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Strange Head Sensation and symptoms - Migraine/epilepsy/something else?

If you could take the time to read this and then give me your thoughts, hopefully some new theory could emerge:

it all started abouth 2 years ago, when I was lying in bed in the morning and in that 'about to get up' and 'still drowsy, lying in' stage I would have an odd sensation in my head. Sort of like a head rush, but more overpowering. How I would imagine a seizure to feel like if it was only in the frontal lobe of the brain (and not in the rest of the body).When awake I would never have these, and they happened very very rarely.

The next stage was when I was sitting down at the computer, and I experienced the same sort of sensation as above, but while i was awake. and much much less intense. again this happened rarely.

After this they became more frequent when awake. Then after a weekend Drinking with friends, the 'Hangover' was not regular headache, but these "odd rushes" (that sometimes feel like a flutter above the eyes, but sometimes feel like a muscle cotraction starting off softly contracting then intenselt contracting then softly then finish). These would happen once every 20 seconds. then next stage after having these frequent 'rush' feelings I gradually began to see vast amounts of eye floaters and eye flashes. untill flashes seemed permanent. Muscles would twitch a lot. I will get a feeling of swaying within my own head, even if Im not swaying physically. sometimes when a 'rush' occurs i feel as if my head is pulled backward. Sometimes as if one side of my brain is heavy, then the other side becomes heavy etc. I catch myself starring into space often, just at one place, losing focus and 'looking through' the object. and I feel withdrawn from things at the moment, as if I have no emotional attachment to them, I just see the things, as if I cant properly absorb the information (another example is - recalling past events, but the normal emotion that goes with memories doesnt seem to  be there). Would have some cold patches appear all around my body, like pins and needles, but feels almost like very fine cold water on small patches of skin. NONE OF THIS IS PAINFUL

(* Note - the word rush is not at all like a head rush when getting up. feels more electrical, or muscular orientated)

Lately Im having the suspicion that the 'rush' feeling has a connection to my eyes, sometimes my eyes shake when one comes about. eyes are never drawn up to the skull like in a fit. This correlates with the eye flash disturbance etc. Some Optic Nerve abnormality, or due to the swaying feeling possibly some brain stem problem (which is the center for eye and ear nerves). Or Epilepsy.

I went to many Doctors (6 or 7) and all of them had no idea. saying it could be some sort of migraine. No tear in the retina. Epilepsy hasnt ever come up. symptoms are always described as strange.  

Any thoughts would be much appreciated, or if anybody has similar symptoms.

Additional information about me - my posture (neck) is a little hunched, could this be causing some sort of tension that causes the above? I use the computer a lot. never had a serious illness. have smoked marijuana before. not a lot though. did binge drink, but havnt since symptoms

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179 Responses
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I know exactly what yiu are talking about i am having the same symptoms it feels like someone turning off a light switch just flicking it on and off or a pen clicking sound only its physical and verbal in my brain it sounds like something is moving around up their and it is in my head it all started in 2012 when i was released from jail thats qhen i first noticed it happening to me i use to suffer from panic attacks so i think i noticed one that happend aftrr i had taken some serequel xr and decided to smoke a black and mild i don't. Know which one caused me to start having breathing problems but 911 was called and i was freaking out i was scarde i thought the serequel xr was gonna take me out for good since then i dont take it any more i cant sense things as well as i use to my intelluctual has gotten pretty much rugged and i feel as if my mind is in a can it just really feels like someone is knocking in my head and i cant get my point acrosss i cant pop my ears like i once use to and i have found out reading helps me sleep my brain has lost its integrity i feel like the shuffling noise has something to do with it any. Help.
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Hey there, I have experienced everything you've said and more for five years now, I'm 37 and the daily symptoms I have are very debilitating at times. It all started at work in July of 2010. I worked as a surgical asst. one day I was setting up for a surgery and all of the sudden I felt like I moved out of myself, or like a false sensation or exaggerated movement, I flipped out, I continued to move around to see if it was just a fluke, but it kept happening. After that initial night a flood gate of symptoms started piling on. Next, the base of my skull felt pressure and full of something , mainly a lot of pressure, then it filled my whole head and sinuses, it felt like my head was going to explode for about a week or two, but during that time I was also experiencing crazy floating type feelings and my vision was totally out of wack, like I was looking through somone else's prescription glasses. The ground was higher, I couldn't judge distance anymore, blurred vision , objects would slowly move in like a figure 8 motion, also had very fast shaky vision, especially on sharp edges of objects or strait lines, or and wierd patterns. Then I started experiencing a high pitched tinnitus constantly. I freaked out for about a month just frozen on my couch, with crazy rigid muscles and crazy anxiety about what I was feeling and seeing, as I had never experienced any of this before. I tried to work through this stuff for about six months, but after collapsing twice at work from week muscles and cramping and anxiety, I decided to get on short term diability, I started going to docs like they were going outta style, I saw ENT, Neurologists, Hemotologists, endocrinologists, chiropractors, ( because or neck and back tension and trigger points with pain ), psychiatrists, neuromuscular specialists, Otoneurologists, massage, cardiologists, gait and balance specialists, I went on to have numerous CT scans, MRI's, MRA's of head neck and full spine, crap load of labs done, epilepsy tests, and mostly everything came back normal. I had high iron, low vitamin D, barely low tag for thyroid, no MS shown in the MRI's. There were a couple misalignments with my cervical spine and a slight postersl scoliosis of the thoracic spine along with some slight twisting of the thoracic spine, but I was told none of these things would cause my symptoms. I started looking more into the structural aspect, meaning my spine, and the migraine aspect, I saw a renowned balance disorder specialist from barrows inst. in Phx az at the Mohamed Ali center, he told me that he has people come to him with all of my 100's of symptoms that piled on over the years, and he thinks it's vestibular/ ocular/ silent migraines, cause by short circuts in the brain stem..... Hmmmm , I said, then I ask how or why, he said, no one really knows why they start, but it's most common in people going into their 30's. So, after that i got a VNG test done that stated I had a..... Non localizing, vestibular, peripheral, hypo function... Lol, I said what?????, in other words something is wrong with one or both inner ears and there is no way of knowing what caused it or if it will ever go away!!! I also had a sleep study done, cause I couldn't sleep well, and the results said I have narcolepsy too, a mild form... Lol, I also do the staring into space with no connection to anything, but I know what's going on around me, it's like my vision is being forced to go into a hard gaze and I have to fight to refocus my vision, it also slowly rises up to the sky while this is happening, it's nuts, and I also have the electric, quick, pulsating fu fu sound in my head and ears, I hear, and feel it, this usually happens after a rare restful sleep. It lasts for about the first hour after I wake and happens with slight head movement and eye movement, it's definately neurological, but yet, unexplained. I finally went to an atlas orthogonist. This is a Dr that specializes in the upper cervical spine, mainly C1 and C2, issues with this area, share about 95% of all of my many symptoms, he did a lengthy upper neck X Ray session with all these angles and math involved. He showed me the X Rays and concluded that my C1 vertebrae was slightly tilted and rotated, which in turn oils be cutting off blood flow and nerve signals to the brainstem and subsequently to the eyes and ears , etc. This sounded promising, so I tried his method of using this machine that shoots a compression wave of energy in the correct direction to the C 1 area, for about two weeks with no drastic results to speak of, but it might work for others, it sounds good on paper. Now I'm focused on occipitoatlantoaxial hypermovement, it's where the base of the skull, C1 and C2 are all hyper mobile, or move around too much putting pressure on the vessels and nerves causing, again, about 95% of my symptoms, anyway this is a lot of info and I skipped a lot more , but I hope this can direct someone in the right direction. After 5 years I do feel now, that there is definately a connection between the neck structure, anxiety, and a biological response to chronic pain that all play a role in most of my symptoms, visual, auditory, neuromuscular, sensory, and pain, thanks for sharing your experiences, I know I'm not alone in this!!!
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Sounds like you got hit in the head pretty good. I had 2 concussions within a month and got super depressed and got on Cymbalta. It's been 3 years now and I still have memory issues and now this brain flutter. My diet is messed up, my sleeping is as well as my moods. I'm on the road to finding the answers. Just glad I'm not feeling something unique. Gives me hope that there will definitely be an answer in my lifetime. I'm going to be 31 on the 14th of November. Hoping for some stability and happiness for my birthday. When it's left to me I fail eventually. I know I need help, and I thankfully know how urgently I need it now.
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Since 2009, are you better now ? I have the same feeling you described here. I hope after 5 year you figured out what is it. please give me your feedback, I need some help here.

God bless you.
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If what you guys are describing feels like a wave-like sensation in your head, you should probably see a neurologist if you haven't already. A wave-like sensation in the head or brain is characteristic of a simple partial seizure that's happening in a single part of the brain (Focal seizure). That single part of the brain is called the frontal lobe. Simple partial seizures usually last a very short time, almost always less than a minute, and the person is completely aware before during and after them. Could definitely be what some of you are experiences. They can happen for many reasons which is why you must see a neurologist to find out if they're even the case in the first place, but sometimes they can just happen for no particular reason
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That's exactly what I said! Simple partial seizure. Focal
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I have been having these same strange things happen for 2 years now and I have finally figured out what it is. They are -Complex Partial Seizures-  the Dr. diagnosed me with epilepsy. please look into it and see if it is the same thing you are going through.  http://www.epilepsy.com/Epilepsy/seizure_complexpartial
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Found possibly relevant info here, re a little-known structural disorder beween eye and ear:
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Simple partial seizures. Otherwise known as focal seizures. I get the same things.  Im on keppra now.  It seems to help. I had a focal seizure that started completely out of the blue.. with waves of feeling in my head.. Then tunnel vision then twitching in the right side of my face.  That was one month ago.  I have been having the wavy feelings in my brain several times a day ever since.  It has completely turned my life upside down.  Every time I feel it, I'm worried out will turn into a real seizure. "The big one". My neurologist says that it most likely will.  So I started medication. It helps.  But if I miss even one dose.. the waves in my brain return.
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I started having what I called a "whoosh" about 2 years ago, I could not describe it  My doctor said it was anxiety.  Then I had one that came with a blackout.  I had all the tests, and wearing a heart monitor, I had another blackout.  I had arhythmia, and now have a pacemaker.  The readings say everything is fine, but I still have these events.  I have the whoosh often, and sometimes I think I have blacked out again.  I am always disoriented after, unable to remember who my neighbors are or the names of the streets in my neighborhood.  Slowly I feel normal again.  It is very dream-like, and I feel as if I have had a refreshing nap.  The technician says it is PTSD.  I have doubts about that.  But I do encourage all of you to ask to wear a heart monitor.  I have never fallen during a blackout, so it is not complete loss of consciousness.  It is as if I am sleepwalking.  I have never remembered to time it.  I fear I was misdiagnosed.  But the puzzle is why are the pacemaker readings normal?  Triggers seem to be either something that looks very unusual to me, doing yard work, or riding my bike in the park.  
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try medicinal marijuana once. may be that will help. be particular having very small dosage
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is it like tickling inside the brain?  like someone tickles in your stomach, funny types? if it is, it is considered serious in ayurveda. do something urgrntly.
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I never have a headache following but prior to it being 'thisway' it was a snapping feeling in the back of my head, Then felt wet and warm, like I'd snapped a brain tube or something of that elk. I still get that on rare occassion actually but now 99.9% is what everyone else is on about. Though I do remember during my teens when it seemed they happened together hand in hand.
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Sounds partially like dehydration and mild adrenal exhaustion,

Try to modify and improve your diet and drink plenty of clean, purified or distilled water with lemon or lime or herbal teas. Find out if you have any food allergies and eat mostly foods high in organic minerals such as fruits and especially vegetables.  To restore adrenal energy, try sipping on tall freshly squeezed organic vegetable juices which you can get at health food stores such as Whole Foods Market.

See if that helps.
Getting on the good side of nature is an eventual cure-all.
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Hi, i am 47 year old and am trying to wean of HRT medication. I had similar sensation like a funny bone, but in the head- lasting a couple of seconds . Its scary and felt like how I imagine  a seizure would feel and I felt Slso felt imbalanced. I had first one while sitting down and second one while sleeping. I think it may be stress plus ear imbalance related. I am used to ear imbalance problem- but this was the first time that it was accomoanied by this head rush/electrical sensation.
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I have the same thing and I have one it would be a big one my eye felt like my eyes were going to roll in the back of my head and I am not dizzy it almost feel like I am having a seizure but the first time I experienced it was back in 2002 and then it stop it came back to me in January of this year 2018 I saw my doctor the next day my doctor thinks that part of my heart is enlarge plus I got COPD.
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I have the exact same problem and it is driving me insane. I get it a lot!
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To all the people that have experienced this- have any of you binge drank a great deal? I don't mean a long drinking period spanning many years. I mean many many INSTANCES of binge drinking; like 7 days of heavy drinking this week, then being sober for the next week, and then 4 days of heavy drinking followed by 2 weeks of being sober, then 10 days of drinking, etc. The human body responds differently to this compared to, say, 7 years of daily drinking. I am quite confident alcohol is a major factor here.
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I get the exact same symptoms, I dont have it for months then i get it everyday for days, making me feel really sick, I didnt know if it was my ears or related to migraine ??
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Same symptoms, it becomes very difficult to explain it to someone.
Anyone know what it is, i thought alcohol consumption can be the cause but it is not.
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I am also suffering with whoosh feeling in my head, legs, arms and ears..it is very uncomfortable that I cannot sleep properly.  my eyes become red during this whoosh feeling. ..but this whoosh feeling ends after 3 minutes then I become fine but again after 20 minutes I have that whoosh feeling.. I was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy and was taking carbamazepine.  but I abruptly stopped the medicine as the whoosh feeling is induced too much by the use of this drug..i am still waiting for the new drug to be prescribed by my neurologists...I am so scared ..as I feel sometimes during this whoosh feeling that I am going to die...I live alone as well which makes things more worse for me...hate this whooshi feeling
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I also have all those symptoms but have never gone to a doctor to get checked. I always get these rushes when i have migraines. It feels horrible but ive just tried to ignore it. Very hard to do, and im only 14. Its really hard to concentrate in school and people ask me if im okay because i just space out so much and i cant pay attention to anything. I have a hard time trying to recall things i just learned and i can never stop moving. Its either im swinging my feat or tapping my pencil. And i dont even know im doing anything until some1 gets annoyed and tells me to stop. I wish i knew whats wrong with me
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I just wrote a whole long comment and then lost it... So...This is all caused by anxiety/depression meds.  I am suffering the same too.  I call it wonky head with a low pitched hum in my ears.  . It happens when you are entering a withdraw from the meds.  I have taken EFFEXOR for about 8 years now.  I tried for a whole year to get off of it and I couldn't.  I have these same problems as everyone here.  Luckily my Doc takes Effexor too and knows what I am talking about with my wonky head.  If your have taken or are taking any of the popular anxiety/depression meds...This is your problem.  I cannot believe this is happening to this many people.  Something really needs to be done.  We have to tell someone about what is happening to us!!!  Who do we start with???  CDC,  drug companies...insurance companies...Who??? If we all would tell about this... they would have to listen.  I am here for anyone who has questions, but I need to rest now...Good luck everyone!!!
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In the wee hours of Thursday, Oct 15, morning, I was lying in bed unable to get to sleep.  Was extremely sleepy but every time I closed my eyes, I felt a strange rushing type of sensation.  It felt as though it started somewhere in the middle of my brain and rushed outwards.  At the end of the apparent rush, was a feeling of electrical shock maybe or my brain just repeatedly misfiring.  It is very hard to explain.  It did not hurt but it was not painless either.  The sensation was almost like what I would imagine a transformer feeling just before it overloaded.  It was a very uncomfortable feeling almost to the point of near pain.  

This sensation lasted repeatedly, every 3-4 seconds it seemed for a few minutes when suddenly, it felt like my brain electrically overloaded.  I felt a shock and I became aware of being conscious but unable to move, to speak.. to react.  I felt parallelized in a cocoon for a minute or so and could actively sense myself wanting to call out for help but being unable to do anything.   I remember telling myself when I was parallelized, relax.. this isn't real... just stay calm and focus.  It put me in the mind of what an epileptic persons brain goes through.  I don't believe my body shook at all, but the disorientation and paralysis of that was there.  I know it sounds super strange and this is my attempt to understand or describe the sensations and feelings.  This wasn't the first time for these strange sensations, I've had them occassionally before but they never caused me to feel parallelized or aware but catatonic at the same time.  

Eventually, apparently, I was able to fall asleep but I remember when I woke up being so overly disoriented and like I hadn't slept enough.  My room is downstairs.  Immediately after waking, I made my way upstairs to let my dogs out.  I barely was able to stand up long enough to get them back inside.  I just felt an overwhelming sense of needing to go back to sleep.  In the middle of a conversation with someone, I literally nodded off.  I hadn't even been awake 10 minutes.  
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ok so i was just watching a movie and i realized something very important, then all of a sudden i could see everything... Not really but like everything around me was like a picture and my brain was like woww so hypped (i was able to feel my brain and the brain waves wtf...).. It's so hard to explain but it was only for like 2min only, i was so happy and intense and felt amazing i could understand what was going on and omg sorry i just cant, its impossible to explain now that its been 5min. It felt like i new everything but didn't, like a computer hardrive . . WTF happened to me i cant find anything on the internet about this like wtf, any body had this experience ??
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I have the same feelings this is my third week. I feel a little out of it and just a general odd sensation in my head. I thought it was dizzy, but its not, its more of a head rush feeling. It feels like I hit my funny bone in my neck and the sensation goes up my head. But all day I feel like I am floating. I have been to my regular dr, an ENT, chiropractor, massage therapist, and a physical therapist and no one can figure it out. I have an appt with a neuro Monday. Thinking nerve issues or something. Feels like my brain is not getting enough blood or oxygen. I feel fine when I work out, just a tad of the sensation when I lift heavy but not too bad. Any hope for any of you??
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So helpful to know that I am not the only one having that wooshy dizzy spell in my head. I have had those for several years now. It happens about 7 or 10 times per year and it feels like my head is warning me and its always right cause a couple of days after the episode there are dramatic weather changes.
I also get migrains often before the rain or snow. If its a severe storm coming I would feel weak and lifeless. I guess there is a good side to it cause I know its time to prepare for a possible emergency.
Thank you to everyone on the forum for posting and sharing. Iam sure in most cases those headwaves are benign.  We sometimes just have to live with it.
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Ok I don't know if this will help anyone here at all but I'm 28 and have had the hard-to-describe "woosh" of almost an electric surge though my brain that is accompanied wrong a yellow flash of light sometimes. I don't ever recall having any type of headaches after the fact though, as some of you have had. This has been happening to me since I was 17. I remember the first time and it was one of the most intense of any I've had. It went through my whole body and I even jolted. This always happens to me when I'm laying down. It's never painful. I'm either trying to sleep or had been sleeping for some time. ISO have slight anxiety, I've never taken medication for chronic pain or any mental instabilities. I had experimented with weed and alcohol for a few years in my adolescence but not to an addiction level by any means. I am decently healthy, not over weight, I have smoked cigarettes for 10 years though, have two healthy young children, married, have had some depression in the past. I experience chronic headaches from time to time. Never lasts more than a few minutes and mostly they come as sharp stabbing pain in a random part of my brain but the duration is never longer than several seconds. I have not gone to the doctor ever for any pain or discomfort or headaches. I've only ever gone to the doc or taken medication when I was sick or pregnant or that one time when I broke my thumb.

The point is, I've had this sensation for over 10 years and I have gone through mild drug use, alcohol use, cigarettes, headaches, pregnancy, dieting, mild anxiety, mild depression, no serious illnesses or mental issues, no medication use, all these are basically normal for someone's last 10 years of experiences and all while having this whoosh of electricity or whatever flash though my head/body and eyes and it's never caused anything except grief.
So just hoping that helps ease some people's nerves about it being harmful. I'm just saying I've been through it for over 10 years with basic normal life events and things involved and I'm fine. Not to say I don't wish to know what it is or even have them stop, but I stopped being worried about it after about 4 years of this. Sometimes it's several times within an hour and sometimes I can't remember the last time is happened cuz it's been months. I don't see any use going to a neurologist or seeking any cute or relief considering it's not painful and it's been happening for so long that I kind of think of the episodes the same as having a bout of the hiccups or a sneezing fit or having a headache or something that's just normal and it happens.

I hope this helps anyone who is becoming scared or afraid of this occurrence.
Stay strong for those of you who are seeking professional help and trying to get a legitimate diagnosis!!
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Just for your information, take a look at the 3 part on-line post that describes ascension symptoms, and see how many of the symptoms apply to you.  http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/02/21/ascension-symptoms-or-what-is-happening-to-me-part-13/
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