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Pimple popping..

Hi - I am new to the forum.

I decided to join because I think I need support.  I seek therapy for anxiety issues - and one of them is ocd.  I have just recently been diagnosed with it, but I believe I have had it for many years without realizing what it was.  When people think OCD - they think of sorting through carpet fringes, compulsively showering/washing hands, etc.

I have a lot of pure O symptoms -where I have internal obsessions.  I think things, and focus on something for so long where I start becoming unsure whether or not it's true.

I also have SOME compulsions.  Here is ONE of them...

I pop pimples.  Not to the point where it's normal (even though it's not highly suggested to do so - dermatologically speaking) if I see a pimple, I NEEEEEEEDDDDDD to pop it.  My arms are COVERED with tiny pimples.. and needless to say - I have a field day.

Well this is effecting my life.  It's effecting it to the point where I will spend time in my work bathroom popping some pimples.  If there is a mirror, I pop pimples, if I need to take a mini break at work while at my desk, I look at my arms and find the tiniest pimple.. and pop it.

My arms look like hell right now.  Usually during the winter time, it's much better because of long sleeve shirts. Out of sight, out of mind - except I still pop my face.  I also see pimples on my boyfriends face/back/anywhere and I'll have a SEVERE urge to pop it.

I have other compulsions, but this is a major one - and I REALLY REALLY want to stop.  The problem is, not even the suggestions my therapist are recommending are enough for me to actually do it.  I feel like I need to be hypnotized or something.  I need help. Is there anyone out here who knows what I'm going through?? Or any suggestions?! I'm dying here!

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I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone I spend alot of time popping pimples I was told it was the first sign of being psychotic but I suffer from anxiety it has gotten to the point to u I can't stop myself and it gets worse when I'm high I was a user and it got so bad I would stay up for days and to the point I thought there was bugs crawling all over me is there a cure for this
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I struggle from this very bad too my arms are full of scars and red marks it has affected my life to the point were i dont ever ever wear short sleeves at all , its very addicting and i cant stop , i always find my self doing it with out relizing it and ive tried ever way to stop and nothing ever works i have major anxiety when i dont do it and lately ive been breaking down because its sad seeing my self hurt my arms and shoulders and elbow and every single part of it
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Dani..... I am glad m not the only one. It started during one of my twen birthday... I saw my first pimple, freaked out and popped it.. eversince I have been popping my pimples. Not only white heads but the moment I see a small bump, my urge rises to pop it. It's been so bad that I cannot stop myself from popping other's pimples too. I am seeking the answer to this issue too. This addiction is called Dermatillomania :(
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Hey there. I just want you to know that you're not alone at all in this ordeal. I had this problem badly over the past few months and after finally overcoming it, this is the only advice I can give you: Slowly start to show off that skin gradually, get some sun on it, and swim in pools or in the ocean as much as you can. The pools and ocean along with the sun will heal it much faster than any home remedy, store bought creams, etc... The showing off of your skin will force a mentality of people seeing your skin so you want to make it look good.
I struggled for about a year with the OCD/pimple popping compulsion and that has been the only thing to work for me. After breaking down in tears for 2 nights in a row about it, I finally forced myself to quit because it was ruining my life. Now I just use Proactiv on my face and chest (where I picked the most, along with my arms) and they have cleared up. But as for the act of popping, I occasionally get a pimple on my face or chest and unless it's all red with a well defined head, I'm able to have enough self control not to pop it. Don't get me wrong, I still have the urge to, but I'm able to overcome it now because of the mentality I've forced into my brain.
I really hope this helps you get over this compulsion because I know how negatively it can affect your life, especially when you're young and just want to have fun. Just remember that you can do anything you set your mind to and that you WILL get through this.
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It's so amazing to read this because I struggle with this really badly. If I know I have a day or two when I don't need to see anyone I'll go crazy on my face leaving it looking absolutely terrible. It's affecting my life but I feel like I have no control. Thanks for your advice I will definitely be trying this as soon as it gets warmer. I can't wait for some summer weather
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My obsession started really suddenly and very recently. I just squeezed a pimple and watched as all that white stuff came out and it was the best feeling in the world. It's just this utter fascination that I have with the white stuff that comes out like pulling a cork out of a bottle, and the white whatever comes out it's like a reward for squeezing so hard. I love looking at the empty pore afterwards, the crevice where the oils used to be. If squeezing pimples didn't leave scars, you bet I'd be doing it 24/7. There's just nothing like it. I'm just so enamored, I want to look at all the stuff I squeeze out under a microscope! I NEED HELP
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I've been struggling with picking since I was in middle school (now 31)...pimples, ingrown hairs, etc, all over my body. I recently realized that I, like you, enjoy the visual aspect of it as much if not more than the tactile aspect. I found that there are videos online of pimples being popped, etc, and when I get the urge I will watch some. I feel weird to get satisfaction out of watching someone else but it saves my own skin without feeling like I'm depriving myself.
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Thank you so much! I' m often told that if things don't go exactly my way I freak out and can't function properly. I also find myself constantly picking at my skin and creating horrible scars out of pretty much nothing. Your suggestions have given me hope, and allowed me to move forward in this confusing time. Thanks again!
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My friend and I have a 'pimple popping issue'. We were sitting in class and we both addicted to having a issue with pimple popping. Whenever we see a pimple full of yellow puss we just want to squeeze the **** out of it. What do we do?
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Thank you, seriously ... I´ve been looking for some advice for long time and this is the first time i see it positive. I have an obssetion of squeezing the pimples everywhere, expecially on my legs, all over :/ Now, it´s summer and I´m dealing with the thing, that it looks horrible and I am shy to wear a skirt/dress and also I know that if I wear a trousers it´s make my pimples much worst, because of the heat and sweat (disgusting, I know :( ) .... So, I´ll try all the things you have posted and again, thaks so much and I belive it will make a difference ... At least, sorry for my english I am from Czech Republic
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I am gross I guess....I actually have face scabs and cover them up, still looking like a methhead. But then, when I still feel like there's something under the scab, I even pop that. To the point where blood or puss pops on the mirror and I'm almost in a trance until I get one to do it. I'm so sick I guess. But it's gotten really bad and I guess I need a new shrink bc the derma tells me there's nothing they can do bc I wont stop picking. I guess I have ocd and can't stop. I have an extremely addictive personality. It sux!!
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I'm super relieved that I'm not the only one who struggles with an OCD tendency to pop pimples. I'm 16 and junior prom is coming up and I decided on a strapless dress, however, my back, chest, and shoulders are all covered in scabs and zits that I can't get out all the way. Sometimes I'll pop one and the next day I'll try to pop it again, if it is still inflamed. I have an overwhelming urge to pick at my face whenever I see a mirror, even if i don't have any visible bumps. Tonight I tried to convince mysellf to walk past the mirror in my bathroom and just sit on the toilet to pee and I almost had an anxiety attack from not stopping to pop any pimples first. My mom thinks I'm exaggerating but I think I need to see a therapist or something. I'm in AP Psychology so I know all about OCDs and this is definitely one. I neeeeeed help. I definitely intend on using some of JavaPug's advice but I don't know I it'll help for long.
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Omg it's the same exact way for me!!! My bf has the best ones! Its like I have too! I get so aggravated when he doesn't let me too! He used to but it's been a couple years now and he hates it! He's always like NO I hate it go do it to yourself and I can't help it but I'll find some and pop them. I had no idea it was a thing... i just thought It was me but I literally can not help it. Luckily I found an awesome exfoliating peel that's worked wonders for getting rid of the redness and scars from me popping my zits. It's the ONLY thing that actually works.  By the next day you can't even tell I picked at them it's amazing!
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You might have a food allergy. I used to have these bumps all over my legs and arms, and when I changed my diet (I'm gluten allergic), the bumps went away.
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I am so happy i found this, i dont feel alone anymore! I have an extremely bad addiction to popping any pimples i can find or feel on my body to the point where i actually search for them. Even when i see bad pimples on other people I have a strong urge to pop it. I am not a skinny person so my thighs rub together thus causing pimples in that area. It is really bad. My skin is blotched and dented and is covered with pimples and i am only 16. Every time i go to the bathroom i pick and i telll myself to stop but i just keep picking. Although my legs are the worst area I also pick my back, shoulders, underarms, face, and head. I did not know this could be a symptom of a compulsive disorder so this really enlightened me. I feel like i cannot tell my parents about it because they will not understand how i am struggling. I am not just being a "troulbled teen" because i have tried to talk to my parents about things like this before and they just get mad or make me feel stupid for having the problem. You guys really helped me a lot and i will contine to do my reasearch on the subject and try to take your advice to my best abilities. Thank you guys so much!
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This JavaPug person really knows their stuff.

For years I have struggled with these impulses, and even though I have tried to stop time and time again, I never thought to look up any kind of information or support online until now. Some form of OCD is present in all of my immediate family, and with my mom, my sister, and I, obsessive pimple/blackhead/whitehead popping has been a major component of the disorder. I started as a young teen primarily mangling pores on my arms and shoulders. I was always self-conscious and tried to avoid sleeveless shirts. In my late teens this is still the main problem area for me. However pimples, ingrown hairs, or bumps of any kind on any part of my body (including my face) HAVE to be taken care of as soon as I notice their appearance.

However there is hope.

Having an accountability partner goes a long way. For me, it's my boyfriend. He never makes me feel gross or ugly or weird, but always keeps track of my progress and encourages me to do better.

Also, I've recently moved out of my parent's house and noticed that was a big help. A change in your environment, routine, and the types of stress/influences you encounter on a daily basis have a huge impact on the manifestation of OCD symptoms, including this one. Every time I start looking too closely at my face or my arms, I tell myself: I don't need to do this. This bit of dirt and oil in my pores is perfectly natural, and it won't consume me if I don't take it out. Every now and then I do attend to a few pimples that need it, but this type of self-control takes time and I once I start, I still find myself in the bathroom for half an hour or more every now and then.

For the most part though my skin has seen a vast improvement. It feels amazing to be rinsing my face off in the shower and notice how smooth and healthy it feels. Most of my acne problem was caused by my spreading the little that was already there. And wearing sleeveless shirts knowing I look attractive--normal--is such a triumphant feeling. I used to look at girls with bare arms and backs and think...do some people really have skin that nice?? And now, I'm on the track to becoming one of them. My boyfriend is so proud of me, and says my skin is even clearer than his, which is saying a lot.

We're all human. We make promises to ourselves and break them repeatedly, and that's part of having OCD. But it's okay. It's extremely frustrating, but accepting the reality is the first step to overcoming the weakness. Being mad at yourself doesn't help. I've also been concerned over the years about my eyesight worsening, knowing this must be a contributing factor. It's not worth it. You know you can do better. It takes time, patience, and support, but progress is within reach and 100% worth it. :)
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WOW... I know this post was started years ago but I'm so glad to read I'm not the only one that finds themself doing this... My husband yells at me quite often for this... I just have a habit of looking at my upper arms and picking at anything that LOOKS like a pimple. It gets worse if I don't feel right. Like at the moment I feel very anxious, stomach upset, and really feel kinda down... So what did I just do. I picked. I have scars all over my arms. I'm not too bad on my face just because I don't have a habit of looking in the mirror. But I have picked my arms WHILE driving :(. The urge just hits me so BAD especially when I find a bump I KNOW will pop. It's almost like it amuses me. I definitely want to try some of Javapugs advice and hope it helps me... I would like normal looking arms again :( .

I have been contemplating going to a professional about it. I've had other anxiety signs and symptoms. I've just been too stubborn to do it and my husband keeps saying I don't need it. That I just need to stop :P
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5744341 tn?1374240579
Omg I love to pop pimples too I have never been diagnosed with OCD but I love to pop pimples I always have It makes my boyfriend really mad cause I will tackle him down and make him let me pop his pimples lol EVERYONE makes fun of me for it lol! If I see a stranger and they have a big pimple on them I cant stop thinking about popping it haha!! I thought I was the only one. My boyfriend jokes with me saying he will put me on my starnge addiction. If I have a pimple on me it is popped as soon as I see it lol they DO NOT last Long!!
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480448 tn?1426948538
This thread is pretty old.

I have to say...I've always been a big pimple popper.  If there's something there, no matter how small, I'll pick it.  I don't have OCD.

Now, of course you may and your picking may be far far worse, as evidenced by you doing it for hours on end.  I think it may be a good idea to be evaluated by a mental health professional.

Do you have any other signs that would point to OCD?  Obsessive type thinking?  Any other compulsions?
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I have the same problem. Last night, I was really anxious and stressed and I stayed in the bathroom picking till 4 am until my mom woke up and told me to go to bed. I was so embarrassed. I'm not sure if I have OCD or anything, but I know my younger sister does and she picks her face, too...  
I have little bumps on my arms that I always pick at, but I barely have any acne on my face. Yet, somehow I manage to find the tiniest of bumps, I start picking, can't stop, and I end up turning my clear-skinned face into a blotchy mess almost every night.  Sometimes I'll even pick at the ingrown hairs on my legs.  It's just awful and I want to stop so badly.  I am so glad I found this post...I feel much less alone.  Java- I'm going to try your tips ASAP. I've done some of them in the past and they've helped for up to weeks at a time.  
In the past, I've also found that covering the bathroom mirror with little compliments to yourself on post it notes and little "don't pick-you're beautiful!" messages can help as well as being around people, making checklists, and wearing long sleeve pajamas. If anyone else here picks at their legs, I recommend putting on knee-high socks whenever you have the urge to pick. Also, for those who pick their face and arms, try to keep your nails short or maybe put on gloves or something when you have the urge to pick anything. Makes it a little more difficult.
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i am so happy i found this. I am 15 and my arms look like the moon covered in scabs. i have one scab well more like crater on one of my arms,that is the size of the tip of my finger. and i still pick at it.its summer and my arms look so bad i need help too
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Being near sided has nothing to do with it, and it wont fix the obsession. I was also near sided and wore glasses until i got lasik 6 years ago, and I am still obsessed with poping pimples. I can be in a room filled with people staring at me and I will still obsess over bumps. Its so terrible that everyone knows, even people who dont see me on a day to day basis. I've being doing this since about 5th grade and I am now 26. Even when my face is clear, I start to feel for pimples on my back. If I cant reach the ones on my back, I make my husband pop them, and he usually tells me that there is nothing there, which causes an arguement because I think he's lying. So I make him pretend that bumps are there and squeeze my skin til i feel like they are all gone. I've even had near accidents from trying to pop pimples while driving.  My Husband, Family and friends all call me crazy. I just want to know if Im ever going grow out of this!
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i have the same exact issue as you. i pick at the slightest bump on my face, the small bumps on my arms and anything that looks or feels like a small zit. its even gotten to the point where my husband and i fight a lot because he gets zits on his face and "they'll go away on their own" well they bug me so much i just dont care if he gets mad at me. they are as good as gone...so im with you and need help as well
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omg... your post is great. cant say it has helped me yet cause i just read it but i feel like it is going to help and you are hilarious! I've never been around so many people and caught them taking glances at my arms... wake up call. at first i had a moment of insecurity but I feel what your saying in your post about flaunting your flaws... no joke this happened today when some chick kept peeking at my arms... oh she's looking at my arms, im so gross... really? are you gross? omg you are so gross your right! ha ha okay ya im not.. so what lady! look at my arms some more... yep when im stressed out i guess i pick at my arms.. guess what else.. i hate attention on me so you being distracted by my arms might make you not notice im a freak inside right now. keep looking lady... ima just smile and own it.
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THANK YOU.  You saved my life.  After putting into practice some of your suggestions, I got well.  I needed you to know this.  And although I've never met you or seen your face - I know you are beautiful on the inside where it counts.

I urge other people with our problem to follow java's advice.  She is wise.
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2108089 tn?1334022177
I have the same problem, and its really embarrassing /: i want to stop but i cant it eats me alive, and it drives me nuts to do it. i also have a problem with biting my nails, and they tend to hurt or bleed a lot right after. im causing myself pain, and i dont like it. Should i get a therapist for both of these actions? I also think i need to visit a hospital for this problem i have, does anyone know what its called? i get very irritated when someone chews really loud, either gum, a lollipop, food, or if they just smack their lips. i clench my fists, i plug my ears as much as they can. my knuckles turn out bloody red, and they hurt. so does my ear. please tell me what i can do to stop this?:(
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