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Wrist tremors

I apologize for this being so long, but I've seen 3 neurologists - 1 being in top 5 of US & have been told multiple answers - anxiety, essential tremor, etc. I feel both my wrists w/slight tremor when they are under my pillow when going to sleep or when arms are folded. Top Neuro said specific positions like under my pillow can be essential tremor - how is this not resting tremor? So the top neurologist says that most everything should go away & states that my symptoms are from herniated discs, C5/C6, C6/C7, bulging, stenosis, etc. He says time should heal. Am I being told this so we can wait to actual Parkinson's symptoms present themselves? I'm finally at a good point in my life to be struck down & i'm scared that I have this disease, M.S.A. 2 neurosurgeons said either anxiety or somatoform disorder. I'm a healthy 45 year old w/young children, wonderful husband. Please ease my fears. History: Nov. 5 Mother passes Nov 7 Felt weakness in right wrist that continues into Tues. I've got a cold, Nov 8  Around 7 pm, I was laying on side & I felt my brain jerk inside my head - oddest sensation - never felt before. I'm woken up w/nausea - I never drink, but had 2 beers that night. Nov 9 Wrist starts shaking.  Nov 12 Right ring finger is blue under ring. Woke w/arm slightly numb. Thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep so, I start taking lorazepam that Dr. prescribed over the phone. Every time I took it, I'd feel this cold vertical sensation above center right side of forehead. Nov 20 Stop for 2 days- didn’t like taking it-wanted to have my natural sleep. Had circular sporadic buzzing in right hand, 4th finger &the area just below right foot fourth toe. Saw Dr told her what I was feeling & she said continue taking it. Dec 15 stop taking lorazepam after reading one shouldn’t take it longer than 2-4 weeks. Right hand & fourth finger still shakes. Cold returned on Dec 13th. Dec 15-25 take 2 Advil a night. Got regular sleep - lorazepam still in system or just taking Advil? Dec 26 Woken up by same sensation I had on Nov 8th, but w/intense jolt in frontal lobe like an electrical static current (sinus) area & can feel buzzing moving its way to left foot to big toe & left hand. Nausea feeling & got sweaty. Have numbing feeling in front lobe/forehead about 1/2 inch above brows. It's a cold, prickling, tingling feeling, tightening of forehead skin sensation. Sinus related? It extends down left side of nose to cheek where I had an injury during last summer of falling over a curb & landing on my cheek. Hands are even more shaky now. Dec 27 I'm w/my husband.Afterwards, have what feels like spasm/fluttering at base of head (pituitary gland?)which starts muscle fluttering in lower back. Buzzing continues for a month & now isn’t there. Dec 28 Got 6 hours of sleep & woken up at 3 am by hard hand shakes, feet shakes. Heart's pounding, sweating & clammy hands & feet.  Dec 29 Everytime I got close to sleep, cold prickly feeling in forehead would start to move faster & wake me up. Took another 2 Advil at 11 pm & slept for 7 hours - finally complete nights sleep. Wake up for the first time not feeling any buzzing in any of my hands & feet. Body is calm & right hand isn’t shaking.1 hr later, everything begins to return including ball in throat feeling - too much Advil? Sweaty hands & feet continue. Dec 30 Take 2 Advil PM at 11. Start to fall asleep & woken by hard hand shakes, feet shakes & jaw clanking twice. I'm awake entire night. Dec 31 Shaky, clammy hands & feet. That night, take 1 mg & cold prickly sensation on forehead goes away until next morning. Still have feet buzzing. Very congested. Cold prickles around left eye, inside corner & left cheek.Jan 1st Took lorazepam -12:30 am - forehead & feet buzzing intense & right hand made knocking motion once. Took only 1/2 of 1 mg. Clammy feet & hands, Yellow mucus. Jan 2nd Feel sinus pressure in forehead & left cheek where injury was-nerve? Buzzing feet & hands. Forehead tingling stopped as I cleared a lot of my sinus in shower & blew out quarter size yellowish/green mucus, but experience strong sinus pressure after driving over a mountain. Fell asleep - 8:30. Felt cold prickly feeling around left eye & check almost like it was cold water drips & started to feel more sinus pressure & right nostril became plugged.Took 3 Advil. Forehead numbness & slight tingling. Every time I start to go to sleep, heart beating & take 1 more Advil & fall asleep around 1:30. I'm awoken at 4:30 by heart beating so fast, buzzing right foot & don’t know if my hands jerked or not.Jan 3rd Sinus pressure, forehead.tingling & numbness. Experiencing cold prickly in left eye area corners -feel like cold water. Clammy hands & feet. Cough up green mucus. Jan 4th-Take Sinus infection anti-biotic though sinuses are clear, just enlarged. Dr. prescribes Ambien & later that week prescribes Zoloft which make me feel more awake - only took it 3 days & stopped. Dr. prescribes Diazepam & only take .5 tablet.Just want the meds out of me.Felt my right eye moving side to side. One night started to fall asleep & felt like my heart was stopping. Had to breathe up to get air. Night -  Clenching teeth, sweaty palms & feet. Had an episode that seeing things vibrate - odd vibrating sensation in right eye. Jan 10 Up all night sweating & shaking - assumed it was all meds moving out of me. Jan 21 - went on a steep hike & ran down a steep concrete street (Slight  Bladder leakage) & the next two mornings, woke up to my right arm shaking.  Right upper arm muscles felt tight. Jan 23 - called neuro & ordered MRI. Feb - 2nd week see neurosurgeon & didn’t offer physical therapy or meds to help w/bulging, compressed discs from MRI. Said take beta blocker. Next 3 wks, wake-up w/night shirt soaked & sheets. Took Advil during this time - don’t know if taking 3 weeks - 2 a night would make body do that. Make appt w/my endocrinologist to get thyroid checked. Did blood work - doesn’t show hyper or hypo, but hyper level is over & get blood work done Mar 7 hyper level down-Not premeno. Left foot - “ring finger” starts moving left to right. Now 2nd toe is twitching. Buzzing on top of right foot & below at ball of foot. Muscle twitching throughout body. Large portions of muscles. Internal vibrations. Right big toe has buzzing sensation & feels like it is trembling. Lip has buzzing sensation - March - back of head & neck is vibrating & when laying down, moving side to side. Twitching in right chest area. Vibrating in left shoulder. Questions 4 Dr.  Did I have a seizure? Is that what the sensation in my forehead means or a sinus infection? I read that withdrawal can start w/in first 2 weeks after stopping med. I abruptly stopped taking it - is this why I'm feeling the way I am? I read to take only 2 or less weeks -was on it over 4 weeks. What is the root of all my symptoms? Why do the frontal lobe area w/cold prickly sensation happening & why does it become more active when going to sleep? Is it sinus? Symptoms that I didn’t have before I took Lorezapam, but now have since stopping it: Cold sensation in forehead in-between eyebrows w/an occasional cold sensation going vertically down forehead- same sensation I'd get when I'd take Lorezapam & would feel it about 15 min after taking it.Right arm vibrating sensation shoulder, neck & hand.- Oily Skin, left side of foot, right side of rt hand, rt index finger & bottom area buzz.Rt ear tube vibrates/flutters-infrequent. Back of neck vibrating. Shaking hands still.Index fingers shake as well as wedding fingers on both hands.Jaw & Lips vibrate at times-just started w/arm tremor- infrequent.Muscle twitching throughout body has subsided, but still going on.Twitching in both3rd & 4th toe of left feet. Buzzing sensation between big & second toe in left foot.Sense of right pinkie toe pulling away from other toes in left foot. Numb sensation in left foot big toe.Cold prickly feeling in left eye inner corner-infrequent.
3 Responses
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Did you post in the expert forum yet?  If not, do that.  Plus, I think there is a fee.  

All the best.
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Yes, MRI done and bloodwork and all clear. So, I am stuck. I am hoping to hear from a neurologist on this website.......
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Sorry dear, but it sounds like ALL three Neuro Specialists have pretty much given you the "brush off."  The ONLY thing that really has been prescribed for you was Lorezapam and a Beta Blocker.....what's that all about?  Honey, all they did was pretty much take your money as you don't need a NS or a NL to order these meds and what REALLY did they address?  Nothing from the sound of things.  

In regards to the 2 neurosurgeons that said either anxiety or somatoform disorder.....well how can they be stating this without real proof or documentation?  You don't want this crap sitting in your medical records unless this is 100% true.

Anyways....have other causes been ruled out.....i.e. something viral,  Lyme's, low b12 count, low vitamin D level.  Any MRI of your head/brain OR any imaging of your head/brain?  Any extensive amount of labs been done?

Your statement...."So the top neurologist says that most everything should go away & states that my symptoms are from herniated discs, C5/C6, C6/C7, bulging, stenosis, etc. He says time should heal."  My response....pfff!  The "top notch" Neuro told you this crap?  At least he could have offered PT and meds.  This situation will NOT correct itself.  If anything, over time it will probably WORSEN.  

As far as ruling out Parkinson's.....Levodopa can be prescribed and IF you response well to this, i.e. meaning your symptoms subside or disappear, then you are probably dealing with Parkinson's.  There is NO need to wait until that mess with your cervical spine "clears up" to rule out Parkinson's.  

You are being lead on a "wild goose chase" and it is a shame.  
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