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Could symptoms be due to migraine even if I have them w/out a headache?

I have been having unexplained symptoms for 6 mos. I
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I'm sorry to hear about your illness. I started to have symptoms very similar to yours.  I was initially diagnosed and treated for epilepsy than one year ago I was hospitalized with a Pulminary Embolism.  It turned out that I have a blood clotting disorder.  I had been tested for it previously, since I too  have a family history for blood clotting disorders.  I had always had normal results.  I am currently being treated with Coumadin.  I just had another PE 3 weeks ago.  It turned out that I was not given a high enough dose.  When they finally got a positive reading for a blood clotting disorder, it turned out that I just need a little more Coumadin to control my condition.  I mention this because sometimes you can have a blood clotting disorder and test negative.  According to my Hemotologist not enough is known about blood clotting disorders so it is often more important to look at symptoms and family history even if your test initially turns out negative.

You might also want to test for Factor 8.  This is usually a test associated with Hemophelia, however, high amounts of factor 8 can cause mini strokes and deep vein thrombosis.  The symptoms would be severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, difficulty speaking, numbness, dizziness, difficulty breathing, chest pain, rapid heart beat, pain in your back, or rib cage.

Good Luck solving the mystery.

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I also forgot to mention in my previous post that my father, sister and son have all been recently diagnosed with a genetic platelet aggregation disorder and thrombocytopenia. I was screened but came back negative. And the first MRI I had was done without contrast The spinal MRI was done with contrast.

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I am a 28 year old male that has been having around the same feelings that everyone has been discribing. It all started a little over a year ago, with a bloody nose on my wedding night. Then it went to me feeling light headed and numb with a cold sweat thoughout my body. That went away for a few days then I came down with this pressure in the top part of my head that slowly worked its way down to the front of my forhead. A lot of off balance feelings, like I was on a boat or rocking back and forth. So I went to the hospital and had a cat scan done. They found nothing. I went to my dr. and told him I thought it was a tumor or something bad. He said not to worry and that if I continued to have these feelings that he would send me to have a MRI done. Which in turn I had done, they found nothing. I was sent to see a Neourolgist and he looked over my MRI and said no tumors or signs of stroke nor Clots or anything like that. So he sent me to have this test done called an MRV, which is almost the same as an MRI. THat also came back negative for nothing. ALl my symtoms had seemed to disappear around this time also, but within the last month or so I've started getting this pressure again in the top part of my head that moves down into my forehead and behind my eyes. Almost like a burning feeling sometimes, or like I've got a sharp ***** in the cornor of my eye. Almost like my brain is bleeding. Sometimes I have feelings in my head like I have little bubbles moving and popping in my head. Also sometimes I feel like someone has stuck their fingers in my brain and split my brain into two pieces. I'm scared of what it is cause no doctor can pin point anything except stress or tension headaches. Gave me medication that does not help. Can you always have tenision like that that lasts for days and goes away for weeks at a time? I've had no loss of vision or fainting or anything of that sort. Please help!
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You bet!  I've been diagnosed with "complicated migraines" which manifest as stroke-like episodes.  Talk about scary.  Thankfully, they're being controlled with preventative medications (no triptans) and diet.  You need to be seen by a Neurologist specializing in migraines.  Any teaching hospital should be able to take care of you.  Stay strong!
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Hi Gromit.. I dont know from personal experience.. but My aunt has migraines without the actual headache. They found it in a MRI, she has always been sickly and one day her symptoms just took a weird turn, similar but not identical to yours. She has had migraines since she was 16 and she is now 54, the doctors have spoken of putting a device in her head, I am not sure what it is though, Im sorry. I hope you have answers soon.. take care

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I forgot to mention in the previous post that my maternal grandmother had chronic progressive MS.
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First of all, keep in mind that I am unable to diagnose you because I am unable to examine you, this forum is for educational purposes.      
   The symptoms and story you provide are most likely related to refractory depression and difficult to control migraine headaches.  Depression is known to cause the side effects that you describe of loss of focus, memory problems, confusion and fatigue.  The 'disconnected feeling' is classic for depression.  That being said, there are certain 'auras' of migraine headaches that can present with confusional spells, and they are often associated with fatigue.  The antidepressants that you mentioned are of the 'more sedating' variety.  Some of the antidepressant that might be 'more activating' for you are prozac, wellbutrin and effexor.  The headaches that you describe are typical migraines.  It is also common that migraines come around the time of your period.  With 1-2 migraines per month, with headaches appearing at a typical time-one option is called 'mini-prophylaxis'.  This involves taking a long acting triptan (such as Frova or Amerge) 1-2 times per day for the 4-5 day time block around the time of your period when you headache is likely to occur (Frova has a pre-packaged mini-prophylaxis pack).  Confusional spells and memory problems related to migraines is more rare (than with depression) but do occur.  If the mini-prophylaxis strategy is not successful then a daily prophylaxis medication such as elavil, topamax, nadolol etc. would be indicated.  
I hope this has been helpful.
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