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HOCD or gay?

Well, this question has been asked alot, but ill ask it again, because some have said that every Hocd/ocd story is different mine is quite different. I will get to my HOCD/denial but I want to give you all the back story first.

Well for starters, im 23 still a virgin, have had feliatios(sp?) by 2 different girls(by some peoples defintions im not a virgin, but in mine i am). i have been having intrusive homosexual thoughs recently and cannot get them to stop. when i was i think about 15 or so i was at a friends house and we were in his room and we were playing a video game, he happend to say "whoever loses the other one has to give the winner a *******" i said no, becuase that was homosexual and didnt want to do it (he was serious, it wasnt one of those male homophobic moments). Later on in the night he said "well, why not just jerk each other off, itl'll be fun" again i said no, but he kind of cornered me and i relented. he touched my penis for about 10 seconds then i pused him away again saying it was homosexual. (this is the only homosexual experience i have ever had), then next day i thought nothing of it, and so on for about 8 years afterward ( he and i are no longer friends, though it is due more to his use of drugs than this.) I cannot get this image out my head, i feel as though this made me think I am gay, even though i went on to like girls, never been attracted to a guy ever, even have gay male co workers that im ok around.

My first run in with an intrusive thought was about 3 years ago, I met this girl through the internet( more specifically World of warcraft, yea im a big nerd) and i went up to her house one day and we hung out, played around a bit and I had a passing thought about her father “Hes a tall handsome guy” well, when we started to play around the image of her father kept popping into my head I was able to shrug it off at the the time with a WTH and move on. We never dated, but I like the girl alot, I mean alot. So much so that I “Felt” like we were dating but we never were ( I would call her all the time, ask her to do things together everyday) but in the end she has this hang up about short guys (im 5’6” , she was 5’8”) . This made me infurious and I dont want to talk to her anymore. Yet she still calls every once in a while “I miss my shaney” etc (shes married now). This hurt a great deal, so much so is that I felt like every girl is going to do the same thing (im not very confident, never have been. I have been working at a movie theatre for about 3 years, and about 6 months back we hired a cute 17 year old girl who had a crush on me. Due to company policy I told her we could not date (she would turn 18 a month after we hired her). Then she starts to talk to another manager who was a woman. The employee we hired turns out to be a lesbian/ bi and the two girls are now engaged to get married (woot canada wedding). I went to the beach a few weeks ago with my family, extended family and had some fun. This is where the intrusive thoughts got unbearable we would play volleyball and all the guys would have their shirts off and I couldnt stand to be around them with out getting a homosexual thought, I even had a sexual thought about MY OWN BROTHER ( WHAT THE ****?!). I should also mention that there was a friend of the extended family that they brought with them to the beach that was an openly gay man(Very flamboyant, carried a clutch purse wore womens underwear) In order to get through the volleyball games I made sure a few girls played just so I felt comfortable and wasnt with all guys. I Have all girl friends (not romatic partners, friends). Last close guy friend I had was the guy that tried to jerk me off. thus I stayed inside for much of the trip. Let me tell you that ive never had a girlfriend except for in the 7th grade (she was one of the girls who would end up giving me my first sexual experience of any kind, ironically not untill years later when I was 21). I fell that these events have lead me to believe I am in gay denial or I have HOCD. questions I have about all of the events though.

- My last close guy friend had a homosexual experience with me, so I now have only Girl-friends out of fear that Gay things will happen with men around?, (I.E the intrusive thoughts at the volleyball games).

this is a double edged sword in my thinking Typically, well, more of a steorotype actually that gay men have all girl friends, the gay guy I work with does not have any girl friends. but this leads me to believe I am gay, I cannot have an interaction with another male, without having homosexual thoughts now, so I surround myself with girls,so as to avoid gay interations/thoughts .

Could I be surrounding myself with girls becuase I have a subliminal fear that I will loose access to the opposite sex?, instead of having a sexual identity crisis, I hope so. it also helps to say that most of my girl-friends have been romatic iterests of mine but they never pan out, they become friends.

There are different types of gays according to my gay co-worker, they one I encountered at the beach was apparently called a “Queen” in the gay community. maybe im a socially inept Nerd gay?

But....Somtimes the intrusive thoughts are sensual (by that I mean, sometimes its not just anal sex, its me kissing a man) still dont like the thoughts but sometimes I wonder if because its not completely repulsive Im gay? I like kissing, just not kissing men, maybe Im misunderstanding the term intrusive thought, as it has to be sexual in nature? or can it be sensual (kissing cuddling etc) and still be repulsive, because it is. Sometimes I cant see myself with a woman down the road or a man, I cant picture it at all

Like today at the grocery store, guy in long blonde hair turned the corner into the isle I was in ( I have long red hair). he seemed like a Metalhead ( I am one as well). right as he turned I got an instant spike thought and said “Hes attractive” and right as I was thinking that he said “Nice hair” I said “thanks” very quietly and quickly got out of the isle. I kept thinking he probably thinks im gay. and I had an intrusive thought about him, (not anal sex, kissing).

Does this mean im gay? I bumped into him 3 or 4 times in different isles each time thinking “OH god, I have to run out of the store NOW!” but the thought wasnt anal sex, it was about him kissing me.
I read somewhere that when your in denial you go though the intial phase where you hate everything and you just picure just having sex. then the thoughts become sensual and you start to like it?

But I had a flash thought, and went “Well maybe id kiss him” then when ‘OH GOD NO!” So the cycle of doubt and anxiety continues.

Im even questioning my love of Metal as gay? its all dudes and no chicks (well the ratio is pretty high guy to girl wise) a few Metalband members have been gay. to name two that I know of are Rob halford (Sp?) of Judas priest and one of the former members of Gorgoroth and freddy mercury (not metal, but I am a fan of queen) then I started thinking does making me a fan of someones music mean im gay, so I cant listen to it? theres a steorotype that gays like techno, I like some techno, I now I cant listen to it without getting a homosexual thought.

Though every guy between now and the beach seems to have qualities that I admire or qualities I wish I had (Tall, confident , muscular) maybe this is why I have these thoughts, and it really means  I just want to be tall confidnet and muscular really really badly?

I cannot get a consious erection when looking a gay porn or thinking of another guy though I have had dreams about guys. non sexual in nature and I wake up with an semi erection. ive done this the past 5 nights now.

I want nothing more than to finish growing up and be married to a woman.

I have not gone to see a therapist yet, I am in the process of doing so.

-Am I in denial or do I have HOCD?
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Hi my name is sabrina im 16 and a female i have all these unwanted thought about me being being gay theres this vision of two girls as friends then they start kissing it doesn't arouse me but i check my lips if i smile,i dont but them i feel as if im holding it in so im always questioning my sexuality if im supposed to smile when i do smile it doesn't feel right . Ive been having these thoughts for as long as i can remember at first i had visions og me kissing all my female friends which sickened me how could i think of such thoughts. I know im not a lesbian but when i was young i think i was abused by this women who used to do stuff to me. I then remember then going on to do disgusting things with my friends and other girls who were family friends i think i was 5/6 i used to touch there genitals and what not it makes me feel like im a bad person im still in contact with some of them but the topic has never come up. Then when i was 9 or 8 my two best friends told me that they were doing disgusting things with each other i felt so left out so i joined them them im repulused at the things i did. However i have always liked guys even when doing those things at a young age. Now i cant get it off my mind before when i heard the word lesbian or homosexual i felt a shiver ip my spine and repulsed as i felt it was referring to me i went through a period where i hated myself as i had not started my period or developed any breast. So envied girls who had a chest. I would literally stare and be like how comes she has breast and not me. They Would always be younger than me and had breasts. So at the age of 14/15 i researched that it could be because i was an hermophraodite i would cry all the time because i thought i was a man. I hate my voice noticed i had a moustache and saw that i had a v line which was supposed to be where my undeveloped penis was supposed to be. So i would stare at womens crotch are to compare it all stopped when i got my period but. My brain is always telling me im gay because i thought all those things and did all those things with girls. I used to be so boy crazy but now i ***** whether i was faking it or not. Ive never had an actual boyfriend but i have liked tonnes of guys. There was this time were i was obssesed with this girl in my class i literally wanted to be her and wanted her to like me in the friendly was no more than that. But my mind is telling me i liked her as i thought about the situation all the time. However i also disliked her at the same time would not want to be near her or wanter her to be near me. I am going through one of these again with this girl in my school i admire her so much like i would like t to be her. I envy her alot because when i revise really hard for an exam she always gets a better grade i also have a crush on this guy who i but my feeling aside because my brain is telling me your gay cos you like her but i dont. I dont hate gay people i dont mind them but i dont want to be one i know im straight deep down but i cant let it go. This gets me on to sensations i feel in my lower area whenever i see or watch a girl. I hate watching porn i dont watch it but recently i watched all sorts straight porn i dont know gay porn im not sure but when i watched lesbian porn i felt physically sick. However this brings me on to the fact of whether i hide my smile which means i desire it or must mean thats what i want to do. Ive never had a lesbian dream that i was involved in i ha one but was about my old friend who mad me do things and this lesbian in my school. I was thinking as long as it doesn't involve me. I also cant tell if im aroused. I get very frustrated when i go to malls and i feel very anxious or at least i think. Also in girls changing rooms i feel anxious i think i used to stare at girls who had boobs and envied them so much i was the only flat chested one. I guess i very depressed i struggle to eat and sleep and do my work as i feel it would trigger my thoughts the last thing i want to be told is that im gay because i know im not. Sometimes im really upset sometimes it doesn't bother me as much which would make me think hold on if your not bothered i must be gay. I occasionally smile when i see a girl who is pretty but i cant help it does that mean i gay. I mean before i didnt now im question i must be attracted to them. I love my friends but i also question whether i like them more than friends. Ive kissed a boy and liked it i like male attention but lately ive been doubting myself. I dont understand attraction. If i smile does it mean im attracted to them cos i smile at most people. There was a time were i felt intimidated by this girl who claimed to be a lesbian i didn't want to be near her whatsoever. When i see lesbian i feel sick not to be rude but i feel the sense to point it out. I have also started  to notice how awkward me eye contact is with other girls. Before i wouldn't mind pointing a nice feature in a girl because i hate myself like a bun before i would say nice bum to my friends and just look at it. But now i feel so uncomfortable i dont know where to look. I am i supposed to e crying right now because im no but is that normal im disgusted at myself. As i just wanna be normal and forget what i did but i cant i cant forgive myself for what i did i feel terrible. I watch my every move i hate it when girls touch me. I hate it when they are near me i just panic i know im bot gay but my mind cant leave if. What if im turing gay or something or just denying im gay. Before i used to hate the word gay and said if i used it then thats what i will become. I have a doctors appointment soon an im gonna tell them everything. Sometimes it kills me sometimes it doesn't. Ive hurt myself a couple of times but i would rather die than live a a lesbian lifestyle. I need some answers sorry about how long this is.
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one other thing I'm not a girl New to this don't now how to change it lol
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I have a similar but worse I now I have ocd since forever and as a young kid ME and my friends would have gay intercourse but we didn't think of as if it were gay and since that it makes ME feel gay even though I know I'm not but there are girls I like butt it also temps ME to watch gay porn but after or before I think why do I watch it could someone message me with some help!!!!
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I have the exact same problem as you I think... I have never had a homosexual experince and I have always been attracted to girls. one time when I was on vacation I kind of felt this wierd feeling towards a guy. I didnt know what it was but i thought it meant I was gay. Ever since then I feel this wierd thing for guys and I dont thinks it means im gay but im not sure . Could someone please answer wether this means im homo or HOCD or whatever...
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i have the same issue !!!:/   its ***** so bad !:(
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Hey yeah im pretty sure i have the same thing i have OCD very bad for many years....I love boys so much i have OCD with boys but like you guys said when i see a picture of a girl or a girl in the stores i think there really rpettty and will get weird thoughts and ill think wat the heck are you doing i know im not a LESBIAN!!!! im a born again Christian as well and i know God knows this isnt me .....I hate it its so annoying and i get so scared about it and think about it constantly....and im only 15!!!   i cant even go on the beach withouth looking and obsessing over girls / and guys
and then the thought will come and ill be like STOP why do u keep thinking that
I LOVE BOYS FOREVER but its really hard....
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I think I'm suffering from this too, I am a girl..have always fallen for men and am in a current relationship with a man. I first had these thoughts about 2 months ago I was looking at a box set for a dvd which had a picture of angelina jolie with little clothing, then thought to myself "oh my god you're a lesbian!" I then kept thinking to myself that I am and I have lived a lie my whole life. But then I got unsure whether staying with my boyfriend was a good Idea, so we had a break for about 3 days but then I realised I loved him so much and I figured I had ocd because I still can't help but stare when I see hot guys. We got back together and everytime I saw a pretty girl I thought nothing of it. This lasted about 6 days then the thoughts came back, simply because I was at work bored out of my mind then just started thinking about it. It drove me crazy, but I've sort of developed a crush on another guy, I know its bad because I have a boyfriend. But in a way I'm relieved I even like guys. Its like I'm scared that a lesbian will come onto me and I'll give in. That's my ultimate fear, I'm getting worried about meeting girls because I've just started a new job. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think girls can be really pretty but I don't want anything like that with any, so why do I keep thinking this? Its making me feel sick. I've cried so much about it, I know deep down I'm straight, and I can't just turn because I saw an image of a pretty girl surely? But how do I know its hocd or my true colours just showing? I'd have thought if anyone was to be gay they'd be happy with themselves or atleast fancy someone of the same sex but I don't.my dream in life is to just get married be happy in a little cottage and have children with my husband. I don't have a problem with gay people at all, I know a few and they are all very nice I just don't want that lifestyle. Even if my friends and family accepted it I couldn't because it just wouldn't feel like me at all. Someone help? I am 19 by the way
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its 100% Hocd.  dude if I were to try and explain everything about I would write 20 pages. Look around on the internet for info(Wikiepedia article on sexual obsessions) and know that its just a form of OCD.... the person that commented on you being homophobic doenst know ****....these unwanted thoughts and questions and images of you kissing and being with another guy are just Hocd. Its based on fear. and while reading others' post will make you feel good for a bit, the bad feeling will come back because you havent tackled the problem head on.. Homosexuality isnt even the problem here(I know sounds surprising) theres an underlying problem that you should figure out with a therapist. Your mind fixates on homosexuality because its got such a social influence that it scares people... anyways brutha do some research and yoyll be fine. It just ***** while your going through it
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Buddy calm down. I KNOW what this is like. Why? Because I to have HOCD (well at least i pray every night that this is just HOCD). I know you posted this awhile ago, and you probably won't ever get back to me, but please if you ever do get the chance to read this im always here to help. This is not homophobia like that one guy said, this is your typical HOCD.

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Shane you are not gay trust me you definetly have a bad case of HOCD which can be treated you know deep down in your soul you are not gay. This is a very stong disorder and if you go along with it and play its torturous game then ur life will be very confusing and riddled with doubt. What helps me when i have HOCD spikes is i remind myself that its the disorder not me. I havnt had therapy but me reminding myself that its OCD and not me really helps. These spikes are hapening less and less Trust me man you are gona pull through this. I would suggest seeing a therapist and get involved with a christian church GOD is the answer he is are creator. Hho best to know a creation than, its creator.
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Unfortunately it's impossible for me to figure out whether or not you're gay, as only you can come to that conclusion. However, I can assure you that having occasional sexual thoughts about other men does not necessarily make you gay. Everyone has those thoughts, whether they admit to it or not.

The problem I think you DO have is a severe case of homophobia. You obviously have numerous misconceptions about what it means to be gay, and also seem to think that homosexuality is somehow wrong, dirty, or an incurable disease of some sort. I would advice you to look inside yourself, and at your upbringing, and try to figure out why you have such a problem with homosexuality.

My advice? Make a gay friend. Whether it's one of your co-workers, someone on WoW, or just someone online (I'll volunteer), I think getting to know a gay guy would seriously help you. You need someone to talk to who will help rid you of your irrational fear of homosexuality, and maybe once that's gone you'll be able to look inside yourself and honestly evaluate whether you're gay, straight, bi, or just a little curious.
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i couldn't post all i wanted to say in one post, there are other theories that i may just have an obession with sex? or that the intrusive homosexual thoughts are manifesting themselves because i put an high importance on relationships. referring to the part about the girl i met over the internet and the newly outed lesbian at work, maybe im having these thoughts because i keep getting rejected and want to be loved/in love with a woman so much my mind is turning on itself?

any help would be appreciated and give me relief for awhile.
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