. But in very small quantities.  So, I do have the stress incont., urge incont., and leaking for no reason, which has all gotton worse in the last 2 years.  I had a urodynamics study done by my OB/GYN, which they said my bladder thinks it is full when it is not, and to try to go to the bathroom every two hours.  Well, I already knew that.  Needless to say, don't hire an electrician when you need to hire a plumber.  I had an MRI (several) done a few years ago, and they saw a linear lesion on my thoracic spinal chord.  A year later, it was gone.  I still have these minor, wierd neuro symptoms, but nothing debilitating.  I don't want to complain to any doctor right now, as we are insurance shopping, and I don't want to rock the boat.  I will look up the website you gave.  Thank you for sharing.  Lisa
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HI! its me again,Just wanted to say sorry for hitting the post button twice,that was a boo!boo!Gail
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Good morning everyone,I just wanted to say Hello!It is so nice to know that I can turn on this web site knowing I have someone to talk to.So,how is everyone feeling today?I'm hanging in there,one day at a time.I recently had more test done,and this coming weekend I'll find out those results which were VEP's+cognitive test.My Dr.s office called to move up my Appointment closer.I try not to think about it,It only makes me stir crazy.Pretty soon ,at the begining of March,I have my other Appointment with my Gynocologist for a second UltraSound,concerning my abdominal tumors(three of them,I call them my triplets)just kidding,I have to find the humor in all of this.Did you know,because of the bad virous I caught in 2003,It left me with Celiac Diease,which is being allergic to wheat+Gluton,breads,pasta,Etc,because of that allergy,I had to eventually have my Thyroid out.It attacks your AutoImmune system,along with your other organs.When I was very,very sick in 2003,not knowing what was wrong with me,I could'nt get out of bed,slept24/7,not realizing that Celiac Diease can make you Anemic.I can't seem to spell that word correctly.Oh well,sorry to chat so long,do you realize that I only talk about this stuff(medical) with everyone on this site,because i used to have it on my mind day and nite.I know longer what to do that,so I play with my beautiful Granddaughter,she is 4 yrs. old,and so smart!I've been married over 30 yrs.,have two wonderful daughters,both married, I have a sweet,kind,considerate and wonderful Husband,that has been by my side,through thick and thin.I am so blessed to have a close family.Well everyone,hope to chat with you soon,sincerely,Gail.
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Good morning everyone,I just wanted to say Hello!It is so nice to know that I can turn on this web site knowing I have someone to talk to.So,how is everyone feeling today?I'm hanging in there,one day at a time.I recently had more test done,and this coming weekend I'll find out those results which were VEP's+cognitive test.My Dr.s office called to move up my Appointment closer.I try not to think about it,It only makes me stir crazy.Pretty soon ,at the begining of March,I have my other Appointment with my Gynocologist for a second UltraSound,concerning my abdominal tumors(three of them,I call them my triplets)just kidding,I have to find the humor in all of this.Did you know,because of the bad virous I caught in 2003,It left me with Celiac Diease,which is being allergic to wheat+Gluton,breads,pasta,Etc,because of that allergy,I had to eventually have my Thyroid out.It attacks your AutoImmune system,along with your other organs.When I was very,very sick in 2003,not knowing what was wrong with me,I could'nt get out of bed,slept24/7,not realizing that Celiac Diease can make you Anemic.I can't seem to spell that word correctly.Oh well,sorry to chat so long,do you realize that I only talk about this stuff(medical) with everyone on this site,because i used to have it on my mind day and nite.I know longer what to do that,so I play with my beautiful Granddaughter,she is 4 yrs. old,and so smart!I've been married over 30 yrs.,have two wonderful daughters,both married, I have a sweet,kind,considerate and wonderful Husband,that has been by my side,through thick and thin.I am so blessed to have a close family.Well everyone,hope to chat with you soon,sincerely,Gail.
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I hope you don't mind me asking, but what kind of bladder problems were you having?  Years ago, I had severe headaches, slightly blurred vision in one eye, haziness in both eyes at night- like looking through a light fog, lights at night seemed overly bright, and tingling, tickling sensation in left foot and down left leg.  Now, I have a rapid heart beat and am on Toprol 100 mg., bladder issues, heat sensitivity, among other things.  I hear of people with MS that have bladder issues, but don't go into the specifics.  With me, it started as stress incont., which I do blame mostly for pushing babies out, but now, I have that and also urge incont. and the feeling of needing to go really bad, but when I do, the amount does not come close to justifying the urge.  In the morning, if I don't go right after I get out of bed, I sometimes don't think I will make it.  It's like my bladder has shrunk.  Does any of this sound similar with your issues?  Thanks.
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Hi me again, I know what its like to have a Dr who won't listen. I've actually been having strange symptoms for 5 yrs now only they were never all at once until last august. Things like bladder problems, extreme back pain, funny heart rythems etc. She'd occasionally bother to do some blood tests which of course would come back normal. Then she'd say "don't worry Sheila, the tests are normal - theres nothing wrong - you're just getting older (I'm 37) and you're a single parent - of course you must feel exhausted". Luckily she left and my new Dr is great. I'm very lucky I guess, that I'm an artist - painter, so my job is quite flexible. I can't work the hours I need to make a good income, but I get by. I was teaching painting and doing really well at it last year - can't do that any more - this is why I long for a diagnosis - so I can get some more control over it and get teaching again. I love being able to pass on my knowlege so that if I can no longer paint at some point, then at least I know there are people out there doing it because I helped them. I already went through the 'why me?' thing. I guess I've known for some time theres something really wrong here and I've got used to it.I don't expect to get better, I just want to do the best I can for myself and my daughter. I find theres nothing like being a mum (thats what we call mom here) to keep you going no matter what. I have to get up every morning no matter how bad I feel - have to walk even if I can barely stagger - to do what needs to be done for my girl - and thank god! I'm sure I would waste away the days in bed if not for her, and be horribly depressed. But in fact, I've just finished 8 paintings that I'm very proud of - they took me a long time, but I got there. When my eyes are bad, I just change the way I paint and discover something new because of it. I've even started swimming for the first time since childhood because of this - its wonderful to feel so weightless and my daughter is thrilled that I can finally do something physical with her. So its not all bad - I've learned so much and like you gail, I believe it must be in Gods plan for me, so that is OK and now I must make the best of it.
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Wild, my problems started in late summer too. And my birthday is August 17th. I would have counted my problems as starting the summer before last, but a couple years before that is probably when it really started, because that's when I went through horrible testing because I had pain for weeks at a time like a UTI, but no UTI. The tests ruled out everything serious and I didn't go back for more humiliating tests just to be told it was nothing, so it just comes and goes like everything else. I also had a limp with no pain an no aparant cause that would show up for a couple weeks, disappear, then reappear months later only to disappear again. Since then, I too have had to cut down my work (to almost nothing), which is very bad for us because I was just starting to work more and was pushing for a raise. Now I can barely handle standing in line at a store. or walking across the parking lots to my kids' school.

Yes, my name is pretty obvious, but that was only after months of going to a doctor who was treating me horribly. I am not having that problem now, but at the time, I was stuck with a PCP who thought I was a nutcase and passed on that opinion to every specialist he sent me to.  When I tried to explain it was not just back pain, there was much more going on, he shook his head and rolled his eyes. Anyway, nice to meet you both, though under better circumstances would be nicer. Hope you are feeling okay today.  Peace.
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Thankyou so much for cofirming what I suspected and noone has been able to answer.I had an MRI 3 months ago and was absolutely stunned to find it was 'normal' at the time I had had three months of horrendous symptoms such as left arm & leg weakness, double vision, vertigo, bladder problems, nystagmus, tinglings & numbness, headaches, poor coordination, Inability to sit up unsupported, swallowing & speech difficulties etc etc. My Physician deffinately thought it was a demylinating disease -said he could see the nerve damage in my eyes -and ordered an urgent scan. But turns out he was a newby & didn't fill out the forms properly! So I got the scan a month later when most symptoms had resolved leaving just numb toes & eye problems. I have since discovered the dye was not used in my MRI & was wondering about it as I now seem to be at the beginning of another attack. Onset was August 16 last year. I have had to cut back alot of my work as I'm in alot of pain most of the time. I finally get to see a Neuro in three weeks & I'll be asking about the dye. I live in New Zealand where there is a shortage of neuros so if you're not at death's door, you have to wait a long time. Its so hard not knowing whats happening to you and not being able to explain to others. I am glad that at least You have a diagnosis and you can begin to learn how to manage it. I wish you well and love what you said to nobodysp. I was thinking the same myself. These dificulties sure can damage ones feeling of self worth if we let them.
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It's funny you said your first attack was on August 16,my first attack was on August 16,03(which just happens to be my birthday!I was in the hospital for 11 days that year. It took all this time.I could'nt understand why the Dr's could'nt find anything wrong, not realizing they needed to use dye.When I have attacks, it is differcult for me to walk,my body feels like it weighs ten tons.I remember also that I could'nt hold my head up,as time went on I had more and more symptoms.Do you know what I had to come to terms with,not being able to work.I am a Supervisor of an Elementery Kitchen.It took yrs. to work my way up the ladder for that job,I miss the little children,my cognitive thinking ,balance,vision,and hearing,lack of strength is keeping me from doing my job. I have excepted it now knowing God has a plan for me.zzzzzzzzzz I wanted to say that in the past three yrs.,I've gone through my stages of why me,crying alot,praying everyday,go three steps forward,five steps back,starting over again,but I've learned to take whatever comes my way,I have found my piece,when you get angry enough to say ,o.k., Gail pick yourself back up ,life is to short,enjoy your family,enjoy mother nature. It's funny, I look at things in a whole new prospective.I've found my piece.I enjoyed hearing from you,Sincerely Gail
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Hi. Please forgive me if I am intruding. Am I right in understanding the first MRI's you had with no dye showed no lesions, and the MRI you had with dye showed lesions? MS was ruled out for me based on an MRI without dye. I too was in great shape, running daily, and now am barely able to walk.     Do you mind me asking, do you have much pain?

I am still searching for a diagnosis. I started seeing doctors a little over a year ago when I was limping without known cause. I had many other symptoms at the time, but did not connect them yet.

Although it is true MS is not curable, it is good you got the right diagnosis. You will be better off with treatment then you were without. I wish you the best of luck and good health.
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Hi!, thank you for responding.I also have a niece that has MS., and her specialist told her the only accurate way of diagnoising a patient with an MRI, is with the water based dye,I cant pronounce it, but it begins with a G-----.My memory isn't the greatest anymore.I have medical problems that I didn't mention,which in fact I don't mind talking about. I was diagnoised with what you call Band Heterotopia,the neurologist where I live told me that was from a seizure disorder. It has to do with nodules on the brain,and some throughout my body.The DR. reading all the MRI's I've had said it showed lots of grey matter and white matter, and lots of scar tissue,for which was unexplainable,so since he could'nt understand it he ignored it and said my results were normal! When in fact,I had to fight for myself,to say somethings not right,my Primary care Physician said o.k. your going for a third opinion(which she thought all my problems were emotional the same time my mother died,I became ill, and not because she died,but because i had caught a bad viraus which I never fully recovered from.It's pretty sad when your own PC does'nt have faith in you. I have fibromyalgia, and my Rheumatologist noticed neuro problems, and he is the one that sent me to a specialist in Boston.With that MRI it also showed a large Mass in my abdominal area.I had an VUSound done and it showed an enlarged left ovary,plus three complex cysts.I'm waiting to see If i need to be opperated on,I feel like I'm six mths. pregnant.The thing is,I had a Histerctomy yrs. ago,along with many other operations.And to finally answer your question,yes I have days with alot of pain. I have good days and bad days.When i have attacks from MS.,it seems like I never fully bounce back. Do you mind if I make a commant?I hope your nickname does'nt stand for nobody special,because everyone has special qualities,even when that person does'nt think so.For I myself am going through a lot of changes,I know first hand that you have to except what comes your way,even when I've lost my strength,cognitive thinking,etc. I pray alot,it helps me to finally be at piece,no matter what thee outcome is from all of my medical problems.The mind is a powerful thing, it can tear you apart or, for myself I had to trust in God, and never give up for I know theirs always someone worse off than myself.Thanks again for listening,Sincerely Gail.
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Hi, thanks for asking,in 2003 I did,nt know what was wrong with me.I was in great shape.It happened in June of 2003.I noticed I could'nt run very well, which was odd for me because I worked out at the gym,and was pressing up to 80#'s at that time.I started to get headaches,not knowing I had very high blood pressure230/110.And i just didnt feel good.I started to have symptoms as if i had a stroke,but the hosp.down where i live said they could'nt find anything wrong.I was bitten by a moisquito in june 2003, and right after that i became ill. Though all the testing the Dr's did for Triple E, and Lyme Disease,they also thought I had Ms.,but never put Dye in me for all of the MRI's i had.So, everything was normal,so they said,but I started to have a hard time climbing stairs,my vision was very blurry,double vision terrible fatigue,and numbness and tingling down my right side of my face and right side of my body,which is very weak. I went to Boston and to sum things up,the neurologist ordered me an MRI with and without dye.The results showed,many leasons on the brain.I was told I have Multiple Scelosis.It took my reumotologist to notice something was going on besides,Fibromyalgia.So he sent me to Brigham and Womans Hospital,where I meet my Neuro.I was so greatful that my Dr. did'nt think it was all in my head,like some Dr.s lable you when they cant't seem to find what is wrong with a person.If the Neuro down here,where I live was qualified enough, he should of known, the only way to see a clear cut image is to use the speacial dye, that he was supposed to use.Sorry I'm rambling on, hope this helps you.Sincerly,Gail
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What were some of your initial symptoms, if you don't mind me asking?
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Cognitive dysfunction is relatively common in MS, occurring in up to half of patients, and tends to be related to the degree of physical disability. While there is no specific treatment, it is hopeful but not proven that disease modifying therapy will slow the pregression of cognitive as well as physical disability. Neuropsychological testing and followup will helpestablish a baseline and compare changes over time - ask about this if you have not had it already

Symptoms of MS like fatigue are treatable and potentially reversible, and medications like modafanil and stimulants have shown some success in clinical trials. Other comorbid conditions like depression etc can contribute to both cognitive function and fatigue and should be evaluate and treated as well.

Good luck
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